[外電] 尼克五連勝,抓好了~要起飛了 XD

看板Knicks作者 (專業的五樓)時間12年前 (2012/03/22 17:16), 編輯推噓46(46019)
留言65則, 44人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:NYTimes http://tinyurl.com/76pg7cy The Knicks, 5-0 Under Woodson, Are Flying By HOWARD BECK PHILADELPHIA — A storied N.B.A. rivalry, long dormant and coated in cobwebs, rumbled back to life Wednesday night, with enough tension, tenacity and promise to last deep into the spring. 星期三晚上在費城的比賽是一場傳說中的N.B.A對抗,高張力且堅韌,有 像蜘蛛網一樣的防守,也有長眠不起的進攻,並且保證在這個春天裡持續下 去。 The Philadelphia 76ers are lording over the Atlantic Division after years of misery. The Knicks, bound in a cycle of perpetual dysfunction, are charging hard down the I-95 corridor, becoming a legitimate threat to the throne. 費城76人是大西洋分區龍頭,尼克才剛從當機中反彈回來,努力地想衝擊王座。 The power shifted a bit Wednesday as the Knicks outhustled and out-scrapped the 76ers for an 82-79 victory, cutting the 76ers’ lead to three games with their fifth straight win. The game came down to defense, grit and Jeremy Lin’s unwavering self-confidence on a difficult night. 在尼克奮力宰掉王者76人之後,把勝差逼到三場,拿下五連勝。這是一場堅苦的防 守戰,以及啾咪堅定的自信才好不容易拿下的一勝。 Lin had 16 points in the fourth quarter — after shooting 1 for 11 in the first three periods — and scored the Knicks’ last 8 points, all from the foul line. 啾咪第四節拿16分,前三節11投1中,同時最後八罰八中,拿下尼克最後八分。 “It’s just a credit to my teammates, how they kept the game close for me,” he said. “Man, the way they defended was unbelievable.” 啾咪表示:「這全部是我隊友的功勞拉,他們把比數一直保持接近, 他們的防守真是好到令人難以置信」 Amar’e Stoudemire, whose resurgence has been a huge part of the Knicks’ turnaround — and been simultaneously overshadowed by it — was energetic and demonstrative all night, leading the Knicks with 21 points and 9 rebounds. 阿罵的復活是今晚尼克超重要的一部份,甚至掩蓋掉尼克勝利的光芒,他今天打 的非常積極,拿下尼克最高的21分並有9板。 A defensive battle once would have favored Philadelphia. But the resurgent Knicks (23-24) have taken on the persona of their interim coach, Mike Woodson, who considers defense the highest virtue. 防守戰向來是費城的最愛,但是大復活的尼克從他們的代理教練,一代防守宗師 麥克武僧的執教下得到十成功力。 They held the 76ers to 38.7 percent shooting and had a 47-39 rebounding advantage. The Knicks have not lost since Woodson took the reins, and Wednesday’s victory was certainly the biggest of the bunch. 76人投籃命中低到 38.7%,武僧上台之後尼克還沒輸過,當然星期三這場勝利 是五連勝中最大咖的。 Despite speculation that Woodson might move away from Lin as a featured player, Lin continues to provide critical scoring and playmaking. 儘管很多推測說武僧會把啾咪移到功能性球員的位置,但是啾咪持續讓 紐約的眼鏡行生意興隆(因為專家眼鏡又破了),他持續證明他就是能 在關鍵時候得分跟組織進攻。 “He’s done that all since he’s become Linsanity,” Woodson said. “He’s been doing that. I put the ball back in his hand at the end, and he came up with the big plays.” 武僧說:「他自從變身成林來瘋之後他就一直這樣了!」我把最後關鍵時刻 交給他,他就給我來上一些 big plays! (譯:舒服嗎?) The Knicks won the season series with the 76ers, 2-1. Because of the N.B.A.’s truncated schedule, these teams will not meet again — unless it is in the playoffs, which is a distinct possibility. 因為縮水球季,除非季後賽又對到,否則二隊正規賽不會再遇到,對戰成績 尼克2-1 領先. Winning the division title would guarantee the Knicks a top-four playoff seeding, allowing them to avoid Miami and Chicago in the first round. 拿下分區冠軍閃火牛這件事,你知道我知道獨眼龍也知道。 “It’s been our goal,” Carmelo Anthony said. “That never changed. Coming in here tonight, guys were focused as a team. We were focused, and we willed our way to get this game tonight.” Melo 說,那一直是我們的目標,沒有改變過。今天我們全隊都很專心 而且我們的意志就是用我們的方式來拿下這場球。 They won despite subpar shooting performances from Anthony (5 for 15, 10 points) and Lin (4 for 17). The Knicks also survived a terribly erratic game from J. R. Smith (3 for 11, two turnovers). But they rode Stoudemire’s enthusiasm and production for three quarters, then let Lin carry them to the finish. 他們用欠佳的命中率拿下比賽, Melo 5/15 , Lin 4/17, 丁尺 3/11 還好阿罵很威,讓他們保持三節,然後啾咪接管比賽到結束。 “I feel great,” said Stoudemire, who has regained his explosiveness after shedding some muscle weight. “It’s not going to change. It’s a matter of getting back into my rhythm. This is my game. This is who I am — an aggressive, explosive player.” 「超爽得」阿罵減重之後大復活,「什麼也沒有改變,我只是依照我的節奏 打球,這就是我,一個積極進攻的傢伙」 At times, it looked and sounded like a home game for the Knicks, with patches of blue jerseys throughout the stands and chants of “Dee-fense!” when the 76ers had the ball. A chant of “Air ball! ” greeted Jrue Holiday when he misfired on a late 3-pointer. 同時,尼克隊把這地方搞成自已主場一樣,當76人持球進攻的時候,一堆藍衣 人在大叫「Dee-fense !」 Holiday 投三分時還有人大叫「麵包!」 The 76ers trailed for the first 31 minutes, by as many as 12 points, but refused to fade away. Andre Iguodala finally gave them their first lead, 49-48, with a 3-pointer early in the third quarter, and the game remained tight for the rest of the evening. 76 人從開場就一直落後,最高達12 分,但他們拒絕投降,第三節開始沒多久, Iguodala 的三分球終於讓76 人取得第一次領先,之後到結束前二隊就一直在 糾纏. Stoudemire and Lin combined for an 8-0 run to put the Knicks ahead 71-63 in the fourth. Moments later, the lead was down to 2 points after Iguodala hit a 3-pointer and one of two free throws. But the Knicks clamped down from there. 第四節一開始,林罵合力打出一波 8-0 攻勢 ,使尼克以 71-63 領先。之後 Iguodala 的三分跟罰球又追到了二分差。 “From a leadership standpoint, I was very vocal and leading by example,” Stoudemire said. “Tonight, the magnitude of this game, I was really able to get my point across and play well.” 「從一個領導者的立場來說,我是一個有話直說並且以身作則的人」阿罵這樣說 「今晚,在這麼重要的比賽裡,我有能力得到分數並打出一場好球」 After powering through a crowd for a second-effort dunk in the first quarter, Stoudemire unleashed a primal yell. He closed the half with another follow-up dunk, whooping and flexing as he landed and the Knicks took a 43-35 lead. 第一節結束前的爆扣,讓阿罵爽到來個野性怒吼了,同時在第二節結束前的跟進 灌籃,讓尼克上半場有8分領先 It was a rough start for the Knicks’ point guards. Lin missed eight of his nine shots in the half, while Baron Davis played sloppily in his first game back from a hamstring injury. But the Knicks’ defense was at its suffocating best, holding Philadelphia scoreless for the first 5 minutes 41 seconds of the game, and without a field goal (0 for 14) for nearly eight minutes. The 76ers scored 11 points in the first quarter, equaling the fewest by a Knicks opponent in a quarter this season. 啾咪開始打的很鳥,前九投8打鐵。結果換上剛傷癒歸隊的 BD, 結果他打的 也很隨便。但是尼克的窒息防守發威了,費城前5分41秒沒得半分,接近8分鐘 沒半顆 field goal, 第一節只得11分,平本季尼克讓對手單節得分最低紀錄。 “I learned that our guys are not going to buckle,” Woodson said. “They’re going to continue to stay strong and keep pushing. I honestly believe they think that they can win every game now that they step on the floor.” 武僧說「我們不只是要守住對手而已,我們要繼續保持強勁跟持續壓迫,我誠實 地認為他們是玩真的,他們可以贏下任何一場比賽」 REBOUNDS Jared Jeffries injured his right knee early in the fourth quarter and did not return. He will be miss Friday’s game in Toronto and plans to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging examination this weekend. Jeffries said it was the same injury that led him to miss four games recently. He had the knee drained two weeks ago. JJ 右膝受傷,第四節退場而且沒回到場上,他會缺席星期五打暴龍的比賽 同時會接受MRI 檢查。JJ 說這跟他之前的傷是一樣的,他二週前才去抽掉 積水。 -- owlcat █◣ ▃▅▇ ▇▆▅▄ ◢ ▃▄▅ ▅▅ ▁▂▃ ▊ ████ █▎ ██▋ _▁▃▄▅ █▊ ▄▅▇█ █▃▃ ▂▃▄▅ ◥█ ◥██◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (03/22 17:21)

03/22 17:21, , 1F
這翻譯很有趣XDDDDD 所以JJ膝蓋是舊傷TAT
03/22 17:21, 1F

03/22 17:22, , 2F
03/22 17:22, 2F

03/22 17:22, , 3F
03/22 17:22, 3F

03/22 17:23, , 4F
Amare那段應該是說 "甚至掩蓋掉尼克勝利的光芒"
03/22 17:23, 4F

03/22 17:26, , 5F
03/22 17:26, 5F
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (03/22 17:27)

03/22 17:26, , 6F
"since he's become Linsanity" 這邊since好像該翻成"因為"
03/22 17:26, 6F

03/22 17:27, , 7F
原PO今天翻了兩篇了~ 感謝認真翻譯推:)
03/22 17:27, 7F

03/22 17:34, , 8F
03/22 17:34, 8F

03/22 17:37, , 9F
03/22 17:37, 9F

03/22 17:37, , 10F
03/22 17:37, 10F
※ 編輯: rexxon 來自: (03/22 17:39)

03/22 17:40, , 11F
03/22 17:40, 11F

03/22 17:40, , 12F
請問這邊該怎樣判斷翻成因為還是自從?@@ 我覺得因為比較順XD
03/22 17:40, 12F

03/22 17:42, , 13F
From a leadership standpoint ...阿罵你...=3=
03/22 17:42, 13F

03/22 17:43, , 14F
03/22 17:43, 14F

03/22 17:46, , 15F
03/22 17:46, 15F

03/22 17:46, , 16F
@xajx:我也覺得自從比較順也 @@
03/22 17:46, 16F

03/22 17:46, , 17F
03/22 17:46, 17F

03/22 17:46, , 18F
03/22 17:46, 18F

03/22 17:47, , 19F
因為是"since he has become linsanity" 完成式的說法翻譯
03/22 17:47, 19F

03/22 17:47, , 20F
03/22 17:47, 20F

03/22 17:49, , 21F
03/22 17:49, 21F

03/22 17:50, , 22F
I also honestly believe KNICKS can win every game!!
03/22 17:50, 22F

03/22 17:51, , 23F
推Chloein說的, 中午看到這篇覺得難翻所以我放棄了 XDDD
03/22 17:51, 23F

03/22 17:51, , 24F
幸好我們有rexxon大 ^^
03/22 17:51, 24F

03/22 17:52, , 25F
03/22 17:52, 25F

03/22 17:55, , 26F
03/22 17:55, 26F

03/22 17:56, , 27F
[本報訊] PTT實業坊驚傳外電翻譯P幣遭竊事件
03/22 17:56, 27F

03/22 18:00, , 28F
03/22 18:00, 28F

03/22 18:04, , 29F
03/22 18:04, 29F

03/22 18:17, , 30F
03/22 18:17, 30F

03/22 18:19, , 31F
有紐約媒體 要低調比登天還難
03/22 18:19, 31F

03/22 18:35, , 32F
連勝很難低調啦xd 尼克隊應該很習慣被貶被捧xd
03/22 18:35, 32F

03/22 18:41, , 33F
03/22 18:41, 33F

03/22 18:53, , 34F
03/22 18:53, 34F

03/22 19:05, , 35F
03/22 19:05, 35F

03/22 19:14, , 36F
03/22 19:14, 36F

03/22 19:27, , 37F
03/22 19:27, 37F

03/22 19:52, , 38F
03/22 19:52, 38F

03/22 20:00, , 39F
03/22 20:00, 39F

03/22 20:02, , 40F
03/22 20:02, 40F

03/22 20:05, , 41F
沒好完全 急著又上場吧
03/22 20:05, 41F

03/22 20:06, , 42F
2.LIN的最後一個犯規...不夠專注 教頭叫到一邊還唸了一下
03/22 20:06, 42F

03/22 20:06, , 43F
3.最後一個藍框下傳給阿罵的失誤球 也是老毛病了
03/22 20:06, 43F

03/22 20:18, , 44F
這篇翻得好有畫面 大推!
03/22 20:18, 44F

03/22 20:34, , 45F
03/22 20:34, 45F

03/22 20:41, , 46F
Lin最後兩個失誤真的很不應該. 幸好是贏了, 不然真的很慘.
03/22 20:41, 46F

03/22 21:48, , 47F
03/22 21:48, 47F

03/22 22:03, , 48F
03/22 22:03, 48F

03/22 22:08, , 49F
03/22 22:08, 49F

03/22 22:14, , 50F
03/22 22:14, 50F

03/22 22:21, , 51F
感恩~辛苦翻譯啦 推!
03/22 22:21, 51F

03/22 22:47, , 52F
03/22 22:47, 52F

03/22 22:49, , 53F
03/22 22:49, 53F

03/22 23:12, , 54F
翻得很有趣耶,感謝翻譯 !!
03/22 23:12, 54F

03/22 23:41, , 55F
03/22 23:41, 55F

03/23 00:43, , 56F
下面一句有he's been doing that 從這裡可知是since
03/23 00:43, 56F

03/23 00:59, , 57F
JJ我們需要你啊!!! 希望沒事 另外超爽得會讓我想到那張圖
03/23 00:59, 57F

03/23 01:05, , 58F
感謝翻譯! 太強了!
03/23 01:05, 58F

03/23 01:21, , 59F
03/23 01:21, 59F

03/23 03:45, , 60F
03/23 03:45, 60F

03/23 06:20, , 61F
03/23 06:20, 61F

03/23 08:53, , 62F
03/23 08:53, 62F

03/23 09:46, , 63F
03/23 09:46, 63F

03/23 14:16, , 64F
03/23 14:16, 64F

03/23 16:30, , 65F
03/23 16:30, 65F
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