[情報] 2019馬修中篇 A Time to Scatter Stones已刪文

看板L_Block作者 (桃樹下等蘋果落)時間4年前 (2019/11/19 21:44), 4年前編輯推噓2(204)
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原本以為大家都曉得馬修系列新作,但從上一篇R大的文章才發現似乎並不是人人皆知? 噢喔,那來補上遲了十個月的新(?)書情報吧。 https://twitter.com/LawrenceBlock/status/1082498180032462849 2019年一月上旬勞倫斯卜洛克先生在推特發了馬修系列中篇小說預購開賣訊息。 《A Time to Scatter Stones》by Lawrence Block A Matthew Scudder Novella *・゜゚・* ・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* MATT SCUDDER RETURNS. More than 40 years after his debut and nearly a decade since his last appearance, one of the most renowned characters in all of crime fiction is back on the case in this major new novella by Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Lawrence Block. Well past retirement age and feeling his years—but still staying sober one day at a time—Matthew Scudder learns that alcoholics aren't the only ones who count the days since their last slip. Matt's longtime partner, Elaine, tells him of a group of former sex workers who do something similar, helping each other stay out of the life. But when one young woman describes an abusive client who's refusing to let her quit, Elaine encourages her to get help of a different sort. The sort only Scudder can deliver. A Time to Scatter Stones offers not just a gripping crime story but also a richly drawn portrait of Block's most famous character as he grapples with his own mortality while proving to the younger generation that he's still got what it takes. For Scudder's millions of fans around the world (including the many who met the character through Liam Neeson's portrayal in the film version of A Walk Among the Tombstones), A Time to Scatter Stones is an unexpected gift—a valedictory appearance that will remind readers why Scudder is simply the best there is. Hardcover 硬皮精裝本 160頁 定價$25.00美金 (2019年1月31日上市) Kindle 電子書版 1109 KB 定價$7.34美金 (2019年1月29日上市) 預購親筆簽名版 限量500本 定價$45.00美金 From Booklist (Starred Review): Block's unlicensed New York City investigator Matt Scudder debuted 40 years ago but has been absent for the last decade... Block has never been predictable, as this novella demonstrates... A superb book and a reminder to his longtime fans that this crime-fiction master hasn't lost his touch. 卜洛克的紐約無牌偵探馬修史卡德於40年前首次亮相,但在過去十年一直缺席…… 正如這本中篇小說所展示的,卜洛克從來都超乎你的預料之外…… 藉由此一精湛作品提醒他的忠實粉絲,這位犯罪小說大師並沒有失去聯繫。 大概是這樣,認同請分享。(誤) ヽ(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)人(∀゚ )ヽ(∀゚ )~ -- 「世間にはいろんな考え方がある。みんなの方が正しいのかもしれない」(島村圭介) 「這個世界上存在著各種不同的思考方式,也許大家的話才是正確。」 「少なくとも私は立派な人間じゃない。酔っ払いの人間に立派な人はいないんだよ」 「至少我並非很好的人,會喝得變成酒鬼的人不可能是很好的人。」 「お酒なんか関係ないもん」(宮坂まゆ) 「這和喝不喝酒沒關係的。」 藤原伊織《恐怖份子的洋傘》林敏生譯,第9~11頁 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/L_Block/M.1574171069.A.803.html

11/20 10:28, 4年前 , 1F
11/20 10:28, 1F

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11/20 10:29, 4年前 , 4F
11/20 10:29, 4F
喜歡卜洛克先生選編的短篇小說集是嗎? 鏘鏘,恭喜t大有福了! 熱騰騰上市 *・゜゚・* From Sea to Stormy Sea: 17 Stories Inspired by Great American Paintings 精裝本和電子書版 – 29 Oct 2019 勞倫斯卜洛克主編《From Sea to Stormy Sea短篇選集作者群陣容 Including stories by: Sara Paretsky, Jan Burke, Warren Moore, Patti Abbot, Christa Faust, Jerome Charyn, Barry Malzberg, Scott Frank, Brendan DuBois, Tom Franklin, Gary Phillips, Charles Ardai, Micah Nathan, Janice Eidus, John Sandford, Jane Hamilton, and Lawrence Block. 年初看到老先生發中篇小說預購促銷推特時,我也是 (⊙д⊙) 一臉懵。 居然!又寫了馬修! 在老人家充實的路跑馬拉松(註1)、環遊世界(註2)、大學授課行程(註3)之外, 還擠出時間續寫問世超過四十年的馬修史卡德系列?! (/・ω・)/寫作界勤奮楷模 (註1)老先生發過他和夫人參加某個節慶路跑的相片,兩人衣服還別著選手編號。 (註2)老先生每個月一號固定發幸運兔咒語,偶爾用不同語言發的時候, 通常很高機率代表他當下正在那個國家旅行。 (註3)老先生這學期在南卡羅來納州Newberry College開班授課, 坐擁一間懸掛著Professor Lawrence Block銘牌的辦公室。 https://twitter.com/LawrenceBlock/status/1155865231672762368 (卜洛克教授轉推辦公室銘牌相片) ※ 編輯: snowbunny , 11/20/2019 22:37:00

11/21 22:50, 4年前 , 5F
11/21 22:50, 5F

11/21 22:50, 4年前 , 6F
11/21 22:50, 6F
<( ̄︶ ̄)づ * ・゜゚・ 附上卜洛克教授學期末溫馨最後一堂課 https://twitter.com/LawrenceBlock/status/1202661949001097216 http://i.imgur.com/6X1iMCK.jpg
小狼們送了兩個圓盤獎牌給他,一是最佳髮型;另一是最佳教授(Newberry College吉祥物是狼,親愛的卜洛克教授暱稱他的學生們為小狼) PS.有興趣的話,可以去翻12月1日兔子時事通訊Newsletter, 裡面不少篇幅寫這學期授課感想,有成就感、失落感與困惑。 但,LB和夫人都很愛Newberry College所在地城鎮風光, 即使未來不開班(未定),也打算再去那邊小住(確定)。 ※ 編輯: snowbunny ( 臺灣), 12/06/2019 22:19:18
文章代碼(AID): #1Tq_6zW3 (L_Block)