[轉錄]Re: [問題] 踢妹跟kobe到底有多好啊??

看板KobeBryant作者 (小混混)時間16年前 (2008/05/13 09:18), 編輯推噓3(301)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Rockets 看板] 作者: mariandtmac (殺手貓) 看板: Rockets 標題: Re: [問題] 踢妹跟kobe到底有多好啊?? 時間: Mon May 12 22:19:38 2008 ※ 引述《miera (貝基塔)》之銘言: : 我聽說踢妹跟kobe私交不錯 : 我很好奇到底有多好?? : 有什麼八卦嗎?? : 還有阿 : 我要跟各位板友說聲抱歉 : 因為最近總版有些人會推一些讓人看了蠻生氣的推文 : 所以我可能會有點激動.. : 抱歉啦我會收斂的... 在高中聯賽的一場比賽,KOBE結識了T-MAC和ANDERSON,通過比賽和生活中的頻繁接觸,三 人就建立起很好的友誼,他們經常一起比賽和交流。 當年都還是高中生的T-MAC和KOBE已經漸漸打出了名氣,ANDERSON雖然默默無聞但與他們倆 的關係卻是如同親兄弟一般。從當年的全國高中聯賽到後來的adidas訓練營,他們都是在 相互鼓勵與幫助下走過來的. 在高中的時候,曾經有一次T-MAC在訓練中傷到了腳,是很嚴重的扭傷,那是他們兩個人很晚 在球場訓練的時候,由於他們所在球場偏僻且很少有交通工具,於是並沒有像現在一樣身 價的他們便選擇走回家,接下來,ANDERSON把T-MAC一步一步的背回家,在背了很長一段時 間,然後第二天又背著他去了醫院.而在那天和湖人隊的比賽前,T-MAC和KOBE前後得知了 ANDERSON被人槍殺了的惡耗. 在前往洛衫磯得飛機上,T-MAC很孤獨地坐在自己的位置上,他並沒有向之前一樣聽著自己 喜歡的音樂,他只是安靜地看著窗外.下飛機之後,T-MAC在停車場遇到了KOBE。 當時的他們兩個一出現便吸引了很多媒體閃光燈的照顧,KOBE和T-MAC一同來到了球場的 餐廳包廂裏面,在KOBE把記者友好的擋在門外之後,他和T-MAC交談了很久.透過餐廳的玻璃,人們偶爾可 以看到KOBE和T-MAC面色凝重地低頭交談著什麼. 在之後的比賽中,T-MAC打得很拼命,同樣KOBE也不甘示弱地用實際表現回應了T-MAC的表現,比賽結束,T-MAC拿下了32分,而KOBE得 到了28分和11籃板的資料讓球隊以微弱的優勢拿下了比賽的勝利. 在更衣室很平靜地接受記者採訪的KOBE,在得知T-MAC已經拒絕採訪走出更衣室的時候,KOBE很婉轉地結束了記者 的採訪,找到已經快坐上球隊大巴要離開LA的T-MAC.他們一起在之後的時間裏面遠離了媒 體的閃光燈,不知道去什麼地方了. 之後的故事在和KOBE關係很密切的好友口中,人們這時才知道事情的真相.比賽完後他們一 同來到了好友的家中,和好友傷心的家人一同呆到了第二天的淩晨. 只找到這個比較符合的0.0" 看到有人問Anderson 找了一下片段... McGrady led the NBA in scoring last season. He averaged 32.1 points per game, but it was the ease in which he scored that astonished. Some nights, there was just no defense for him. He was untouchable in those games, and people could tell from his first shot. Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends. They had all gathered at his mansion, but no one wanted to tell McGrady the truth. Eric Anderson was dead. His guy, his point guard at Auburndale High School, took a bullet to the chest while watching a fight in a McDonald's parking lot. Lil' E was gone at 25. He and McGrady had been playing phone tag, and this is what hurt the most. McGrady had been trying to convince Lil' E to move to Orlando. McGrady wanted Lil' E to use his college degree and find a job near him. Eric agreed, but he didn't want to live off McGrady. If he was going to make the move, he didn't want to use his friend for assistance. At the same time, he sensed that he needed to leave Polk County as soon as he could. "There's nothing good for me here," he would tell friends. On the night he died, Eric planned to stay home with his girlfriend. He went out late. At a club, a 7-year-old incident regurgitated itself. A fight ensued, and Eric's brother, Curtis Crossley, was involved. This quarrel drifted to a McDonald's restaurant in Lakeland, about 5 miles from the club. Lil' E went to look after his brother. But as the group headed toward McDonald's, he called his girlfriend and asked her to come get him. The 7-year-old feud turned into a brawl at McDonald's. The participants raged against each other while onlookers encircled them. Then, police say, Aree Spivey, Jason Reid and Patrick Brown pulled out their guns. Crossley's crew was stunned. A fistfight had turned into a pistol-whipping, bullet-flying fiasco. By the time Eric's girlfriend arrived, he was dead. The bystander became the victim. McGrady couldn't believe it. He figured this was the year he wouldn't lose anyone. What happened to untouchable? This was his year. He was unstoppable on the court. Layla, his daughter and the gift that made life comprehensible, was born. He figured there would be no early-morning phone calls, no awkward declarations of death. The season was almost over. He had almost survived. So there was another funeral at Cypress Cathedral, one of the largest churches in town. And on the ride there, McGrady and his friends said, "Every time we come to this church, it's for a funeral. We hate this church, really." And McGrady looked at a dead body again. And tears streamed again. And two men were needed to prop him up again. People knew he had feelings again. He was not untouchable again. Disbelief reigned again. "I think about them every day," McGrady said. "Ryan, I still can't believe that he's dead. I assume that he's down in Auburndale, doing his normal thing. And E, the same thing. I just can't believe that." 只節錄跟Anderson有關的地方 其他的可以看下面的連結 http://www.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=486528 SEVEN SEASONS, SEVEN DEATHS HENRY ANDREWS, 20, friend. -- Died Nov. 7, 1997. Car accident. RYAN T. McGRADY, 19, cousin. -- Died Dec. 5, 1999. Complications from asthma. VANESSA JONES, 19, friend. -- Died Oct. 6, 1999. Shot. JACLYN McGRADY, 38, stepmom. -- Died May 8, 2001. Cancer. COREY BESS, 22, cousin. -- Died May 20, 2001. Shot. ERIC ANDERSON, 25, best friend. -- Died March 16, 2003. Shot. JOHNNIE RUTH GREEN, 73, great aunt. -- Died Jan. 28, 2004. Heart failure. 看到這個我真的不敢想像踢妹是怎麼繼續的 不只是身體傷痕累累 接二連三的打擊實在是... 幸好踢妹挺過來了 那些酸的人 看了後你們還能說什麼嗎? --       ルイズ:バカ犬!エロ犬!( ‵□′)───C<─___-)||| かがみ:誤解しておうないで、やっと特にあなたのためにしたのではない!    凪:ハヤテ~~(≧<>≦) 大河:竜は私のだ!!╰(‵皿′*)╯     こなた:ふふ、計画通り! =ω=+ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mariandtmac 來自: (05/12 22:20)

05/12 22:24,
T_T 真男人魂!!!
05/12 22:24

05/12 22:25,
05/12 22:25

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05/12 22:26,
Q_____Q 感人!!!
05/12 22:26

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05/12 22:35,
Q_Q 借轉真男人之一版
05/12 22:35
SMALLZCH:轉錄至看板 T-mac 05/12 22:35 ※ 編輯: mariandtmac 來自: (05/12 22:40)

05/12 22:59,
會不會是Derek Anderson
05/12 22:59

05/12 23:00,
哦抱歉 我沒看完文章就亂推..
05/12 23:00

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05/13 01:01,
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05/13 01:13,
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05/13 01:45,
真的很討厭某些鄉民在那邊狂酸Mcgrady! 踢妹加油!!!
05/13 01:45

05/13 01:50,
Q__Q淚推 火箭傷兵太多了 只能期待下季整合好破除魔咒
05/13 01:50

05/13 03:52,
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05/13 03:53,
不是還高中嗎?= =
05/13 03:53

05/13 08:10,
受傷總比親友沒事就...好些,所以我想T-Mac在火箭是快樂的 @@
05/13 08:10

05/13 08:54,
05/13 08:54

05/13 09:17,
借轉KB板~ 謝謝~
05/13 09:17
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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05/15 19:34, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #18AEnHJT (KobeBryant)