[新聞] Lady Gaga Releases Holiday EP

看板LadyGaga作者 (壬生 京)時間12年前 (2011/11/25 15:59), 編輯推噓1(105)
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來自Billboard的消息 原文如下 Amid her fashion-forward outfits and hyper-choreographed videos, it's easy to forget Lady Gaga's a singer, too. But Mother Monster will have the chance to show off her vocals on a jazzy new holiday EP, "A Very Gaga Holiday," which Gaga released digitally on Wednesday. The new release includes the Gaga take on "White Christmas" and Nat King Cole classic "Orange Colored Sky," but there's no standard safe in Gaga's hands: her "White Christmas" adds an original verse and finds the singer joking, "O.K., I suppose it's not very white outside yet." The EP culls from performances from "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving," her new TV special. The 90-minute special, which Gaga herself directed, airs at 9:30 p.m. ET on ABC on Thursday. 連結的新聞網頁有gaga唱聖誕歌曲的影片連結 但聽完後 深深覺得GAGA真的不太適合這類歌曲 是因為聲音嗎? 還是有其他原因呢? 大家可以聽一下吧!!! http://www.billboard.com/news/lady-gaga-releases-holiday-ep-1005564752.story#/news/lady-gaga-releases-holiday-ep-1005564752.story -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/25 16:17, , 1F
11/25 16:17, 1F

11/25 16:17, , 2F
適不適合這種事...就見仁見智啦 XD 我個人是覺得很好聽
11/25 16:17, 2F

11/25 16:18, , 3F
如果硬要挑缺點的話...她唱這首歌的唱法 的確老派了點
11/25 16:18, 3F

11/25 22:55, , 4F
11/25 22:55, 4F

11/26 00:31, , 5F
11/26 00:31, 5F

11/26 00:33, , 6F
11/26 00:33, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1Epqhofu (LadyGaga)