[轉錄][外電] Why Kobe won't win the MVP

看板KobeBryant作者 (妳)時間16年前 (2008/04/12 10:20), 編輯推噓4(402)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: Solid4 (豆腐) 看板: Lakers 標題: [外電] Why Kobe won't win the MVP 時間: Sat Apr 12 09:57:03 2008 http://0rz.tw/cf3SW Last week, my partner in crime wrote a column about how uncomfortable she will be when Kobe Bryant receives the 2008 MVP award. Well, no disrespect to Jemele (Ms. Hill to those of us who know her), but Kobe Bryant will not win the MVP this year. And if recent history proves consistent, he might finish behind Alonzo Mourning in the voting. 上個禮拜,我的共犯寫了一篇專欄,內容大抵是如果Kobe今年這樣還可以拿到MVP的話, 她會很不蘇胡。沒有對Jemele Hill,我的同事,有任何不敬的意思啦,可是我想她 可以放心了,Kobe拿不到MVP的。如果這幾年的歷史可以拿來做對照的話,Kobe今年票數 大概比Alonzo Mourning 還少一點。 Truth is Kobe Bryant will never win the MVP of the league. He is hated too much. Hated by those who cast votes. Hated too much by those he plays against. And the two All-Star Game MVPs he's won, well, they don't count in this scenario. Voting Kobe as the best basketball player in the world for a day is one thing, honoring him with that same title for an entire season … in the infamous words of Bobby Brown's ex-wife: "Oh, hell to the No!" 事實是,Kobe永遠都拿不到聯盟季賽MVP的。反他的人真的太多了。記者反他,對手 也是超級痛恨他的。啊,你說Kobe拿到兩次明星賽MVP?那不算啦。單就一天來講, 選Kobe為地球上最強的男人是一回事,給他單季MVP這個榮譽又是一回事... 就跟某Bobby Brown的前妻最愛的口頭禪一樣,「幹,不要說不啦!>//////<」 (這裡不確定) Writers won't honor Kobe like that, not even when in good consciousness they want to or would like to. As one writer said to me when the subject was brought up in conversation, very apropos for an election year, "Kobe's electability quotient is zero." In other words, he's Ralph Nader. 作家們死都不會用mvp這種頭銜來讚美Kobe的,就算他們想要。當我跟一位同行的提 到這個話題時,他回了「Kobe拿到MVP的機會是零。」 How is hate justified? Easy, by being consistent. Which is why this year will be no different than the past two. Because if we are honest (and this goes to Jemele's point), if we look at what Kobe Bryant has done in the past two seasons without winning the MVP, there should be no way he can win it this year. Which leads us back to the hate: A man averages 35.4 ppg, the eighth-highest average in the history of the league; he gives you 5.3 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 1.8 steals; he has 27 games of 40-plus points, has one month where he averages 43.4 ppg, scores 81 in one game and outscores an entire team in another (the 62-point game against Dallas where he sat out the fourth quarter); he is on the all-defensive first team (something not one of the other players in the MVP running is included on); and he leads a CBA-built team to the playoffs. The man has a season that no one is likely to see for another generation and he comes in fourth in the MVP voting that year. 到底這些反科反的正大光明的人是怎麼辦到的?簡單,就立場一樣就好。這是為 什麼今年跟前兩年狀況一樣。如果我們認真的討論的話,如果Kobe前兩年的表現都 拿不到MVP的話,今年他也拿不到。這又把我們帶回這些人對Kobe仇恨上:一個季 平均35.4分--歷史上第八;每場還附加5.3籃板 4.5助功,以及1.8抄截;一季 有27場比賽拿下40分,其中一個月平均43.4分,單場創下81分的神奇紀錄,另一場 三節內得分比對手全隊還多(對小牛的62分);被選為防守第一隊隊員之一(沒一個MVP 競選人是咧);還帶領著一個CBA等級的隊伍打進季後賽。這種強到可能一個世代後 才會再看到的表現,只給了Kobe,MVP投票裡第四名的位置。 That same man, the very next year, averages 31.6 points, 5.7 rebounds, 5.4 assists and 1.4 steals for the "fedora trick"; he has 10 games of 50-plus points, only the second person in NBA history to do so in a single season (including a four-in-a-row stretch that hadn't been seen in more than 20 years); he makes the all-defensive first team again; and this time he takes a YBA-built squad to the playoffs. In a season that many claim is more "complete" than the season before, the man this time comes in third in the MVP voting. 這同一個人喔,接下來這一季平均每場拿了31.6分,5.7籃板,5.4助功,外帶1.4抄截; 10場50分以上的爆氣表現,成為NBA歷史上第二個這麼做的人(其中還包括聯盟20年來 沒看過的連4場50分);他這一年又被選入了防守第一隊,還把一支YBA等級的球隊帶 到了季後賽。儘管這是大家說「比較完整」的一年,這個人還是只能屈居MVP選票數 第三名。 How bad is it for Kobe? In a 2004-05 season in which Kobe averaged 27.6 points, 5.9 rebounds and 6.0 assists, P.J. Brown -- yes, you read right -- received more MVP votes than he did, and Brown received only one vote. How many games did the Hornets win that year? 18. 還是不知道這對Kobe來說多糟糕?04-05年,Kobe平均27.6分,5.9籃板,6助攻。 知道那位跑去超賽的PJ Brown先生吧?沒錯,就是 P.J. Brown,當年MVP選票比Kobe 拿的還多,Brown當年拿到了一張。那年黃蜂只贏了18場。 (And it's not just the sportswriters. In that never-to-be-seen-again 2005-06 season, the GMs around the league, who have their own MVP voting, had Bryant fifth on their ballots.) (不只是運動專欄作家,05-06年那永不復見的全聯盟各GM心目中的MVP選舉,Kobe只有 第五名。) And nothing is going to make this season any different. 沒有任何事情會讓今年有不一樣的結果。 So yes, there is an "earned the right" clause that goes on in all MVP voting, just as there is that same "clause" that exists in all professions and walks of life. But it will not apply to Kobe Bryant. Not this year or any other year. He's not Denzel, and this isn't "Training Day." And although there are those who say that Kobe is in a different place now, that the world does not "resent" him the way that it did, that the Colorado incident is behind him and that the Kobe who wears No. 24 is different than the one who wore No. 8, their delusion will only make the situation worse. For it brings false hope. In sticking with the Academy Awards analogy: Kobe Bryant is Martin Scorsese … before "The Departed." 嗯,聯盟的確是有個「你有資格跟權利拿這個獎項」的不成文的規定,就跟其他 各種運動一樣。但是咩,很可惜的這在Kobe身上不適用。不是今年也不會是明年。 他不是丹佐華盛頓,這也不是什麼怪電影。不管誰說Kobe現在的情況不一樣了, Colorado性侵案的結束、換背號這些動作,只會讓事情更糟,因為這會帶來不會實現的 希望。Kobe就像在演The Departed之前的Martin Scorsese。 So the reality is this: As nice -- and I mean nice in a This-dude-is-on-some-beyond-Steve-Nash level -- as Chris Paul's game has been all season long (his full name during broadcasts and highlight shows has become "MVP candidate Chris Paul") his season can't compare to Kobe's past two. Yes, he's elevated his team to a height that no one expected, but can you name one player on the Lakers (not including Kobe) over the past three years who is as good or has played as well as David West has this season? Hell, name one who has played as well as Peja Stojakovic or Tyson Chandler. 現實是:儘管CP3超強,強到超過Steve Nash的等級,而且在電視轉播裡 全名變成「MVP候選人Chris Paul」,他這個球季的表現跟Kobe前兩年的表現比起來, 根本不算什麼。對,他讓球隊成為一匹超強黑馬,但是湖人對前兩年有任何一個打 的像今年的David West這麼好的球員嗎?靠,不講他,湖人隊上有任何一個跟今年 的小錢或Peja可以相提並論的人嗎? Plus how will the voters justify not giving CP3 the MVP in a season when his numbers are better than Nash's were the two seasons he got back-to-back MVPs? Paul's 21.5 points, 11.5 assists, 4.0 rebounds, 2.7 steals and 2.5 turnovers are better in totality than the 15.5, 11.5, 3.4, 1.0 and 3.3 Nash put up in 2004-05 and the 18.8, 10.5, 4.2, 0.8 and 3.5 he posted during the 2005-06 season. And CP's team is in position to do what Nash's team did when he came back to Phoenix: earn the top seed in the West. So if Nash won 62 games and the West in '05-06 with inferior numbers to Paul's, how does the league not give Paul the award if his team wins 60 and has the best record in the West? 另外,投票者不投給CP3也無法自圓其說,CP3的數據比Nash MVP的兩年都 全能多了,CP3也同樣有了跟Nash當年一樣,衝到西區第一的能力。聯盟怎麼能 不給CP3這個獎項? And trust, CP3's electability is off the charts compared to Kobe's. His MVP approval rating is sic, while Kobe's is sick. So Chris, congrats, enjoy the Maurice Podoloff. The voters love you. 相信我,CP3 當選機率跟Kobe比起來完全就是爆表了。所以啊,Chris, 享受一下得獎的喜悅吧。投票的大家都很愛你的。 And that's not necessarily because of who CP (or KG if you want to toss him into this conversation) is as much as it is because of who Kobe is: the "8" they love to hate. Someone less understood than a villain, and someone for whom those who vote have less tolerance when it comes to separating what he does from who he is. It's the same reason why upon eligibility into the Hall of Fame, Roger Clemens will receive more first-ballot votes than Barry Bonds. It will have more to do with how much more Roger was/is/remains beloved than Barry by those who will have the power to vote them into immortality than it will race or the level of crime either one committed while playing. 其實,這跟CP3是誰,一點都沒有關係。這跟KB是誰有關係。他是那個大家最喜歡恨的 8號。比反派更不被了解的一個人。這就跟Roger Clemens進入名人堂的選票會比 Barry Bonds多一樣,不管他們做了什麼,大家都只愛Roger Clemens。 Is it right? Fair? Impartial? No. It's life. And for Kobe, it's become his life. 你說說,這對嗎?公平嗎?偏袒嗎?不,這只是人生。對Kobe來說,這成為了他的人生。 In sports, in the end, whether we want to acknowledge it honestly or not, athletes put their legacies in the hands of those who have the power to hate them. And in those situations, what they do on the court or field, whether we are talking MVP or Hall of Fame (or Oscars), what they do takes a backseat to who they are. Their careers become a popularity contest, a "likability" raffle lying in wait for the hate to die. Which it never really does. And in the past five years in professional sports, no athlete (with the exception of maybe Bonds or T.O.) has been more hated and hated on than Kobe Bryant. 在任何運動裡,不管我們想不想承認,運動員們把自己一生輝煌的戰績交在了可以選擇 恨他們的人手裡。在這些情況裡,不管你是為名人堂,MVP,還是奧斯卡而競爭, 你做了什麼、能做到什麼,跟你的名字是什麼比起來,一點都不重要。他們的生涯 就像一個人緣比賽一樣。而,相信我,近五年來,可能除了 Bonds跟T.O以外,最被 痛恨的運動員,叫做Kobe Bryant。 Don't believe me? Watch what happens when he doesn't win the MVP … again. 還是不相信我?就等著看,當Kobe今年"又"拿不到MVP獎項時... 囧,真是很長的一篇... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 09:59,
推,這個做家是 scoop 相當之大尾。
04/12 09:59

04/12 09:59,
04/12 09:59

04/12 10:00,
Scoop Jackson!
04/12 10:00

04/12 10:00,
這篇可以借我轉嗎 :PPP
04/12 10:00

04/12 10:01,
04/12 10:01

04/12 10:01,
04/12 10:01

04/12 10:01,
04/12 10:01

04/12 10:03,
04/12 10:03

04/12 10:03,
這是心理戰吧 把不投他的人歸類成情感上討厭KOBE的人
04/12 10:03

04/12 10:04,
04/12 10:04

04/12 10:04,
04/12 10:04

04/12 10:06,
04/12 10:06

04/12 10:14,
04/12 10:14

04/12 10:16,
這篇的角度寫得真好! 同時也很心酸 = =
04/12 10:16

04/12 10:17,
淚推..這篇也整理了老大過去幾年的驚奇..太威了..but no MVP
04/12 10:17

04/12 10:16,
雖然看的很不蘇胡... 但是也是有他個觀點
04/12 10:16

04/12 10:19,
講話好酸 是在反串嗎 我功力太低看不出端倪
04/12 10:19

04/12 10:18,
請轉^^ 這文章的確是很酸,翻到後來不知道在翻什麼囧
04/12 10:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 10:25, , 1F
04/12 10:25, 1F

04/12 11:12, , 2F
因為 MVP 就是靠他們選出來的啊
04/12 11:12, 2F

04/12 23:19, , 3F
04/12 23:19, 3F

04/13 00:30, , 4F
04/13 00:30, 4F

04/13 01:23, , 5F
回樓上 不難理解啊 大家一致認為他有吃禁藥 所以
04/13 01:23, 5F

04/13 01:24, , 6F
他除了在舊金山之外 都會被球迷噓
04/13 01:24, 6F
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