[外電] Team sitdown propelled Kings to beat …

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http://www.sacbee.com/kings/story/775584.html Analysis: Team sitdown propelled Kings to beat the Lakers The meeting would not have been remembered if nothing came of it, if the performance hadn't followed the words and the message hadn't sunk in like it did. 這個聚會可能不會被記住,因為接下來若沒有那場重大的勝利,那些話、那些想法就 跟放屁沒兩樣。 But in pulling off a surprising win over the Lakers at Staples Center on Sunday night, the Kings made good on the promise they'd made to one another in a team sitdown the day before. 但就是因為接下來國王在史戴波中心拿到勝利,史學家才會將這場前一天的會談當成 國王中興的起點。 With players and coaches all taking part at the team's practice facility, there was honesty about the ugliness that surrounded them: seven losses in eight games and a season heading where it went the year before when a spiritless team lost 17 of its last 22 games under former coach Eric Musselman. 會談是在訓練時開始的,所有的隊員和教練都參加了。主旨就是討論最近球隊的處境 :過去八場,國王輸了七場。就像上一季季末在肌肉人的帶領下的22場輸17場一樣-真的 是爛透了。 Kings coach Reggie Theus asked one pertinent question of his players: "Is this how you want to be remembered?" 「難道你們希望人家記住你們這一季的鳥蛋樣?」型男教頭Reggie Theus首先開砲。 (配合照片服用更好http://www.espn.go.com/photo/2006/0901/ncb_a_theus_195.jpg
) "Everybody was frustrated, and we got a lot of things off our chest," rookie center Spencer Hawes said. "I think that's what you've got to do sometimes. 「大家對這段日子感到沮喪,心中也都堆了很多的不爽。放開來講之後好多了。」新 來的小子Hawes說。 "It's a long season. A lot of things can build up. Everyone talked. No one really argued. It was just people saying what needed to be said." 「這個球季很漫長,也發生了許多事。大家都有說話,但沒有任何爭吵。只是面對面 地說出真心話。」 With little to play for but their pride, the Kings spent much of the last two weeks playing so poorly, it seemed questionable if they had any left. This wasn't just losing, it was losing to the dregs of the league. And this, to anyone who had tuned in all season, was the story of the 2007-08 Kings. 挺起你的胸膛為自尊而戰吧(為了國王!)!過去兩個星期的國王打得一塌糊塗,他 們不只是輸球而已,還多是輸給聯盟中墊底的球隊。這個球季的好人卡已經集夠了,不要 再收卡了! Recent roll-overs to the Clippers, Minnesota and Miami meant they had lost 10 times to teams with winning percentages below .400. Contrarily, the 114-113 victory over the Lakers on Sunday reminded observers how good they can be against some of the NBA's best. The Kings have nine wins against teams with winning percentages or .625 and higher. 這個球季對上像快艇、灰狼、熱火這些勝率低於四成的球隊,國王已經輸了十次。但 加上對上湖人這一勝,國王對上勝率高於六成二五的球隊,贏了九場。不是扮豬吃老虎, 就是紙老虎被豬吃。(遇強則強,遇弱則更弱?) "We were just talking with open minds," point guard Beno Udrih said of the meeting. "We said, 'We've got to play with the same intensity like we do against good teams like the Lakers as we do against all the teams, for the whole (remainder of the) season.' 「我們只是進行了心靈上的交流,告訴彼此,要在每一場比賽都表現我們的靭性,就 像這場對上湖人的比賽一樣。」Beno Udrih說。 "When good teams come to us at Arco Arena or we go away, we play really hard. But somehow, we don't have the same energy against teams we're supposed to beat."   「當我們面對好球隊時,我們會很認真的打球。但面對其他球隊時,我們往往會失去 熱情。」 Theus – whose team beat a Pacific Division opponent for the first time this season (1-9 overall) – brought his private challenge public while addressing the media after the Lakers' win.   在這場勝利之前,對上同在太平洋組的球隊,國王全敗。贏球後,Theus 把致勝的秘 訣告訴了記者們。 "I just ask the same question for our guys: Can we get the same intensity against everybody?" Theus said. "That's the question."   「我只是問了我的隊員們一個問題:能不能在對抗任何人時都堅持下去?」Theus說。 For a night, Theus was in some sort of first-year coaching utopia. The youth movement that he must pay attention to aided the collective effort this time, with Hawes having a breakout game and third-year swingman Francisco García bouncing back from a sluggish effort against Minnesota on Friday. 這個晚上,Theus 在線邊的表現相當優異。新秀Hawes 有了突破性的表現,三年級生 Garcia也由上一場對灰狼的困惑中回神。 García's three three-pointers in the second quarter helped the Kings go up by as many as 13 points, and his fourth-quarter defense on Kobe Bryant held the Lakers star to one point in the final period while Ron Artest was left on the bench for the final 16:30 of play. García credited his grandmother, who visited from the Dominican Republic recently and stayed with him in Sacramento.   Garcia在第二節的三顆三分彈,幫助國王最多領先到十三分。第四節的防守也讓Kobe 只拿到一分。所以Artest也就可以在最後的16分30秒休息一下。而這場比賽Garcia的傑出 表現,要歸功於遠從多明尼加來看他的祖母。 "In the last game, I don't know what was wrong with my body," García said. "I wasn't feeling good, so I went home, my grandmother cooked me a little something, and I felt better." 「在上一場比賽,我覺得身體怪怪的。回家後,祖母幫我煮了家鄉菜,吃完之後考試 就都有一百分,我才知道,原來是思鄉情懷發作啊!」Garcia說。 (廣告:繼偉忠姐姐的眷村菜後,Garcia祖母的多明尼加菜也將要出版) Hawes said he's feeling better now than he has all season. Having been challenged all season long by Theus to improve defensively, he has responded with four blocks in each of the last two games and has 12 blocks in the last four games. In the first 51 games in which he'd played, Hawes had 14 blocks. Hawes 雖然沒有吃到,但是他是美國人,所以不用怕。他說他現在也處於開季以來的 最佳狀態。整季都被Theus 在耳旁叨念要求防守的他,這場交出了四個火鍋,過去四場總 合十二鍋。要知道在前五十一場,這個小屁孩總共只有十四個阻攻。 He had his first monster dunk as well, trailing Udrih through the lane, catching his pass and flying in for a slam that put the Kings up 104-100 with 4:38 left. It was a second consecutive dunk for Hawes, whose slam put the Kings up 102-100. 火鍋請人吃飽飽,當然也要來個灌籃當配菜。在剩四分三十八秒時,Hawes 跟著突破 防線的Udrih 進了禁區,接獲傳球後來了個暴力灌籃,也讓國王領先四分。 (Hawes:吼!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3lHNAYVKLM&e
) "As far as having an influence on the outcome of the game, I think this was the biggest one for me so far," said Hawes, who had 14 points on 7-of-11 shooting. 「我想這是到目前為止,我打得最好的一場比賽。」Hawes 在這場比賽11投7 中拿下 了14分。 "It's a big game for us, especially the way we've been playing. We need to win like this to get our confidence back up." 「這場比賽對我們極為重要,我們需要一場這樣的比賽來重建我們的信心。」Hawes 說。 -- 有錯請指正<(__ __)> 贏球樣樣好,輸球樣樣慘 Sacbee的文章要註冊才能看,所以有時點進網址沒看到文,請註冊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/12 11:56, , 1F
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推~ 天佑國王!
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推一個 辛苦了
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