[外電] 一些消息 (JR,香波,希臘新人)

看板Knicks作者 (BSH99)時間9年前 (2014/08/27 09:42), 編輯推噓13(1306)
留言19則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ppt.cc/PZGq J.R.: On way to be among top shooters ever "They said I wouldn't make it!" Smith writes. "I did! They said I wouldn't stay! This is my 11th yr! They said you can't shoot like that in the league! I'm on pace to be one of the best shooters the game had ever seen! Bottom line what yall say don't me sh@$ What I do says everything! #Gone" JR表示:"我天注定要成為頂級射手拉!" JR:"每個人都說我不能成為頂級射手,我做到了,說我不夠穩定?這可是我在NBA第十一 年了,竟然說我在聯盟不夠格當射手,告訴你歷史上的頂級射手榜將有我的一席之地。 反正你們說甚麼都不會影響到我!" -------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/L0jb Shump restoring leg, shunning social media “All I’ve been working on is getting that trust in my left leg to take off from farther and take off earlier and use it a lot more cutting and slashing to the basket,” said Shumpert, who has been working out this offseason in Florida. “Definitely trusting going off two legs than going off one leg last year. ... This year I want to go off one leg just as much as I go off two.” 香波:"我正在努力讓我的左腿能更好的運作,在未來的戰術中,會有更多機會可以內切, 所以,我得要讓兩條腿都能正常運作。" “I used to react to it,” Shumpert said of trade rumors. “That along with too many people telling you what you need to be doing. It caused me to step away from social media. I let my agency run it now and I tell them what to put and they update it for me and follow along with what is going on.” “I can’t have people always having their opinions floating my way,” Shumpert added. “I am done with that. I don’t have the apps on my phone.” 香波談目前都處飛的交易乳摸 香波:"我習慣了,太多人在談你得要怎麼做,這讓我學到遠離一些社交媒體,就讓經紀人去 吧,我告訴他們有啥新消息在跟我說吧,我可不能老是讓人們影響到我,我已經做好覺悟了 我把那些社交APP都刪了。" “I know this year in the offense I will have a lot more opportunities to cut and get to the basket,” said Shumpert, who averaged 6.7 points and 37.8 percent shooting last season. “I just want to work on the strength of my leg. Been working on that and being able to pull up off one or two dribbles [and working] on corner [3-pointers] and open 3s.” 香波談魚總 香波:"我知道今年我將有更多的機會內切跟空手跑位,我只想要讓我的腿更強壯,好讓我可 順利的過人,我也正在加強我的底角三分跟空檔三分。" -------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/wbii Knicks’ Greek rookie takes $500K pay cut to expedite NBA dream “Amazing isn’t it?,’’ Lotsos told The Post in a phone call from Greece. “ To my surprise, he passed on it. He’s very ambitious and determined to make the NBA. It’s a big sacrifice. It could’ve really put him ahead of schedule in his career. I didn’t try to force him. I wanted him to make his own decision.’’ 歐洲球隊給了希臘新人年薪55萬鎂+第二年回歸NBA。但她拒絕了。 經紀人:"希臘新人犧牲很大,因為她真的很想在NBA打球。" Knicks president Phil Jackson and general manager Steve Mills convinced their 2014 second-rounder that playing in their new D-League club in Westchester would be more beneficial to a future NBA career despite the massive pay cut. 禪師請他去尼克的發展聯盟球隊打球 “He spoke with Steve Mills and Phil Jackson,’’ Lotsos said. “He felt he’ s in their plans in the future. They don’t have room for him on the roster, but they supported the idea of keeping [him] within the system and working and improving. He felt they do have a plan for him but they didn’t guarantee anything for next year.’’ 經紀人:"希臘新人跟禪師他們談過了,他認為它有在禪師未來計畫中,但他們沒有多餘的 名額可以簽他,所以他們建議他留在體系內鍛鍊,不過禪師他們並沒有保證會讓他明年加盟 Beyond that, we can't tell yet how the Knicks will use their suburban second home. They-- via Houston-- get to hire a fresh coaching staff, and I suspect they'll pick old Phil Jackson associates and/or Triangle-minded newcomers to mirror the big Knicks' style. This way, Westchester can not only prepare players who might have a chance to make the leap, but serve as a testing ground for sets and lineup types. Will the Knicks cycle players through Westchester? Through a couple years of single-affiliation with the Erie BayHawks, New York hardly turned to the D-League when their roster became thin because of injury. And, except for brief or nominal assignments, the Knicks only occasionally sent unused players to Erie. Jerome Jordan and the legend Chris Smith are the only two genuine exceptions who come to mind. If a guy like Cleanthony Early or Shane Larkin can't carve out a rotation spot immediately, would the Knicks rather he practice with the best and watch games from the bench or get into a more active rhythm at the D-League level? If the Knicks find themselves in need of a warm body, will they turn first to Westchester, or to the waiver wire? 說到體系內鍛鍊,記者提出了一個很有趣的想法 尼克現在已正式把發展聯盟的球隊當作是自己的第二個球隊。 禪師未來會怎麼看待這個第二個家,尼克現在可以先在Erie BayHawks教導三角戰術。 先來假設一下,如果輕刮早跟Larkin在正式比賽沒機會上場的話尼克可以把他丟到這裡 重新鍛鍊跟熟悉體系?如果有新球員需要熱身的話,也能先丟來這裡? It's strange to me that every NBA team doesn't have its own D-League franchise yet. I'm glad the Knicks have been relatively ahead of that wave, but they can do better. Now that they've founded a new affiliate they can build in their own image, I hope they'll establish as much of a farm system as the current rules allow, keep in close touch, and allow ideas and assets to flow freely between the clubs. Why not? 我是不知道尼克會怎麼做,但我很好奇為何NBA球隊都不想將自己的發展聯盟球隊當作是 自家的農場呢?我很高興看到尼克開了第一槍,我認為尼克可以做得更好,他們可以在這裡 樹立自己的招牌,我希望尼克可以在兩支球隊中找出聯繫,並盡可能地建立出農場系統。" -------------------------------------------------- 原來發展聯盟的球隊除了我們以外,其他隊的都不是自家的喔,還以為那跟小聯盟一樣.. -- ─∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ play with each _ ─-.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Knicks/M.1409103779.A.B28.html

08/27 10:53, , 1F
有一部分像我們是直營 有一部分是夥伴關係
08/27 10:53, 1F

08/27 13:29, , 2F
至少冠名就很有誠意經營了 不然其他NBDL列出來 還未必
08/27 13:29, 2F

08/27 13:29, , 3F
08/27 13:29, 3F

08/27 14:28, , 4F
08/27 14:28, 4F

08/27 23:46, , 5F
八卦是 發展聯盟的年薪是50k還是55k 跟歐洲差了十倍
08/27 23:46, 5F

08/27 23:47, , 6F
所以大家都說 字母他哥為了圓夢打NBA犧牲超多
08/27 23:47, 6F

08/27 23:48, , 7F
08/27 23:48, 7F

08/28 01:14, , 8F
08/28 01:14, 8F

08/28 02:40, , 9F
樓上 讓我笑話……還有感謝翻譯 辛苦囉
08/28 02:40, 9F

08/28 08:37, , 10F
08/28 08:37, 10F

08/29 00:05, , 11F
08/29 00:05, 11F

08/29 00:06, , 12F
08/29 00:06, 12F

08/29 00:10, , 13F
08/29 00:10, 13F

08/29 00:11, , 14F
08/29 00:11, 14F

08/29 00:11, , 15F
08/29 00:11, 15F

08/29 02:09, , 16F
剛剛查了……NBDL薪資上限是25K沒錯 字母他哥真的是拼了
08/29 02:09, 16F

08/29 02:10, , 17F
附帶一提 茉莉跟泰勒就是尼克自家DL養成的球員
08/29 02:10, 17F

08/29 02:32, , 18F
感覺被畫大餅了,小心人財兩失 XD
08/29 02:32, 18F

08/30 23:57, , 19F
08/30 23:57, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1J_JUZie (Knicks)