[情報] Rankink the NBA's top shooting guards

看板Lakers作者 (doubt)時間18年前 (2006/09/24 13:37), 編輯推噓8(806)
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Ranking the NBA's top shooting guards Mike Kahn / Special to FOXSports.com http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/5984620 The Los Angeles Lakers hadn't made the playoffs the previous season, he was still shaking off the soot from a protracted sexual assault allegation, and the perception had virtually become reality that his selfishness frequently negated his immense talent. And yet, coach Phil Jackson returned to the La- -kers after a year's absence and they figured it all out. 在上個球季以前,湖人沒能參加季後賽,而Kobe也被性侵害言論弄得灰頭土臉,也因 為自私的風格阻礙他驚人天份的發展。然而,菲爾‧傑克遜教練在離開一年後返回湖 人隊,然後他們想出所有的解決辦法。 This scenario made it abundantly clear -once again - that Bryant is not only the best shooting guard in the NBA, but arguably the best player. 這劇本讓一切變得很清楚,再一次的,Kobe證明他不僅是最好的SG,甚至是NBA裡最 好的球員! "He has matured," Jackson said last season. "He is trying to use his energy for the optimum benefit of the ball club. He's leading the team and putting pressure on them in a way in that really lets them know during the daily p- -ractice that we've got to make strides forward in a way that is mature. The games that he's played he's also tried to help his teammates find a way to figure out the system in a most easy and uncomplicated way. 「他變得更成熟了,」傑克森教練說,「他嘗試用他自己的能量為球隊帶來更好的效益 。他領導著湖人隊,並且他督促著隊伍中的其他人,讓他們知道每天的練習能夠讓我們 的團隊快速契合。並且在比賽中,他試著讓隊友以最簡單、不複雜的方式融入球隊。」 "I see him coming many times to this work arena two to three hours ahead of practice, doing the therapy and doing the extra work that it takes to reach that kind of level, and (I) know that this is something that Kobe really w- -ants to regain - the top echelon as the number one player." 我看過許多次要練習的時候他提早了兩、三個小時到場,做出而外的治療以及訓練,包 括任何他想要增進的部份,這就是為什麼他能有這樣的水準──聯盟第一的水準。 OK, he didn't quite make it last season, but considering what he did with a undermanned Lakers squad that nearly upset the Phoenix Suns in the first r- -ound of the playoffs, he regained the top spot from Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade - who is in no way diminished by this selection. 好,也許在上個球季他做的並不夠完美,但讓我們來看看他在人手不足的湖人隊做了 什麼好事,包括差一點在季後賽淘汰太陽隊;此外,Wade被Kobe拿走第一,卻絲毫 無損於Wade優異的表現。(感謝sulicon、mili版友) When you consider Bryant's superior shooting range and defensive mentality, he now sets the bar for what shooting guards must accomplish in thisleague. 當你考慮到Kobe驚人的攻擊範圍,以及他堅強的防守,他為這個聯盟的SG們寫下典範。 On the other hand, Wade did win the MVP of the 2006 NBA Finals, and Shaqu- -ille O'Neal, who played with both Wade and Bryant in the finals, has his own feelings on the matter. He and Bryant won three titles together with the Lakers. O'Neal and Wade have won one. 另一方面,Wade贏得了二零零六年總冠軍戰的最有價值球員。但俠客,曾經和Wade和 Kobe在冠軍戰並肩作戰的那個人,對這件事情有他自己的看法。但無論如何他和Kobe 贏得了三座冠軍,和Wade贏得了一座。 "I knew (Wade) was a special player," O'Neal said. "When I was making my transition from L.A., there was only really two places I wanted to go. One of the places was in the same conference (and I knew I really wouldn't get traded there), and the other place was Miami because of 'D. Wade.' You know , I know that being on a championship caliber team, you've got to have a great one-two punch, and D. Wade is a fabulous player." 「我知道Wade是個特別的球員」俠客說:「當我要被從洛杉磯交易出去時,只有兩個 地方我會想去。一個是留在同一個分區(但我知道我不可能被交易到那裡),另一個 地方就是邁阿密,原因當然是Wade。我明白成為一個冠軍球隊必須要有左右連拳(兩 個巨星),而Wade正是那樣驚人的球員。」 That's not to diminish the other players, either. Tracy McGrady is the most natural offensive player and is a healthy back away from being right there with Bryant and Wade; Vince Carter has regained his star status and Ray Allen remains arguably the pre-eminent perimeter shooter in the game. And the one guy making faster strides up the ladder than anyone else is Joe Johnson with his marvelous all-around game. 這並不是瞧不起其他的球員,比方說Tmac就是一個天生的攻擊手,但因為背傷讓他暫 時無法達到Kobe和Wade那樣的層級。Carter又恢復了往日巨星的丰采;Ray Allen 被 認為是地表上最好的射手;Joe Johnson有著全能身手,而且進步的比任何人都快。 But for now, the stature begins and ends with Bryant until he proves other- -wise as we take a look at the best shooting guards in the league (as of last season). 但到目前為止,Kobe他已經用與眾不同的方式證明他是目前聯盟裡最好的SG 1. Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers, 28, 6-6, 220 Bryant won the scoring title last year at 35.4 - including the remarkable 81-point effort against Toronto - while also contributing 5.3 rebounds, 4.5 assists, 1.84 steals and making .347 of his 3-point attempts. Even more impressive is the way he deferred to his teammates as they nearly upset the Suns in the postseason. His talents, strength and intensity are at the highest level in the game. Kobe用平均35.4分贏得了上個球季的得分王──包括對暴龍隊那場得了81的比賽。 另外他每場還有5.3個籃板、4.5次助攻、1.84次抄截和三成四七的三分球命中率。 更令人印象深刻的是在差一點淘汰太陽的系列戰中他相信他的隊友。他的天份、實 力、和鬥志都是聯盟中最高的那個層級。 2. Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat, 24, 6-4, 210 Wade continued to improve while averaging 27.2 points, 5.7 rebounds, 6.7 assists, 1.95 steals, but he is still working on his (.171) 3-point range. But those are just stats. His ability to take over games in the fourth q- -uarter is right there with Bryant's, and he virtually took over the NBA Finals to give the Heat their maiden title with a spectacular all-around performance. Wade持續變得更好,他每場有27.2分、5.7個籃板、6.7次助攻、1.95次抄截,但是 他的三分能力(一成七一的命中率)仍有待改進,但這些都只不過是數字。他有著 和Kobe一樣在第四節致命的能力。而事實上,要不是他在總冠軍賽接管比賽,有驚 人的的演出,熱火不會拿到第一座冠軍獎盃。 3. Ray Allen, Seattle Sonics, 31, 6-5, 205 Allen averaged a career-high 25.1 points, along with 4.3 rebounds, 3.7 assists, 1.35 steals and a typically solid .412 from 3-point range. He's so smooth and consistent, it sometimes seems effortless and he doesn't get the credit he deserves. On the other hand, he also needs to play on teams that win more games to receive the accolades reserved for the ultra-elite. Allen 每場有生涯新高的25.1分,並且還有4.3個籃板、3.7次助攻;1.35次助攻,以 及噁心的四成一二的三分球命中率。他的出手是如此的柔順以及穩定,讓人錯以為得 分件很簡單的事情,但他並沒有得到應得的尊重。另一方面,他仍必須贏更多的比賽 來證明他是屬於所謂的超˙精英份子! 4. Vince Carter, New Jersey Nets, 29, 6-6, 220 Carter's star was fading until he came to the Nets in the middle of the 2004-05 season, and he's been regaining his shimmer every since - averaging 24.2 points, 5.8 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.19 steals and .341 from 3-point range. He's been huge in big games for the Nets and his ability to hit big shots has never been more obvious than while playing with Jason Kidd and Richard Jefferson. 在04-05球季來到籃網前,Carter是個逐漸暗淡的球星。而透過平均24.2分、5.8個籃 板、4.3次助攻、1.19次抄截以及 三成四一的三分球命中率,他證明他還是那顆閃閃 發光的球星。他成為籃網重要的成員,而在和Kidd和RJ同隊以後,關鍵時刻他變得更 加可怕。 5. Tracy McGrady, Houston Rockets, 27, 6-8, 210 All things being equal, McGrady is right near the top, but things haven't been equal. McGrady did average 24.4 points, 6.5 rebounds, 4.8 assists, 1.26 steals and made .312 of his 3-point attempts last season, but he played in only 47 games because of a back condition that is now officially chronic. With Yao Ming now at another level, McGrady needs to prove this year whether he's a superstar or a former superstar. 任何事情都是公平的,Tmac幾乎是最好的,但目前仍不是。上個球季McGrady每場能有 24.4分、6.5籃板、4.8次助攻、1.26次抄截,以及 三成一二的三分球命中率,但因為 背傷他只打了47場比賽。當姚明日漸茁壯,Tmac 必須在這個球季證明他是超級巨星或 是過氣球星。 6. Joe Johnson, Atlanta Hawks, 25, 6-7, 230 Johnson, averaging 20.2 points, 4.1 rebounds, 6.5 assists, 1.26 steals and shooting .356 from 3-point range, is the only player with the physical tools to match Bryant. He just has to do it over an extended period of time and for a winner. More than just his offensive ability, he's strong and gets into players on defense without prodding. He's got a chance to be a superstar. JJ,每場比賽能有20.2分、4.1個籃板、6.5次助攻、1.26次抄截和三成五六的三分球 命中率,是唯一能夠運用身體對抗Kobe的球員。他所要做的是持續的進步以及保持成 績的穩定,並且朝著贏家的路邁進。他很強壯並且自發的學習防守技能,他有那個機 會成為超級巨星。 7. Michael Redd, Milwaukee Bucks, 27, 6-6, 215 Redd, averaging 25.4 points, 4.3 rebounds, 2.9 assists, 1.19 steals and shooting .395 from 3-point range, has moved into the All-Star category. Clearly one of the league's best shooters, with size, quickness and a gentle left hand touch, he's as good as any scorer in the league. Now we'll see how he develops the rest of his game to become the all-around star the Bucks need him to become. Redd透過每場能有25.4分、4.3個籃板、2.9次助攻、1.19次抄截和三成九五的三分球命 中率加入明星的行列。他有著一流得分後衛的體型、敏捷度 、和柔順的左手,事實上他 就像是聯盟中任何得分好手一樣好。我們將看到他在休季期間逐漸蛻變成公鹿隊需要的 那個全能球星。 8. Manu Ginobili, San Antonio Spurs, 29, 6-6, 210 Ginobili averaged 15.1 points, 3.5 rebounds. 3.6 assists, 1.55 steals and made .382 of his shot from long range. But he struggled all season with foot and ankle injuries that prevented him from playing at the same All-Star level as he did in the 2004-05 season. But he needs to return to that level to prove he belongs among the top five and for the Spurs to get back to the NBA Finals. Ginobili每場有15.1分、3.5個籃板、3.6次助攻、1.55次抄截和 三成八二的三分球命 中率。但是在過去一個球季他因為腳和膝蓋的傷,讓他無法有04-05球季那樣擁有全明 星身手。他必須在接下來的球季必須努力證明他是前五名的球員, 以及帶領馬刺重回 總冠軍戰。 9. Richard Hamilton, Detroit Pistons, 28, 6-7, 195 Hamilton averaged a career-high 20.1 points, 3.2 rebounds, 3.4 assists, .65 steals and a career-best .458 from 3-point range. He also sank a career- best .491 of his field goal attempts - showing why this ubiquitous point guard just wears out everyone trying to defend him as the best mid-range shooter in the game. Now he must become a more consistent defender and playmaker for other players. Hamilton本季有著身涯新高的20.1分和四成五八的三分球命中率,另外還有3.2個籃板 、3.4次助攻、0.65次抄截。此外他還有身涯最佳四成九一命中率,這就是為什麼所有 人都想要阻止他在比賽中投射的原因。現在他所要做的就是成為更堅強的防守球員以 及提升分球能力。 10. Jason Richardson, Golden State Warriors, 25, 6-6, 210 Richardson had his best shooting season, averaging 32.2 points, while shooting .446 from the field and .384 from 3-point range to go along with 5.8 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 1.29 steals. After five seasons, he's still desperately trying to prove he's a great player instead of a great talent; and he's not quite there yet. Maybe the pace Don Nelson will bring can take him to the next level. Richardson有著她最棒的球季,每場有32.2分(作者打錯,是23.2分才對)和四成四 六的命中率以及三成八四的三分球命中率,另外還有5.8個籃板、3.1次助攻、1.29次 抄截。五個球季以來,他持續的證明他不只是個擁有卓越天份的人而是個好球員!而 且他還未完全開發,也許Nelson教練的到來能夠讓他提升到另一個層級。 其他參考名單: Larry Hughes, Cleveland Cavaliers; Steve Francis, New York Knicks; Bonzi Wells, free agent; Stephen Jackson, Indiana Pacers; Cuttino Mobley, Los Angeles Clippers; Ben Gordon, Chicago Bulls. -- ◢ ◣ ███ 我逐漸了解 生命裡 ◥█◤ 有個不悔的主題 ◢█◣╭ 彷彿是一種強烈的個性才能吸引人 ███║ 墮落 或者超昇 ███╯ http://blog.webs-tv.net/Kreen -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/24 13:40, , 1F
09/24 13:40, 1F

09/24 13:42, , 2F
09/24 13:42, 2F

09/24 13:43, , 3F
09/24 13:43, 3F

09/24 13:44, , 4F
09/24 13:44, 4F
※ 編輯: kreen 來自: (09/24 13:47)

09/24 13:49, , 5F
Manu的竟然排得進= =
09/24 13:49, 5F

09/24 13:51, , 6F
09/24 13:51, 6F

09/24 13:53, , 7F
09/24 13:53, 7F

09/24 13:53, , 8F
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09/24 14:25, , 9F
09/24 14:25, 9F

09/24 14:27, , 10F
09/24 14:27, 10F

09/24 14:32, , 11F
因為 06 年的世足打得火熱
09/24 14:32, 11F

09/24 17:11, , 12F
借轉 感謝 :)
09/24 17:11, 12F

09/24 22:16, , 13F
因為 小牛 感覺就沒有那種 霸氣吧 如果換馬刺 可能就不同..
09/24 22:16, 13F

09/25 07:43, , 14F
09/25 07:43, 14F
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