[外電] DG Show Brings Flavor Back to Sac

看板Kings作者 (電車武士)時間14年前 (2009/12/06 23:05), 編輯推噓8(802)
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http://fanfare.kingsconnect.com/archives/770 Greene’s Hard Work Revives Highlight-Reel Ways 綠綠的努力讓許久不見的精彩球風再度復活。 The Kings are so good! They really put it all on ya,” Kings then-rookie Donte' Greene sang on a street corner near ARCO Arena before his first NBA game.“I really like it in Sacramento. Let’s talk about the Kings! It’s al l about the Kings! 綠綠:「國王真是屌爆了,我愛死國王了!」 “Ooh, I can’t believe it,” Greene continued to all passersby. “I’m in Sacr amento. I’m in the NBA, playing for the Kings! Yeah!” 「幹,能在國王打球真的是太好了。」 As he pulled the purple sign promoting the Kings 2008-09 home opener down, Gree ne’s trademark smile appeared as he said, “that might be our theme song.” 這傢伙努力的站在街頭舉牌子宣傳08球季的國王主場開幕戰 It took a season to manifest itself, but Greene’s rendition of T-Pain’s “Can’t Believe It,” fits the Kings 2009-10 team, winner of eight of its 10 home games, including four straight. 今年有個好的開始,我們在主場拿下了十戰八勝的不錯戰績,其中包括了很爽的四連勝。 To the delight of everyone, “The Donte' Greene Show” is no longer relegated to YouTube viewers. Whether coming off the bench or starting, Greene’s play hasbeen integral to the Kings record and early mentions, thanks to Indiana Pacers Head Coach Jim O’Brien, of the Playoffs. 請在Youtube上定期收看綠綠秀,你能更瞭解他的強悍所在。 The affable Syracuse product’s respite from ESPN’s “SportsCenter” Top 10 plays was and continues to be characterized by hard work, discipline and patience. “We are ecstatic with what he has done,” Coach Paul Westphal said as Greene worked on the practice court after shootaround with assistant coach Shareef Abdur-Rahim. “We haven’t been harder on anybody than Donte'.He has been knocked back a few times, but he always gets himself up and comes back better.It’s a real testament to his perseverance and strength of character. 教練保羅:「我們實在很喜歡這小子所做的一切。」 助理教練Rahim:「綠綠可以被殺死 但不會被擊敗」 “We’re all convinced now that he really wants to be good and he’s willing to do what he needs to do to be an outstanding player. I couldn’t be happier.” 「我們都高潮啦」 Despite playing in only 55 games his rookie season and hearing plenty of skepticism from pundits and others, he learned plenty about the League and himself. As exciting as it was to live his NBA dream, he was most thrilled with the birth of his son, Donté Jr. and set forth to be a great father. 即使菜鳥球季只出賽了55場,並且受到各界的低估,綠綠仍然學習到了很多東C 而小綠綠的出世更是讓綠綠感到蘇湖。 With his son at his side and on Twitter, Greene remained positive and continued to build on what he and his best friend, co-host and teammate Jason Thompson discussed before they tipped off their careers in Sacramento. 有子萬事足 “He was always by my side,” Thompson said as Greene’s work on the practice court continued. “We would work out. We would always hang. Obviously we would be on “The Donté Greene Show” chilling and having fun, as well. We just had different opportunities with the coaches and stuff. You can see how he took it. He took it as a true pro.” 摯友湯哥:我們總是掛在一塊兒 並且在綠綠秀裡演出有歡笑有淚水的故事 Bring the flavor back that we always used to see when we were kids and just establish ourselves in this league,” Thompson said of he and Greene’s goal as he recalled C-Webb and Vlade’s Kings success. “We knew that Sac needed to have some changes and we just wanted to bring some energy and some of the success we had from college over here.” 國王需要改變,而我們就是那基石,我們會把常勝拿回來 “Everyone can make plays and make things happen,” Rodriguez said. “ When everyone has their night we win. The chemistry is amazing. I came from good chemistry in Portland and this is even better in Sacramento. Everyone got together and we helped each other. We are gelling and we have the same interest.” S.ROD:「三根筷子折不斷,我們都是好兄弟。」 Like the team, the season remains young. However, Thompson and Greene’s mission is picking up speed as it progresses. Success, once a hope, is now evident. With it, Greene’s love for Sacramento grows, just as he and Kings fandom spreads beyond its viral roots. 湯哥跟綠綠的愛加速了國王的成長與茁壯。 “My love for Sacramento has grown, especially with us winning and us having our true fans come back out,” Greene said grinning as he took a break from his workout. “Even the people that were there with us through the tough times, they’re bringing people back out. The community is just coming together and we just (have to) keep winning and do big things for Sacramento. 當我們開始贏球後,球迷也開始回來了,大多的球迷都不離不棄的陪伴我們度過 許多艱難的時光!而我們所需要回饋給他們的便是不斷地贏下去。 With the help of rookie phenom Tyreke Evans, Greene and Co. are using their entire hoops repertoire to ensure the 9-8 start isn’t a tease. 在鬼神Evans的幫助下,國王的球員們用全部的籃球技巧來證明開季能拿到9勝8負的戰績 絕對不是矇到的。 “I just think with his size and ability, he can guard a lot of those guys,” Evans said, discussing Greene’s ability to guard multiple positions. “With his work ethic, he’s coming along well. Coach loves the way he is playing right now. He brings a lot of energy, blocks, steals, rebounds and things like that… I think it’s a big part of (his versatility).” 「我想他可以守住許多高手」Evans說:「他很萬能,人也很Nice,教練、大家都喜歡他 ,他帶給了球隊許多能量,像是抄截、籃板之類的。」 To have the opportunity to show Kings fans across the country his array of offensive and defensive abilities that his teammates saw in practice, Greene had to mature. By embracing it, he has. 為了有機會表演給國王球迷享受,他展現了攻守俱全的能力 “Donte' has changed his game a lot,” Evans continued. “He’s not rushing things. He’s more patient. 「當鐵改變了很多他自己的打球方式。」Evans:「他並不急著衝等,他更有耐心。」 “If he keeps working hard in the gym, I think he’ll be a really good player in this league. I’ve watched him play all my life, growing up. I know what he ’s capable of doing. He has been playing good. I hope he keeps it up.” 如果他一直宅在健身房,我想他會成為一個相當出色的選手,我看著他打球、成長,所以 我知道他有能力能辦到,我也希望他能維持他的好狀況。 As much as he takes away from, as Evans says, “making sure everyone has fun, ”Greene is happiest when his dynamic personality and game shine together. Evans:「綠綠真他媽的耀眼。」 “I never wanted to letdown my teammates,” Greene recalled. “So even when I wasn’t playing last year, I was their biggest supporter. Now that I’m out the re helping them, I’m still their big supporter, just doing it on the court an d on the bench at the same time.” "我從不希望我的隊友們灰心喪志,"綠綠說道"因此當上一季我沒什麼機會在場上拼戰時,我 的身分就是啦啦隊長.而這季不一樣了,我可以是場上的戰士,也可以是板凳上的啦啦隊長. "“It’s fun,” Greene continued as he discussed how his adaptability benefits the team. “Every time I start it’s a matchup problem. Whether it’s me at (shooting guard), I’m 6-foot-10 sticking a 6-foot-3, 6-foot-4 guy, that’s a mismatch right there. A lot of the (small forwards), I’m either bigger than them or I’m quicker than them. At (power forward), definitely, just being able to hold down like I’v" "只有我最搖擺,要我從二號打到五號,我都ok的,因為我是天才."綠綠如此詮釋著自己如何用 全能的表現幫助球隊. As he showed in his career-high outing – 24 points, five assists, four rebounds and six blocks — against the New York Knicks on Nov. 25, when he’s in a flow, it excites everybody in the arena. 綠綠得到生涯新高---24分的那一夜,全場球迷都HIGH翻了. I’m not as focused on getting the crowd into the game with cheering as with making good plays,” Westphal said in reference to Greene’s towel-waving ways. “I like to get the crowd into the game with making really good plays.” 西佛表示:我們會用表現征服球迷的心. Some players drink coffee, others use energy drinks to get fired up for games. For number 20, it has always been the roar of the crowd that gets him in the zone. 很多球員會喝咖啡或是其他飲料讓自己進入備戰狀態.但是對於沙城的氣氛製造機來說, 觀眾的喝采就是他的能量. When you come into ARCO, the music is loud, the fans are loud — trying to be louder than the music — and (when) 17,317 people are in there screaming ‘GO KINGS!’ Or, ‘DEFENSE!’ It just gets under your skin,” Greene said grinning as he began rubbing his arms. “You get goose bumps. Your hair stands up. You get a little burst of energy… It’s an amazing feeling.” "當你來到Arco,全場一萬七千多名球迷的加油鼓譟聲,就如同電流在你血管當中流竄." 綠綠摩拳擦掌露出癡漢般的笑容. "起先你會起雞皮疙瘩,毛髮直豎.然後你的小宇宙就爆 發了." With his description so vivid, it’s hard not to get the one-of-its-kind ARCO sensation of a Kings rally. Greene and the Kings really are bringing the flavor back to Sac. 在綠綠生動的描述下,我們很難不讓自己沈浸在這國王獨一無二的氛圍中 這真的給沙加緬度帶來了一種獨特的風味 Or, as he so deftly sang in the team’s potential theme song: “The Kings are so good! They really put it all on ya!” Ooh, believe it. 也許就如同他巧妙的唱了這首屬於球隊的主題曲吧! 「哦哦~國王真是讚,讚到我高潮了」 Ooh, believe it. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Shinpachi 來自: (12/06 23:07)

12/06 23:08, , 1F
12/06 23:08, 1F
※ 編輯: Shinpachi 來自: (12/06 23:11) ※ 編輯: Shinpachi 來自: (12/06 23:12)

12/06 23:13, , 2F
12/06 23:13, 2F
※ 編輯: Shinpachi 來自: (12/06 23:14)

12/06 23:14, , 3F
推 小綠加油
12/06 23:14, 3F

12/06 23:17, , 4F
12/06 23:17, 4F

12/06 23:25, , 5F
12/06 23:25, 5F

12/06 23:52, , 6F
打一下廣告 精華區裡面有「The Donte Greene Show」全集
12/06 23:52, 6F

12/06 23:52, , 7F
但這兩場他有點想太多了 希望可以回歸到基礎
12/06 23:52, 7F

12/07 00:06, , 8F
推 翻的很好笑
12/07 00:06, 8F

12/07 00:20, , 9F
OohOoh~~Kings are fantastic, they make me jxzz.
12/07 00:20, 9F

12/07 09:31, , 10F
12/07 09:31, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1B6yX6Yn (Kings)