[外電] Evans leads Kings over Wizards

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http://www.sacbee.com/kings/story/2402317.html Before tipoff Wednesday night, Tyreke Evans was presented with his Western Conference Rookie of the Month award for the first month of the season. Evans 是上個月的西區最佳新秀 By the end of the game, Evans had shown why he might receive that honor more than once this season. 而這場比賽結束後,他證明自己有實力繼續問鼎這項榮譽 Evans' late defensive play and two free throws helped hold off a late charge by the Washington Wizards and give the Kings a 112-109 win over the Wizards in front of an announced crowd of 16,579 at Arco Arena. Evans 最後在防守上的表現與兩記罰球幫助隊伍成功扛住巫師的反攻 讓我們能在16,579名主場觀眾前以112比109保住勝利 Evans finished with 26 points, six rebounds and six assists. But his biggest play came when his left hand poked the ball away from Gilbert Arenas with 3.4 seconds left in the game. 這場比賽中Evans 有26分6籃板6助攻的超人數據 不過他最漂亮的一手是在終場前3.4秒時,從0號手中淦走了斯伯丁 Evans was fouled by Arenas and made both free throws. A three pointer by Caron Butler that would have tied the score was off-target, giving the Kings the win. 0號很快的製造犯規,不過Evans 把握住了這兩次罰球 Butler 最後試圖用三分將比數追平,但是很不幸的脫了靶 國王獲勝 The Kings led 100-88 with 6:18 left in the game. But the Wizards came back thanks to some careless play by Sacramento. 在終場前6分18秒時我們本來還有100比88的領先優勢 可後來荒腔走板的表現讓巫師趁機追了上來 An errant inbound pass from Ime Udoka to Beno Udrih led to a turnover and dunk for Butler that cut the Kings' lead to 109-108 with 18.6 seconds to go. 伊麵發球給Beno 時發生了低級失誤 Butler 抄走了球,灌籃 只剩18.6秒我們卻給追成了只領先一分 After Udrih made one of two free throws, Evans committed what could have been the gaffe of the game. Beno兩罰中一後,Evans 這邊很不是時機的出了問題 He was caught holding Arenas by the jersey before the ball was inbounded with 16.6 seconds left. 在16.6秒巫師發球進場前,他被裁判抓到拉扯0號的球衣 "I was just trying to play physical, trying to keep the ball out of his hands," Evans said. "我只是想盯的緊一點,好讓0號拿不到球。" Evans 如是說 After Butler's free throw made it 110-109, Evans redeemed himself by forcing the turnover. Butler的一罰,巫師只落後一分了 但Evans 適時的壓迫對方造成失誤,彌補了剛才自己捅的漏子 "I looked him in his chest," Evans said. "He went one way, and I got my hand in there." "我盯著他的胸膛,他朝旁邊切入,然後我手就摸到那了" Evans said he wasn't nervous late defending Arenas or when he went to the foul line. Evans 表示自己心臟很大顆,不管在最後防守0號或是被送上罰球線時 "I was pretty mad they called that foul, so I wanted the ball back," Evans said. "I told coach, 'Let me get him again,' and (Arenas) came out and let me get it. He made a move, and I got my hand in there." "裁判吹了那個犯規讓我很抓狂,所以我想把球要回來" "我告訴教練讓我繼續盯0號,接下來的事情就如想像般美好" Kings coach Paul Westphal called Evans' late performance "amazing." 對於Evans漂亮的表現,西佛表示:"驚艷" "There really hasn't been a time where the coaching staff has ever ceased being amazed by him," Westphal said. "He really is something special." "教練群都被他嚇到傻了" 西佛說道, "他真的真的真的很特別 " Evans wasn't the only impressive rookie. Omri Casspi established a career high with 22 points. Andres Nocioni added 20 points. Jason Thompson had 17 points and 13 rebounds. 不過Evans 不是唯一表現優良的新秀,卡卡得到生涯新高的22分 酒駕司機贊助20分,小湯有17分13板 The Kings (11-13) improved to 10-3 at Arco. Next for the Kings is a three-game trip through Minnesota, Milwaukee and Chicago. 我們戰績11勝13敗,在主場有著10勝3敗的佳績 接下來的客場之旅是對灰狼、公鹿以及公牛 The Kings have lost seven in a row on the road since their lone road win, Nov. 7 at Utah. The Wizards suffered their sixth consecutive loss. The Wizards had won eight in a row in the series, including the last four at Arco. 我們的客場戰績慘不忍睹,僅11月初的時候成功拆了阿爵的場子 巫師目前是慘淡的6連敗 不過之前的對戰還是把我們電爽爽,還在Arco肆虐過四場 The Kings hadn't beaten Washington at home since Dec. 21, 2004, or anywhere since Feb. 27, 2005. 2004年底我們就沒有在主場贏過巫師 05年初以後客場也沒贏過 The Kings led 59-54 at halftime thanks to 57.1 percent shooting. The Wizards stayed close thanks to their hustle. 感謝老天,今天上半場5成7的命中率讓我們保持領先 不過巫師仍舊緊咬不放 Washington had 16 second-chance points in the first half, aided by nine offensive rebounds, but shot just 43.8 percent before intermission. 上半場巫師有16分是二次進攻中獲得的,9個進攻籃板實在非常補 幸好中場休息前他們只有4成三的命中率 Washington (7-16) relied offensively on Arenas (game-high 33 points) Antawn Jamison (30 points). 巫師今天靠著0號(全場最高的33分)與Jamison(30分)支撐攻勢 -------------- 第一次翻長篇的外電 回頭看才發現好像不用翻這麼細吼XD Kings Go Go~ -------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MB10 來自: (12/17 19:48)

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翻的很好 gj
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