The Not-so-Asinine Trade Post (大西洋區)

看板Kings作者 (I love Man Utd!!!!!!!!!)時間14年前 (2010/01/28 21:33), 編輯推噓27(27039)
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The Not-so-Asinine Trade Post partI With the trade deadline coming up in less than a month (February 19th to be exact), I thought it would be prudent to discuss what possibilities could exist. But I realized that I couldn't possibly know what each team needed as I only truly follow the Kings closely, and although I have a solid grasp on quite a few teams needs, nobody knows their team better than the passionate fans that follow them. 交易大限﹝2/19﹞將至,來聊聊可能發生的交易案吧,但我知道我不可能瞭解每一隊的需 求,因為我只有跟國王的比賽跟的比較緊,我只是大概知道一些隊伍的需求,沒有人會比 忠實的粉絲更了解自己的球隊。 So I contacted Blogger Fans from around the Interwebs (mostly SBN, the TrueHoop Network, and the Fansided Network) in order to get a little bit of information about their team (the amount of information I gleaned varied from person to person, so I'll have more on some teams than others), and for a little bit of outsider perspective from them (asking them what players from the Kings they would want on their team, besides Tyreke of course, who is perhaps the only truly untouchable asset). We as Kings fans tend to not have a totally realistic value of our players, or at least attribute a different value to our players than fans of other teams. So I hope you enjoy the read, and hopefully learn a lot. Thank you to all those who took the time to respond to my e-mails/fanposts. 所以我透過網路聯絡了各隊的部落客以獲取各隊的資訊,並詢問他們的觀點﹝問他們除了 reke以外,國王有哪位球員符合他們的需求。﹞。我們國王迷常常不能真正的了解自己球 員的價值,透過這種方式至少可以了解國王球員在別隊球迷心中的價值。感謝那些願意撥 冗回信給我的你們。 Note: Clicking on each teams logo will link to their salary cap information from It opens in a new window. 譯者:隊名下方的連結可以觀看該隊薪資狀況 Atlantic Division: 大西洋組 Boston Celtics Source: Roy Hobbs, Editor for Celtics Blog Team Needs: "Our biggest needs are backup PG and backup SF, and overall we could use younger / more athletic players (who have some fundamental skills)." 需求:缺替補後衛跟替補小前鋒,以及可以派上場的年輕/運動神經發達的球員﹝須具備基 本的技巧﹞。 Who Would You Want: "You guys have a few that are interesting. Kevin Martin, Jason Thompson, and Spencer Hawes have to be pretty desirable to most teams out there." 感興趣的國王球員:馬丁、小湯和阿屁,很多隊伍都哈他們。 My Analysis: Boston is built to compete for a title for the next 2-3 years, and thats why a player like Nocioni could be very valuable to them. Of all the teams that might have an interest in Noc, Boston has always been one that makes the most sense. They have the expirings and the need. They're also in a little bit of a slump and might think they can use the help. 分析:波士頓的目標是在這二到三年內保持爭冠的戰力,因此酒駕對他們將會很有幫助, 眾多對酒駕感興趣的球隊中,波士頓無疑是非常有可能的隊伍,他們有到期約,也有需求 ,他們現況不佳,酒駕或許對他們有幫助。 Likelihood of a trade between us: I know Boston would love to trade Ray Allen to us for Martin and Kenny Thomas, but the Kings wouldn't do that. More likely, and very possible, is the Kings trading Nocioni for Scalabrine and House/T. Allen. I'm pretty sure that at this point, the Kings will take any expirings for Noc and if Boston calls, the deal will be done. But other than a Noc deal, nothing else makes much sense. The C's could want Sergio, but other teams could offer better deals for Sergio. Not many teams would want to take on Nocioni. 可能的交易方案:我知道波士頓可能會想用Allen跟我們換馬丁和K9,但我們不會接受。比 較有可能的方案是酒駕換Scalabrine和House/T. Allen。我想在這個時刻國王願意接受任 何的到期約,只要波士頓來電,這個交易就能定案。除了酒駕之外的交易案都不太有機會 ,波士頓可能會想要Serge,但其他隊伍能提出對Serge更好的報價。其實對酒駕有興趣的 隊伍並不多。 New Jersey Nets Source: NetsDaily, Manager of Nets Daily Team Needs: "The Nets need defense, rebounding, and shooting. (That's a lot, but hey, they're 3-38 [3-40 as of this reading]) And the forward spots are their biggest weaknesses." 需求:缺防守、缺籃板、缺射手﹝我知道缺很大,畢竟他們現在3勝40負﹞。前鋒線是他們 最大的問題。 Who Would You Want: "Casspi and Thompson, for the reasons above, and because they're young and cheap." 感興趣的國王球員:卡卡和小湯,基於上述原因,而且他們年輕又便宜。 My Analysis: It's really difficult to be a Nets fan now, but the Nets have the chance to be rather insanely good in the near future. They have some very good young pieces (Brook Lopez and Devin Harris are All-Star Talents) and some other good young guys with promise (CDR, Courtney Lee, Yi, Terrence Williams), a top 4 pick in the draft and the best chance to win the John Wall sweepstakes (it's pretty much guaranteed they're going to finish last), and a ton of cap space next year with a new billionaire owner. Of the players on the Nets, the only one I'm remotely interested in is Brook, and if the Nets know what's good for them, they won't trade him for anyone. Dominant centers are the hardest thing to get, and they have one. 分析:現在當一個籃網的球迷真的很痛辛苦,但他們在不久的將來很可能會突飛猛進,他 們有年輕的天份﹝Brook Lopez和Devin Harris都有成為全星星的潛力﹞也有其他年輕的球 員﹝CDR, Courtney Lee, Yi, Terrence Williams﹞,今年的選秀權有前四順位保障,而 且最有機會選到John Wall﹝這也是他們願意墊底的原因﹞,同時有很大的薪資空間去牽一 位重量級球員。籃網陣中我只對Brook感興趣,但籃網腦袋夠清楚的話就不會賣他,一個具 有宰制力的中鋒是最難獲得的,而他們手上就有一個。 Likelihood of a Trade between us: I'll let NetsDaily take it from here: "I don't find it very likely that these teams would make a deal, because they're both in the same position: trying to put together a talented, young core. Neither team really has much redundancy at this point either." 可能的交易方案:兩隊都在收集年輕的天份,我想不到可行的交易。 New York Knicks Source: Seth, Manager of Posting and Toasting Team Needs: "The Knicks desperately need a pure point guard. Chris Duhon is billed as such, but has only occasionally shown the attacking ability and court vision necessary to quarterback the D'Antoni offense. Nate Robinson, too, has had trouble managing the ball and setting up the offense. The team's ball movement as a whole struggles when those two don't have it going." 需求:尼克極度渴望一個純控衛,他們已經有Duhon了,但他的攻擊能力貧乏,而且在冷笑 話的體系下,他們需要一個能觀察全場動態的控衛。Nate在處理球和策劃進攻上有一些問 題,當這兩個人都出現問題時,球隊的進攻就會陷入麻煩。 Who Would You Want: "The two most desirable Kings would have to be Kevin Martin (just because any team would benefit from such a talented scorer. I think he'd flourish under D'Antoni.) and Sergio Rodriguez, because he's got solid point guard skills and a manageable contract." 感興趣的國王球員:最想要的兩個球員是馬丁﹝因為馬丁在任何隊伍都可以隨插即用,我 想他在冷笑話的手下會如魚得水﹞和Serge,因為他具備一個控衛所需的技巧而且夠便宜。 My Analysis: The Knicks are not looking to add any salary. And they need a point guard. Sergio Rodriguez would be absolutely perfect for them in both ways. But is there anyone we would want? David Lee is someone I've always been interested in, but the Knicks are likely not giving him up. They also probably aren't going to give up someone like Jordan Hill for Sergio unless we take Jeffries or Curry, both contracts which I want the Kings to stay away from. I really like Marcus Landry and Wilson Chandler, but the last thing the Kings need is another wing. Darko could work here, but he's reportedly leaving the NBA no matter what next year. After that, there is the possibility of Nate Robinson, who the Kings have admittedly shown interest in before (I don't really like him), and the person I do like, Toney Douglas. 分析:尼克不想要任何的薪資負擔,可是他們需要一個控衛,Serge無疑非常適合他們,但 他們有我們要的菜嗎?David Lee不錯但尼克不可能給。如果要尼克拿出Jordan Hill,我 們就得吃下Jeffries或Curry的合約,這兩分合約國王最好不要去淌渾水。我蠻喜歡Marcus Landry和Wilson Chandler,但國王不需要,小米粒也許能派上用場,但他已經說他下季要 回歐洲了。所以只剩Nate Robinson,國王之前對他有興趣﹝我不喜歡他﹞,以及我比較喜 歡的Toney Douglas。 Likelihood of a Trade between us: I don't see the Kings wanting to take on either of Jeffries or Curry's contracts, so unless they're willing to simply offer a trade of expiring contracts, something like Seth thought of, Darko and Nate for Sergio and K-9, I don't see it happening. There really aren't that many guys on the Knicks the Kings could be interested in. 可能的交易方案:我看不到國王吃下Jeffries或Curry的合約的可能,除非他們也願意提供 到期約,比如Seth所提的米粒加Nate換Serge和K9之類的交易案,我不認為這會發生,兩隊 都沒有太多對方有興趣的菜。 Philadelphia 76ers Source: J. Sams, Co-Manager of Liberty Ballers Team Needs: "We need shooters, a go-to scorer at the end of games, and a center to anchor the defense in the future." 需求:射手,關鍵時刻能依賴的攻擊手,未來的防守型中鋒。 Who Would You Want: "Omri Casspi and Jon Brockman (or any expiring contracts). Casspi because he's a classic glue guy every contender needs and a good shooter who's better than Jason Kapono on defense. Brockman for some of the same reasons." 想要的國王球員:卡卡和洛克人﹝或者是到期約﹞卡卡是每一隻勁旅都會想要的球員,好 射手,防守也比Kapono好,洛克人也是一樣。 My Analysis: Philadelphia would love to shed some salary, and there isn't anybody out there who is touching Elton Brand's contract, so that leaves Iguodala and Dalembert as big contracts Philly might try to move. I like Iggy, but I think his game wouldn't mesh very well with Tyreke's, mainly because they're both slashers and not very good perimeter shooters. Dalembert has been playing very well as of late, averaging the 2nd most rebounds and blocks of his career while adding 8 points on 53% shooting. Another thing about Sam, he hasn't missed a game since 2006 and has 4 seasons of 82 games played. I actually would not mind Sammy D on the Kings right now. I don't consider us players in the 2010 market anyway. 分析:七六人想要舒解薪資壓力,但沒有一支隊伍會願意碰Brand的合約,所以只剩Iggy和 大懶伯這兩份大約送的出去,我喜歡Iggy,但他和reke應該不會合,因為兩人都是劊子手 而不是好的射手。大懶伯近期的表現回溫,籃板和火鍋都達到生涯次高的成績,每場可另 外貢獻8分﹝命中率53%﹞,他從2006年以來連續四年全勤,我覺得國王可以吃下他的合約 ,因為我不認為國王在今年夏天能成為買家。 Likelihood of a Trade Between us: I think that Dalembert will definitely re-surface in rumors before the deadline, and Sacramento will once again be linked. He fits a need (Great shot blocker, Great Defensive Rebounder), and will be an expiring next year. Dalembert for K-9 and Armstrong works, and it saves the Sixers almost $13 million next year, in a draft that they can likely find a quality big man. I would not be surprised to see Dalembert come to Sacramento at or near the deadline. 可行的交易方案:在交易大限之前國王和大懶伯的傳言一定會再次被提出來,他符合我們 的需求﹝善於封阻和保護防守籃板﹞,而且下季他的合約就到期了,大懶伯換K9+阿姆是可 行的,他幫七六人明年省下13m的薪資,讓他們有機會找更適合的長人。在交易截止日前大 懶伯來國王並不會讓我太訝異。 Toronto Raptors Source: Vicious D, Writer for Raptors HQ Team Needs: "Depends on who you ask. If it's about this actual team that we have, we need a real Small Forward who will attack the interior more than once in a blue moon. A guy that will at least give you rebounding if they aren't making shots. Sad thing right now is that we lost two of the better options available in Carlos Delfino as well as in Shawn Marion. Hedo Turkoglu, while you can argue about his many talents, is not one of those physical presences despite his size. With Bargnani shooting from the outside most nights, although he does have some ability to rebound or at least block out, the Raptors need someone else besides Chris Bosh to actually grab them. Unfortunately, Turkoglu isn't that guy." 需求:需要可以攻擊禁區的小前鋒,好的籃板手,我們沒能留下Carlos Delfino和Shawn Marion真的很可惜,至於Turkoglu,儘管他有身材,但他並不能達到上述的要求。 Bargnani也偏好在外圍投射,浪費他的籃板和封蓋的天賦,需要Bosh以外可以達到上述條 件的人,火槍兵不是我們要的人。 Who Would You Want: "I think most people would automatically go with Garcia and Martin if they were looking at pure fantasy stats. However, if I were to look at this team, I would like Martin along with a guy like Spencer Hawes. I think a guy like Spencer Hawes is intriguing at his salary and would help the Raptors as far as an additional interior presences is concerned." 感興趣的國王球員:只看數據的話,大家都會自動聯想到老賈和馬丁,然而我的首選是阿 屁,其次是馬丁,阿屁不貴而且能加強我們的禁區威脅。 Who Would You Want for Chris Bosh?: Because Bosh is perhaps the most coveted non-King for us StR types, I decided to give Vicious a special bonus question which he took the time to answer for me. "Youth and draft picks. If the Raptors were to let their franchise player go, it would mean that the Raptors would need some youthful talent come back to give us some hope. The Raptors would definitely need Spencer Hawes or another center in return, would need a multitude of draft picks so that they can draft some new talent, and would probably want to bring in some of the Kings' expiring contracts so they could hunt down an additional piece or two in the summer. I'm sure the Raptors fan base would take the news hard, but the rebuild process would be quicker with those pieces. " So it looks like they'd probably want Spencer or Jason, our unprotected draft pick in 2010, and expirings. I think he makes a good point in asking for Expirings instead of Martin. The Raptors just spent a lotto pick on someone they think could be their shooting guard for years, and Martin doesn't really fit a need while his salary would eat up at their space for quite a few years. Perhaps they'd want to include a Martin for Calderon deal in any Bosh swap and I think that would be fair. 用Bosh的話想換誰:﹝因為Bosh是大家感興趣的球員,所以特別增加這個問題。﹞年輕球 員和選秀權,如果暴龍要讓最重要的球員離開的話,那意味著我們必須換回年輕的球員, 好讓球隊保持希望,我們想要阿屁或其他的中鋒,數個選秀權以增加球隊的天賦,也想要 國王的到期約以便於在這一兩個暑假可以捕人,我知道暴龍球迷很難接受,但這樣才能加 快球對重建的速度。 所以看起來暴龍想要阿屁或小湯,2010不受限的選秀權和到期約,我想他用到期約取代馬 丁是正確的決定,暴龍認為得分後衛的部份可以用選秀來補足,而馬丁的複數年合約讓他 們難以下嚥。他們也願意把Calderon放入包裹內來交換馬丁,我想這是個公平的交易。 My Analysis: There is only one Raptor I covet, and I think we all covet him: Chris Bosh. Unfortunately for the Kings, I doubt he will be made available at the trade deadline for reasons I will make clear below. Other than Bosh, I really don't like the Calderon for Martin rumors for the Kings, but Amir Johnson is someone I think we could use. He's basically Tyrus Thomas-lite. I'm sure the Raptors would love to unload Hedo, but there isn't any way the Kings are taking on that massive contract for a declining player. 分析:我只哈一個人,我想大家都一樣─Chris Bosh。但我對他在交易大限前是否會被交 易存疑,原因下面會詳述。。除了Bosh以外,對於Caldron換馬丁的案子並沒有興趣, Amir Johnson是不錯的球員,他像公牛的TT,我確定暴龍很樂意把火槍兵送走,但沒有任 何誘因讓國王吃下這份大約。 Likelihood of a trade between us: Slim. The Raptors have little incentive to trade Bosh or Johnson to the Kings. Johnson merely because he's an expiring and a useful bench player, and Bosh because they would be absolutely stupid to trade him at the deadline. They can offer more money and more years than any other team in the league for him. If he really wants to leave, he would have to give up at least 20 million dollars, something no player has done. Unless someone offers the Raptors a deal that is too good to pass up, I see Bosh staying in Toronto, at least until the offseason. If he were made available, the Kings would likely be one of the teams trying to go after him, and I'm sure Petrie has at least sent feelers. But is Bosh worth getting rid of at least 2 quality players and a likely top 10 draft pick in a big heavy draft? I think you have to say yes, merely because he's already proven his worth. But I think the Kings might choose to go the cheap route and try to get their big of the future via the draft. Lucking out in the lottery would be a huge help, but obviously not something you should count on. 可能成行的交易方案:對於暴龍而言他們不會有太大的興趣把Johnson或Bosh送到國王, Joshson是一個可靠的替補而且還是到期約,至於Bosh,除非他們傻了才會在截止日之前把 他送走,暴龍是唯一可以提供最長年限和最高金額的合約給Bosh的隊伍,如果他真的想走 ,他至少得放棄2000萬的薪水,這沒有球員做得到。除非有人可以提供夠好的條件讓暴龍 願意把他送走,我認為Bosh至少會在暴龍待到季末,一旦他被放到交易市場上,國王很可 能成為買家之一,我想總管至少會去探探口風,但Bosh值得我們拿出兩個好球員以及今年 的前十順位選秀權去交換嗎?我想是值得的,因為他已經證明過自己的身價了,不過我想 國王應該會透過選秀來獲得好的長人,在抽樂透時只要手氣夠好就會有很大的幫助,但這 不是你能期待的。 ﹝待續﹞ -- 好長,有沒有人要一起翻, 有意願的直接推文說你要翻那一區的就可以了。 感恩<(_ _)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/28 21:40, , 1F
01/28 21:40, 1F

01/28 21:41, , 2F
01/28 21:41, 2F

01/28 21:43, , 3F
01/28 21:43, 3F

01/28 21:44, , 4F
01/28 21:44, 4F

01/28 21:45, , 5F
01/28 21:45, 5F

01/28 21:45, , 6F
現在換不換Casspi不是問題 哪隊願意把內線換給我們
01/28 21:45, 6F

01/28 21:46, , 7F
才是問題 有可能會成真的交易基本上都不需要動Casspi
01/28 21:46, 7F

01/28 21:47, , 8F
三號位如果真的必須動到,我個人Greene > Garcia > Casspi
01/28 21:47, 8F

01/28 21:47, , 9F
恩恩 我是指上述Bosh的方案 當然最可能的方案是大懶柏
01/28 21:47, 9F

01/28 21:49, , 10F
01/28 21:49, 10F

01/28 21:49, , 11F
如果是2010選秀權和小卡來選的話 我可能忍痛讓小卡走
01/28 21:49, 11F

01/28 21:50, , 12F
如果暴龍想要阿屁/小湯 2010不受限的選秀權和到期約的話
01/28 21:50, 12F

01/28 21:50, , 13F
01/28 21:50, 13F

01/28 21:51, , 14F
我可能比較偏好選秀權留著 小賈比較幸運因為他今年是BYC
01/28 21:51, 14F

01/28 21:52, , 15F
從Mockdraft上看來 10年的選秀似乎補不了我們的禁區
01/28 21:52, 15F

01/28 21:52, , 16F
01/28 21:52, 16F

01/28 21:54, , 17F
Casspi這種人 不是每年用同樣順位就選得到的
01/28 21:54, 17F

01/28 21:55, , 18F
可是小卡也不是禁區阿 JT&小卡&KT 會是我們能提出的case
01/28 21:55, 18F

01/28 21:55, , 19F
01/28 21:55, 19F

01/28 21:56, , 20F
01/28 21:56, 20F

01/28 21:57, , 21F
01/28 21:57, 21F

01/28 21:57, , 22F
01/28 21:57, 22F

01/28 21:59, , 23F
最好的結果就像前幾篇推文,幸運抽到狀元,然後 1st 換
01/28 21:59, 23F

01/28 22:00, , 24F
Rubio , 其他人換禁區了 ,也可以現金跟雷霆換一枚中段
01/28 22:00, 24F

01/28 22:01, , 25F
01/28 22:01, 25F

01/28 22:04, , 26F
01/28 22:04, 26F

01/28 22:22, , 27F
去年的經驗......,雖然希望有好簽, 不過還是希望下半球
01/28 22:22, 27F

01/28 22:23, , 28F
01/28 22:23, 28F

01/28 22:25, , 29F
小卡 小湯 EVANS必留 其他都可以換 這三支才是基石吧
01/28 22:25, 29F

01/28 22:30, , 30F
Southwest Division
01/28 22:30, 30F

01/28 22:34, , 31F
個人覺得狀元籤不見得換得到Rubio 灰狼真的需要江臥嗎
01/28 22:34, 31F

01/28 22:35, , 32F
似乎並非是這樣 另外 在戰績後段的球隊裡 沒有一隊是
01/28 22:35, 32F

01/28 22:36, , 33F
真正缺少一個合格控衛的 更何況江臥實際上是PG皮 SG骨
01/28 22:36, 33F

01/28 22:36, , 34F
他可能是future allstar 但質疑他的人比當初質疑LBJ的多
01/28 22:36, 34F

01/28 22:37, , 35F
多了 更何況灰狼如果用Rubio換來江臥 豈不是自己打臉...
01/28 22:37, 35F

01/28 22:38, , 36F
另外 我指的補不了是 禁區防守應該還是一樣弱 再選個
01/28 22:38, 36F

01/28 22:39, , 37F
PF進來也是一樣得undersize去扛C 如果reke還是不會傳球
01/28 22:39, 37F

01/28 22:39, , 38F
選進來一樣還是會養不起來 倒不如今年直接換大懶柏
01/28 22:39, 38F

01/28 22:40, , 39F
01/28 22:40, 39F

01/28 22:43, , 40F
01/28 22:43, 40F

01/28 22:45, , 41F
01/28 22:45, 41F

01/28 22:52, , 42F
01/28 22:52, 42F

01/28 23:00, , 43F
01/28 23:00, 43F

01/28 23:01, , 44F
這篇超長 值得一推再推
01/28 23:01, 44F

01/28 23:02, , 45F
江臥的價值沒有這麼低 尤其是灰狼這種算是注意力比較低的
01/28 23:02, 45F

01/28 23:02, , 46F
球隊 絕對需要一個大明星來提高注意力
01/28 23:02, 46F

01/28 23:04, , 47F
central division
01/28 23:04, 47F

01/28 23:06, , 48F
我只是很好奇他們已經有三個控衛了 再來一隻要怎麼養XD
01/28 23:06, 48F

01/28 23:09, , 49F
01/28 23:09, 49F

01/28 23:11, , 50F
01/28 23:11, 50F

01/28 23:17, , 51F
恩 我很愛omri 真的要選一個 我寧願丟小湯...對不起小湯
01/28 23:17, 51F

01/28 23:22, , 52F
JT:明明你們去年才說我絕對不能賣得捏...... (哭哭)
01/28 23:22, 52F

01/28 23:42, , 53F
01/28 23:42, 53F

01/28 23:56, , 54F
01/28 23:56, 54F

01/29 00:14, , 55F
01/29 00:14, 55F

01/29 00:36, , 56F
01/29 00:36, 56F

01/29 08:23, , 57F
01/29 08:23, 57F

01/29 08:32, , 58F
我接下來會翻Southeast Division
01/29 08:32, 58F

01/29 08:36, , 59F
可以的話 TE+卡卡<->肉配汁哥+選秀 太想要優質禁區了
01/29 08:36, 59F

01/29 08:38, , 60F
01/29 08:38, 60F

01/29 08:59, , 61F
Northwest division
01/29 08:59, 61F

01/29 09:55, , 62F
01/29 09:55, 62F

01/29 11:29, , 63F
01/29 11:29, 63F

01/29 12:59, , 64F
01/29 12:59, 64F

01/29 13:03, , 65F
這一區菜是很多 但感覺交易起來不是搶人就是被人搶
01/29 13:03, 65F

01/29 13:04, , 66F
01/29 13:04, 66F
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