[綜合] Ken Catanella brings old- and new-school approach to Kin

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Ken Catanella brings old- and new-school approach to Kings http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nba/sacramento-kings/kings-blog/article74813857.html Sometimes there appears to be a civil war among basketball’s executives. 有的時候在籃球管理層也會有所謂的內戰產生。 On one side are the “basketball guys,” the old-school minds who trust their eyes for their evaluations and are considered dinosaurs by the younger generation. 一派就是所謂的「美國隊長派」....呃,我是說老派作風,他們總是認為眼見為憑,也常 被年輕世代認為是快作古的恐龍。 On the other side is the analytics crowd, the numbers guys the older generation sarcastically says judge players with calculators because they don ’t know the game. 另一派當然就是「鋼鐵人派」....也就是通常稱的分析派,這些數據分析者常被老派認為 完全不懂比賽,只知道靠計算機來評斷球員。 Then there’s Ken Catanella. 然後我們就有變種人Ken Catanella的產生。 Catanella, hired Thursday by the Kings as assistant general manager, is caught between the two, making him ideal for the new role. The Kings have been searching for someone who knows the NBA salary cap and the collective bargaining agreement to help general manager Vlade Divac. Catanella 在週四成為國王助理GM,是兩派的綜合品種,也讓他成為新角色的理想人選。 國王一直在找一位了解薪資和協議談判的人員來幫助GM Vlade Divac。 Catanella is a numbers whiz who worked as a graduate assistant for the Duke men’s basketball team while pursuing his MBA. He played at Amherst College and professionally for the Cologne 99ers, and was the general manager for that franchise in Germany. Catanella also has worked for the NBA as a salarycap and analytics expert, and he’s worked on Wall Street. He was an assistant general manager for the Detroit Pistons before joining the Kings. Catanella以前曾在讀MBA時,一邊擔任Duke男子籃球隊助理。也曾在 Amherst大學以及德 國職業籃球俱樂部 Köln 99ers打過球,一度還成為該俱樂部的GM。 Catanella也曾經在 聯盟擔任薪資及分析專家,甚至還在華爾街待過一段時間。他在加入國王前是活塞的助理 GM。 “My history in the game has been (across) the basketball spectrum,” Catanella said. “My education happens to be in the CBA and analytics, and that’s actually what I bring to an organization. So I’m very much looking forward to working with Vlade, whose basketball credentials speak for themselves.” 「我的經歷遍及籃球的每個角度。學歷上我主攻成本效益及分析,這也是我會為球隊帶來 的部分。所以我會很希望能與已經用籃球證明自己的Vlade共事。」Catanella說。 Catanella anticipates “free-flowing” conversations with the basketball staff as the team prepares for the NBA draft on June 23. In his five years with the Pistons, he’s learned the importance of trust and communication. Catanella 期許在團隊一邊準備六月底的選秀時,成員間能有「自由的交流」。在他效力 活塞的五年間,他了解到互信及溝通的重要。 Detroit has revamped its roster over the last couple of years with timely trades to add key players (Reggie Jackson, Tobias Harris), which led to a return to the playoffs this season. 活塞近幾年不停透過即時的交易帶來了關鍵球員(Reggie Jackson、Tobias Harris等)也讓 球隊本季重返季後賽。 Catanella is enthused about joining the Kings and expects the team to become a “first-class, cutting-edge” organization. Catanella 對於加入國王迫不及待,並希望這隻球隊能重回頂尖行列。 “I’m energized by the concept of working with Vlade,” Catanella said. “ His vision, his passion, I’m really eager to get to work to building a winning team with him for the city and the region.” 「要跟 Vlade共事大大激勵了我;他是位有遠見跟熱情的人,我真的很希望迅速與他一起 為沙城共建一隻贏球的隊伍。」 The Kings have needed someone with Catanella’s skills since former general manager Pete D’Alessandro resigned just before last year’s draft to join the Nuggets. 自從前GM PDA於去年選秀前離職後,國王就需要一位像Catanella這樣的專家。 Divac had said he wouldn’t rush to hire a new executive, even if it meant hiring a new coach first. He said Catanella has all the qualities he was looking for during his nearly yearlong search to replace D’Alessandro, who ran basketball operations before Divac was hired in March, 2015. Divac 說他並不曾急於去聘請一位新的管理階層人員,即使這代表需要先新聘教練。但在 Catanella 身上他見到自PDA 離職後他所找尋的特質。 “I’d heard about him when I was searching around the league,” Divac said. “And when I interviewed him, I felt very comfortable around him talking basketball.” 「我在尋遍全聯盟時就久聞他的大名了,跟他面試時,我真的覺得和他談籃球很舒服。」 Divac說。 After D’Alessandro left, the Kings relied on Divac and assistant general manager Mike Bratz, who now is the director of scouting. 在 PDA離開後,國王就一直依靠Divac及助理GM Mike Bratz,現在Bratz擔當的會是球探部 門的主管。 “(Catanella) brings to the Kings something I was looking for,” Divac said. “Especially analytics and the salary cap.” 「他帶給國王我所要找尋的,特別是分析跟薪資的部分。」Divac說。 -- 友措頃止鄭,謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1462102075.A.926.html

05/01 20:28, , 1F
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推 我王再起
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推 加油 擰成一股繩吧
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推Marvel梗,是說那天一google Ken的名字第一個是linkedin
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我王的陣容帶成這樣 調度老人痴呆化有臉屁話那多?
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硬凹到被開除 爽撿好幾M鎂 還在那廢話一堆 死老番
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整個聯盟 有本事像油頭 波波那樣一把抓又帶得好的沒幾個
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死老番混了那麼久 都沒球隊願意放權給你還不檢討自己
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05/02 13:03, , 26F
心情看教練的 RR也差不多 Blatt如果真的會像報導說的那
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高層目前應該還沒有放棄表弟的跡象 那請至少找MM那型
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老廢物無法跟表弟共存(X) 老廢物從來只想弄走表弟(O)
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老還顛就不是失敗的實驗? 陣容比水電工好 結果多幾勝
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05/02 16:14, , 44F
鍵時刻我們的戰術只有表弟單打 Gay單打,能夠有個能視情
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05/02 21:31, , 50F
之前看論壇 Blatt好像是跟LBJ的經紀人不合
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