[外電] 魔術肥皂劇讓尼克勝利相形失色

看板Knicks作者 (校稿很麻煩,想梗更痛苦)時間12年前 (2012/04/07 09:31), 編輯推噓27(27016)
留言43則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源: 還是 Nytimes http://tinyurl.com/dyebue7 Magic’s Drama Eclipses Knicks’ Win By HOWARD BECK ORLANDO, Fla. — A disorienting wave of dissension and acrimony washed over an N.B.A. franchise on Thursday, pitting coach against superstar, in a spectacle that threatened to ruin their season. The Knicks were nearby, but for once, happily, they were not the source of the mayhem. 星期四,某位NBA 的超級巨星在這波充滿著糾紛跟齟齷的浪潮下迷失了方向 教練跟巨星心中留下瘡疤。這也同時可能讓對他們毀掉整個球季。尼克隊 也曾經接近這個狀態,幸好只有一次,真高興,這次他們不是亂流的來源。 All the drama came from the Orlando Magic, whose superstar, Dwight Howard, is said to want his coach, Stan Van Gundy, fired. The source of this information was Van Gundy himself, who made that revelation in a jaw-dropping display of candor at the morning shootaround, then coached the team in the evening despite it all. 這一切的多拉馬都來自奧蘭多魔術隊的巨星魔獸,他被人說他希望他的教練 大范被開除,這個駭人聽聞的消息居然還是大范自己今天在投籃練習時爆料的, 儘管如此他今天晚上還是繼續帶著這支球隊。 Against that bizarre backdrop, the Knicks rolled to a 96-80 rout that only added to the Magic’s woes. Orlando (32-23) has lost five straight games, a streak that began with a 22-point loss at Madison Square Garden last week, when Howard was seen laughing on the bench. 面對這個詭異的情況,尼克以 96-80 痛宰了魔術,順便讓他們的煩惱再多一條。 當忠誠獸在板凳科科笑的時候,魔術吃下五連敗,從上週在 MSG 輸掉 22 分開始。 The Knicks, who have had their share of dissension and woe, were happy to capitalize on Orlando’s dysfunction. 曾經有過(類似)將帥不合苦惱的尼克隊,趁著魔術隊故障時,趁你病要你病, 順利拿下這場。 “Absolutely, you can see it,” Carmelo Anthony said of the Magic. “You still have guys that are going out there playing hard, trying to win the basketball game. But at the end of the day, when there’s a lot of stuff like that that’s surrounding a team off the court, it can be very distracting.” 甜瓜表示:「很明顯的,你也看的出來」「你仍然有許多認真的球員努力打球, 試圖贏得比賽,但是在今天過後,這些流言斐語會繞著整個球隊,整個場上,這 真的會令人分心」 Anthony had 19 points and 8 rebounds in just three quarters. J. R. Smith had 15 points and 9 assists in his best all-around game as a Knick — a performance that came just two nights after his flagrant foul and ensuing ejection drew criticism from Coach Mike Woodson. 瓜瓜只打了三節就拿下 19 分 8 板,丁尺 15 分 9 助,這應該是他加入尼克最 全方位的一場球了,就在二天前他被吹惡性犯規又被趕出場,同時還被武僧念了 一下。 “I’m going to keep pushing him to do the right thing,” Woodson said, “as well as everybody that’s on this team, and hopefully the results will be wins.” 武僧說「我試讓督促他去做正確的事」「同時我也督促隊上每一個人,然後 希望結果能贏球」 Anthony and Smith staked the Knicks to an early double-digit lead and then handed off the scoring load to Landry Fields (10 points), Tyson Chandler (12 points) and a resurgent Toney Douglas (15 points), as the Knicks bounced back from a deflating loss in Indiana. 瓜瓜跟丁尺早早打下二位數領先的本錢,然後由 lf (10)分,拳王(12分)跟 TD (15 分) 接棒,幫助尼克隊在上一場輸給溜馬隊中反彈回來。 Howard, meanwhile, gave the sort of performance that can get a coach fired. He went scoreless in the first half, was booed sporadically and finished the game with 8 points and 8 rebounds — statistics that hardly befit the league’s premier center. 然而魔獸,打出足以讓教練被開除的成績。他上半場一分半得,在全 場噓聲下只拿下 8 分 8 籃板,這樣的數據真是愧對聯盟第一中鋒之名。 Afterward, Van Gundy played down the days’ events, saying that he, Howard and Otis Smith, the Magic general manager, had met and agreed to move forward. Van Gundy’s dismissal seems inevitable, but it will apparently wait until after the season. 稍後,大范輕描淡寫地說,他跟忠誠獸還有總管 Otis Smith 開會並同意 繼續走下去。看起來大范走定了,但是似乎要等到這球季結束。 In the moments after the final buzzer, Anthony sought out Howard and offered some words of support. Anthony can relate. His tense relationship with Mike D’Antoni prompted D’Antoni to resign last month. 在終場槍響後,瓜瓜找到霍華並給他一些支持。他能對這情形產生共鳴,他 跟冷笑話緊張的關係最終還是讓冷笑話在上個月辭職。 (按:瓜:獸,我懂~) “I just told him keep his head up, man, just play basketball,” Anthony said. “Keep having fun with it. And whatever’s going to happen is going to happen. Everything will fall into place in due time. But right now just focus on his team and just focus on the playoffs and see what happens.” 瓜瓜:「我只有告訴他抬起頭來,打你的球」「持續保有樂趣,不管將發生什麼 或是已發生什麼,在適當的時候一切都將水到渠成。現在最重要的就是專注在 球隊上跟季後賽」 The loss dropped Orlando into a tie with the Atlanta Hawks for sixth place in the Eastern Conference. The Knicks (28-27) pushed over .500 again, taking a one-and-a-half-game lead over Milwaukee for the eighth and final playoff spot. 輸掉這場球,魔術排名掉到東區第六,跟老鷹並列。尼克則超過五成勝率, 老八爭奪戰中領先公鹿一場半。 Orlando was missing Ryan Anderson, its sharpshooting forward, and lost Hedo Turkoglu in the first half after his face was left bloodied by an inadvertent elbow from Anthony. Then there was Howard, who was present but hardly the Superman that he portrays himself to be. 魔術前鋒 R.Anderson 沒出賽,同時上半場 Turkoglu 因為吃到瓜瓜一記 拐子也退場。接下來是霍華,他雖然有出場,但表現跟他自稱的超人怎麼也 溝不上邊。 Chandler has won the battle with Howard every time they have played this season, so the Knicks’ defense surely deserved as much credit as any internal issues consuming the Magic. “I thought my teammates did an excellent job of taking him out of a rhythm and allowing me to play individual defense,” Chandler said. 老錢在本季對抗霍華的每一次都佔上風,同時今天尼克的防守不應該被魔術的 家務事搶去風頭,老錢說:「我認為隊友們表現的超棒,讓DH失去節奏然後我 才可以單防住他」 Reports of Howard demanding Van Gundy’s ouster had been circulating for months. Van Gundy dispensed with all pretense at the morning shootaround, when he confirmed a local television report indicating that Howard had told the team he would sign a long-term extension only if the coach were dismissed. 有報導指出魔獸試圖趕走大范有一段時間了,有家地方電視台報導說:魔獸 告訴球隊只有把教練開除他才願意簽長約。當大范確認這消息是真的之後, 在今天投籃練習時他豁出去,把一切講開。 “I know he has,” Van Gundy said. Asked how he knew, Van Gundy said: “I was told it was true by people in our management. So, you know, right from the top.” 大范說:「我知道他這樣做」被問到如何知道的,大范說「我們管理階層的人 跟我講的,你知道的,就是高層高層高高層。」 It was an extraordinary disclosure, which led to a surreal and awkward scene when Howard appeared moments later and denied that he had ever made the demand. Van Gundy was still talking when Howard, smiling, walked through the news media scrum, put his arm around his coach’s shoulders and said, “Yeah, Stan, we’re not worried about that, right?” 這真是太勁爆了,這也讓魔獸稍後否認他有過這企圖的場面看起來十分詭異 又尷尬。當大范還在跟媒體講話時,魔獸經過,微笑著,把他的手抱著大范 的肩膀說「吔,屎蛋,我們不會擔心這個的,對嗎?」 Van Gundy, looking fidgety and uncomfortable, soon extracted himself from the group, leaving Howard to address the reports — apparently unaware that Van Gundy had just confirmed them. 大范,看起顯得坐立不安而且感到不舒適,很快就閃人了,留下魔獸一個人 面對媒體,魔獸顯然不知道大范早就爆料了。 “You don’t have no real evidence, then don’t bring it up,” Howard said. “It’s a rumor.” 魔獸說「你沒證據說別亂說話」「都是謠言啦」 Told repeatedly that Van Gundy had confirmed the reports, Howard finally said, “The only thing that I just said and matters right now is that me and Stan are on the same page and that everybody else on the team buys in to what we have to do to win.” 被不斷告知大范剛剛已經確認之後,魔獸終於說「現在我唯一可以講就是 我跟史蛋是有共識的,而且我們隊上每個人認同,我們想做的只有贏球」 Howard added, “We have to stay together.” 他補充一句「我們必需要團起一起」 It may be too late for that. 可能為時已晚 REBOUNDS The Knicks have clarified that Amar’e Stoudemire’s recovery schedule — listed as two to four weeks — began from the day he received an epidural shot, not from the day the team first announced he had a bulging disk. That means his earliest possible return would be April 12, and perhaps as late as April 26, the last day of the regular season. ... Derrick Rose, the Chicago Bulls’ star point guard, said he plans to return for Sunday’s game against the Knicks, after missing 12 straight games because of a groin injury. ... Mike Woodson has been urging J. R. Smith to be more professional, on and off the court, a directive that includes his attire. “I want his shorts pulled up,” Woodson said. “I want him to look presentable, be a professional. That’s what it’s all about.” 尼克澄清阿罵的復原行程,2-4週,從接受注射那天開始算,不是從球隊宣布 那天。這代表他最快的歸日是4月12日,而且可能最遲到 4月26日,剛好是正 規賽結束那天。 公牛隊的 Rose , 因為腹股溝傷勢缺席了 12 場球之後,他說 他會在星期天對尼克時復出。武僧敦促丁尺無論場上場下,包含服裝都要更專業。 「我要他把短褲拉起來」「我希望他看起來像樣一點,專業一點」 (按:真像個老爹,不是很常在職業教練上看到這樣,不過球員買不買帳又是一回 事,幸好丁尺看起來很 buy in XD) -- owlcat █◣ ▃▅▇ ▇▆▅▄ ◢ ▃▄▅ ▅▅ ▁▂▃ ▊ ████ █▎ ██▋ _▁▃▄▅ █▊ ▄▅▇█ █▃▃ ▂▃▄▅ ◥█ ◥██◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (04/07 09:35)

04/07 09:49, , 1F
04/07 09:49, 1F

04/07 10:16, , 2F
謝謝翻譯 謝謝忠誠
04/07 10:16, 2F

04/07 10:32, , 3F
感謝翻譯 = )
04/07 10:32, 3F

04/07 10:33, , 4F
04/07 10:33, 4F

04/07 10:34, , 5F
謝謝翻譯 武僧很像管女兒裙子穿太短的那種老爹欸
04/07 10:34, 5F

04/07 10:47, , 6F
04/07 10:47, 6F

04/07 10:49, , 7F
可以XX喔" 不過武僧老爹因該還是希望要有球星自覺. 穿著要
04/07 10:49, 7F

04/07 10:49, , 8F
04/07 10:49, 8F

04/07 11:01, , 9F
樓上那是那個FB搞不清楚前因後果 其實是因為黑人家庭早期
04/07 11:01, 9F

04/07 11:02, , 10F
衣服都是 穿哥哥不要的或是買的很大以防長太快一下就不能
04/07 11:02, 10F

04/07 11:03, , 11F
穿才會穿這很大件 褲子自然得用皮帶固定 不然就掉下來了
04/07 11:03, 11F

04/07 11:06, , 12F
一切的一切都來自於窮 買不起衣服
04/07 11:06, 12F

04/07 11:07, , 13F
04/07 11:07, 13F

04/07 11:13, , 14F
公鹿贏 不意外 不要奢望別人幫忙打天下
04/07 11:13, 14F

04/07 11:14, , 15F
有實力晉級 就要自己努力 之前6連敗真的是太傷了
04/07 11:14, 15F

04/07 11:21, , 16F
04/07 11:21, 16F

04/07 11:31, , 17F
明天東區又要大亂鬥了 老賽.76人.魔術.公鹿.老鷹都要打
04/07 11:31, 17F

04/07 13:18, , 18F
04/07 13:18, 18F

04/07 14:20, , 19F
我想問為何菲爾思叫1F@@?? 謝謝
04/07 14:20, 19F

04/07 14:21, , 20F
04/07 14:21, 20F

04/07 14:22, , 21F
Landry Fields=LF=lf=1樓...
04/07 14:22, 21F

04/07 14:23, , 22F
喔喔謝謝 我還以為錯過了什麼梗XDD
04/07 14:23, 22F

04/07 14:23, , 23F
l 1 傻傻分不清楚
04/07 14:23, 23F

04/07 16:36, , 24F
04/07 16:36, 24F

04/07 16:40, , 25F
04/07 16:40, 25F

04/07 16:41, , 26F
04/07 16:41, 26F

04/07 16:42, , 27F
感謝忠誠獸+1 連敗的話氣勢會很受影響加上一堆傷兵....
04/07 16:42, 27F

04/07 16:44, , 28F
Turkoglu被瓜瓜不小心肘擊頰骨碎裂要去開刀 囧
04/07 16:44, 28F

04/07 16:45, , 29F
哇~ 真的這麼嚴重!!!
04/07 16:45, 29F

04/07 16:46, , 30F
04/07 16:46, 30F

04/07 16:47, , 31F
04/07 16:47, 31F

04/07 17:05, , 32F
04/07 17:05, 32F

04/07 17:05, , 33F
04/07 17:05, 33F

04/07 17:11, , 34F
04/07 17:11, 34F

04/07 17:11, , 35F
夾人 推人撞裁判 鼓勵大家拍手慶祝尼克勝利XDDDDDDD
04/07 17:11, 35F

04/07 21:24, , 36F
所以這次是大范率先出招了 魔獸只能以擺爛回應
04/07 21:24, 36F

04/07 21:24, , 37F
超爛 這樣大范就算接下來被趕走 魔獸名聲也一落千丈
04/07 21:24, 37F

04/07 21:26, , 38F
Melo好歹是事後才被懷疑 這次教練高明了
04/07 21:26, 38F

04/07 21:49, , 39F
04/07 21:49, 39F

04/07 21:49, , 40F
04/07 21:49, 40F

04/07 21:52, , 41F
04/07 21:52, 41F

04/08 07:39, , 42F
04/08 07:39, 42F

04/08 11:32, , 43F
04/08 11:32, 43F
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