[外電] NBA Market Watch: Sacramento Kings

看板Kings作者 (有讓你感動的事嗎)時間17年前 (2007/06/14 19:25), 編輯推噓22(2200)
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NBA Market Watch: Sacramento Kings by: Eric Weiss June 13, 2007 The Kings suffered through their worst season since the inception of the “ Maloof Era” began. Second year head coach Eric Musselman’s off-court troubles were an apt reflection of the team’s general direction, as the team seemed to wander aimlessly all season long. 這是自從 Maloof 家族接手以來最糟的一個球季 教練 Muss 場外的麻煩(酒駕)連帶影響整個球隊前進的方向 Two season’s removed from an enticing series against the Spurs, Sacramento stalwart’s Mike Bibby and Brad Miller had their worst season’s since putting on a King uniform. Neither looked interested in playing winning basketball, which is somewhat understandable given the length of time they’ ve been with the club and the palpable sense of decay the team has gone through during their watch. 無論是 BB 和大米都繳出在國王最差的成績單 而兩者在國王似乎也無心打贏球比賽 隱約可理解的 這或許是他們久待於此球隊中 而發現球隊正在衰敗的處境中 (註:反正要白爛 就大家一起打混) Going forward, the Kings are going to have to utilize their few remaining assets to facilitate a quick transition toward a new direction. The team is strapped with some tough to move contracts tied to aging players who have little market value. Getting value for their few desirable commodities seems to be the only way the club is going be able to turn things around in a 2-3 year time frame. 國王必須向前邁進 用著他們有限的資產 進行快速的轉換 以走出新方向 然而國王囿於某些尾大不掉的爛約(年資較高的球員 缺乏市場價值) 若能從僅有吸引人的商品(註:或許是講 BB 或阿泰)從中獲得一些利益 應該是國王隊在這兩三年內起死回生的唯一出路 Roster and Financial Breakdown: http://www.draftexpress.com/gallery/General/1181787524.jpg
Efficiency: Very Strong 90 ┬───────────╥───────────┐ 貧攻善守 能攻善守 94 ┤ ║ │ │ ║ │ 98 ┤ ║ │ │ ║ │ 102 ┤ ║阿泰 │ ║ 106 ╞═══════════╬═══════════╡ S.AR■●大米國王整體≒Cisco 110 Kenny K.M$ 大叔BB║鮭魚 114 ┤ ║ │ │ ║ │ 118 ┤ ║ │ 貧攻貧守能攻貧守 122 ┼──┬──┬──┬──╨──┬──┬──┬──┤ 90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 Very Poor 攻 擊 排 名 Very Strong Note: Both rankings of Offense & Defense in NBA Average are 106. (courtesy of Paul Gearan and Heather Allen / BBS edited by ST) (註:這個圖表 是最讓我欣喜的 不過作者沒提供計算方法 有點可惜..) Usage: Usage (Number of Offensive Possession Used per 40 minutes) 30 + | | 22.9 | ▃▃ 21.3 20.8 | ██ ▅▅ ▂▂ 19.3 20 + ██ ██ ██ ▅▅ 17.5 16.2 | ██ ██ ██ ██ ▆▆ __ 14.7 14.6 | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▂▂ ▁▁ 12.4 | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ˍˍ | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ 10 + ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ 0 +------------------------------------------------------------------ BB 阿泰 K.M$ 大叔 S.AR 大米 鮭魚 Cisco Kenny (courtesy of Paul Gearan and Heather Allen / BBS edited by ST) Record/ Overview: 32-49, 5th place Pacific Division Sacramento may have taken a sharp turn for the worse when it let coach Rick Adelman go. Adelman’s offensive sets and defined rotation worked well for the Kings and brought them to the brink of championship success. Team roster changes disrupted the personnel mix necessary to effectively run Adelman’s offense and the team needed a change of direction. 國王在老艾離開後 戰績急轉直下 老艾的攻擊套路和定位分明的輪替系統在國王運作良好 並且曾離冠軍獎座只有一線之隔 然而 球隊陣容改變瓦解了老艾有效的進攻模式 球隊需要改變方向 There were issued involved in the decision that go beyond pure basketball strategy and both parties were amenable to moving on, which was most likely best. Sacramento had a sustained run of success and needed to re-invent itself. 國王在此面臨兩個議題要去決斷 除了在純粹籃球戰術面外 整個團隊也要跟著改變 如此是最理想不過得 國王過去曾持續在成功的道路上前進 而且必須 重新創造它 Unfortunately, the team committed substantial dollars to the contracts of role players who were meant to complement a different set of players. Shareef Abur-Rahim and Kenny Thomas almost completely fell off the map last season, while Brad Miller battled all kinds of aches and pains himself. 不幸的是 隊伍把錢砸在功能體系南轅北轍的配角球員上 SAR 和 KT 幾乎在上一季完全迷失方向 而大米也不斷堅苦卓絕的和他自己的病痛在"奮戰" Kevin Martin was the lone bright spot for the club as he continued his development into a top-level scoring guard. Ron Artest had a good statistical year, but rumblings of difficulties and potential trade rumors followed him around all season and have continued into the offseason. 小馬丁是這個球隊碩果僅存的希望 當他持續朝著頂級得分後衛之途發展 而阿泰雖然在統計數據上得到亮眼的成績 但他被交易的謠言卻一直伴隨到季外 Overall, the Kings are a collection of ill-fitting parts who have to re-build their team identity one personnel decision at a time. The 10th pick in the draft should help this process, if the team picks wisely, and should contribute to a foundation going forward. 整體來說 國王是一個組合不良的集體 而他必須本質的重建 依照單一個人的決斷(每次) (註:不太懂後位修飾的部分 也許是暗示國王內部管理階層的意見紛歧) 第十順位的選秀權 應該可以幫助這個(重建)程序 若明智的選擇 將會在基礎上 貢獻球隊 繼續向前走 Current Assets: The Kings do have a few nice young assets that can contribute to the team’s future going forward and there is still value in a couple of their key veterans. What the Kings can get back in return for these veterans will go a long way toward determining how quickly the new face of the team emerges. 國王隊有一些不錯的年輕人 可以為球隊的為來打拼 而這裡仍有一群有價值的老手 國王能從這些老手換回多少 取決於那些新面孔多快打出成績 方可走得長遠 Expiring Contracts- The Kings don’t have any expiring contracts coming off the books next season. The team shed 10 million in salary this past year, but is still nowhere close to being able to acquire an impact free agent. Geoff Petrie will have to work some of the old black magic if he hopes to add a major player. 國王下一季沒有任何一個到期的合約 而過去的這一年 它拋掉 10M的薪資包袱 但它仍不足帶來任何有影響力的自由球員 若要增添新力軍 Petrie 必須使用某些古老的黑魔法(黑暗交易)才行 Total Cost: $0 Rotation Players- Kevin Martin was the team’s most consistent performer, played more games than anyone but Mike Bibby, and represents the team’s future moving forward. Martin should be expecting a contract offer this offseason as he’s got one more year left on his current rookie deal. 小馬丁是本季最穩的球員 他的出場數僅次於 BB 而小馬丁也代表著國王為來的前進方向 這個暑假 他應該會預期一份新合約 在他將結束目前新人約的狀態下(剩兩年) The Kings may be willing to sit back another year however and address some of their other issues since they’ve got the right to match any offer for Martin and probably won’t get much of a “discount” from Martin’s camp due to the team’s instability. 然而 國王也可能願意輪空另一年 來處理其他事務 因為它們有權比價任何隊伍對小馬丁提出的合約 然將可能無法從小馬丁陣營得到太多"折扣" 原因是球隊本身就充滿太多不穩定性 Veteran guard Mike Bibby shot terribly all year and really looked disinterested in playing the game, despite professions to the contrary. Is the longest tenured King and has watched the team erode over the past 3 seasons, so its understandable if a change of scenery is in order. 老手 BB 整年投射狀況令人害怕並且在比賽中看似意興闌珊 儘管職業上是相反的 難道是身為隊中最資深的國王人 已經在這三年看透國王的衰敗了嗎? 恩 所以 如果發生(人員)改變 是可以理解的 Bibby is still young enough to garner some decent return value should he decide to opt out of his contract and accept a sign-and-trade to another team. Most expect Bibby to play out his contract because of it’s unlikely he ’d receive close to his current contract price on the open market. BB仍然年輕力壯 足以在交易中獲得合理的利益 如果他跳脫合約 並同意先簽後換 大多數人預期 BB 完成這份合約(現有) 因為他在目前的自由市場中 不太可能得到接近現階段的合約價碼(40.5M / 3-years) However, if Bibby is interested in winning anytime soon and being a major part of the picture, he’d best be served opting out and moving on to the next stage in his career. When focused, Bibby can provide big-time scoring and solid playmaking for a team looking for a perimeter threat. 然而 如果 BB 想在短期內馬上能夠到能贏球的環境 而且成為"球隊"主要的藍圖骨幹 他最好必須馬上跳出合約 並且向生涯下一階段移動 當 BB 能專注於場上 他能提供關鍵時刻的得分 並且對於一支尋求投射武器的球隊來說 可以帶來穩固的 playmaking Ron Artest is another veteran asset who might best be served by moving down the road. Artest seems to be the type of player that just can’t exist in a normal environment. His quirky personality is designed for a city like LA or NY, where fans may be more understanding of his litany of odd statements and behavior. 阿泰是另一個老手資產 而他最好被交易上路 阿泰似乎是一個無法在正常環境安分的球員 他善變的性格 是為洛杉磯或紐約這樣城市而生 在那裡的球迷 也許比較能"理解"他一而再奇異的發言和古怪的行為 Neither Bibby or Artest are going to fetch an established star in return, but they could add some quality young talent and possibly a draft pick. New York would probably part with Channing Frye and their draft pick for Artest, considering that Sacramento would have to take on another undesirable contract to make it work. The deal isn’t world-beating, but Frye has potential as a 3rd scoring option and would probably be an apt replacement for the declining Miller. 無論是 BB 或阿泰 都無法立刻在交易中讓國王獲得一個羽翼已豐的明星 但它們(國王)可以得到一些具有材質的年輕天分 和 可能的選秀權 紐約將可能將 Frye 和他們的選秀權打包(23th)換取阿泰 不過 國王可能也會在裡頭承擔另一個讓人討厭的合約 以讓交易遂行(平衡薪資??) 這個交易並不是舉世無雙(的好) 但 Frye 有潛力變成第三得分點 而且有機會成為取代衰退中的 Miller 一個合宜的替代品 Brad Miller really looked poor last season and all the years of playing himself into shape and burning through his summers back home may have finally caught up with him. Miller is one of the most highly skilled big men in the league, but he showed no desire last season and mailed it in on the defensive end and with his rebounding even more than expected. 大米上季表現的很糟 而整個暑假耗在他自己家中可能帶來不好的影響 他是聯盟中最有技巧的長人之一 但他在上一季沒有表現出任何慾望 而在防守端和籃板的表現 退化的比想像中的還快 No one will trade for Miller at his current contract price and the Kings might have to buy him out if he doesn’t want to serve as a mentor for the incoming youth. 沒有任何人想在大米這種天價時把他交易進自己的隊伍 而國王必須要買斷他 如果他不願在球隊中扮演新人的良師益友時 Shareef Abdur-Rahim should be better than he was last season. He didn’t have much of a role offensively and was a good soldier about being cycled out of Musselman’s system. Rahim didn’t complain too vehemently and could play a role as the team’s veteran forward either off the bench or as the starter, but the team has to get more from him if they entertain any ideas of trading him for value. SAR 下一季應該會更好 他上一季並沒有參與太多攻擊的任務 而且還被 Muss 移出輪替名單 就算這樣他並沒有發出太多怨言 SAR 能夠在球隊中扮演好一個老手前鋒的角色 無論是先發抑或替補 但 如果球隊想要從他身上得到更多 應該樂於促發任何能換取價值的交易 Kenny Thomas and John Salmons are in a similar boat as Abdur-Rahim. Both have some solid skills, but underperformed relative to their contract value. The Kings are going to need a stable system and solid production from all of these players if they’re going to move any of them. KT和鮭魚和 SAR處境類似 兩人都有不錯的技巧 並且相對於他們的合約是缺乏表現的 國王隊需要一個穩定的系統 和 從他們身上得到堅固的產出 如果它想們要交易他們其中的任何一位的話 Total Cost: $50,685,000 Prospects- Francisco Garcia got the most playing time of any of the team’s young prospects, but didn’t do enough to be considered a trade asset. Garcia looks like he’ll eventually be a solid rotation player, but it’s still uncertain if he’s got enough to become a quality starter. Freeing up some roster space to get him more playing time should make this clear by the end of next season. Cisco 目前沒有交易價值 現階段來看 他可以適任為一個可靠的替補球員 但仍不確定能法變成合格的先發 空出一些位置 讓他有更多發揮空間 應該可以在下一季得到清楚的答案 Quincy Douby is another interesting player who doesn’t have world-beating ability, but showed flashes of developing into a scoring threat. Douby can shoot off the dribble and can get a quality shot off at some difficult angles. Kevin Martin is a very good teammate for him to emulate, though no one expects him to reach that level. Douby has no trade value, but should get some more playing time next season to show what he’s learned from year one to year two. Douby 是另一個值得玩味的球員 縱然他沒有舉世無雙的的能力 (註:我論原作有玩三國無雙的可能 XD) 但他展露成長為一個具備得分威脅能力球員的曙光 Douby 能在運球後投球 也能在某些困難的角度投射 他可以參考隊友小馬丁做榜樣 但人預期他可以達到這種程度 他也沒有任何交易價值 下一季 Douby可能會得到更多的上場時間 來展現學習成果 Justin Williams is a very interesting prospect who may be a little off the radar for most. Williams per-minute statistics were pretty impressive and anyone who saw him play during the pre-draft process and into summer league should be aware at how superb an interior help defender he can be. JW是一個非常有趣的期待 他可能是所有人中最被忽視的 他每分鐘的數據讓人非常印象深刻 而任何人看過他在選前營和夏季聯盟的表現 都會大為驚嘆 他是如此一個出色的內線防守者 Williams has a ton of work to do on his bodily strength, but he’s shown flashes of hitting the 10-12 foot jumper and can rebound and block shots at an NBA level. In another couple of season Williams may have built himself into a solid rotational big who can provide defensive help off the bench for a team. JW在他的身體力量訓練上有一堆功課要去做 但他已經展現一些 10-12呎跳投的能力 而且可以在 NBA等級的比賽中抓取籃板和搧火鍋 假以時日 JW 可以把自己塑造成一個穩固的輪替長人 從板凳出發給予球隊防守的援助 For the second year in a row, Ronnie Price showed enough in the summer league to earn a roster spot only to be cycled out of the rotation during the regular season. Price is a scoring guard all the way and it’ll be hard for him to take minutes away from Douby, Garcia, and Martin. Price 在夏季聯盟中所證明的 只是他在常規賽會死守開特力而已 他是百分百的得分後衛 以後將也很難從 Douby, Cisco 和小馬丁那掙得時間 (註:前途無"亮"!?) Total Cost: $3,282,874 (註:以下翻譯略....累了) Free Agency The Kings aren’t going to be a player in free agency for a while. They are over-commited financially to a number of mid-level type talents so adding another doesn’t seem likely and certainly isn’t a prudent business decision for a team looking to re-shuffle the deck. Draft The Kings have a number of options at with the 10th pick in the draft. There should be a number of potential impact players still available at that position. Al Thornton, Thadeus Young, and even Jeff Green could all slide to Sacramento any either could potentially replace Ron Artest if the team was so inclined to move him. Amongst the bigs, Spencer Hawes and Jason Smith are considerations. Both would be an apt replacement for Brad Miller before Miller’s killer contract expires. Hawes has a ton of potential as a low/high post player and could quickly develop on a team like Sacramento who has perimeter shooting and a willingness to allow young players to play. There are a couple of point guard options available that could help the team as well, notably Law and Crittenton. Both players are sure to be available at the 10th spot and either could fill the void left by a departed Mike Bibby. Feedback for this article may be sent to eric.weiss@gmail.com http://www.draftexpress.com/blogs.php?blogid=12 這是一篇非常有趣的文章 最後實在太累沒辦法翻完 我並不完全認同作者的看法 有時覺得他的論點太功利主義 完全冷血的把球員當作商品擺弄 而且對球隊短期的發展 抱持悲觀主意 但客觀來看 NBA確實也是一種商業活動 而國王目前真的前途不明 所以 我想 作者以這種批判的角度 大徹大悟的重組觀點來分析 還是蠻值得大家來參考的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Sweeptime 來自: (06/14 19:30)

06/14 19:33, , 1F
推 大大辛苦了 ^^
06/14 19:33, 1F

06/14 19:36, , 2F
辛苦了 大大
06/14 19:36, 2F

06/14 19:45, , 3F
06/14 19:45, 3F

06/14 19:49, , 4F
06/14 19:49, 4F

06/14 19:53, , 5F
看完那張效率圖 國王球員集中在貧攻貧守區實在很想哭
06/14 19:53, 5F

06/14 19:55, , 6F
跟尼克那個交易 感覺還可以
06/14 19:55, 6F

06/14 20:37, , 7F
好長 辛苦
06/14 20:37, 7F

06/14 20:56, , 8F
CW大叔的合約不是本季到期嗎? 難道我看錯了?
06/14 20:56, 8F

06/14 21:01, , 9F
原作的"本季"已經是指 2007-08 了
06/14 21:01, 9F

06/14 21:24, , 10F
06/14 21:24, 10F

06/14 21:28, , 11F
這篇應該寫得不錯哩 Petrie確實該考慮是否重建
06/14 21:28, 11F

06/14 21:29, , 12F
06/14 21:29, 12F

06/14 21:38, , 13F
06/14 21:38, 13F

06/14 21:46, , 14F
06/14 21:46, 14F

06/14 22:26, , 15F
06/14 22:26, 15F

06/15 00:24, , 16F
06/15 00:24, 16F

06/15 00:43, , 17F
辛苦了 有看有推
06/15 00:43, 17F

06/15 01:07, , 18F
06/15 01:07, 18F

06/15 02:47, , 19F
06/15 02:47, 19F

06/15 12:43, , 20F
辛苦了! 有看有推!
06/15 12:43, 20F

06/15 13:35, , 21F
06/15 13:35, 21F

06/24 02:26, , 22F
06/24 02:26, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #16SIMxIn (Kings)