Fw: [外電] 阿瓜回顧今年季後賽

看板Knicks作者 (oo)時間12年前 (2012/06/26 17:56), 編輯推噓21(21063)
留言84則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
之前我在別板翻譯的,看到很多人誤會瓜不想奪冠,所以轉錄過來。 很明顯瓜瓜想奪冠,但一定要不惜任何代價才能滿足那些評論者嗎? 那瓜也降薪轉隊去熱火或雷霆就好了啊... 我覺得尼克目前的方向是對的,今年大家打得很好, 把人簽回來再好好打拼下一季。 一樣指上猶虛的NASH也是真男人: "你加盟邁阿密拿了冠軍,但誰會在意勒? 他們沒你也拿冠軍,所以你會想去能擊敗他的球隊。" 幾乎每個球員都渴望冠軍, 但對得到冠軍的方式每個球員有所取捨、有所堅持。 ----------------------- Too 'hard' for Knicks' Anthony to watch playoff Sourcd: New York Post Author: By FRED KERBER Date : June 5, 2012 Link : http://tinyurl.com/7ddkbew Carmelo Anthony will recruit for the Knicks if needed and if the brass asks. He’ll work out, hone his game in preparation for a training camp that will have coach Mike Woodson from the start. He’ll plot out an Olympic summer. But there’s one thing the Knicks forward doesn’t want to do. 如果需要的話,瓜將為尼克隊出面當說客。 在武僧的執教下,瓜將要進入訓練營開始從頭接受訓練。今年夏天他也將參加奧運。 但對這位尼克隊小前鋒而言,有件事他並不想做。 Watch the playoffs. 那就是觀看季後賽 “It’s kind of hard for me to watch at this point,” Anthony admitted yesterday during a break in an appearance with Allan Houston for Jeep and USA Basketball in Manhattan’s Flatiron District. “I watch my friends, watch my guys play. It’s hard for me to watch, though. From what I’m hearing, from what I’m seeing so far, it’s a good playoffs, though.” 「在這時候看季後賽對我來說很困難,」昨天在活動休息時間,阿瓜向媒體承認。 「我看著我的朋友們正在打球。這對我來說仍然很困難。雖然目前就我所見所聞, 這是個很好的季後賽。」 Yup, been on TV, in all the papers. Anthony and the Knicks, of course, were bounced in the first round by the Heat. Now Anthony wants to get back and advance. He sidestepped addressing what exactly the Knicks need to get there, and focused more on what they have and have built. 是的,在電視上,在所有的報紙上。瓜和尼克隊在第一輪被熱火隊淘汰出局。 現在瓜想要回來,並且繼續往前進。他避開了一些關於尼克隊的敏感問題, 聚焦在目前他們所擁有且建立的。 “That’s why I’m not the GM. I can’t really pinpoint one thing,” Anthony said at the outdoor event, staged with fans shooting free throws in wind and drizzle. “Where we started at and what we’ve created with myself, Amar’e [Stoudemire] and Tyson [Chandler], we want to build around that. We want to sign the guys back that we’re supposed to sign back.” 「這就是為什麼我不是GM的原因。我不能真的針對某一件事。」瓜在戶外 活動舞台上與粉絲投籃,當時有風且下著毛毛雨。「我們從什麼地方開始, 我們在我自己、阿罵與拳王創造了什麼,我們想要圍繞那個來建立。我們 想要把那些人簽回來。」 The Knicks have an important date next week — June 13. That’s the arbitration hearing for the Players Association challenge of a Bird rights interpretation. On behalf of several players, including Knicks Jeremy Lin and Steve Novak, the union contends Bird rights are transferred through waiver situation, not just trades. Should the union prevail, the Knicks could use their mid-level exception on another free agent. 對尼克隊很重要的日子六月13日就在下星期。那天球員聯盟將仲裁鳥權解釋。 一些球員包括尼克隊Lin和Novak都將受到影響。如果聯盟同意擴大解釋,尼克 隊可以使用他們的中產條例去簽其他的自由球員。 “Whether they take the contract, or we pass, or whether they go to the court and it gets [upheld] or whatever, we just want to sign the guys back and then go from there and see what other pieces we need,” Anthony said. 「不管他們是否接受合約,或是我們通過,也不管他們是否開庭,這都是無法控制的。 我們只是想把這些人簽回來,然後從那裡看看我們還需要哪些拼圖。」 And if there is a particular piece that needs a nudge, Anthony will gladly oblige and act like a recruiter. 如果有需要,瓜很樂意出面當說客。 “When I have to,” he said. “When the front office asks me to call somebody, I’ll give them a shout. If I feel that somebody can help us, I’ll give him a shout.” 「如果需要,GM要求我打電話給某人,我會向他們喊話。如果我覺得某個人可以 幫助我們,我也會向他喊話。」 Next up for Anthony are the Olympics which will “ease the pain” of losing in the playoffs after an arduous season. And then it’s a full camp under Woodson and “that’s big” because the Knicks will have a core group familiar with the coach’s style. 瓜接下來要參加奧運,在經歷過掙扎的這一季,可以舒緩季後賽輸球的痛苦。 然後就是在武僧的執教下接受完整的訓練營,這非常重要,因為尼克隊的核心 成員將可以熟悉教練的風格。 “I look forward to [the Olympics because] it takes away time that I can sit home and keep reflecting on the past season,” Anthony said. “I don’t want to think about that. I’m trying to move on from that, trying to get better for next season. The Olympics, it will ease my pain a little bit.” 「我很期待這次的奧運,因為它讓我遠離了只能呆坐在家裡、不斷反省這一季。」 「我不想去想它。我試著撇開這件事繼續,希望讓下一季變得更好。奧運可以讓  我的痛苦減輕一些。」 Anthony said the highlight of the past season was “the way that we just persevered. It’s been a long season, but a short season at the same time. A long off-season with the lockout.” 瓜評論剛過去的這一季說過:「我們所堅持的方式。這是個漫長的球季,但同時也很短。 伴隨著漫長的休館。」 “For us to just have to deal with everything that we’ve dealt with, and the coaching change, and the players coming, injuries, just everything that came along. For us to end the season on a good note, going into the playoffs. We want to build off that.” 「我們只是試著去處理任何已經發生的事情,更換教練、傷兵、每件事接踵而來。 對我們而言,以很好的註解結束了這一季--進入了季後賽。我們希望能在原有的 基礎上建立新的東西。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)

06/26 19:16, , 1F
推翻譯 推Melo
06/26 19:16, 1F

06/26 19:36, , 2F
06/26 19:36, 2F
※ 編輯: osape 來自: (06/26 19:49)

06/26 20:30, , 3F
06/26 20:30, 3F

06/26 21:06, , 4F
06/26 21:06, 4F

06/26 21:07, , 5F
06/26 21:07, 5F

06/26 21:07, , 6F
06/26 21:07, 6F

06/26 21:17, , 7F
06/26 21:17, 7F

06/26 21:18, , 8F
06/26 21:18, 8F

06/26 21:19, , 9F
06/26 21:19, 9F

06/26 21:19, , 10F
每個球員對追求勝利有不同方式和態度 有些人專注於自己
06/26 21:19, 10F

06/26 21:19, , 11F
06/26 21:19, 11F

06/26 21:20, , 12F
追求的目標,有些人享受打球的樂趣 對他們來說所謂的成功
06/26 21:20, 12F

06/26 21:21, , 13F
不同 沒什麼一定的 反正就試著去欣賞和接納:)
06/26 21:21, 13F

06/26 21:22, , 14F
恩恩 大家都有各自的喜好,沒一定的對錯啦,支持自己所喜歡的
06/26 21:22, 14F

06/26 21:23, , 15F
06/26 21:23, 15F

06/26 21:25, , 16F
季後賽門票到手前,記得瓜說過I'll get the team to play-
06/26 21:25, 16F

06/26 21:25, , 17F
offs 當時就覺得他的決心和擔當都很強
06/26 21:25, 17F

06/26 21:26, , 18F
季後賽對瓜不難 他不是年年都有季後賽的紀錄嗎?
06/26 21:26, 18F

06/26 21:27, , 19F
06/26 21:27, 19F

06/26 21:31, , 20F
可能是因為今年的季後賽前 一度和公鹿難分難捨
06/26 21:31, 20F

06/26 21:34, , 21F
希望甜瓜下一季能豪氣的說I'll get the team to ECF
06/26 21:34, 21F

06/26 21:48, , 22F
06/26 21:48, 22F

06/26 21:48, , 23F
06/26 21:48, 23F

06/26 21:49, , 24F
06/26 21:49, 24F

06/26 21:49, , 25F
多遠吧...。 每個人都說"要拿總冠軍不是只靠melo單打就
06/26 21:49, 25F

06/26 21:49, , 26F
可以的" 但有沒有反過來想,其他隊友也都要有貢獻啊
06/26 21:49, 26F

06/26 21:50, , 27F
我的意思不是說怪隊友(怕有心人士斷章取義) 而是就像瓜
06/26 21:50, 27F

06/26 21:51, , 28F
講的,這是個TEAM 所有人是環環相扣的
06/26 21:51, 28F

06/26 21:54, , 29F
推H大 而且我也想說傷兵累累的尼克,輸給合體後的熱火三巨
06/26 21:54, 29F

06/26 21:55, , 30F
06/26 21:55, 30F

06/26 21:56, , 31F
頭(且當時他們都還沒受傷) 所以這應該不是件丟臉的事吧,一
06/26 21:56, 31F

06/26 21:56, , 32F
瓜能力真的很強啊 期待才會大
06/26 21:56, 32F

06/26 21:56, , 33F
06/26 21:56, 33F

06/26 21:57, , 34F
這幾年也應該是他的顛峰期了吧 拼一拼
06/26 21:57, 34F

06/26 21:58, , 35F
看他輸給他的好朋友他都快哭了... >"<
06/26 21:58, 35F

06/26 21:59, , 36F
06/26 21:59, 36F

06/26 22:00, , 37F
06/26 22:00, 37F

06/26 22:01, , 38F
1打3真的太犯規 瓜盡力了 其他人要挺身而出
06/26 22:01, 38F

06/26 22:08, , 39F
06/26 22:08, 39F

06/26 22:14, , 40F
不用太陽時期 有去年上半季的水準就夠了
06/26 22:14, 40F

06/26 22:16, , 41F
06/26 22:16, 41F

06/26 22:19, , 42F
06/26 22:19, 42F

06/26 22:32, , 43F
06/26 22:32, 43F

06/26 23:40, , 44F
衝擊冠軍至少要有兩三個穩定得分點吧 只有melo當然不足
06/26 23:40, 44F

06/26 23:41, , 45F
得分手外 還要起碼有兩三個能打的外線or替補
06/26 23:41, 45F

06/26 23:42, , 46F
Amare回神 也還少一個 看lin對熱火被守成這樣 還有待檢驗
06/26 23:42, 46F

06/26 23:44, , 47F
06/26 23:44, 47F

06/26 23:45, , 48F
06/26 23:45, 48F

06/26 23:47, , 49F
雷霆比較微妙一點 感覺上 打過西冠的經驗≠冠軍賽抗壓
06/26 23:47, 49F

06/26 23:48, , 50F
他們打馬刺顯然在體力上佔了大便宜 對到體力優勢五五波的
06/26 23:48, 50F

06/26 23:49, , 51F
熱火 專注力變得一刻不能鬆懈
06/26 23:49, 51F

06/26 23:50, , 52F
06/26 23:50, 52F

06/26 23:53, , 53F
06/26 23:53, 53F

06/26 23:54, , 54F
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06/26 23:56, , 55F
06/26 23:56, 55F

06/26 23:57, , 56F
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06/26 23:58, , 57F
06/26 23:58, 57F

06/26 23:59, , 58F
06/26 23:59, 58F

06/27 00:00, , 59F
別再提老七老八的問題了好嗎= =
06/27 00:00, 59F

06/27 00:00, , 60F
沒辦法他們的個性就是這樣 XD 也是我欣賞的原因XD
06/27 00:00, 60F

06/27 00:00, , 61F
06/27 00:00, 61F

06/27 00:06, , 62F
06/27 00:06, 62F

06/27 00:07, , 63F
06/27 00:07, 63F

06/27 00:08, , 64F
06/27 00:08, 64F

06/27 00:09, , 65F
06/27 00:09, 65F

06/27 00:11, , 66F
06/27 00:11, 66F

06/27 00:12, , 67F
Novak需要有人給予他空檔 LF外線整個冏掉...
06/27 00:12, 67F

06/27 00:15, , 68F
06/27 00:15, 68F

06/27 00:17, , 69F
06/27 00:17, 69F

06/27 00:19, , 70F
這該是尼克最大本錢...香坡 拳王 melo JJ都不差...
06/27 00:19, 70F

06/27 00:19, , 71F
06/27 00:19, 71F

06/27 00:20, , 72F
06/27 00:20, 72F

06/27 00:21, , 73F
06/27 00:21, 73F

06/27 00:22, , 74F
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06/27 00:23, , 75F
他也很無辜XD 不傳給我怪我勒...=3=
06/27 00:23, 75F

06/27 00:24, , 76F
06/27 00:24, 76F

06/27 00:25, , 77F
06/27 00:25, 77F

06/27 00:26, , 78F
傳的進去 破解包夾 戰術自然就出來了...
06/27 00:26, 78F

06/27 00:29, , 79F
06/27 00:29, 79F

06/27 00:30, , 80F
剛看到快艇的Randy Foye想來????
06/27 00:30, 80F

06/27 00:32, , 81F
06/27 00:32, 81F

06/27 00:42, , 82F
06/27 00:42, 82F

06/27 18:17, , 83F
06/27 18:17, 83F

06/27 18:31, , 84F
這..大家都知道就好...XD 所以尼克那一勝在我看和雷霆是不同
06/27 18:31, 84F
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