[外電]Sunday Conversation: Phil Jackson

看板KobeBryant作者 (...)時間18年前 (2005/10/03 18:52), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2177339&num=1 星期天Phil接受了ESPN的訪談,其中也談及了許多與Kobe相關的事情,且讓我們來看看 Phil說了些什麼。 Jim Gray: Why do you want to do this again? Why do you want to put yourself through what you know you're gonna have to go through? Jim Gray(主持人):你為什麼要再一次的執教? Phil Jackson: I always tell the players, "We are in the business that's very much like a marathon race only we're gonna be doing it for 260-something days or so." And the race is something you get ready to do. There's gonna be some trial inside of there, but you put yourself through it because ultimately it brings a lot of meaning to your life, it gives a lot of energy to what you're doing. You feel goal-oriented and those things are really positive aspects for an athlete and a person, like myself, who's been involved in that. And then of course there's always the challenge that I can make this work. 我總是告訴球員我們就像在跑馬拉松一樣,只是我們要跑260天以上。而馬拉松競賽就像 某些事情你已經準備好去做,而其中會遭遇一些阻礙,而促使自己經歷這些過程,則在 最終這將使你的人生充滿意義,在你參與其中時,它將會給你很多的精力,你會感覺到 一個運動員一個人的目標所在並且那會帶給你正面的方向,就像我自己樂在其中。 而且當然我總是能接受這挑戰。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray: What would you have thought were the possibilities of this occurring after your loss to Detroit and you were standing on the podium that evening? 在你輸給底特律之後,你本來有想過現在這些事情發生的可能性嗎? Jackson: Slim, none, probably were the two comments I'd have right off the bat. But I had Jeanie Buss in the back corner talking about, "Would you be interested, could you possibly see yourself, is this a possibility, would you wanna do it?" [She was] asking me questions over the course of December, January, February, March. In April, I started to really consider it. Actually, in March I really started to consider what this team could possibly be. And at some point -- and I'll bring the topic up -- I saw Kobe was maligned during the course of the year last year. The word itself seems strange to use, but I felt like he had to shoulder so much of the blame for the breakup of the team. Which really wasn't an accurate statement. So I kinda felt like this kid needs a break. 我本來沒有太多的打算,但Jeanie Buss在我身後總是告訴我:"你有興趣嗎?你能看清自己 嗎?你想要去做嗎?(意思大概就是鼓勵他為來當教練。)他從12月開始,1月2月3月不斷的 詢問我,直到4月,我開始認真的考慮。實際上,在3月時我就開始思考這支球隊的可能 性。 而同時,我帶來了那個話題(應該是他書中提到Kobe "uncoachable"的字眼),在去年的球 季之中我看到Kobe被(媒體)毀謗中傷,那個字眼似乎被太過強調(uncoachable),我感覺 到在關於球隊被拆散這件事情上,這孩子承受了許多責備,事實上那都不是正確的原因, 所以我覺得這孩子需要一些改變。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gray: How much of the malignment of Kobe was due to you and what you said in the book and people felt it can become open season because his former coach felt that way? 你覺得有多少的關於Kobe的不好的流言是來自於你在你書中所談的?而人們之所以認為那是 可以被公開討論是因為他的前教練是這麼認為的? Jackson: I don't know, because if you really read the book you saw the last 40 games -- 35 games -- of the season we really connected and the playoffs we really had a great working relationship. And basically I say that in the book a number of times. But just the one comment where he's "uncoachable" ... I think was the outstanding thing that jumped out of that book. It was a diary. People forget that it was a day-to-day diary, a journal -- that's what I call it. I think girls keep diaries. Men keep journals. Anyway, in this journal when you make daily impressions and you're feeling the frustration of what was going on, and granted I think we were working against each other at the time. And working towards a goal really freed us up and we were working very well together ... so we do know that aspect of our lives very well. 我不知道,因為如果你真的好好仔細讀那麼書的話,你會看到我說最後的40場--或35場 比賽包括季後賽,我們之間有很棒的工作關係,且基本上我在書中對此提到了很多次。 但只是其中一個關於他的評論"Kobe is uncoachable"....我想這是太過被放大來討論的。 那只是一篇日記,人們忘記那是一天天的日記(dairy),a journal-- 我是這麼稱呼的。 我想女孩稱之為diaries,男人稱之為journals(其實還不都是日記)。總之。當你根據每天 的感覺和印象在寫journal時,當假設我們當時是處於彼此對立的情況下,我想總是會感到 有些沮喪,並且想說到底發生了什麼。(我認為捷克森應該是要強調當你有時候灰心時寫下 的感覺總是比較強烈,但那並不是持久的一直是如此的,只是很多天當中其中一天的感覺 罷了,不應該被特別放大強調出來。) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gray: So are you saying it was just a momentary feeling that you felt Kobe was uncoachable, or was that something that became pervasive as the course of time went on that led you to that and that's how you basically felt when you left? 所以你說那只是一時之間的感覺認為Kobe是uncoachable,還是那已經是某些事情造成你 大部分的時間都這樣認為導致你有這樣的想法在你離開後? Jackson: No. In fact, when I left, Kobe and I had quite an exit meeting together which we very much talked about the season, how we had this aspect of a month or so going through this conflict where a lot of things were problematic -- coachability, my feelings, how we resolved it, how happy I was were able to resolve it, the fact that we got to the championship and didn't win it, how disappointing that was. 不是這樣,事實上當我離開時,我和Kobe有一段離別的會談,我們談到許多關於球季中發 生的事情,我們在一個月中經歷了一些衝突對立並且產生了很多的問題---諸如指導能力, 我的感覺,我們如何去解決他,而我感覺到對於能解決問題有多開心,事實上我們應該要 得到冠軍的,但令人失望的我們並沒有做到。 But under all the duress he was under that year, I wanted to let him know how remarkable I thought he had played and we had a hug and a goodbye. 但是在經過那年某些與他之間的不愉快後,我想讓他知道我認為他的球技是多麼優秀。 且我們彼此擁抱並且道別。(這邊第一句我不是很確定,因為duress我不太了解該怎麼用) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray: So what are you feeling today as you enter training camp? Is Kobe coachable or uncoachable? 如今當你開始training camp後,你對Kobe會是怎樣的想法?他是coachable還是 uncoachable? Jackson: Kobe's very coachable. But the responsibility is my responsibility and his responsibility to make that work. Kobe is a player in which if you give him a certain set of things that you want him to do, [he] will accomplish that. He wants to accomplish that. And one of the things that I'm determined to do is take that best aspect of his game. I think a lot of times, I've tried to make him a playmaker -- although due to default -- and a lead guard in which he's had to do a lot of the work of setting up the team, which I think is something that ends up being like, "OK, be a playmaker, be a lead guard, be an organizer." And then where does his natural ability to score and really attack a team come in? I'd like to use him more as an attack player this year than just a playmaker and guy that's setting up the offense. 我認為Kobe非常受教,但那是我對他的信賴而他對我的信賴將使一切步上軌道。 Kobe是一個你交給他一些事情,而他將會很樂意並且將事情努力完成的球員。 而我唯一要考慮的事情就是為他準備最適合的戰術。我想很多時候我曾經嘗試讓他擔任 主控球員,但最終都導致失敗,(這邊主要是說捷克森會在今年傾向於將Kobe放在攻擊 主力的角色上,而不是只是擔任球隊攻勢開端並製造進攻機會的主控球員。) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray: I understand you sat down with Kobe once this summer and had an extended conversation. Can you tell us how that went? 問:我知道你跟Kobe在夏天有過會面,你能告訴我其中的內容嗎? Jackson: I'm not gonna allude to an extended conversation, I'm gonna say, yes -- extended conversation, I don't know what that means. Let's just say we had a conversation. And it went -- 我不知道"持久的"會談是什麼?我只想說:"是的我們有過談話"而其中內容是...(語帶保留) Gray: Longer than hello? 問:比打個招呼還多的那種談話嗎? Jackson: Yeah, it went fine. 是的,而且一切都很順利。 Gray: Can you tell us what was discussed? How you can begin to put behind you what has been an antagonistic relationship? 問:你能告訴我其中的內容嗎?在彼此帶點敵意關係中你是如何開始談話的。 Jackson: No, I can't. I don't want to disclose that, I want to keep it private, I think that's something we really wanna do together is to keep what we have together about each other private. 不,我不能告訴你內容,我不想公開討論,我想保留這部分的隱私。我想這是我們兩個 (他和Kobe)都想要這麼做的,就是保留彼此之間的隱私。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray: Have you always been friends, for lack of a better term? Is Michael Jordan a friend? Jackson: Yes, I would say Michael is a friend. He was also an employee. Yeah. Well, I don't call him my employee; we had a coach-player relationship, yes. Gray: And Shaq ... was Shaq a friend? Jackson: Shaq was a friend, but I wouldn't call him a confidant as a friend. Shaq was more of a player-coach relationship than Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan and I went through the death of his father, which changed our relationship, and when his father was murdered there was a point in time when I was asked to talk with Michael for the sake of basketball -- to stay in basketball. He was going to retire, he was going to go play baseball, and everyone was saying, "Why are you doing this?" And my conversation with him changed our relationship at that time. It changed from being player-coach relationship to being a friend. Gray: So I guess basically the premise is you were friends, if that's the right term ... Jackson: Yeah. Gray: ... with your superstars. Both Michael and Shaq. Can you have that again with Kobe and do you need to have that as a coach and a player with your superstar? Jackson: Well, I don't know. I don't think you have to and I don't think anything that's happened precludes the fact that we're not gonna have a very good communication level. I think that we understand each other extremely well and we know how to work with each other -- really a comfort zone between what we know how to do and how to get it done. And [the] dedication we have to play and winning a situation is overwhelming for both of us. 被問及他和Jordan之間是否是朋友的關係,捷克森說是。而被問及Shaq是否也是朋友關 係,捷克森說是,但教練和球員之間的關係佔比較大的部分。捷克森解釋到他和Jordan 是因為在Jordan老爸被殺後,我們關係開始轉變,因為我們對於他萌生退休念頭和想去 打棒球有一些交心的談話,在此之後我們關係有了很大的改變。 而被問及與Kobe是否能向與Jordan或Shaq有那樣的關係? 捷克森說:"我不曉得,我不認為一定要如此,而現今我們(他和Kobe)尚未達到非常好的 溝通層面,這是無法改變的事實。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gray: You're gonna have 60 guys like me in Hawaii at every stop, every turn, all year long, asking you about this relationship. Will that further test it, or will that cement it? Jackson: Well, it's gonna be a matter of judging words and about watching how I say words. Kobe's an extremely private person. He's been put in a very private life due to a lot of things that happened to him. And I think that he wants to protect that and I will and help protect that. 被問及以後將仍然會有很多人詢問他有關他們之間的關係,而他會嘗試更進一步的填補 彼此的關係嗎? 捷克森說:"Kobe是個極度注重隱私的人,由於在他身上發生過許多事情,因此他選擇低調 的生活。而我想他希望藉此可以保護他自己,而我會幫助他。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gray: The triangle in the past was a source of irritation to Kobe. Are you still gonna run it and how are you gonna work through that? 三角戰術在過去是導致Kobe不太愉快的原因之一,如今你仍然會使用它或是如何去使用它? Jackson: We'll run it. It'll be a very interesting offense for people that have followed the triangle the last four-five years. We'll change it up and do some things that are different than we've done before. It'll still be the same format. It'll still be the organization's ... very much what people have seen before. But without Shaq holding onto that one block and that one spot, it'll be much more malleable and so many more people will be in the post and much more flexibility, so I think people will like it that play in it. I think it's a fair system for players. I think it teaches teamwork and I think that's the ultimate. 捷克森強調,我們仍然會使用三角戰術,我們將會改變它,並做一些不同於以往的變化。 但仍然是符合三角進攻的模式,就像之前大家所看到的一樣。 但是在沒有Shaq後,那將可以是整個進攻系統更具彈性,更多人可以嘗試低位的進攻, 而我想球員會喜歡它並且執行它。我想這對球員來說是一套很公平的系統,我想這套戰術 可以教導團隊合作的觀念,我認為這是最基本的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray: When you look back on this whole experience, is there one, [or a] couple things that you might have changed that maybe could have kept you, Shaq and Kobe all together? 當你回頭看看過去發生的事情,是否你能夠改變一兩件事情而使得你和Shaq,Kobe能夠 繼續在一起奮戰。 Jackson: Well, that's really an interesting thought. I think that the simple cap and the structure of the NBA progress in the last CBA, the contract between the players and the owners and the league, changed the value of how Shaq was looked at. And I think that if there's one thing that made sense, it's Garnett had his contract. He had grandfathered in this thing. He made his contract and now Shaq has done the same thing in Miami. And I think the one thing that could have happened is we could have communicated to Shaq this accessibility of how his contract could play out -- the final years, or his final contract -- as Miami has done, so that he could have stayed here. And made that more acceptable to him. I think that it was all financial. Emotionally, relation-wise, spiritually, Kobe and Shaq coexisted together, even though it was not a great relationship, or happy one, it certainly has [been as] fruitful as any relationship has ever been in the NBA. Perhaps maybe Magic and Kareem if you went back to another team that had a longer duration. But there have been very few [as] successful as the one Kobe and Shaq had when they were here. 捷克森認為事情的關鍵在於俠客的薪水,如果球團和Shaq雙方能夠各退一步,就像Shaq 現在在熱火所做的,那他們三人仍然有機會在一起合作。 捷克森認為那僅僅是財務上面所造成的,在感情上精神上Kobe和Shaq是可以共存的,儘管 那不是一段很棒的或彼此很快樂的關係,但那的確是NBA史上能開花結果的一段過去。 或許回顧過往魔術和天勾賈霸能夠維持如此長的一段合作關係,但仍然很少有向Kobe和 Shaq一起能夠擁有的成功經驗。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 其他還有一些問題有興趣的可以看看原文,由於太多了我就大概挑著翻了這些。 如果有翻譯不好的地方歡迎直接改正:) 。 總之希望禪師跟Kobe在未來能有一段美好的關係了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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03/11 11:13, , 13F
爽啦 湖人輸球哭哭狗鼻吃屎哈哈哈 強暴犯狗鼻
03/11 11:13, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #13GGrPim (KobeBryant)