[外電] 夢蘿來國王測試

看板Kings作者 (馬丁)時間14年前 (2010/06/07 19:10), 編輯推噓18(18017)
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http://www.sacbee.com/2010/06/07/2803049/kings-work-out-potential-draft.html Self examination made last year's decision simple. 去年的個人測試讓選秀更加容易 Even though skilled players who are nearly 7 feet tall are hard to find, Greg Monroe was honest with himself – he wasn't ready for the NBA. 即使在現今七呎長人難尋的NBA 在去年 Monroe不覺得自己是奇貨可居 他說自己仍然還沒準備好打NBA After a second season at Georgetown, Monroe decided it was time to move on. 所以他決定再留校奮鬥一年 他知道今年是投入選秀的時候了 Considered one of the best post players available in this year's NBA draft, Monroe had an individual workout with the Kings on Sunday morning at the team's practice facility. Monroe is the first of the elite post players the Kings, who are expected to draft a frontcourt player on June 24, have hosted. 他是本屆選秀最好的長人之一 今天他參加了國王的個別測試 他是亟欲補強禁區的KINGS 第一個邀請來測試的樂透區長人目標 Monroe (6-foot-11, 247 pounds) said he improved as a player in his second season with the Hoyas. He also said he "matured as a young man," which made the decision to leave Georgetown easier this year. Monroe說自己今年進步了不少 說自己像個早熟的年輕人 這是他覺得自己準備好打NBA的原因 "I knew I had the talent," Monroe said. "Of course everyone has things to work on coming into the NBA, but as a young man, I don't think I was ready for the responsibility. But after another year, I think I'm ready now." Monroe說 "我知道我有天份 " "當然每個人都有一個爲NBA打拼的夢 但是當我第一年時我只當我是個不成熟的年輕人 但經過一年我不同了 我認為我的歷練已經準備好使我可以挑戰NBA了 " How Monroe handles professional responsibility remains to be seen, but statistics show he improved after winning Big East Rookie of the Year for the 2008-09 season. 時間會證明他到NBA到底行不行 但是大學的數據使他的履歷很漂亮 在他拿過Big East最佳新人之後 數據上他更為進步 Monroe improved his scoring, rebounding and assists, finishing with averages of 16.1 points, 9.6 rebounds and 3.8 assists as a sophomore. He averaged 12.7 points, 6.5 rebounds and 2.5 assists as a freshman. Those numbers might have made him a lottery selection last season. 他的籃板 得分 助攻數字都往上提升 今年他的平均成績是 16.1pts , 9.6reb , 3.8ast 大一年的平均成績是 12.7pts, 6.5reb, 2.5ast 大一的成績其實已經不錯足以讓他擠進去年的樂透區段 Last year's draft was full of guards, and Monroe might have stood out more. This year's draft class is packed with talented post players, many of whom the Kings will work out. 去年的選秀是個後衛年 今年則是長人滿天飛 Monroe believes his versatility makes him different from Derrick Favors, DeMarcus Cousins, Ekpe Udoh and other elite posts in this year's draft. Monroe認為他的多功能性是讓他與眾不同的優勢 "Every big man in this draft is good, and they all do different things well," Monroe said. "I think me being versatile and being able to handle the ball well sets me apart." "每個人都有自己的看家本領 我認為我最大的強項就是長人靈活的運球這項" Sunday's workout was Monroe's second individual workout. He also worked out for Utah. 來國王之前他到猶他測試過 Monroe's workout was closed to the media, which agents of many elite prospects request. 他的經紀人不准媒體拍攝測試過程 所以採取閉門測試 Monroe is represented by David Falk, who also has represented Michael Jordan and former Georgetown star Patrick Ewing. 他的經紀人David Falk來頭很大 曾是MJ跟Ewing的經紀人 Monroe said his workout with the Kings featured a lot of shooting off the dribble and on the move. Monroe說國王要他作很多的移動+運球+投籃 "At Georgetown, they saw me handling the ball and getting to the rack," Monroe said. "They just want to make sure I can hit jumpers when I'm open." "在Georgetown , 國王球探已經看過我很多運球突破上籃的影片 " "他們只是要進一步試試當我得到空檔時我的準度如何" This year, Monroe is confident he can show he's ready on and off the court. 今年他變的更有自信了,無論在場上或場外 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: KevinMartin 來自: (06/07 19:13)

06/07 19:21, , 1F
補充 他有被問到為什麼不參加團測.......
06/07 19:21, 1F

06/07 19:22, , 2F
他說是行程安排的問題 ......
06/07 19:22, 2F

06/07 19:23, , 3F
不過我是覺得既然如此 個別測試 也不開放
06/07 19:23, 3F

06/07 19:23, , 4F
拍攝 ..... 真的很不懂有必要搞那麼神秘嗎
06/07 19:23, 4F

06/07 19:33, , 5F
06/07 19:33, 5F

06/07 19:38, , 6F
06/07 19:38, 6F

06/07 21:05, , 7F
KM 搞不好他中意國王 倒是不知道派崔中不中意
06/07 21:05, 7F

06/07 21:12, , 8F
好像有消息說S-Rod 跟皇馬簽約了
06/07 21:12, 8F

06/07 21:45, , 9F
06/07 21:45, 9F

06/07 21:45, , 10F
祝福Sergio 想念他的可以去精華區看影片
06/07 21:45, 10F

06/07 21:47, , 11F
06/07 21:47, 11F

06/07 21:47, , 12F
06/07 21:47, 12F

06/07 21:59, , 13F
國外有人說夢羅是皮膚黑色的Hawse 聽完瞬間不期待
06/07 21:59, 13F

06/07 22:25, , 14F
因為Hawes也被期待成大米嗎XD 行程安排應該只是好聽的藉口
06/07 22:25, 14F

06/07 22:26, , 15F
猶他外電是說 這是他經紀人的要求 而這有助他與表弟Favors
06/07 22:26, 15F

06/07 22:26, , 16F
身價分庭抗禮 猶他是最被認為適合他的 國王則是可能選的最高
06/07 22:26, 16F

06/07 22:53, , 17F
當場上有兩個Hawes時 敵人表示:
06/07 22:53, 17F

06/07 23:55, , 18F
準爆了 五隻射手
06/07 23:55, 18F

06/08 00:37, , 19F
我覺得大家都希望選長人 但說不定會是Johnson...
06/08 00:37, 19F

06/08 00:57, , 20F
說真的 雖然SF有不少人 但我覺得Johnson有明星的資質
06/08 00:57, 20F

06/08 00:57, , 21F
06/08 00:57, 21F

06/08 00:58, , 22F
最好的情況還是希望換個首輪籤過來 Johnson+長人...
06/08 00:58, 22F

06/08 10:54, , 23F
夢羅應該是比去年的hawes硬一點, 預測最後應該是能
06/08 10:54, 23F

06/08 10:59, , 24F
有準明星的等級 , 我自己是蠻喜歡他的 , 報導跟影
06/08 10:59, 24F

06/08 11:00, , 25F
片來看都覺得他是個成熟+打球激情的球員 ,
06/08 11:00, 25F

06/08 11:01, , 26F
也是跟 udoh, AGG 被分在保險股這一類
06/08 11:01, 26F

06/08 11:02, , 27F
至於5 要不要選就交給總管去思考吧
06/08 11:02, 27F

06/08 15:58, , 28F
06/08 15:58, 28F

06/08 16:40, , 29F
06/08 16:40, 29F

06/08 22:39, , 30F
06/08 22:39, 30F

06/09 08:19, , 31F

06/09 08:30, , 33F
黑:2Lance Stephenson 7Ekpe Udoh 9Derrick Caracter
06/09 08:30, 33F

06/09 08:31, , 34F
白:4Chris Kramer 8Hassan Whiteside 21Daniel Orton
06/09 08:31, 34F

06/09 08:31, , 35F
06/09 08:31, 35F
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