[外電] Brockman tough on court, easygoing o …

看板Kings作者時間14年前 (2009/11/27 19:36), 編輯推噓13(13017)
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http://www.sacbee.com/kings/story/2352450.html Brockman tough on court, easygoing off it 人間兇器! The reckless abandon with no fear of getting hurt didn't start recently. 勇者無懼。 Jon Brockman has always been like this. Jon Brockman就是這麼一個真男人。 "The first time I ever saw him, he cut his head tip dunking on someone in like seventh grade," said Kings center Spencer Hawes. "That was my first basketball memory of him." 「我第一次看到他的時候,他因為灌籃然後傷到了自已的頭,大概是七年級的時候吧 。這也是我對他的第一個籃球印象。」麻吉Hawes說。 A lot of players would tell you their first memory of Brockman involves running into one of his elbows while chasing down a rebound or trying to move him from his spot on the floor with little success. 很多籃球員對Brockman的第一印象都是搶籃板時看到的拐子、或者是一個卡位時不動 如山的硬漢。 And it appears there will be a lot more players getting to know Brockman's style as he continues to earn more playing time. 將會有越來越多的人見識到這傢伙,因為他會持續爭取到上場時間。 Brockman, a 6-foot-7 rookie, doesn't have the ideal height of a power player. But Kings coaches and teammates love his playing style. Brockman's teammates are glad someone else gets to deal with the rugged style he brings to practices. 六呎七吋的這位新秀,並沒有理想的身高來打大前。但教練和隊友們都喜歡他的兇悍 。隊友們樂於在練習時看到Brockman帶來的強硬風格。 "I've been caught with so many of Brock's … elbows, I can't even count them," said the 7-1 Hawes, who also spent a season playing against Brockman in practices at the University of Washington. "I always consider myself a little luckier because I'm taller, and when he hit me, he always hit me in the chest. A lot of these guys he gets square in the face or the nose." 「我已經吃了超多記他的拐子了,已經無法計算共有多少次。還好我長得夠高,他只 能打到我的胸口,很多人都是正中臉部或者鼻子。」Hawes 說。他也和Brockman在華盛頓 大學裡一同打過一個球季。 Though Brockman plays the role of tough man on the floor, his personality is anything but that. 雖然Brockman在場上就是見神殺神、見佛殺佛,私底下的他卻有另一面。 He's the cheerful type who began playing his Christmas tunes weeks before Thanksgiving. He is an easygoing guy whose demeanor remains the same regardless of his playing time. 他會在感恩節前,就開始彈他的聖誕歌曲。他也是個隨和的人,不管上場時間如何, 都保持著風度。 His teammates know his style doesn't change on the floor, either. There's no malice behind Brockman's style – it's the only way he knows how to play. 隊友都知道他在場上也是這樣。Brockman打球從無惡意,那只是他唯一知道的打球方 式。 "Some guys don't like it, but I'm not out there to try to please anyone," Brockman said. "I'm never doing anything dirty. I'm never hurting anyone on purpose or anything like that. 「有些傢伙不喜歡粗魯的行為,但我不是上場去取悅他們的。我不做骯髒的事。我從 不故意去傷害對手或有類似的行為。」Brockman說。 "It's just the way I play. And I think most guys have a respect for that and don't have any negative problem with it." 「這是我的籃球之道,我想大多數人也都能欣賞這種打球方式,不會有什麼問題。」 More than one coach has pondered how effective Brockman might be if he were taller. But when Brockman has gotten significant playing time, he has shown he can rebound against bigger players. 很多教練都好奇如果Brockman長得更高的話,他會多有效率。但Brockman現在已經證 明他能對抗更高壯的對手。 Brockman has played at least 19 minutes twice this season. The first time, he grabbed 10 rebounds in 19 minutes in an Oct. 30 loss at New Orleans. Brockman played a season-high 26 minutes in Wednesday's victory over New York and grabbed nine rebounds. 本季他已經兩次上場超過19分鐘。第一次他捉了十個籃板。而第二次他上了多達26分 鐘,也捉下了九個籃板。 Kings coach Paul Westphal said after Brockman's effort Monday in Memphis (seven points and three rebounds in 14 minutes) that Brockman was proving he just might be tall enough to play in the NBA. 教頭說在看到Brockman對灰熊比賽的展現後,他相信Brockman已經證明自已有足夠的 高度來打職業級的比賽。 His height might hurt him defensively and trying to score against bigger players, but Brockman still rebounds because "nobody moves him if he doesn't want to be moved," Westphal said. 身高也許讓他在防守或得分時有些困難,但他仍能捉下籃板,「沒人能夠頂得動他。 」教頭說。 "People have always said he's too short to rebound. They'll say we have a 6-10 guy, (and) Brockman won't get rebounds. Well, how big is Brockman? Well, he's big enough to get rebounds from your 6-10 guy," Westphal said. 「人們總是說Brockman太矮不能捉下籃板板。他們認為自已隊上有個六呎十的傢伙, Brockman就會無用武之地。呃,Brockman多高啊?他差不多就是能在你面前捉下籃板那麼 高。」教頭說。 Brockman understands the way he will continue to rebound. So he focuses on being in position to grab a loose ball. Brockman了解自已對於籃板的熱情,所以他更專注於每個可能到手的球。 He doesn't claim to know any nuances that give him an edge on the boards. 他聲稱自已並沒有什麼捉板秘方。 "A lot of times, I'll talk to little kids that ask me, 'What are the tricks to rebounding?' and I'll say, 'There's no trick to rebounding,' " Brockman said. "It's just wanting to go get the ball. And it's one of those things that a very good percent of time you don't get it. 「很多小朋友問我:『有捉籃板的密訣嗎?』我會告訴他們:『就是一個心字!』就 是去把球搶在手中。」Brockman說。 (我會告訴他們:「沒有密訣。」翻起來很虛,這年頭講噱頭的嘛!) "But every single possession, whenever a shot goes up, I'm trying to get a rebound." 「每一波進攻,都會有一次投籃,那就是我的一個機會。」 If Brockman continues to rebound and earn more playing time, he'll be excited. But if his playing time is cut back based on matchups, he won't pout. 如果他能捉到籃板且取得更多上場時間,他會很開心。但如果為了球隊的高度優勢而 減少上場時間,他也不會不爽。 He will be on the sidelines cheering on whoever is on the floor. When Brockman says rooting for his teammates is important, it's not just lip service. 在場邊他就是一個好的啦啦隊員,他會竭力為隊友加油,而且不只是動動嘴巴而已。 "I've had some players in college when I had a different role that sat on the bench and were supportive, no matter what," Brockman said. "I remember looking back at that, and that was huge. To have someone you see and respect because they work hard every day in practice, and no matter what, they're going to be positive and they're there for the team … 「在大學時板凳上總有一群熱情聲援的傢伙,當我每次轉頭看到板凳時,總覺得這樣 真好。這些人值得我的尊敬,因為他們努力練習,不管如何總是保持著正向的態度,為了 球隊而加油。」Brockman說。 "I guess I'm just trying to model myself after some of the guys I've seen help me out in college." 「我希望自已能成為一個典範,因為在大學裡有許多這樣的傢伙幫助過我。」 If he's on the bench, that just means his teammates better watch out. They'll be the only ones who have to deal with him. 最後一句又不會翻啦!!! -- Spencer Hawes小朋友,Brockman叔叔叫你到板凳上守開特力。 煩請幫翻<(__ __)> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/27 19:42, , 1F
應該是說 BROCKMAN正式比賽一直上不了場的話
11/27 19:42, 1F

11/27 19:42, , 2F
11/27 19:42, 2F

11/27 19:44, , 3F
我覺得他身高有少報 上次練習賽影片他跟MAY對位
11/27 19:44, 3F

11/27 19:44, , 4F
may 6-9 他看起來沒比MAY矮 所以我估計他至少穿鞋後
11/27 19:44, 4F

11/27 19:45, , 5F
有6-8~~6-9 之間 他明顯比CISCO KM等人高
11/27 19:45, 5F

11/27 19:47, , 6F
看樣子M. Rose會是他的樣板~
11/27 19:47, 6F

11/27 19:49, , 7F
搶籃板有夠兇狠的 帶有殺氣 要是能練出小鉤射或禁區附
11/27 19:49, 7F

11/27 19:50, , 8F
進的中距離 目前就很夠用了
11/27 19:50, 8F

11/27 19:56, , 9F
他的其他項能力也很有潛質 我期待他不只是籃板痴漢
11/27 19:56, 9F

11/27 19:56, , 10F
像夏季那時看 他那時的防守真的半釣子 只會抓板
11/27 19:56, 10F

11/27 19:56, , 11F
11/27 19:56, 11F

11/27 19:57, , 12F
11/27 19:57, 12F

11/27 19:57, , 13F
會對他說,欸 有話好商量嘛~拐子別太大力的人 XD
11/27 19:57, 13F

11/27 19:57, , 14F
11/27 19:57, 14F

11/27 20:03, , 15F
11/27 20:03, 15F

11/27 20:05, , 16F
11/27 20:05, 16F

11/27 20:06, , 17F
所以洛克人跟帳面上報到6-9的人差不了多少 但手的確略短
11/27 20:06, 17F

11/27 20:07, , 18F
他的身高打替補PF是還OK 主要看他能否強化進攻的部分
11/27 20:07, 18F

11/27 20:10, , 19F
他跟Malik Rose一樣身高、體重,連菜鳥球季成績都差不多~
11/27 20:10, 19F

11/27 20:37, , 20F
我覺得身高根本不是問題 看火箭chuck hayes 6-6打中鋒
11/27 20:37, 20F

11/27 20:37, , 21F
11/27 20:37, 21F

11/27 20:44, , 22F
11/27 20:44, 22F

11/27 21:05, , 23F
他說從不故意傷害對手... 那他對M.甲受的那拐是...
11/27 21:05, 23F

11/27 21:05, , 24F
11/27 21:05, 24F

11/27 22:42, , 25F
Gasol是我們未來的戰友阿 他不是對手
11/27 22:42, 25F

11/27 23:38, , 26F
11/27 23:38, 26F

11/27 23:46, , 27F
11/27 23:46, 27F

11/27 23:47, , 28F
11/27 23:47, 28F

11/27 23:54, , 29F
惡漢巴克力也是六尺七 ==
11/27 23:54, 29F

11/27 23:57, , 30F
11/27 23:57, 30F
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