[閒聊] The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Week 11

看板Kings作者 (I love Man Utd!!!!!!!!!)時間14年前 (2010/01/14 21:40), 編輯推噓18(1801)
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Week 11 http://0rz.tw/uhA2B by Aykis16 on Jan 10, 2010 11:15 AM PST in Commentary 106 comments Oh quit complaining JT. You had a bad week. And now you have something to work up to! You'll thank me later. 不得不抱怨小湯,你這週打的很糟,快加把勁吧。 First things first though. The prestigious Mr. Ziller has asked me to join the rank and file of StR as an Associate Editor. It went pretty much like that scene in The Office where Michael promotes Dwight from Assistant to the Regional Manager to Assistant Regional Manager. No increase in pay, more work, and a huge ego boost for me. Oh and I also have the power to edit all of your posts to say "Aykis16 rulez!". So worth it. On a more serious note, it has been almost a year since I first "officially" joined Sactown Royalty. I did not think at the time that I would ever be featured on the front page, create a new curse word, or that I would have met people who are as passionate about the Kings as I am. This blog not only contains some of the best Kings fans in the world, it also is one of the better sports blogs in the world because of the level of discussion that is provided on a day to day basis. For that I am thankful. This board features some great editors in Ziller and 214, but its all of the rest of you and the depth of detail that we go into that makes this site so great. I don't have the time to thank each and every one of you, so instead a huge rec for all of you. 以上兩段為作者私事,略過不翻。 On to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. 上週表現評比 The Good: 1. Funny Sean May anecdote (100% true) 阿妹的趣事﹝絕對屬實﹞ I have to share this. Friday night I was playing NBA 2k10 for the first time. During my first quick game, Sean May was substituted in. I had him pump fake and take it to the rack for a slam. Right after he slammed the ball down all the power in my house, the neighborhood, the street lights, and the shopping center by my house went out. If thats not God's way of telling a Sean May fat joke, I don't know what is. 我一定要分享這件事,星期五我第一次玩NBA2K10,第一場比賽裡阿妹被電腦換上場,我用 他做了一個假動作晃過對手後在禁區爆扣,在他灌完籃的這一刻,我們這一區跳電了,我 家、鄰居、路燈還有附近的超市都陷入一片黑暗。如果這不是老天爺對阿妹那一身肥肉開 的玩笑,那我不知道還能代表甚麼。 2. Ime Udoka 南哥 Not only did Ime's contract become guaranteed for this year, he also had a pretty darn good week. He almost became the 10th King to score 20 points this year in the Warriors game, and was also the only player who was consistent that game (only 1 turnover and 3 missed shots all game). He's been incredibly efficient on the offensive end of the floor as of late, shooting a 61.9% from the field this week, including 50% on long balls. He also had a team and career high 14 rebounds against the Warriors. Ime is the ultimate team player. I actually sort of hope we sign him again next year, he'd be good just to have around our young guys. 不單是南哥拿到保證約這件事,他本週也打的靠北的好。對勇士的比賽他差點就成為本季 第十位單場得分超過二十分的國王球員,同時也是唯一一位那場比賽沒有打擺子的球員﹝ 整場僅有三次出手不進和一次失誤﹞。進攻效率好的令人難以置信,本週投籃命中率高達 六成一九,其中外線出手的命中率高達五成,對勇士的比賽也抓下了生涯最高的十四顆籃 板。南哥是位絕佳的團隊球員,我衷心希望球隊下一季可以續簽他,他對我們的年輕球員 們很有幫助。 3. Spencer Hawes is back 阿屁睡醒了 Does Spencer Hawes read StR (see Peaches t-shirt)? Because he's been playing pretty great ever since my fanpost. He didn't really play all that much against Phoenix because of how well Jon played, but he is finally confident on offense again, and is also making some timely defensive plays. He seems to have altered something in his shot as well, because there is more arc and he's hitting them more often. A blistering 65.2% from the field this week for Spence. Next up for Spencer's improvement: Rebounding. Otherwise, keep up the great work. 阿屁搞不好讀了大家對他的評語﹝其中有一張他穿著蜜桃圖案的T桖〈譯者:可能是諷刺他 很軟吧〉﹞。洛克人的好表現壓縮到他的上場時間,但阿屁終於在進攻上找回了信心,在 防守上也有適時的貢獻。他似乎修正了他的出手姿勢,他投籃的拋物線變高,命中率也變 好。阿屁這週的命中率是高的嚇人的六成五二。阿屁待奮鬥的目標是保護籃板,還有保持 本週的表現。 4. Tyreke Evans This guy is amazing. Not many 20 year olds want the ball in their hands with the game on the line and can do something about it. Against Denver he seemed finally to shake the rust from his injury absence and stopped being so tentative on offense. I really want to focus on the Denver game for Tyreke here because there's so many things he did that were good. First off, he only had 4 assists, but he should have had 10. In the first quarter he was driving and kicking to wide open shooters constantly. That move is so good when the defense collapses on him. Unfortunately for Reke and the Kings, nobody could buy a bucket in the first half. Still, that is exactly what I want to see from Tyreke when Kevin comes back. And Tyreke's jumper was money last night. He shot 3-4 from 16-23 feet last night, and 1-2 from 3. His shot looked smooth. The fact that we're already seeing results with his jumper as a rookie tells me he'll end up being a very good shooter in this league. And that's scary, because this man with a solid jumper is unguardable. 這傢伙屌。極少數和他同齡的球員可以在比賽的最後關頭持球做出貢獻。對丹佛的比賽他 似乎已經擺脫傷後的不適應,找回進攻上的敏銳度。談談對丹佛的比賽,首先他只有四次 助攻,實際上他應該可以有十次助攻,第一節他的切入就製造了許多空檔給外圍的射手, 當國王的防守出問題時,這些切入能幫球隊找回好的狀態,但不幸地外圍的球員上半場一 再地錯失得分的良機。同時,reke的表現正是我想看到他和馬丁的合作方式。其次是reke 的跳投,他在十六到二十三呎遠的距離投四中三,三分球投二中一,他的出手姿勢很柔順 。這位菜鳥曾跟我說過他會成為聯盟中最好的射手之一,而現在我們已經可以看到一些成 果。這是很恐怖的,因為他的跳投會很難防守。 5.Beno Beno is going in the good column for almost single-handedly bringing us back in the Phoenix game. He also tore up the Warriors in the first half and had a decent game against Denver. Beno has really come out strong this year, and I definitely see a future for him in Sacramento. 烏錐在對太陽的比賽幾乎隻手把我們帶回比賽中,對勇士的比賽他在上半場也熱的發燙, 對丹佛的比賽也有好表現。烏錐本季找回了狀態,我很確信他在國王有著光明的未來。 6. Omri Casspi reaching the #1 Rookie spot on David Thorpe's Rookie Rankings 卡卡在David Thorpe的新秀排行榜中攀升至首位。 Omri had a stellar month in December, and a great end especially. As such, Thorpe felt the need to reward him with the #1 spot after Tyreke's absence. There's no doubt in my mind that Tyreke is getting the Rookie of the Year award, but Omri is definitely a top 5 rookie as well. 卡卡有個耀眼的十二月,特別是他也維持的不錯。Thorpe為了獎勵他在reke缺席時的表現 給了他第一名的榮耀。對於reke會拿到新人王,我沒有任何懷疑,但卡卡也絕對會入選新 秀第一隊。 7. Jon Brockman See Player of the Week. I would also like to say that I think there isn't a guy in the NBA who is hated more on the court and loved more off it. 關於洛克人的表現請見本週最佳球員。我從來沒見過這麼一個讓人又愛又恨的球員。 8. Garcia back at Practice 老賈開始練球 This is great news. Cisco finally practiced with the team and it looks like he'll be re-evaluated during the road trip and could be back as soon as the Kings come back from their 6 game road trip to play against the Warriors at home on January 26th. That is the earliest Cisco will come back by my estimation. Kevin Martin could be back in a uniform as soon as Jan. 15th in Philadelphia. Great news all around for the Kings. 老賈開始練球,預期他最快在二十六號對勇士的比賽就可以上場。 9. News that the Kings are looking to use their cap space to improve the team 球隊利用薪資空間來尋求提升戰力的機會 I think its good that the Kings are looking to still improve the team by taking advantage of other teams cap situations. The rumor is the Kings are looking to get a 2nd round pick, but I think the real reason is to get a cheap big man for a year, and that they might as well get a pick as a thank you. 有傳言是會去換個二輪簽,但我覺得會去找個便宜的大個子來用一年。 ﹝球隊這禮拜從黃蜂找來阿姆﹞ The Bad: 1. Omri Casspi's Rookie Wall 卡卡的撞牆期 Omri had a great game against Phoenix, but against Golden State and Denver, Omri seems to have hit the rookie wall a little bit. He's already played 34 games, not including preseason and the summer league and you can just tell by the way his shots are falling short lately that he's a bit tired. And that's completely fine because Omri has surpassed everyone's expectations for this year, and probably next year too. The best part about Omri is the way he still contributes even when he's not playing that well. He boards extremely well for his size and position (15.7 DRB rate), and he hits clutch shots (that 3 at the end of the Denver game). I'm not too worried about Omri. Great find and pick by Petrie. 卡卡對太陽打了一場好球,但對金州和丹佛卻像碰上了撞牆期。扣掉練習賽和夏季聯盟, 卡卡本季已經打了三十四場比賽,他最近的投籃彈道似乎都短了些,我想他真的累了。 不用太擔心卡卡,他本季的表現已經超乎大家預期,可能明年也會這樣。最棒的是即使卡 卡的進攻不在狀態,他仍可以為球隊做出貢獻,以他的位置和身高而言,他抓籃板的技巧 極佳﹝以四十八分鐘計算每場可以抓十五點七個防守籃板﹞,而且關鍵時刻投籃不手軟﹝ 對丹佛的關鍵三分﹞。他是總管這次選秀會上的絕妙選擇。 2. Jason Thompson Well it looks like Desmond Masonitis has found a new host. JT has been going into a minor slump the past two weeks, but no week was more evident than this one. He shot 13 of 38 (34.2%) from the floor this week, and for a 6'11 Power Forward, thats just plain awful. The elbow jumper that had been looking so good earlier in the year has seemed to completely leave him, and thanks to hoopdata.com's new boxscores, you can see he only shot 2-10 from 16-23 feet this week, 1-4 from 10 - 15 feet, 4-11 from < 10 feet, and 6-12 at the Rim. He was also 0-1 from 3, but that was a halfcourt heave so it doesn't matter. Also, he averaged 4 turnovers a game in the 3 games this week. He's letting his frustration get to him, and its affecting the Kings in a very negative way. Jason needs to learn to keep his emotions from affecting his game. 看起來Desmond Mason病毒找到新的宿主。過去兩週小湯的績效就已經再下滑,但這週跌的 更恐怖。本週他合計投三十八進十三﹝三成四二﹞,對於一個六呎十一吋的大前鋒,這樣 的成績實在是糟透了。他原本不錯的跳投消失了,由hoopdata.com的資料顯示,本週他在 十六到二十三呎之間投十中二,十到十五呎之間投四中一,十呎之內投十一中四,免責區 內投十二中六,三分球投一進零,不過這是中場槍響前隨便丟的。本週三場比賽他平均每 場發生四次失誤,他總是讓一時的挫敗持續困擾著他,這對球隊是非常負面的。小湯要學 會不讓自己的情緒去影響他的表現。 3. Sergio Rodriguez Is it just me, or does it seem like when Sergio comes in now, he looks more for his shot than a teammate? I don't know why he thinks he's coming in for scoring, his job is to create easy opportunities for others, and when you're so good at that, why try something you're not good at? Serge變成投籃優先,,我不暸他怎麼那麼想得分。他的任務是幫隊友創造機會阿,為何要 放棄你的優勢去做你不擅長的事呢? 4. Andres Nocioni A good performance against Phoenix keeps him off the Ugly for now. I think I'm going to start calling him Chuck, because he doesn't see a shot he doesn't like. He can be very effective when he's going, but when he's not he just kills the ball movement. Its a little like John Salmons except that Noc doesn't dribble for 20 seconds, he just shoots. I don't see any way he stays past the trade deadline, especially with K-Mart and Cisco coming back. 酒駕對太陽打的不錯,但之後打的很爛。我考慮要開始叫他自幹王,因為任何時刻他都想 出手,當他準的時候他變的很有效率,反之,則扼殺了球的移轉。除了他不會自己運二十 秒以上的球外,他看起來就像鮭魚,球來就投。我看不到任何他在交易截止日之前還留在 隊上的可能,而且馬丁和老賈即將歸隊了。 5. Donté's ankle injury 小綠的踝傷 It looks like its only relatively minor and that he'll be back playing soon, but hopefully it doesn't end up being more serious. Donté has improved so much this season, especially on the defensive end of the court, that I've actually started to notice when he's not playing. His passing, defense, and shot selection have all been excellent this season and he's definitely proved himself to be a vital cog to this team. Get well soon Donté. 小綠的傷似乎不太嚴重很快就可以歸隊,希望傷勢不會變嚴重。小綠在本季進步很多,他 的傳球、防守和投籃選擇都有長足的進步,他已經證明他是隊上不可獲缺的一員,趕快回 來,小綠。﹝譯者:小綠已經歸隊﹞ The Ugly: 1. 2nd half of the Warriors game 對勇士的下半場 Kings up 15 at the half, extend the lead to 20 in the middle of the 3rd, and then lose by 7. What went wrong? Everything really. Monta Ellis caught fire, the Kings decided to quit ball movement like a smoking habit, and nobody could buy a bucket. The offense and defense were simply horrible. That you can only score 13 points in a quarter against the worst defense in the NBA says you do not deserve to win the game. A little flak has to be given to Coach Westphal here as well for sticking with the same players for much of the half. Why not play Spencer or Brockman, who were playing well, instead of JT and Casspi? This half was pretty much an epic fail by everyone on the Kings. Props to the Warriors for taking advantage. 上半場結束領先十五分,第三節中段擴大到二十分,最後卻輸七分。花生甚麼素?Monta Ellis手感火熱,國王好像在戒煙一樣停止傳球了,然後沒有人可以得分,進攻和防守都糟 糕至極。單節只得十三分又守不住對手根本就別想贏球。你也會對西法產生質疑,為甚麼 不用阿屁和洛克人代替小湯和卡卡,他們兩個那天都打的好多了。下半場對國王的每一個 人而言都是慘痛的失敗,也因此讓勇士帶走勝利。 2. Bill Ingram Yeah, this guy is still a douche. The fact that he might get paid for his "writing" makes me want to vomit in my mouth. 這傢伙寫的東西讓我作嘔。 3. All the damn "Trade Kevin Martin" posts 所有關於交易馬丁的該死傳言 Seriously people stop it. Let them play for more than 5 games before you start talking out your butts. 夠了,等他們打五場以上的球再來討論這個問題。 Player of the Week: 本週最佳球員 Jon Brockman 洛克人 5 PPG, .417 FG%, 8 RPG, 4.33 ORPG, 1 SPG Those numbers are not great, but when you consider what we were expecting out of Jon Brockman this year, they're awesome. The Brock Ness Monster has been a force to be reckoned with in games, coming in and providing decent defense and excellent rebounding. He earned his way into the Starting Lineup against Denver, and although his offense was a bit iffy, he pretty much did exactly what we wanted him to do. Congrats Nessie. And while I don't think he'll be in the Starting Lineup against Orlando (Dwight would destroy him, Rashard would torch him), I don't think this is the last time we've seen of the Brock Ness Monster starting. 數據雖然不算好,但這已經超乎我們想像,他表現的太好了。籃板怪物洛克人總是全力以 赴,提供好的防守和穩固的籃板,他靠著自己的表現對上丹佛時被放上先發名單,雖然他 還沒有可靠的進攻手段,但他怎是能完成自己的任務。 Comment of the Week: 本週最佳留言 ______________________________________________________________________________ Yes We hate the Lakers. We hate Kobe. We hate Phil. We hate your annoying bandwagon fans. We hate the look, sound and feel of your arena. We hate that you get star calls from the refs that cost us games. We hate that Pau Gasol was gifted to you. We hate that you call the color you wear purple, because we wear purple, and while ours is regal and majestic, yours gives the color purple a bad name. 是的, 我們肚爛湖人,我們肚爛摳比,我們肚爛禪師,我們肚爛你們這些騎牆派的球迷,我們肚 爛關於湖人的一切。我們肚爛裁判因為湖人牌子比較大就偏頗吹判,我肚爛你們偷到炮枷 鎖,我們肚爛你們身上那身紫色,因為我們也穿紫色,在我們身上是如此高貴聖潔,而你 們卻侮辱了它。 We hate Laker fans who come onto our blog and gloat after the refs put a bow on a game and put it under the tree for you. We relished the day that Derek Fisher wept because they didn’t make the playoffs. We found unmitigated satisfaction in seeing Kenny Smith show Kobe in a fishing hat. 我們討厭湖人球迷佔盡便宜卻還到我們的地盤撒野,當漁夫因為沒有打進季後賽而哭泣時 ,我們覺得很爽,看到Kenny Smith秀出摳比去釣魚的照片時,我們都快高潮了。 ﹝釣魚的合成照片意味著季後賽被淘汰﹞ There is nothing good I can say about the Lakers except that someday Kobe will retire and you guys will be mediocre one year until the league fixes the lottery and gives you a #1 pick for all of your suffering. 我期待看到摳比退休後你們變成一支二流的球隊,直到聯盟同情你們的遭遇再送你們另一 個狀元籤。 Hate is not a strong enough word. Try detest. Abhor. Wish a pox on. Vomit at the very mention of. 肚爛還不足以形容我對你們的厭惡,我X他媽的@#$%&... Any of those will do. 任何罵人的話我都想送給你們 by LeaguePassAddict on Jan 4, 2010 9:31 PM PST reply actions 26 recs ___________________________________________________________________________ Highlight of the Week: 精采好球 You might think I'd go for Tyreke's buzzer beater, but I found this earlier shot of his to be much more impressive: 你一定以為我會選reke絕殺,但這球更棒。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHk7gpEGkmI&feature=player_embedded
Oh J.R. Smith. You made my week there. J.R. Smith恭喜你榮登本週最佳好球 Caption Contest: 本週佳句 Last week's contest winner: NoceOne PW summoned "Dementor" Greene to attack Kobe. Unfortunately, Kobe's patronus was a zebra. 西法招喚催狂魔小綠攻擊摳比,不幸地,摳比的護法是斑馬。﹝哈利波特梗﹞ ﹝不知道斑馬是甚麼的請看比賽,身穿條文聖衣,脖子掛著哨子的就是了。﹞ Runner-up: AnotherStupidSN Kings coach Paul Westphal participates in the latest Kings ticket promotion, "Get Touched by Coach Westphal Night". Off-camera: contest winner Pookeyguru awaits his prize. This weeks picture: 本週最佳照片 http://0rz.tw/2mbKK Most rec'd caption wins. And Nostradumbass Prediction for Next Week: 下週賽事預判 v. Orlando 1/12 L (Orlando hasn't been playing that well as of late, and Dwight Howard will destroy us. Having him near the basket is not good for Tyreke either) 魔術略 @ Philadelphia 1/15 W (The start of a 6 game road trip, and possibly Kevin Martin's return. Kings are going to want revenge, and this time at least Evans will be back. Possibly Martin) 1/15作客費城 勝﹝開始六場客場之旅,馬丁可能回歸,國王可望復仇,reke這次不會再缺 席,馬丁也可能上場。﹞ @ Washington 1/16 W (Last time Tyreke stole the ball from Arenas in crunch time to seal the deal. This time there's no Arenas. Watch out for Jamison and Butler, but the Wiz have no answer for Tyreke.) 1/16作客華盛頓 勝﹝上一次靠著reke的關鍵抄截買單,這次他們少了探員,小心Jamison 和Butler,但他們對reke也沒輒。﹞ Nostradumbass record for the season: 19-17 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/14 21:54, , 1F
突然想到我以前跟朋友打的時候講的 聲音進了球沒進
01/14 21:54, 1F

01/14 22:02, , 2F
大推hate LA那段@_@!!!
01/14 22:02, 2F

01/14 22:10, , 3F
01/14 22:10, 3F

01/14 23:07, , 4F
01/14 23:07, 4F

01/14 23:17, , 5F
01/14 23:17, 5F

01/14 23:19, , 6F
01/14 23:19, 6F

01/14 23:20, , 7F
01/14 23:20, 7F

01/14 23:20, , 8F
i hate lakers too. 老是得了便宜還賣乖的嘴臉
01/14 23:20, 8F

01/14 23:25, , 9F
01/14 23:25, 9F

01/14 23:44, , 10F
01/14 23:44, 10F

01/14 23:49, , 11F
是的 那是對丹佛絕殺後的照片
01/14 23:49, 11F

01/15 00:06, , 12F
大推highlight of the week J.R. Smith XD
01/15 00:06, 12F

01/15 00:14, , 13F
01/15 00:14, 13F

01/15 00:29, , 14F
01/15 00:29, 14F
※ 編輯: kingpredrag 來自: (01/15 00:34)

01/15 00:52, , 15F
01/15 00:52, 15F

01/15 08:30, , 16F
01/15 08:30, 16F

01/15 09:00, , 17F
01/15 09:00, 17F

01/15 11:52, , 18F
01/15 11:52, 18F

01/15 15:31, , 19F
是的 我們度爛湖人XD
01/15 15:31, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1BJnxfO7 (Kings)