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Kingdom Interviews: Scot Pollard ﹝上﹞ http://tinyurl.com/38tkfqr Scot Pollard became an instant fan favorite when he arrived in Sacramento back in 1999. The 6' 11" center, who averaged 5.9 points, 6.0 rebounds, and one block per game in five seasons with the Kings, emerged into an invaluable reserve and spot starter during the team's glory years. Renowned for playing hard-nosed defense, diving for loose balls, and battling for every rebound on the court, Scot was also notorious for his ever-changing hairstyles, outrageous fashion sense, and quick wit. I had a chance to talk to the former King about his old teammates, his favorite looks, and his on-the-court mentality. Make sure to check out his website, planetpollard.com. 1999年Pollard來到沙加緬度後,他立刻就成為球迷最愛的球員之 一 ,六呎十一吋的中鋒,在國王打了五個球季,平均5.9分6籃板 1封蓋,在國王的榮耀年代中成為球隊重要的輪替球員,有時也能 代打先發。拼了命的防守、飛撲搶救失球,為每一顆籃板奮戰的身 影在球迷心中留下深刻印象,當然他百變的髮型、「獨樹一格」的 時尚品味和愛耍嘴皮子個性大家也不會忘記。 今天我逮到機會訪問Pollard,談談他的老隊友、他最愛的造型和 以甚麼樣的心態面對比賽。 Which players did you follow growing up, and who did you model your own game after? Growing up, I followed my brothers. I'm the youngest, and four (of my) brothers played Division I, so there were a lot of games to pay attention to. I was always a fan of Patrick Ewing, and tried to tear the rim off like he did when I used to dunk. I really just took things from everyone I watched growing up. I would see a bigman dribble up the court, and then I would work more on ball handling. I would see a guard post up, and (I'd) make sure my inside game was as quick as could be. I really didn't try to be like any one player — I wanted to do everything well, so I ended up being pretty good at everything, and not spectacular at any one thing. 問:甚麼樣的球員帶著你成長,而你的偶像是誰 ? 波:我在我哥哥帶領下成長,我是家中老么,我有四個哥哥在 Division I打球,所以對那裡的比賽會特別注意。 我是Patrick Ewing的球迷,總是試著學他的樣子灌籃。我成 長階段其實是看到甚麼就學甚麼,我看到長人在場上運球,我 就會去練運球;看到後衛低位單打,我就會去訓練我在禁區的 速度儘可能的快。我想把每件事都做好,所以我每件事都做的 不錯,但沒有特別突出的。 You were well-renowned for hustling, taking charges, and doing many of the intangibles that didn't show up in the boxscore. Can you describe your mindset when you entered the game? Whenever I suited up for a game, I was preparing for war. I knew that I had a role to play, and that role was to push, pull, knock down, chase the ball, help on defense, take the hard foul, raise my hand if I'm close to a star player in foul trouble and take the foul for him, block shots, grab rebounds, tip in, dive for loose balls, and take charges. These aren't easy things, and these are things that don't make the highlight reels. These things hurt, and you get injured doing them — just ask how much better I feel nowadays! These things don't get you on an All-Star team, but these things are necessary to help your team win. In my mind, I knew going into a game that I was there to make the stars look good. I didn't want to see Vlade (Divac) or Chris (Webber) in foul trouble, or worse, (get) injured from taking a charge or diving on the floor. My role was not to be the All-Star — my role was to do all the ugly stuff that gets your team an extra possession, extra rebound, tip in points, whatever it took. I hit people on the other team to get Peja (Stojakovic) an open jumper, I knocked people down to give Jason Williams, Mike Bibby, Tony Delk, Bobby Jackson, Hedo Turkoglu an angle to the basket. And I loved it. I knew my strength in the NBA was my strength. Why would I try to take shots that may be questionable, when I can hand the ball off to Peja, knock his guy down, or at least out of the way, and give one of the best shooters in the league a shot? I probably could have been more offensive-minded in my career in the pros, but I was always on such good teams, I felt that I needed to be the warrior behind the scenes that makes the little things happen. 問:大家都知道你的強硬、不畏懼任何碰撞,為球隊幹盡數據上看 不出來的苦差事,能聊聊你在場上的心態嗎? 波:每當我為比賽穿上球衣時,我就準備好要去打仗,我知道我的 角色為何,我的工作就是去推、去拉、去擊毀對手、去搶球、 去幫忙防守、必要時硬犯規、當對手的主力陷入犯規麻煩時高 舉雙手再作他一個犯規、搧火鍋、抓籃板、補籃、飛身撲救失 球以及面對每一次碰撞。 這些事不容易,而這些事也不會讓你登上高光版面,這些事很 危險,會讓你傷痕累累,所以我只問自己今天的狀況有多好, 我知道這些事不會讓你入選全明星隊,但它們能幫助球隊贏球。 我知道我上場比賽的目的就是為了讓球隊的明星打的更好,我 不想看到Vlade和Chris身陷犯規麻煩,或是因為阻擋和撲救失 球而受傷,我的角色不是要當全明星,而是用來幹盡髒活幫助 球隊多掙得額外的球權、額外的籃板、機會來時把球補進籃框, 我阻擋對手好讓Peja有空檔投籃,我撂倒敵人好讓Jason Williams、 Mike Bibby、Tony Delk、Bobby Jackson和Hedo Turkoglu有空 間切入,所以我愛這份工作。 我了解我在NBA的強項就是我的體格,當我可以把球傳給Peja, 然後把他的防守者擋掉,或者至少讓他的防守者慢了一步,讓 聯盟中最好的射手之一能夠投籃時,為甚麼我要自己做出會被 質疑的投籃?在我的職業生涯中,我的確可以在進攻端有更多 野心,但我總是待在好的隊伍裡,所以我覺得我的責任就是當 幕後的戰士,為球隊打造每一次機會。 You were a key member of the Bench Mob, which became integral to the Kings' success. Can you talk about your role and the importance of the reserves on those Sacramento squads? The Bench Mob was such a special group (because) we had guys that could start and play those minutes when necessary, but were also team players that didn't complain when the starters returned. They played less and didn't get many shots on a particular night, but we all understood that if we just kept our heads and kept preparing, we would make our impact individually, as well as a unit. When you have the starting talent that we had (during) those years, plus the Bench Mob, who knew their roles and played them so perfectly, we had a really great and unique situation. The phrase "you don't know what you have until it's gone" definitely applies to that team, as well as the Bench Mob. So often in the NBA, bench players create problems from lack of shots, playing time, or just an ego that tells them they should be starting — that didn't happen in (Sacramento). It truly was the easiest team to get along with of all the teams I played for. We had an idea of how special it was at the time, but as we disbanded, for lack of a better word, we would see each other on other "normal" teams, and (we'd) hug it out and say to each other, "man, that was so fun!" and "wish we could be back there!" 問:你是國王板凳暴徒的重要成員,你們是球隊勝利不可獲缺的部 份,談談你的角色和替補球員在國王陣中的重要性? 波:板凳暴徒是很特別的一群球員,因為我們當中有不少人必要時 也可以擔任先發,但當先發球員歸隊後,他們也不會有怨言, 他們的上場時間和投籃數都會遭到縮減,但我們都知道只要我 們準備好,我們都能有所發揮。 那些年我們的板凳暴徒累積不少先發球員的天份,大家都知道 自己的工作並且完美詮釋自己的角色,我們有很棒而且獨特的 系統,俗諺說「失去後才知道擁有時的美好」,這句話很適合 用在我們隊以及板凳暴徒。 在NBA板凳球員最常見的問題是缺少投籃機會、缺乏上場時間 以及想成為先發球員的自尊心,在沙加緬度完全沒有這些問題, 我所效力過的球隊中,這支球隊是最團結的,但當我們各奔東 西後,我想不到好的字眼形容,我們在不同的「普通」隊伍再 度聚首時,我們會互相擁抱並告訴對方「兄弟,這情況真妙。」 或是說「希望我們可以回到那時候。」 ﹝譯者:為甚麼眼眶溼溼的?T_T﹞ I remember hearing each member on The Bench Mob had special nicknames. What were some of yours? I had a lot of nicknames in my career. In Sacramento, I was "The Lumberjack," "Samurai Scot," "The Butcher," "The Garbage Man," and probably a lot of other really mean names opposing fans had for me that I'm unaware of. 問:我記得板凳暴徒的每個人都有特別的綽號,你的是甚麼? 波:我在職業生涯這些年有過很多綽號,在沙加緬度,我被叫過 「伐木工」、「史考特武士」、「屠夫」、「倒垃圾的」還 有很多對手球迷譏笑我用的刻薄綽號,不過我都忘了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kingpredrag 來自: (05/08 00:03)

05/08 00:06, , 1F
05/08 00:06, 1F

05/08 00:27, , 2F
他怎麼了 玩2004的時候還有他阿 退休了?
05/08 00:27, 2F

05/08 00:56, , 3F
好像在超賽退休的 我記得沒錯的話!
05/08 00:56, 3F

05/08 01:53, , 4F
05/08 01:53, 4F

05/08 21:21, , 5F
05/08 21:21, 5F

05/09 01:01, , 6F
05/09 01:01, 6F

05/13 16:53, , 7F
推啊 國王是最特別的球隊
05/13 16:53, 7F

05/13 16:57, , 8F
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05/13 16:57, , 9F
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05/13 16:57, 12F
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