[外電] 也許Aldrich很適合國王

看板Kings作者 (I love Man Utd!!!!!!!!!)時間14年前 (2010/05/24 19:57), 編輯推噓34(34020)
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Aldrich might be good fit for Kings http://0rz.tw/NDbYf CHICAGO – The tallest players might be drifting farther from the basket to shoot, but Cole Aldrich stresses he's not looking to knock down three-pointers. For all the talk of Aldrich and his shooting touch, he prefers to display it near the basket. "I might have taken one or two threes in high school," Aldrich said Friday at the NBA draft combine. "I can knock down a 17-, 18-footer." All of the Kings' post players can make jump shots. 有很多高個喜歡拉到外線投籃,但阿GG說他不來這套。 聊到投籃,他喜歡更靠近籃框些。 「我高中時期可能只投過一到兩記三分球,不過我十七到十八呎左 右的距離也很有把握。」 國王全隊的低位球員都有一手中距離功夫。 Aldrich instead touted the qualities that would make him attractive to the Kings when they choose fifth in the NBA draft June 24. The Kings must improve their interior defense and rebounding. They have one true center on the roster, Spencer Hawes, and Aldrich is one of the top prospects at the position. If the Kings keep their first-round pick, Aldrich or Kentucky's DeMarcus Cousins should be available. Aldrich might be ready to help sooner after three seasons at Kansas; Cousins spent just one season in college. 阿GG不吹捧自己能力的方式可能會吸引國王在6月24日選他。 國王渴望加強球隊的禁區防守和籃板,隊上只有阿屁一名正牌中鋒, 而阿GG是本屆選秀的熱門中鋒新秀。 如果國王留著手上的首輪簽,球隊就有可能用它補進阿GG或表弟。 經過三年的大學籃球洗禮後,阿GG也許很快就能為新東家有所貢獻, 相對的表弟只讀了一年大學。 "I just go out there, rebound, block shots and try to make good post moves," Aldrich said. Aldrich averaged 11.3 points and 9.8 rebounds last season. Those totals were down from his breakout sophomore season, when he averaged 14.9 points and 11.1 rebounds. Aldrich attributed the drop to the emergence of other Jayhawks, including freshman Xavier Henry, who also entered the draft. Aldrich also played less, averaging 26.8 minutes after playing 29.6 minutes per game as a sophomore. But the 6-foot-11 Aldrich improved his shot blocking, increasing his average to 3.5 blocks from 2.7 as a sophomore. 阿GG:「我上場的目的就是保護籃板,封阻對手投籃以及在低位繳 出一些好的表現。」 阿GG大三平均成績為11.3分9.8籃板,兩項數據都較大二時來的退步 ﹝14.9分11.1籃板﹞。 成績退步的原因可能是今年隊友的水準提高分食了他的表現機會, 其中包括同是本屆新秀的Xavier Henry。 阿GG的平均上場時間也有縮減,大三平均上場26.8分鐘低於大二的 29.6分鐘。 但阿GG的封蓋成績則提高了,由2.7個進步到3.5個。 "I'm still definitely predominantly a defensive player, but I'm definitely working hard on the offensive part," Aldrich said. Aldrich, who grew up in Bloomington, Minn., interviewed with the Kings on Thursday and called the session "good." "It was fun because they had Bobby Jackson, who played at the University of Minnesota," Aldrich said. "So having small talk about Minnesota with him was cool." 阿GG:「我是個以防守見長的球員,但我在進攻方面也下足了苦功。」 阿GG在明尼蘇達長大,星期四參加國王的面談,會後他認為面談感 覺不錯。 「因為Bobby Jackson的關係談話變的頗有趣,他為明尼蘇達大學 打過球,能和他聊一些家鄉的事感覺挺棒的。」 Looking overseas again, the Kings also interviewed Ryan Richards on Thursday evening. The 19-year-old forward from England is listed at 6-113/4 in shoes. Richards plays for the Spanish team Gran Carnaria. He was exposed to elite talent at 15 during the 2007 Nike Hoops Summit in Memphis, Tenn. Among the players on the American team at the summit were future first-round picks Derrick Rose, Michael Beasley, O.J. Mayo, Kevin Love, Jerryd Bayless, Jonny Flynn and Donté Greene. Future NBA players on the international team included Omri Casspi and Nicolas Batum. Greene and Casspi now play for the Kings. 來看看海外球員,國王星期四也找了Ryan Richards會談,這名來自 英格蘭的19歲球員穿鞋身高為6呎11又3/4吋。 Richards目前效力於西班牙的Gran Carnaria。 15歲的時候參加在曼菲斯舉辦的2007 Nike Hoops Summit,讓大家 見識到他的天賦。 當時美國隊成員有很多是首輪獲選的球員,包括Derrick Rose、Michael Beasley、 O.J. Mayo、Kevin Love、Jerryd Bayless、Jonny Flynn和Donté Greene。 國際隊成員則有Omri Casspi和Nicolas Batum。 小綠和卡卡現在都效力於國王。 Richards said he landed a roster spot on the international team after another player was injured. The experience helped Richards prepare to make himself eligible for this year's draft. "At a young age, it's good to see where they are … and where you are, and in three years' time," Richards said. Richards說因為有名球員受傷,他才能擠身到球員名單中。 那次參賽的經驗幫助他在今年成為合格的待選新秀。 Richards:「在年輕的時候看看別人的水準以了解自己的能力是件 好事,而且我有幸能連續三年都有這個機會。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/24 20:36, , 1F
先回答鞋子的問題 .....
05/24 20:36, 1F

05/24 21:04, , 2F
05/24 21:04, 2F

05/24 21:04, , 3F
Ryan Richards 影片
05/24 21:04, 3F

05/24 21:05, , 4F
跟hawes好像 XDDDD
05/24 21:05, 4F

05/24 21:08, , 5F
05/24 21:08, 5F

05/24 21:21, , 6F
0:31和2:29給我觀感有點差+感覺球技普普 不太想選他...
05/24 21:21, 6F

05/24 21:24, , 7F
還好啦 籃球場這種動作算正常
05/24 21:24, 7F

05/24 21:25, , 8F
05/24 21:25, 8F

05/24 21:25, , 9F
05/24 21:25, 9F

05/24 21:53, , 10F
05/24 21:53, 10F

05/24 21:53, , 11F
球評瞎了= =
05/24 21:53, 11F

05/24 21:54, , 12F
05/24 21:54, 12F

05/24 21:55, , 13F
還有阿基基快回答你的鞋去哪買的。> <
05/24 21:55, 13F

05/24 21:57, , 14F
05/24 21:57, 14F

05/24 22:12, , 15F
05/24 22:12, 15F

05/24 22:13, , 16F
希望試訓時再體測一次 有種就穿灌水鞋但後果自負 XDDDD
05/24 22:13, 16F

05/24 22:22, , 17F
光看那個防守熊庹 阿基基就贏阿屁不少了
05/24 22:22, 17F

05/24 23:06, , 18F
05/24 23:06, 18F

05/24 23:09, , 19F
05/24 23:09, 19F

05/24 23:10, , 20F
05/24 23:10, 20F

05/24 23:11, , 21F
我覺得Wesley Johnson看起來真的每賣 雖然咱們SF已爆炸
05/24 23:11, 21F

05/24 23:12, , 22F
05/24 23:12, 22F

05/24 23:13, , 23F
感覺我們討論越熱絡的 Petrie越不會選
05/24 23:13, 23F

05/24 23:14, , 24F
05/24 23:14, 24F

05/24 23:14, , 25F
05/24 23:14, 25F

05/24 23:16, , 26F
如果讓我遇見你 而你正當年輕
05/24 23:16, 26F

05/24 23:16, , 27F
用最真的心 換你最深的情
05/24 23:16, 27F

05/24 23:17, , 28F
如果讓你遇見我 而我依然年輕
05/24 23:17, 28F

05/24 23:17, , 29F
05/24 23:17, 29F

05/24 23:17, , 30F
05/24 23:17, 30F

05/24 23:18, , 31F
如果讓我離開你 而你已能平靜
05/24 23:18, 31F

05/24 23:18, , 32F
只願你放心 也不要你擔心
05/24 23:18, 32F

05/24 23:19, , 33F
如果讓你離開我 假裝我也平靜
05/24 23:19, 33F

05/24 23:19, , 34F
05/24 23:19, 34F

05/24 23:20, , 35F
如果真的是夢蘿....不...雖然他目前評價還不錯 但應該會
05/24 23:20, 35F

05/24 23:20, , 36F
05/24 23:20, 36F

05/24 23:22, , 37F
05/24 23:22, 37F

05/24 23:25, , 38F
05/24 23:25, 38F

05/24 23:27, , 39F
我看我來開個賭盤好了 應該會滿有趣的 :)
05/24 23:27, 39F

05/24 23:28, , 40F
我倒是覺得會是阿基基哦 要中距離我們真的已經夠多了
05/24 23:28, 40F

05/24 23:29, , 41F
05/24 23:29, 41F

05/24 23:30, , 42F
05/24 23:30, 42F

05/24 23:33, , 43F
05/24 23:33, 43F

05/24 23:39, , 44F
05/24 23:39, 44F

05/24 23:57, , 45F
科科 santa你是輸了多少啊
05/24 23:57, 45F

05/25 00:01, , 46F
05/25 00:01, 46F

05/25 00:06, , 47F
哈 多PO文啊 我之前也發光了 XDD
05/25 00:06, 47F

05/25 00:10, , 48F
05/25 00:10, 48F

05/25 00:44, , 49F
05/25 00:44, 49F

05/25 00:45, , 50F
05/25 00:45, 50F

05/25 00:46, , 51F
應該不是阿GG就是表弟。 我認為拉
05/25 00:46, 51F

05/25 08:03, , 52F
05/25 08:03, 52F

05/25 08:33, , 53F
05/25 08:33, 53F

05/25 08:42, , 54F
我想要阿基基+白邊 拿#5往下換來個三方交易吧!!!!!!!!
05/25 08:42, 54F
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