Fw: [外電] Q&A with Iman Shumpert

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Q&A with Iman Shumpert http://ppt.cc/7JxP Die-heart Knicks fans relish the golden years of New York basketball. An era when both sides of the basketball were played with maximum effort and tenacity. Madison Square Garden would beckon from the rafters, a snare drum vibrating through the stands, with each fan on their feet chanting "DE-FENSE." 尼克的鐵桿球迷很享受紐約籃球的黃金時期,那時候籃球場上的攻守兩端都 有最努力和最堅韌的投入。麥迪遜花園的球迷從上到下都隨著鼓點,起立高 喊“防~守”。 Since the 90's era of Knickerbocker hoops, New Yorkers have craved for that tenacity to return to the hardwood. It was a long decade of let-downs, especially in regards to defense. That all changed when the Knicks got the steal of the 2011 NBA Draft, selecting Iman Shumpert from Georgia Tech University. 從90年代尼克籃球巔峰之後,紐約人急切的盼望著那個時代的堅韌能夠重返 賽場。尼克度過了漫長的低谷十年,尤其是防守。2011年的選秀之後,一切 都改變了,在那一年,尼克沙裡淘金,選到了來自佐治亞理工大學的伊曼— 香波特。 Grungy Gentleman chops it up with Iman Shumpert, who should be nicknamed 'the locksmith' for his shut-down defense, when his 'rook' nickname expires, after the jump... Grungy Gentleman最近坐下來和香波聊了聊。在被叫一年菜鳥之後,在那個 意外出現之後,香波的外號也許應該是鎖匠了—因為他出色的防守。 http://ppt.cc/2LNp Grungy Gentleman: Everybody called you 'rook' (rookie) this past season. Now that you are going into your sophomore season, what are your teammates going to call you? Grungy Gentleman:在過去的賽季裡,每個人都叫你菜鳥。現在你要成為二年 級生了,那你的隊友現在該怎麼叫你? Iman Shumpert: I’m still 'rook' until I play 82 games (a full season.) I missed some time last year. I am still going to keep going with it and rehabbing my leg all summer to get back on the court. It is going to be a little bit until I am back on the court, so I will keep probably be getting called 'rook' until the end of next year. Iman Shumpert:在打滿82場比賽(一個完整的賽季)之前,我都還是一年級的菜 鳥。我去年錯過了一些比賽。 我會在整個夏天都堅持復健我 的腿。 我返回賽場還需要一點時間,所以我在明年結束之前 依然都還會被叫一年級菜鳥。 http://ppt.cc/xhQN GG: We have not seen a Knickerbocker be embraced as a rookie like this in quite some time. Can you talk about how the city has embraced you and what advice you have for players filling the roster this season? GG: 我們很長時間沒看到一年級的菜鳥尼克球員這麼受歡迎了。你能談談這個 城市對你如何以及你對今年新加入尼克的球員的建議嗎? IS: I would say play hard. That is what New York responds to. Just from watching the fan base and history of the team, I have noticed that is what New Yorkers gravitate to. So naturally I went with that philosophy. Especially when all else fails, just play hard. They recognize real. IS: 我會說努力打球,紐約總會注意到努力的人。看看紐約粉絲群和這支隊伍 的歷史,我就意識到紐約人的喜好。所以,自然而然的,我就順應了這種 哲學。尤其是當別的什麼其它的都行不通的時候,就埋頭努力打球。紐約 人最看實際表現了。 http://ppt.cc/BEyH GG: You just mentioned playing hard. And you have developed a reputations as a lockdown defender. Where did you learn your defense from? GG: 你剛才說努力打球。而且你有鐵閘防守的美譽。你從哪裡學到的防守? IS: I don’t really think I really learned it actually. IS: 我其實不覺得我真正學到了防守的精髓。 GG: Did Georgia Tech help? GG: 在佐治亞理工的經歷有幫助嗎? IS: Nah, I just always played defense. Like some people -- I don’t know. Where I’m from, you can’t grow up just wanting to play offense. You know what I mean? You gotta' play both sides of the ball and I just naturally picked it up I guess. IS: 恩,我只是經常防守而已。就像一些人一樣,我也不知道。我從哪兒學到 的防守,反正你也不可能從小就只想防守。你知道我的意思嗎?你必須要 攻守兩端都能行,我想,我只是自然而然的學會了一點而已。 http://ppt.cc/RFp9 GG: We hear that you have a relationship with Lord & Taylor and Steiner Sports? GG: 我們聽說你和Lord & Taylor還有Steiner Sports都有關係? IS: I did a grand opening event with them and a signing. Hopefully the event today, will go as smooth as last time. It was a memorable experience. They are all very easy to work with. Good people. IS: 我參加了他們的一個開業典禮並且簽名。希望今天的活動能夠和上次一樣 順利。上次的活動給我留下了美好的回憶。他們(工作人員)都很好相處 。都是不錯的人。 http://ppt.cc/MQP0 阿罵&香波 GG: Are you involved in any charity work yet? GG: 你還有參加什麼慈善活動嗎? IS: I am doing a camp for special education children in high school. After my nephew was diagnosed with a mild case of autism, I decided to explore that area of expertise. I just want to help those kids. When I worked with them in the past, it was such a rewarding experience. They are all so strong. IS: 我正在中學為需要特殊教育的孩子舉行一個訓練營。在我的侄子被診斷出 輕微自閉症之後,我就決定尋求那個領域專家的意見。我想幫助那些(患 有自閉症的)孩子們。當我和他們一起訓練時,感覺真的很棒。他們都很 堅強。 http://ppt.cc/jyiI GG: Your teammates, Amare Stoudemire, Carmelo Anthony, and Tyson Chandler are all pretty dapper gentleman. Has that rubbed off on you at all? GG: 你的隊友,阿罵,甜瓜和拳王都很會穿著打扮。這會影響你嗎? IS: Naw I got my own thing. I do my own thing, but I mean of course they teach me how to conduct myself at all times. That is one thing that has rubbed off on me for sure. They really teach me how to conduct myself in all arenas of life. They have stressed being on time and even be early for stuff. Little things like that help. You follow suit when the veterans are leading by example. IS: 不會。我有自己的風格。我就做自己,但是當然他們總是教我如何做我自 己。這一件事他們絕對是影響我的。他們真正在生活的各個方面教我。他 們總是強調要按時甚至早點為事情做準備。類似的小事總是對我很有幫助 。當老將們以身作則的時候,我們有樣學樣就好了。 http://ppt.cc/WUWh GG: Who has been instrumental in helping you with practice last season? GG: 上個賽季誰對你的訓練最有幫助? IS: All those guys. Everyone of those veterans from last year. We had a lot of veterans, from the ones you just mentioned to Mike Bibby and Baron Davis. Steve Novak and J.R. Smith would show me things and give me pointers. Everybody gave me advice all the time in practice and in game situations. IS: 所有人.去年的所有老將們。我們隊裡有很多老將,你剛才提到的那些人, 還有BB和BD, Novak和JR,都給我做示範並且告訴我其中的要點。在 訓練和比賽中,每個人都給了我很多建議。 http://ppt.cc/nRAG GG: What can we expect next from you and the Knicks next season? GG: 我們對下賽季的你和尼克能有什麼樣的期待? IS: You can expect me to walk next season (smirk.) I am walking gingerly right now and working hard at rehabbing. Next season, we will have a year under our belt playing together as a unit. We’re looking to go a lot further than we did this year. We will benefit from having a full training camp together. It will allow us to be a lot more established, so…we’ll be alright. I ain't worried. IS: 你可以指望我下個賽季能走路(鬼笑...)我現在走路都很小心翼翼,並 且積極地做康復。下個賽季,我們會有一整年做為一個整體打球。我們希望 我們明年能比今年走遠很多。一個完整的訓練營將會使我們受益良多,會讓 我們能夠演練更多戰術,總之,我們會很不錯。我一點也不擔心。 http://ppt.cc/goL2 外電來源:http://www.grungygentleman.com/2012/07/q-with-iman-shumpert.html 翻譯來源:http://bbs.hupu.com/4010243.html -- = ̄ ̄╲ 美國今年拿牌!! [[ ╗. -─ ╴╴]] = = Ω ψsherry821224 = = >●\● ∥  ̄◣ ◢ ̄ ̄◣  ̄◣ = = 15>∥──  ̄◣ = = /| ∥ ◥_◢= =__╱ (( ◥__◤ ╲_◢= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (07/20 10:03)

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