[閒聊] 卜洛克難忘的台灣美食

看板L_Block作者 ( )時間13年前 (2010/12/02 12:22), 編輯推噓4(402)
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轉自臉書,部分回應有刪掉 http://www.facebook.com/lawrence.block/posts/174630925898944 卜老已經開始為一月台灣之旅做美食暖身,所以跑去紐約法拉盛找台灣食物吃 應該是上次來台灣吃到五更腸旺而念念不忘,而且似乎對豬血糕也很有興趣! Lawrence Block: warmed up for his January trip with lunch at a Taiwanese restaurant in Flushing. Pig's Blood and Intestine with Sour Mustard---what's not to like? Ashley Hu: I'm Taiwanese but I don't like pig-blood rice cake unless it's steamed and covered with grounded peanut powder, cilantro and some kind of sauce. Aw... now I'm homesick. Lawrence Block:@Ashley---this was cubes of the blood, sort of stewed together with the pieces of intestine (chitlins, in US southern cooking) in a very spicy sauce and served in a chafing dish. The blood was like tofu, except tasty, and not unlike the duck blood I had at a party in Taipei five years ago. Ashley Hu:ahh... pig blood tofu. very silky, great with soup. the thing I was referring to looks like this. http://www.chinatownconnection.com/images/tpbc.jpg
wondering if you have ever tried it. Lawrence Block:@Ashley---no, never seen it before. Looks good! Dawn Lu:I think LB means this http://ethanol.pixnet.net/blog/post/21604449 五更腸旺。 yummy!!! Lawrence Block:@Dawn---yes, that looks more like what I had. And definitely yummy! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/02 21:29, , 1F
12/02 21:29, 1F

12/02 21:36, , 2F
會 寫說是書迷就可以了
12/02 21:36, 2F

12/04 12:55, , 3F
我的回應被貼上來了>///< (上面大部份的美國佬都嚇呆了XD)
12/04 12:55, 3F

12/10 22:00, , 4F
我也成功加入卜老好友了 XDDD
12/10 22:00, 4F

12/24 12:44, , 5F
12/24 12:44, 5F

01/08 03:03, , 6F
01/08 03:03, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1CznxsgM (L_Block)