[外電] 時光老人不是凍齡小孩(Kidd)的對手

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Father Time is no match for Knicks' ageless Kidd By STEVE SERBY Last Updated: 12:17 AM, April 24, 2013 Posted: 2:15 AM, April 23, 2013 原文:http://tinyurl.com/ckea39b Jason Kidd can still survey the court and see things Father Time cannot defend. He can still steal the ball from Father Time’s dribble, he can still outthink Father Time when the game is on the line, even on 40-year-old legs. Sometimes the great ones find a way, sometimes their love of their game compels them to stay too long, sometimes the jersey has to be ripped off them. Jason Kidd is Muhammad Ali in Zaire and beyond, rope-a-doping Father Time in dogged pursuit of his second championship. This is the time of year, these are the games — Game 2 tonight at the Garden against the Celtics — that keep Jason Kidd forever young. “As a kid growing up, you watched Magic, Dr. J and these guys compete for championships,” Kidd said. “And when you talk about as a kid growing up, you would love to have that gold trophy. That’s what it’s all about.” “當我還是個孩子的時候,我是看著魔術師,J博士等巨星爭冠總冠軍長大的,” 基德說,“那個時候,當我們聊起這些時,你肯定也想拿到那座金燦燦的獎杯。” It took him 17 years to win that gold trophy, with the Mavericks, and it has only fueled his fire for another. 奮鬥了17年後,基德終於在小牛隊(2010-11賽季)實現了自己的冠軍夢,而那種奪冠的 感覺至今都讓他難忘。 “You know the feeling, so now you want it again,” Kidd said. “When you have that feeling, there’s no better feeling.” “我太知道那種感覺了,所以拿過冠軍後,肯定還想再次有那樣的感覺,”基德說,“沒 有比那更好的感覺了。” He has spent a basketball life making teammates and teams better, and admired champions in other sports who play their game the way he plays his. 職業生涯,基德一直都在努力讓自己的隊友和球隊變得更好。同時,他也會藉鑑其他體育 成功人士對待比賽的方式。 “I would say [Derek] Jeter, as a baseball player, understanding the moment, understanding the situation — runners on, what if the ball’s hit somewhere? — being in the right place at the right time. That would be one guy. ... Tiger [Woods], if he’s in trouble, he can find a way to get out of it. ... Peyton Manning, understanding a situation, reading the defense, he sees it before it happens. ... Joe Montana was the quarterback that loved that stage of coming down and having the ball and making something happen.” “棒球巨星德里克-基特肯定會知道碰到球落點不佳時該如何處理,肯定會知道如何在正 確的時間處於正確的位置上。泰格-伍茲(著名高爾夫球手),如果他碰到麻煩,他肯定 能找到走出困境的辦法。佩頓-曼寧(NFL巨星),他懂得閱讀防守,提前預判。還有司職 四分衛的喬-蒙塔那(NFL巨星)。”基德說。 Kidd was asked if there is a trick in the trade he does not know. 那基德有沒有學到一些訣竅? “I hope not,” Kidd said and smiled. “That means I haven’t been paying attention. I think I pretty much know, or have seen everything.” 基德帶著微笑回答:“我希望沒有。因為有的話,意味著我沒有在比賽裡全神貫注。我 認為我只是比較能清楚和洞察場上的一切。” 2年前還在小牛隊時,基德就讓人充分感受到了他的“老奸巨猾”,那個時候,他正是讓 如今的尼克隊主帥武僧吃了大虧。當時,武僧的身份是老鷹隊主帥。2010年2月27日,小 牛隊客場挑戰老鷹隊(加時111-103擊敗老鷹)。最後一節還剩1分37秒時,小牛隊以95- 97落後2分。基德沿左路推進,武僧踩進場內指揮老鷹隊球員回防。基德見狀迅速沖了上 去,趁武僧躲閃不及撞到了武僧身上。發生身體接觸後, 武僧還和基德發生了一些爭執 。但因為武僧違規進入場內,所以裁判在觀看比賽回放後判罰武僧技術犯規。 最終,小 牛隊不僅追回比分,並且通過加時賽擊敗老鷹隊。 回顧:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kquAEihYS0M
He smiles when reminded of a game several years ago with the Mavericks when a Hawks coach named Mike Woodson was unsuspecting prey for Kidd’s savvy. “A play earlier I saw he was kind of far out on the court,” Kidd recalled. “Somebody took the ball out, and we were running it down the sideline, and he was standing on the floor, and I thought if I could just get a piece of him. ... I just clipped him, just brushed up against him while he was on the court while the ball is in play, so my thinking is a delay of game, or something where you have to free throw out of it. They called a ‘T,’ we got a free throw and then we got the ball back, and it kind of turned the whole game around for us to where we ended up winning.” 回憶起當時的場景時,基德微笑著表示:“我們當時正沿著邊線推進,他正好站在球場內 ,我當時的想法是如果他還繼續待在場內,比賽也還在繼續的話,我過去碰到他可以拖延 比賽時間或者是得到罰球。但之後裁判判罰了他技術犯規,我們得到了罰球並且還有球權 ,這也改變了整個比賽的走勢,最終我們在客場拿到勝利。” So Woodson knows as well as anyone what kind of coach on the court he has on his side. 不過,這次“不快”顯然已經成為過去。對基德而言,如今能和武僧一起合作非常開心。 “If I see something, he definitely gives me freedom to say things, and maybe run a play or two that I see how they’re playing it and I think we can get a good look,” Kidd said. “他給了我絕對的自由去發表自己的意見,也許還會讓我根據對方的表現來叫一兩個戰術 ,”基德說。 His first playoff game? 你的第一次季後賽? “Oh, I’ll never forget it,” Kidd said. “We were the eighth seed going against the No. 1 seed in Seattle, and Rex [Chapman] goes for 40-something and we steal Game 1.” “我絕對忘不了,”談到自己的首場季後賽時,基德說,“我們當時是第8名(1996- 97 賽季,基德效力於太陽隊),我們的對手是排名西部第1的超音速隊(雷霆隊前身,實際 上基德記錯了,當時他們排名第7,季後賽首輪對手是排名西部第2的超音速),雷克斯- 查普曼拿下了40多分(22投12中,三分球17投9中,12罰9中42分),我們在客場贏下了一 場比賽(106-101取勝)。” His most painful playoff moment? 你最痛苦的季後賽經驗是? “Oh, anytime the door closes on you, when you lose a series,” Kidd said. “喔,任何一次輸掉整個系列賽的時候。”基德說道。 His favorite Nets playoff memories? 那他昔日曾創造過輝煌的籃網隊,他最喜歡的季後賽時刻又是什麼時候? “That first series against Indiana, when Reggie [Miller] makes the shot to send it into overtime. ... That kind of made us grow up really quickly to understand what it took to win in a series and also to beat a good team. ... The run we had in Jersey when we won like eight or 10 in a row... The battle with Oklahoma City when I was with Dallas. ... Boston when we lost the 21-point lead up there, and then also the game we lost, another 20-point lead to Portland when I was with Dallas. Those two games we could have easily broke and folded tent, but we bounced back and won the next game.” “最喜歡和溜馬隊的首次系列賽。記得有一場比賽,雷吉-米勒投中關鍵球將比賽拖入了 加時(2001-02賽季季後賽首輪第5戰,籃網雙加時以120-109擊敗步行者隊,雷吉-米勒 先後兩次險些挽救溜馬隊。末節最後0.9秒,他命中三分球將比賽拖入加時。首個加時賽 最後3.1秒,他出手命中將比賽拖入第二個加時賽)那次經歷讓我們迅速成長,讓我們明 白了需要什麼才能贏下系列賽和成為強隊,”基德說。 Kidd was brought to the Knicks for the playoffs. Sleep on him at your own peril. 基德帶著尼克進入了季後賽。基德透露自己每天都會小憩一會,以此來更好地比賽。 “I love taking like a two-three hour nap every day,” Kidd said. “I’ve done it since I got in the league.” “我每天都會小睡兩三個小時,自我進入聯盟後我便這麼做。”基德說道。 When he speaks about the playoffs, the younger Knicks would be fools not to listen. 基德被問到他如何跟尼克年輕人說怎麼準備季後賽 “I told some guys just to have fun,” Kidd said, “and you have to stay focused, I mean, this is the only thing that matters right now.” “我告訴隊友們去享受比賽,在比賽裡保持專注,這是現在唯一至關重要的事情,”基德 說。 He was 48 days old when the Knicks won their last NBA championship. 而尼克隊上一次奪冠還是在1972-73賽季,當時,剛出生不久的基德只有48天大。 “I think the city’s excited, and hopefully it can come back to where it was when I was born (smile) where we can win a championship,” Kidd said. “我想當時紐約市肯定沸騰了,我希望我們能奪冠,能讓這座城市再次感受到昔日的興奮 ,”基德說。 How long does he want to play? 他還想打多久呢? “At some point my body will tell my mind,” Kidd said. “The problem is telling my mind that we’re going to have to do something different. ’Cause I always feel that I can be competitive no matter how old I am.” “也許到某個時刻我的身體會跟我說,”基德說道,“問題是我現在還是覺得我可以繼 續競爭,不管我的年紀如何。” How old does he feel? 他感覺現在幾歲? “I would say 32,” Kidd said. “我會說32歲,”當被問到覺得自己現在多大時,基德說。 You’ll be back here next year? 那下賽季,他還會繼續征戰嗎? “That’s the plan,” Kidd said. “我是這麼打算的,”基德說。 In your face, Father Time. 翻譯參考:http://sports.163.com/13/0424/00/8T6GVH4R00051CA1.html -- ─── [[ =" ∵ ◆]] ────────── ▊◢◤ \ Once a Knicks, ▊◤ ▊ ◥◣▊ ◢◤◥ ▊◢◤‵、 ◤◢ always a Knicks. ▊◥◣ ▊ ▊ ▊ ◥◣ ─-.╳ ▊ ◥▎▊ ◤▊ ◥◣ ▊◥◣ ◣◥◣ ρ\ `, ψsherry821224 ─── ◥ ◥ | ────────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/26 15:35, , 1F
04/26 15:35, 1F

04/26 17:11, , 2F
04/26 17:11, 2F

04/26 17:16, , 3F
04/26 17:16, 3F
jason791227:轉錄至看板 JasonKidd 04/26 17:16

04/26 17:19, , 4F
04/26 17:19, 4F

04/26 17:23, , 5F
04/26 17:23, 5F

04/26 22:56, , 6F
3年9百萬耶 這才是真正的超值阿QQ
04/26 22:56, 6F

04/27 00:54, , 7F
04/27 00:54, 7F

04/27 13:25, , 8F
04/27 13:25, 8F

04/27 13:25, , 9F
04/27 13:25, 9F

04/27 13:31, , 10F
老普可能在找他的古董車沒空 XDDD
04/27 13:31, 10F

04/27 15:31, , 11F
04/27 15:31, 11F

04/27 20:32, , 12F
標題下得很有趣說: 時光老人不是凍齡小孩(Kidd)的對手
04/27 20:32, 12F

04/27 20:33, , 13F
(Father Time是時光的擬人化,通常是禿頭長鬍拿沙漏的老人
04/27 20:33, 13F

04/27 20:36, , 14F
04/27 20:36, 14F

04/27 20:38, , 15F
謝b大 我一直想說這個要怎麼翻XDDD
04/27 20:38, 15F

04/27 20:51, , 16F
you're welcome :) 每次都轉好文章來謝謝分享
04/27 20:51, 16F

04/27 22:45, , 17F
04/27 22:45, 17F

04/28 14:13, , 18F
04/28 14:13, 18F

04/28 21:11, , 19F
04/28 21:11, 19F

04/29 21:45, , 20F
希望KIDD今年能再拿一冠 O__Q
04/29 21:45, 20F
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