[轉錄]Surrounded by talent, Kobe regains pa …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: Javaris (Crittenton) 看板: Lakers 標題: Surrounded by talent, Kobe regains passion 時間: Mon Jul 23 10:21:56 2007 The Lakers superstar says he's 'in a better place' with Team USA. From The Orange County LAS VEGAS Here's how Phil Jackson put it recently when taking Kobe Bryant's explosive offseason and trying to put the blasted pieces together for a coherent picture: "He has already been to the mountaintop. Anything besides that makes it very difficult. I know that frustration." Phil 是這麼描述著 Kobe 這個暑假之所以會暴怒的舉動 : 「他已經登上過高峰的頂端,所以任何低於那個層次的結果都難以接受。我知道 那種挫折。」 The one thing laid-back Jackson long has been working with Bryant on is teaching him to loosen the white-knuckle grip on everything that is a control freak's reflex. Bryant's recent outbursts against the Lakers reflected his inability to deal with failures that were somewhat out of his control. 禪師 Jackson 與 Kobe 共事以來一直在教導他的就是試著讓他放鬆自己,也就是改掉對 每件事情都想做到最好這種控制狂的反射神經。 Kobe 最近的暴走狀態顯示出他無法完善的處理自己陷入失敗的窘境,因此最後才會出現 無法控制的局面。 "Just had to put it aside, not think about it," Bryant said Saturday. "I just wanted to move forward, not be distracted by it." Kobe 說 :「現在就是把它拋到一邊,不再去想他。我現在想往前邁進,不想因此而分心。」 That had been Bryant's initial plan after huddling with Jackson two days after the Lakers' season ended. Bryant said then he would not fret about the Lakers' need to make roster upgrades as the summer played out, mentioning the USA Basketball opportunities that awaited him. He failed spectacularly trying to let go of that Lakers-related frustration, but now that he is at the U.S. team's mini-camp this weekend, he is breezily succeeding. "I'm in a better place … I'm here," he said. 在與 Phil Jackson 談話之後,這原本是他的計畫。不過他現在表示再也不會對湖人 暑假是否要補強而憂心,他表示國家隊有許多的機會等著他去做。 雖然無法完全的將挫折感完全拋開,不過既然他這個禮拜已經投入集訓,他就是隨波逐流, 繼續的走下去。 他說 :「我來到這裡,感覺到了更好的地方。」 Bryant used the word "happy" to describe himself. He mentioned getting to know Dwyane Wade, with whom Bryant worked in a serious post-practice shooting drill Saturday to get used to particular spots on the differently measured international court. Meanwhile, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant and Deron Williams jacked up NBA-length three-pointers at the other end of the court. Bryant 用了「快樂」的字眼來描述現在的自己。 他說在與 Wade 進行了一系列的投籃訓練後,更了解 Dwyane Wade。同時 LeBron、 Carmelo、Durant 以及 Deron Williams 等人則在場地的另一端練習著加長射程。 Bryant is clearly viewing this as carrying a flag toward an even higher mountaintop: securing an Olympic berth for Team USA at the Aug. 22-Sept. 2 FIBA Americas Championship, then getting gold in China next summer after U.S. teams failed in 2000 (when Bryant's ankle injury from the NBA Finals prevented his participation) and in 2004 (when he was facing a sexual-assault charge). Bryant 將這次為國家出賽看的相當重視,甚至高過於能否在 NBA 重回高峰。 這次美洲區資格賽將在八月二十三號進行,明年將在中國重返自從兩千年以來失利已久 的金牌爭奪戰。 (Kobe 在兩千年因為NBA冠軍戰受傷而無法出席、04年則因為性騷擾案件而作罷。) Bryant wrote a first-person perspective for Newsweek after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and wore a "God Bless America" band over his right wrist for every game of the 2001-02 season. He sees this summer and next summer as continuations of that. Kobe 在01年美國受到九一一恐怖攻擊事件後曾經寫下一篇以個人觀感的文章,並且在 該季於右手戴上 "天佑美國" 的一個護腕。而現在將為美國隊出征,他也將在未來兩個 暑假繼續戴著這個護腕上陣。 "There's no bigger significance than representing your country," Bryant said. "It's something I've been looking forward to for a while, especially with the state of the world we're in right now and the battle we're in. "It adds more significance to it than ever. This is kind of the small part we can play in representing our country and representing it the right way. I'm really, really excited about this. I can't stress that enough." 「沒有什麼比為國爭光更榮耀的事情,這是我一直以來都想做的。特別是現在我們在 世界上的處境,以及未來戰役的處境。」 「這將讓這個榮耀提升的更高。這是我所能代表國家的小小舉動,而且也是我現在就能 做的,所以我對此感到非常興奮,甚至是無法用言語表達的。」 Such an eager mindset from one of the best and oldest players on the team feels wonderful to U.S. coach Mike Krzyzewski. "He's amazingly committed to the game and he works so hard," Krzyzewski said of Bryant, who turns 29 in a month. "It's his first opportunity to play for the United States, so even though he's a veteran player and one of the truly great players in the history of the NBA, he brings a youthful energy to go with this." 有著這麼一位熱血並具有經驗的頂級球員加入,讓總教練 Krzyzewksi 感到高興。 「他對比賽的態度是如此的堅定,同時也相當努力。這是他第一次為國出征,所以即使 他已經是個老鳥,同時也是 NBA 最佳球員,他依舊帶來像年輕球員那樣的拼勁。」 Asked if the feel of the past two days has been anything like an All-Star Game, Bryant said: "No, no, no. It's a team. It's like we're getting ready for the playoffs or something. The intensity is very high. It's very competitive; it's very serious. We'll joke around with each other every once in awhile, but in a competitive manner." 被問到過去兩天的訓練是否跟明星賽一樣時,他堅定的表示 : 「不,不,這完全不一樣。我們是支團結的隊伍,就像我們是正為季後賽在準備的那種 態度。訓練的強度相當高,同時也極具競爭力,我們非常認真。或許有時候還是會互 相打打招呼、開開玩笑,但我們大部分都處在競爭的狀態。」 That's why this feels like a favorite warm blanket to Bryant: The familiar feel of elite competitive basketball hasn't surrounded him in years — which brings us back to why Jackson believes Bryant went off in recent months. 這就是為什麼 Bryant會對這個地方感到溫暖窩心 : 因為近幾年來,在他的週遭都無法感受到相同的競爭心態,而這時候你就更該佩服 Phil 的言論,他早在一個月前就說過相信 Kobe 會在幾個月後找回自我的熱忱,原因就是這 次集訓。 Bryant has done a lot of laughing with his younger teammates here (Anthony and Amare Stoudemire heckled Bryant on Friday during his lengthy interview session as "Barry Bonds" for dominating the media spotlight). Yet probably no part of this experience has been more meaningful for Bryant than playing with point guard Jason Kidd. Bryant said he and Kidd, the team's elder statesman at 34, have been joking that they're "the two old dogs on the team." Bryant 在美國隊中與一群年輕球員充滿歡笑。此外對他更難能取代的經驗就是與 Kidd 同隊打球。Kobe 說他跟 Kidd 是國家隊最老的兩位,根本是兩條老狗。 "I learned a lot just by playing with him the past couple of days," Bryant said. 「我過去兩天光是跟他打球,就學到了很多事情。」 Kidd was someone the Lakers could have gotten in trade for teenage center Andrew Bynum in February. When that missed Lakers opportunity was brought up to him, Bryant allowed this much: "I was very optimistic about it. But I have the opportunity to play with him now." Kidd 曾經在季中一度傳聞要與湖人中鋒 Bynum 交易的人選。而被問到湖人錯失這個 機會時,Kobe 則說 : 「我對那件事還是保持樂觀看待,不過我現在就有機會跟他打球啦。」 -- 小弟們,就拼一點吧.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 10:24,
07/23 10:24
※ 編輯: Javaris 來自: (07/23 10:26)

07/23 10:27,
記得有改過 Odom有拿掉吧??
07/23 10:27

07/23 10:27,
真為他高興~ 待在一個充滿競爭心態的隊伍 如魚得水~
07/23 10:27

07/23 10:32,
07/23 10:32
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 19:13, , 1F
推一個 美洲資格賽第一天正好是KOBE生日耶
07/23 19:13, 1F

07/24 10:54, , 2F
07/24 10:54, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #16f1DX2O (KobeBryant)