[資訊] 慶州櫻花馬拉松的物資領取方式

看板Korea_Travel作者 (詭異,詭異)時間7年前 (2017/03/10 14:07), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前陣子有發文詢問關於慶州馬拉松的問題~ 然後終於順利的報名成功了!! 但是關於物資的領取方式,官方有詢問我們要怎麼領取: (我下面擷取他回給我的一段話) Also, We need time to ready for race pack, so we will deliver the pack in the second week of the march, So if you are not in Korea at that time,you have 2 options to getting a race package. First option is getting a pack from March 29 to March 31 at the Gyeongju Citizen Playground. The opening time is 10am to 6pm. Gyeongju Citizen Playground address is 1022 Hwangseong-dong, Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk-do (???? ??? ??? 1022) <<韓文顯示不出來 冏 Second option is getting a race pack at your Hotel. To deliver the package at your hotel, we need your hotel's confirmation of getting a package instead of you. So, please let us know how you will get a race pack and your hotel's confirmation. 因為官方回信沒有提到關於現場領取物資的消息 想說在這邊跟大家提醒一下 :) 大家如果不確定的話,也可以自己再去詢問一下官方 對了~我們後來是選擇請旅館主人幫我們收物資~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Korea_Travel/M.1489126058.A.9CD.html

03/10 21:26, , 1F
03/10 21:26, 1F

03/11 23:23, , 2F
03/11 23:23, 2F

03/16 01:10, , 3F
03/16 01:10, 3F

03/28 22:23, , 4F
03/28 22:23, 4F

03/30 15:45, , 5F
03/30 15:45, 5F

03/30 15:45, , 6F
室去拿包裹或加我line d8653044傳位置給你
03/30 15:45, 6F

03/31 11:12, , 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1OmaAgdD (Korea_Travel)