[外電] PETRIE新訪談

看板Kings作者 (新阿泰)時間14年前 (2010/04/17 21:56), 編輯推噓13(14127)
留言42則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/T95lh For one of the rare offseasons in recent years, it's quiet around the Kings' front office. 國王今年的制服組動態比往年平靜 There will be no announcement of the head coach being fired. No trips are being planned between Sacramento and Las Vegas, where past coaching interviews took place. 沒有主教練被FIRE 沒有沙城往來Las Vegas的行程 (這是以往新教練面試要往來的地方 ) In the days following the season, there has just been a quiet sense of stability. 今年整個很平靜 Team basketball president Geoff Petrie was encouraged by what he saw from the 2009-10 Kings. At the same time, he realizes the team has a long way to go, especially in the Western Conference, in which a winning percentage of more than .600 was a prerequisite for the playoffs. PETRIE讚賞國王今年得到的進步 他說球隊仍然有很長的路要走 尤其在西區 要六成勝率才能進入季後賽的當下 Petrie and his staff already have begun assessing the top 12 to 15 players available for the June 24 NBA draft. But before heading overseas to scout European talent and preparing to host workouts for incoming prospects, Petrie sat down with The Bee to discuss numerous topics, including coach Paul Westphal, player development and the draft. PETRIE跟他的團隊已經正在勘查今年 樂透區的所有美國本土球員 準備到歐洲去看看其他樂透區目標 行前 他接受了我們的訪問 What was it about Paul Westphal's season that made picking up his option for 2011-12 something to do this month? 談談執行西佛的合約? I feel he brought the right kind of leadership, direction and maturity that we needed for having a young team, and he established a new identity to a certain extent. He was honest with his players, and he kept the team competitive, even in the losses. And there was improvement. There's still a long way to go, but we improved in wins, and we improved in a lot of areas from a year ago statistically. Not enough, but it's going in the right direction. 我覺得他帶給球隊對的方向 他也爲球隊接下來的目標胸有成竹 他跟球員無話不談 並且即使在連敗他依然讓球隊狀態維持競爭力 我們仍然有很長的路要走 但跟去年比起來 數字說明我們在各方面都有進步 還不夠 但方向是正確的 It took 50 wins to make the playoffs in the Western Conference this season. Is that a daunting standard as the team rebuilds? 西區現在要50勝才能進季後賽耶,你怕不怕? That threshold can change from year to year. The West has been very, very strong for probably the last six, seven, eight years in general. There will be turnover, like Oklahoma City getting in this year and Memphis almost getting in. We want to keep building to get a team that can get back to the playoffs but also can sustain itself and have a chance to get better from there. 不怕啦 每年的季後賽勝場數門檻都會變 西區過去6~8年比較強是事實 雷霆跟灰熊是今年西區的大黑馬 灰熊差點能進季後賽 我們的目標 是要打造一隻 能進季後賽 並且長留在季後賽 且有能力爭冠的球隊 Andres Nocioni has made it known he would like to play elsewhere next season. Are there any concerns about him if the team can't accommodate his wish? NOC說想走, 你什麼時候成全他? I think we're all on the same page with Noch. He's a guy that's turned 30, (and) he's going to be competitive and ready to go regardless of where he's going to be. He understands that, and so do we. He's looking at how many productive years he has left at this point and how he'd like to spend them. At the same (time), he's also ready to play the best he can regardless of the situation. 我們都知道彼此的方向為何 他快滿30了 他不會在意自己會到哪去 我們也知道這點 他正在回顧自己這一年的進步並且如何利用他 同時他只要一個能讓他盡情發揮的地方 不限球隊 (譯:公開拍賣喊話? XDDDDDDD) What's your take on the trio of Carl Landry, Spencer Hawes and Jason Thompson in the frontcourt? 你怎麼看Landry跟JT HAWES的三角關係? I think with Carl we acquired a very productive, consistent frontcourt player and somebody that you can almost write it in the book every night. He's going to get you 18 (points) and seven (rebounds) or 20 and eight and score inside and has a tremendous perimeter game. There's a lot of upside with Carl. It really helps while Spencer and Jason are improving. Jason had great bookends of the year. He struggled some the middle part of the year. Jason wants to get better, and he's committed to getting better. With Spencer, consistency is a big factor. Some of that's going to come with experience. Some of it's going to come from the desire, the commitment and the work you have to put in to get there. 我覺得LANDRY幾乎就是公務員 太穩定的創造數據了 大概每晚能給你18分7籃板 還有不錯的外圍投射 他還有很多進步空間 他就是帶JT跟HAWES進步的那個人 JT今年很有長進 雖然季中有遇到大撞牆 但他承諾他只會更進步 HAWES缺乏穩定性 這是缺乏經驗跟比賽熱情的關係 嘴砲是沒有用的 請拿出你的實際表現來HAWES How much better can Tyreke Evans be? TE未來會達到什麼程度? The potential for growth in his game, in which history shows is very positive with players with his level of talent, they generally add the things to their game that get them to another level. He understands all that. There's a lot of upside there, and he's a unique player. He's 20 years old and played one year of college as a point guard. I'm really looking forward to watching him develop over the next few years. 比賽會說話 他展現出來的歷史數據說明他的前途非常光明 教練團一步一步增加學習的難度 TE完全能吸收 他的進步空間非常大,他很特別 我等著看他接下來幾年的成長 The Kings will pick no lower than sixth in the first round of the draft. Do you go with the "best player" rather than fill a need when picking that high? 這次選秀是選天份選最好的球員還是依位置需求選? I think you have to always start with the best player, and then, depending on the population of players that are left, you start to sort out the relative differences between need and best player and how close they may be. One thing you need to keep in mind is that with a young team like ours, a really, potentially great player at any position would make us better as opposed to filling a position. 首先一定是選最好的 然後你把最好的挑出來 把次好的符合隊上需求的球員拿出來跟最好的類比 看看天分差距有多少? 最重要的是像我們這樣年輕重建球隊 最好的球員會給我們的幫助大於只針對位置來選 Assess the progress of Donté Greene and Omri Casspi, considering where they were last July in summer league. 請評價綠卡兩個年輕SF從去年夏天到今年的進步? When you think back to summer league, they both struggled, and in some respects this (season) was also Donté's rookie year. Even though he was here last year, there was no real opportunity for him. So in that respect, he made a lot of progress. I thought Omri had a fantastic year, overall. He played a lot of minutes for a rookie, almost 28 minutes a game. He shot the ball, most of the year, really well. When you factor in the burden of the expectations that were placed on him, and doing his best to accommodate all of that, he really surpassed, I think, a lot basketball people's expectations for what he'd do this year. 當你去看去年夏季聯盟 他們都有夠嫩 小綠今年才算第一年 (新人年出賽太少) 所以他今年的進步算是很驚人的 他的投射不錯 當你把責任分配到他身上時他也能勝任 他幹的不錯 以人們的期待來說,他進步的夠多了 Looking back on the Kevin Martin trade, do you feel you got enough for him? KM的交易你認為是有賺還賠? We had a great need to try to build up our front line and try to get some more production. We didn't get any older by doing that trade. We filled a greater need up front, and it gave us more financial flexibility going forward, in terms of future dollars. It really gives us a different look going forward. I drafted Kevin, and he's a class human being as far as I'm concerned, and he's going to have some good years in front of him. His issue is going to be trying to get healthy and stay healthy. 我們那時需要好好補強前場所以需要交易 我們一開始沒有拍賣KM 我們得到了前場不錯的補強 (LANDRY) 並且薪資清開爲以後的計畫鋪路 是我選了KM 他是個始終如一的球員 如果他想要有更好的生涯表現 最大的重點是維持他的健康 Are you a big believer in "advanced statistics," and how do they affect your decision-making? 你對球員數據的依賴度有多少? I like stats. I think they're a big part of your composite evaluation of players. They are important beyond just the regular stats you get. There's productivity per minute, productivity per shot, and all those different kinds of things. It still comes down to the fact that basketball is the most interdependent game and there's a lot of different levels of how that fits together with all the different skill sets. I don't think you can let stats completely dominate that, either. 我喜歡數據 這是評論球員的一個部分 但僅止於我們沒有其他東西可以參考時 球員每一分鐘都可能在進步 我們的資料有可能隨時更新 最終取決於你使用各種資源的整合 數據只是單一 不是絶對 Are you more comfortable being able to focus on the draft with no coaching search? 不用找新教練是否讓你能更專注於選秀? Temporarily, I'm a little more relaxed. But we've got a huge draft coming up and a lot of other things. We showed progress, and I think we have a group of younger players we can still work with. We're not burdened by a lot of really bad contracts or a bad salary-cap situation. We have all our picks. We have a coaching staff in place that works. So all those things, hopefully, will lead to better things. 暫時來說我能獲得一些休息 但是接下來就要開始忙選秀了 我們是一隻進步中的球隊 我們沒有薪資上沉重的負擔 我們有夠前面的順位選擇我們要的人 加上好的教練團幫忙 希望一切能夠進行順利 What’s Kayte’s phone number?" 最後一個問題, 請問Kayte的電話號碼是幾號? 不知道 , 關我屁事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/17 22:02, , 1F
04/17 22:02, 1F
※ 編輯: RonArtest93 來自: (04/17 22:23)

04/17 22:28, , 2F
04/17 22:28, 2F

04/17 22:31, , 3F
04/17 22:31, 3F

04/17 23:14, , 4F
所以意思是Wall VS Cousin!?
04/17 23:14, 4F

04/17 23:33, , 5F
04/17 23:33, 5F

04/17 23:38, , 6F
04/17 23:38, 6F

04/17 23:38, , 7F
04/17 23:38, 7F

04/17 23:39, , 8F
04/17 23:39, 8F

04/17 23:40, , 9F
04/17 23:40, 9F

04/17 23:41, , 10F
要攻頂的才是選天分吧 位置都不缺人了
04/17 23:41, 10F

04/17 23:42, , 11F
今年也滿有趣的 這邊分成天分派和位置派
04/17 23:42, 11F

04/17 23:43, , 12F
不像去年擁Rubio為大宗 XDD
04/17 23:43, 12F

04/17 23:44, , 13F
04/17 23:44, 13F

04/17 23:46, , 14F
EVANS: 大家怎麼那麼煩惱 也有可能我抽到第六啊
04/17 23:46, 14F

04/17 23:46, , 15F
04/17 23:46, 15F

04/17 23:46, , 16F
04/17 23:46, 16F

04/17 23:46, , 17F
04/17 23:46, 17F

04/17 23:47, , 18F
04/17 23:47, 18F

04/17 23:47, , 19F
04/17 23:47, 19F

04/17 23:52, , 20F
04/17 23:52, 20F

04/17 23:54, , 21F
好長人本來就不多 也不是說來就來 不趁今年選更待何年?
04/17 23:54, 21F

04/17 23:58, , 22F
希望總管的前提是FA有補到好長人 不然明年又要.......
04/17 23:58, 22F

04/17 23:59, , 23F
PS江臥到底會長成哪樣阿?? 為啥他讓我想到跳豆.......
04/17 23:59, 23F

04/18 00:07, , 24F
WALL的體型跟體能都很像WADE ...
04/18 00:07, 24F

04/18 00:07, , 25F
切入也很有一手 所以才這麼受矚目
04/18 00:07, 25F

04/18 00:10, , 26F
但除此之外 傳球還有外線都待磨練
04/18 00:10, 26F

04/18 00:19, , 27F
那他跟TE.....應該不太配吧 還是快攻一前一後?? XDD
04/18 00:19, 27F

04/18 00:19, , 28F
如果養的不好 最差也是個Rodney Stuckey
04/18 00:19, 28F

04/18 00:43, , 29F
Rodney Stuckey...囧rz
04/18 00:43, 29F

04/18 00:48, , 30F
04/18 00:48, 30F

04/18 00:49, , 31F
他的無球跑動比te好 (說偷跑也可以 XD)
04/18 00:49, 31F

04/18 00:49, , 32F
他有足夠强的體能去執行空中的阿理由 te不行
04/18 00:49, 32F

04/18 00:51, , 33F
我們的洞不可能一年就補齊 我也贊成這篇Petrie的方法
04/18 00:51, 33F

04/18 00:51, , 34F
04/18 00:51, 34F

04/18 00:51, , 35F
04/18 00:51, 35F

04/18 00:52, , 36F
我們的薪資空間沒有比較大 也不是強隊 市場也不大
04/18 00:52, 36F

04/18 00:52, , 37F
要進季後賽 至少也是三年以後的事情
04/18 00:52, 37F

04/18 00:53, , 38F
所以選有一定基本能力 天份最好的球員應該沒錯
04/18 00:53, 38F

04/18 00:55, , 39F
這篇有句話講的很好 Petrie是想打造一個長年打進季後賽
04/18 00:55, 39F

04/18 00:56, , 40F
的強隊 選到幾個future allstar是很重要的...
04/18 00:56, 40F

04/18 00:57, , 41F
及戰力的球員可以在自由市場找 或用換的
04/18 00:57, 41F

04/18 00:58, , 42F
替補PG 大鎖 硬底子卡位佳的hustle guy 這些都不難找
04/18 00:58, 42F
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