[火大] 辯方律師稱MJ是因為龐大債務自殺

看板KingofPop作者 (oldtrafford)時間13年前 (2011/04/07 23:33), 編輯推噓13(1303)
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http://0rz.tw/u8V9F Murray Defense: MJ Commited Suicide Over Debt (6-4-2011) The attorney for Conrad Murray is claiming his client is an innocent man and is using a new suicide defense to try to prove it. 莫瑞的律師又換招了 他指稱他的客戶是無辜的 是MJ自殺 他要求證據證明 As reported by the AP this morning, Ed Chernoff is arguing that it was Jackson himself and not Murray that ended the superstar's life. 莫瑞的醫生表示是MJ自己而不是莫瑞結束了這個超級巨星的生命 UPDATE: Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson's dermatologist was also ordered to give copies of the music legend's medical records Wednesday to Murray's defense team. 律師要求 MJ的皮膚科醫師Arnold Klein交出MJ的所有醫療相關文件 The defense alleges the dermatologist injected Jackson with powerful painkillers dozens of times in the last months of his life, unknown to Murray. 辯方律師指稱 這個醫生在MJ生命最後一個月為MJ注射了無數次強烈的止痛劑 而莫瑞當時對這些情況不知道 (這到底跟莫瑞打Propofol又疏於照看有什麼直接關係? MJ又不是死於止痛藥~~~) The Medical Board of California and Los Angeles County coroner investigated Klein after Jackson's death, but he was never charged, and no action was taken against his medical license. 加州醫學委員會和洛杉磯法醫都曾在MJ過世後調查過Arnold Klein 但是他並沒有被指控 而且也沒有任何針對他醫療執照的進一步動作 In a pre-trial hearing, Chernoff explained his theory that Jackson was so distraught over his declining musical empire and vast amount of debt that he took his own life, and asked for access to Jackson's financial records in order to gather proof. 在審判前的聽證會 辯方律師解釋他的理論是MJ對於他衰弱的音樂帝國和龐大的債務 非常著急 最後導致他自殺了 = = 因此他要求能夠查看MJ的財務資料來證明他的理論 UPDATE: Chernoff argued Wednesday he needed the financial and medical information to make the case that Jackson was "a desperate man in many respects" and gave himself the fatal dose of surgical anesthesia while Murray was out of the room. 辯方律師表示他需要MJ的醫療和財物資料 來證明MJ是個在各方面都絕望的男人 所以 在Murray離開房間後為自己注射了致死劑量的麻醉藥劑 "He was actually in more debt as a result of the concerts than he would have obtained from doing the concerts," Chernoff said. 辯方律師稱 MJ的演唱會收入無法解決他本身龐大的債務 The defense claims that music catalogs owned by Jackson were "essentially worthless" because of several loans in which they were used as collateral. 他同時聲稱MJ手中握有的音樂版權其實沒有任何價值 因為很多債務都是用這些版權來 做抵押 "Jackson did a desperate act and took desperate measures that caused his own death," Chernoff said. "Therefore, his emotional, physical and financial condition are relevant to show his state of mind when he did this act." 他聲稱 MJ做了個絕望的決定 而且注射了絕望的劑量 所以死了 所以他聲稱MJ的精神 生理和財務狀況和他當時會做出這樣的舉動有很大的關係 Prosecutors slammed Chernoff, calling it an attempted side-show to distract jurors and smear and defame Jackson's reputation. 檢方指責辯方說這是模糊陪審團的焦點和 毀壞MJ的名聲 UPDATE: A lawyer for Jackson's estate was successful in convincing the judge not to order estate executors to give the defense detailed financial information about money Jackson owed at the time of his death. MJ遺產公司的一位律師已經成功說服法官不要下令遺產執行人交出MJ死時擁有資產 的詳細財務資料 Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor denied Chernoff's request, saying it was both irrelevant and an invasion of Jackson's privacy. He ruled that the defense subpoena for Jackson's financial records, which his estate controls, was overly broad. 洛杉磯最高法院法官拒絕了辯方律師的請求 表示這些要求是毫無關聯 而且侵犯MJ的 隱私權 法官表示辯方想要MJ遺產公司所持有的的財務資料 這要求太廣泛 "I'm not going to turn a trial involving involuntary manslaughter into an escapade and into a detailed analysis of the finances of Michael Jackson's entire life," Pastor said. 法官說 我不會把這個過失殺人的案子 轉變成分析MJ一生財務狀況的案子 (還好法官還頭腦清醒) Pastor did however, uphold the defense subpoena ordering Jackson estate executor John Branca to testify in the trial. 不過法官 仍保留辯方律師想要傳喚遺產執行人John Branca作證的可能性 Potential jurors are still being screened for the upcoming trial. 陪審團還在招集中 Source: MJFC / AP / CNN.com / popeater.com / abc7.com -- 在一個充滿仇恨的世界 我們仍須勇於希望 在一個充滿憤怒的世界 我們仍須勇於安慰 在一個充滿絕望的世界 我們仍須勇於夢想 在一個充滿猜忌的世界 我們仍須勇於相信 ---------------by 麥克傑克森 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/07 23:36, , 1F
04/07 23:36, 1F

04/08 01:17, , 2F
04/08 01:17, 2F

04/08 01:18, , 3F
04/08 01:18, 3F

04/08 09:04, , 4F
04/08 09:04, 4F

04/08 09:53, , 5F
到底編了幾個故事了 一直汙名化被害人實在~~~
04/08 09:53, 5F

04/08 10:35, , 6F
難怪律師被人看不起 比小報還小報
04/08 10:35, 6F

04/08 11:40, , 7F
04/08 11:40, 7F

04/08 12:47, , 8F
樓上l先生可以不要一竿子打翻一船人嗎? XD
04/08 12:47, 8F

04/08 13:13, , 9F
也對 找了這個醫生 的確是想自殺
04/08 13:13, 9F

04/08 18:04, , 10F
04/08 18:04, 10F

04/08 18:04, , 11F
04/08 18:04, 11F

04/08 19:18, , 12F
【 幹! 人死無法辨證 這說辭太賤了啦!!! 】
04/08 19:18, 12F

04/08 20:24, , 13F
04/08 20:24, 13F

04/09 04:24, , 14F
這個律師太垃圾了 ...
04/09 04:24, 14F

04/09 21:01, , 15F
到底要不要講真話啦! 吼
04/09 21:01, 15F

04/14 13:46, , 16F
= =
04/14 13:46, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1DdTb0CJ (KingofPop)