[新聞] What went wrong with TEoG mv

看板LadyGaga作者 (yes)時間13年前 (2011/06/17 23:28), 編輯推噓38(38028)
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What went wrong with GaGa's 'Edge of Glory' video? NY post http://tinyurl.com/3w562vf 重點提要: 1.Joseph Kahn在推特上否認這是他的作品,主因是拍攝過程中gaga及haus of gaga開始七嘴八舌推翻他的想法,所以最後他退出,也就是說gaga才是這支mv的導演 2. Kahn的團隊本來已經搭好了set: http://i51.tinypic.com/vrzfo8.jpg
內容有布魯克林橋、醫院、水底景等...也就是原本的人魚路線 3. 編舞Laurieann Gibson在推特上回應小怪獸對MV的批評(演變成大吵),認為創作想法 分歧是常有的是,小怪獸不應這麼刻薄 個人感想:Joseph Kahn的作品多麼厲害大家可以去孤看看,基本上我覺得嘎及嘎屋請 了名導又不信任他是很愚蠢的事情,尤其當最後完全照自己點子拍出來的東西這麼貽笑 大方 在TFM時我還不覺得,但現在我認為the fame is kinda getting to her head,也就是大 頭症。 太快了。 Lady GaGa's videos are opulent affairs thanks to complex storylines, extravagant costume changes, an army of back-up dancers showcasing the latest moves from genius choreographer Laurieann Gibson and visually dazzling screenshots that could hang in any respectable art gallery. But when her latest music video for "Edge of Glory" premiered last night, the general consensus was "huh?" As in, "what the hell is this pared down, choreography-deficient, one costume, dancer-free piece of rubbish?" At first, fans leapt to judgement and began harassing Joseph Kahn, the visionary director who has helmed videos for artists like U2, Britney, Mariah, Snoop. He also was the man behind "Edge of Glory." Emphasis on "was." Yesterday he Tweeted, "I did NOT direct Lady Gaga's 'Edge of Glory' video. Lady Gaga did -- I don't co-direct. One canvas, one paintbrush. Respect the art. Very simple rule with me." This seemed to imply disagreements on the set, a theory that has been corroborated by Joseph's team, sources close to production and, well, watching the video. One such insider, Chancler Haynes (Kahn's on-set editor), revealed on Twitter exactly what went down in a series of DM's with a fan ... who then released the conversation. It seems that the mermaid motif GaGa debuted on "Le Grand Journal" was supposed to be the video's theme as well. "[Joseph Kahn] had sets built for a hospital scene, Brooklyn Bridge, and a big underwater mermaid scene. It all made sense. Concept was done," Chancler wrote. But somewhere along the way there was, to hear Laurieann tell it, "an issue." One that, according to Chancler, stemmed straight from The Haus of GaGa. "GaGa changed her mind and told Joseph what to do. His hands were tied. The director just didn't have control over GaGa after she started making changes [and] Joseph's concept died." A concept that according to three leaked production stills (which Chancler confirmed to be real) looked suitably epic. If only the drama stopped there. Last night, after the underwhelming video made its grand debut, her Little Monsters proved just how sharp their claws are and began Tweet-tacking Laurieann on Twitter. NBD, this happens all the time when you participate in an open dialogue with fans. The difference here is that Laurieann returned fire when one fan accused her of stretching the truth. "listen u disrespectful f**k they had an issue on set I don't lie!!!!!" Her 140 character verbal vomit also included, "creative Changes happen always educate ignorant Monster's!!!" She then went on and personally responded to two dozen angry comments that varied from "you r sick Get some help u have no clue" to "who r u!!! don't talk negative to people u don't know it's foolish!" And that seems to be the buzz word here since foolishness reigned from start to finish. It was foolish of GaGa's team to stop trusting the director they hired, it was foolish of GaGa to think this subdued video would please the fans that have been conditioned to expect something grander, it was foolish of Chancler to have that conversation online and it was foolish of Laurieann to open fire on fans. But most of all, it was foolish of us to expect that GaGa would never stumble because, despite the preternatural image constantly presented, she is only human after all. http://tinyurl.com/3w562vf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/17 23:35, , 1F
06/17 23:35, 1F

06/17 23:36, , 2F
原本的版本應該很棒 為什麼不信任呢 結果搞成這樣難堪
06/17 23:36, 2F

06/17 23:37, , 3F
想看原版+1 QQ
06/17 23:37, 3F

06/17 23:38, , 4F
就算自己當導演 前一首Judas也沒有這麼粗糙阿 (不懂阿)
06/17 23:38, 4F

06/17 23:38, , 5F
人魚版的概念還比較好 不過人魚版只能在表演上看到了 嗚
06/17 23:38, 5F

06/17 23:40, , 6F
以後大概也沒機會看到Joseph Kahn幫gaga導的MV了
06/17 23:40, 6F

06/17 23:41, , 7F
06/17 23:41, 7F

06/17 23:47, , 8F
我希望這是GaGa最後一次執導自己的MV 她跟她的團隊在這
06/17 23:47, 8F

06/17 23:48, , 9F
06/17 23:48, 9F

06/17 23:49, , 10F
場景很好看 想看原版
06/17 23:49, 10F

06/17 23:55, , 11F
GAGA自己倒是很滿意 請看最新TWITTER訊
06/17 23:55, 11F

06/17 23:56, , 12F
06/17 23:56, 12F

06/17 23:58, , 13F
06/17 23:58, 13F

06/17 23:59, , 14F
連助理都跳出來說話 想知道詳情的可以拉下去看
06/17 23:59, 14F

06/17 23:59, , 15F

06/18 00:06, , 16F
06/18 00:06, 16F

06/18 00:06, , 17F
06/18 00:06, 17F

06/18 00:08, , 18F
希望gaga只是不想再引起紛爭而說MV不錯 不要因為
06/18 00:08, 18F

06/18 00:09, , 19F
"自我設限"而看不清事實有多糟 拜託不要
06/18 00:09, 19F

06/18 00:15, , 20F
06/18 00:15, 20F

06/18 00:15, , 21F
06/18 00:15, 21F

06/18 00:15, , 22F
06/18 00:15, 22F

06/18 00:24, , 23F
唉@@ 就算他覺得自己的想法比導演還要好,但是再好的點子也
06/18 00:24, 23F

06/18 00:27, , 24F
還是得透過專業的執導技術 把想法用最好的方式具象化出來啊
06/18 00:27, 24F

06/18 00:28, , 25F
結果卻搞到導演退出了..真的很難堪 也很不智....
06/18 00:28, 25F

06/18 00:37, , 26F
06/18 00:37, 26F

06/18 01:17, , 27F
06/18 01:17, 27F

06/18 01:18, , 28F
06/18 01:18, 28F

06/18 01:22, , 29F
Joseph Kahn看到MV成品之後應該也會偷笑吧。
06/18 01:22, 29F

06/18 01:23, , 30F
很贊成尊重專業, 同時保持草根精神, 希望記取教訓~ 畢竟
06/18 01:23, 30F

06/18 01:24, , 31F
06/18 01:24, 31F

06/18 01:36, , 32F
06/18 01:36, 32F

06/18 01:36, , 33F
06/18 01:36, 33F

06/18 01:59, , 34F
06/18 01:59, 34F

06/18 02:17, , 35F
06/18 02:17, 35F

06/18 03:12, , 36F
it was foolish of us to expect GaGa would never stumble!
06/18 03:12, 36F

06/18 03:13, , 37F
別再造神了, 她 只是個人類 XDDDDD
06/18 03:13, 37F

06/18 04:16, , 38F
06/18 04:16, 38F

06/18 08:25, , 39F
就算不如以往, 和其他人比也不見得多差~她本來就是人類,
06/18 08:25, 39F

06/18 08:26, , 40F
差別在於她 "超人/出眾的表現" 的次數比他人頻繁
06/18 08:26, 40F

06/18 10:11, , 41F
06/18 10:11, 41F

06/18 10:11, , 42F
06/18 10:11, 42F

06/18 10:29, , 43F
別比爛 = = 這MV糟透了 還給無辜的導演被嘴砲
06/18 10:29, 43F

06/18 10:32, , 44F
06/18 10:32, 44F

06/18 10:33, , 45F
涯是有甚麼好處喔?再不覺悟就準備flop this way!!!
06/18 10:33, 45F

06/18 10:34, , 46F
06/18 10:34, 46F

06/18 10:35, , 47F
06/18 10:35, 47F

06/18 10:35, , 48F
06/18 10:35, 48F

06/18 11:08, , 49F
06/18 11:08, 49F

06/18 11:09, , 50F
想看原本的版本+1 XD
06/18 11:09, 50F

06/18 13:43, , 51F
06/18 13:43, 51F

06/18 13:43, , 52F
06/18 13:43, 52F

06/18 14:14, , 53F
06/18 14:14, 53F

06/18 14:15, , 54F
拿這MV跟The Fame時期的MV做比較,難道有同樣的水準?
06/18 14:15, 54F

06/18 14:16, , 55F
06/18 14:16, 55F

06/18 15:00, , 56F
06/18 15:00, 56F

06/18 15:01, , 57F
06/18 15:01, 57F

06/18 15:01, , 58F
06/18 15:01, 58F

06/18 15:42, , 59F
不愛這支MV+1! 希望gaga真的有聽到= =
06/18 15:42, 59F

06/18 17:03, , 60F
06/18 17:03, 60F

06/18 23:35, , 61F
06/18 23:35, 61F

06/21 05:36, , 62F
Madonna也讓人傻眼很多次 還不是紅到現在XD gaga加油XD
06/21 05:36, 62F

06/21 12:37, , 63F
madge早期~全盛MV可是彈無虛發啊 是近年才意興闌珊
06/21 12:37, 63F

06/21 19:14, , 64F
我看Wiki才知道Joseph Kahn就是導Kylie-All The Lovers的
06/21 19:14, 64F

06/21 19:15, , 65F
06/21 19:15, 65F

06/21 19:15, , 66F
06/21 19:15, 66F
文章代碼(AID): #1D-tAoxW (LadyGaga)