[外電] Allan Houston對尼火之戰的看法

看板Knicks作者 (lest83)時間12年前 (2012/04/28 17:59), 編輯推噓15(1507)
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Houston: Knicks have potential to beat Heat 尼克有機會可以擊敗熱火 http://ppt.cc/phKK MIAMI — Knicks assistant general manager Allan Houston is the expert on surviving a shortened, lockout schedule, turmoil, a bad seed, facing a tough Miami team in the first round, posting the upset and then getting within three wins of a championship. 尼克的助理教練Allan Houston是位曾經在縮水賽季中老八熱火成功的人 Knicks interim coach Mike Woodson, in fact, asked Houston and recent front-office hire Larry Johnson, also part of the 1999 Finals team, to speak to the club this week for inspiration on what could still be. Houston's magical series-winning runner off the rim and glass knocked No. 1 seed Miami out 13 years ago in Round 1. 武僧要求Allan Houston跟Larry Johnson說說如何老八成功的經驗 That club also fought through tumult, including then-coach Jeff Van Gundy nearly getting fired and Latrell Sprewell's and Marcus Camby's awkward additions to the club. 老八成功那年當時的教練Jeff Van Gundy 也在面臨被開除的危機 巧的是當時也有請禪師執教的呼聲 “It was just how much we had to fight to get to that point,'' Houston said of 1999.“These guys have done the same thing.They fought. They've gone through a lot to get to this point. They've gone though a lot of ups and downs. They remained a team.Nobody made excuses. In that way, it's very similar. Allan Houston說:"在1999年 就只是我們必須努力的去拼取那些分數" 現在那些傢伙他們做了同樣的事 他們去戰鬥 他們經歷了很多才得到現在 他們經歷了許多的大起大落 但他們現在仍然是個團隊 沒有任何人有藉口 在這點上 跟當時(1999年)是蠻相似的" Houston said his talk was “mostly about them and the potential they had.’’ Houston的談話主要都關於尼克的潛力 (重點來囉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Houston has worked with Landry Fields on his shot and has been very hands-on in recent weeks, traveling with the club and sitting behind the bench. Houston最近這幾個禮拜一直致力於幫助FIELDS的投籃 “Last year [Fields] was playing with confidence, he has impact on game in so many ways outside of just shooting,’’ Houston said. Houston說:"去年FIELDS打球很有信心 他可以靠許多方式去影響比賽 除了最近的投籃" 至於尼火之戰 防守生化人WADE的人選 “I'm used to it, knowing he's from Chicago, his style of play,'' Shumpert said.“I'm used to playing against that.I grew up playing against it. I feel there is a Chicago style.I can't explain it to you but I know you can tell where everybody's from just from their crossovers.'' 香波說:"我已經習慣了 我知道他(WADE)來自芝加哥 他的打球風格就是那樣 我習慣去對抗那種風格 我成長在對抗那種風格的地方(PS.香波也是芝加哥人) 我感覺得到那就是芝加哥的風格 我沒辦法跟你解釋何謂芝加哥風格 但我知道你可以說大家都是那樣的靠他們的crossover" (OS:到底甚麼是芝加哥風格阿囧) Sources say Carmelo Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire have grown closer because of all the talk they can’t play together. 有消息指出阿罵跟MELO正在培養感情中(>///<) 因為大家都說他們不能在一起 “Before when we used to hear it, we tried not to pay attention to it,'' Anthony said. “The more we started hearing it, the more we started getting closer and talking about it.'' Anthony said he also wants to make sure Stoudemire is ready to assume a larger role after playing just four games in his comeback from a bulging disk that forced him to miss 13 straight games. “It's something me and Amar'e, we talked about it,'' Anthony said. “I asked him how he felt out there as far as comfortable on the court being only a few games back and he said he' ready to go. At same time we have to be on the same page and lead this team where we want it to go.” 瓜瓜說:"在我們聽見那個之前 我們試著不去關注那件事 當我們開始聽到那件事後 我們開始越來越"親密"並且討論他" 瓜瓜說他想要確定阿罵已經準備好承擔更大的責任跟效用 在他受傷歸隊4場之後 在那之前他錯過了13場比賽 瓜瓜說:"這就是我跟阿罵在討論的事 我問他現在感覺如何 只靠著傷後歸隊的 那僅僅4場 但他(阿罵)說他已經準備好了!!!! 在現在這個時間 我們必須一起領導這個球隊走向我們想去的道路 並且一起寫下新的紀錄!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let's go Knicks!!!! Beat The Heat!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (04/28 18:01)

04/28 18:02, , 1F
瓜瓜阿罵加油!!!! 你們可以的,期待你們證明你們沒問題!!!!
04/28 18:02, 1F

04/28 18:03, , 2F
Let's go Knicks!!!! Beat The Heat!!!!
04/28 18:03, 2F

04/28 18:06, , 3F
推Allan Houston!!!!!謝謝原PO
04/28 18:06, 3F

04/28 18:11, , 4F
阿罵是這次對決的關鍵 加油!!
04/28 18:11, 4F

04/28 18:28, , 5F
04/28 18:28, 5F

04/28 18:30, , 6F
翻助理教練有點怪怪 他的官職還蠻大的..
04/28 18:30, 6F

04/28 18:34, , 7F
也來一張瓜罵的 http://ppt.cc/Bgm0
04/28 18:34, 7F

04/28 18:35, , 8F
04/28 18:35, 8F

04/28 18:48, , 9F
有助理教練加持 我們贏定了拉!!
04/28 18:48, 9F

04/28 18:51, , 10F
剛看到球衣號碼,就突然想偷渡一下XD http://ppt.cc/Ng-h
04/28 18:51, 10F

04/28 18:52, , 11F
尼克加油!! 吸取前人經驗努力奮鬥吧!!
04/28 18:52, 11F

04/28 19:10, , 12F
助理GM 被降級了
04/28 19:10, 12F

04/28 19:29, , 13F
04/28 19:29, 13F

04/28 19:49, , 14F
中間那張滿有趣的 7 17 1 尼克加油(緊張中)
04/28 19:49, 14F

04/28 19:51, , 15F
瓜有調侃老友的意味 頭帶戴這樣高
04/28 19:51, 15F

04/28 19:53, , 16F
04/28 19:53, 16F

04/28 20:04, , 17F
咦? 你們說的老友是指以那張的瓜右下45度角的那位嗎?XD
04/28 20:04, 17F

04/28 20:19, , 18F
04/28 20:19, 18F

04/28 20:26, , 19F
04/28 20:26, 19F

04/28 20:27, , 20F
04/28 20:27, 20F

04/28 20:34, , 21F
樓上XDDDDDDDDD 所以這是那位都不太理會melo的原因嗎?XD
04/28 20:34, 21F

04/28 23:00, , 22F
阿瓜左上那張也太可愛了點XD 有諷刺某人的意味XDD
04/28 23:00, 22F
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