[情報] Murray今天被起訴過失殺人

看板KingofPop作者 (很難想)時間14年前 (2010/02/09 07:17), 編輯推噓4(406)
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http://tinyurl.com/ykcojch Update On Murray Murder Charge Source: MJFC / TMZ / CNN 就跟之前大部份報導說的一樣 本來上週的起訴 延到今天 美西的禮拜一 翻個大意 (8-2-2010) Almost eight months following the death of Michael Jackson, his personal physician, Conrad Murray, was charged with involuntary manslaughter for providing the powerful anesthetic that was ruled a major factor in his death. Deputy District Attorney David Walgren will lead the prosecution. MJ過世將近八個月後 Murray被指控過失殺人 The criminal complaint that has been filed alleged that Murray "did unlawfully, and without malice, kill Michael Joseph Jackson." The involuntary manslaughter charge means that Murray caused Michael's death by acting "without due caution and circumspection." Murray不合法但無惡意的殺了MJ 過失殺人的指控表示Murray的行為是不謹慎的 The filing of charges ended the investigation that found that Michael's reliance on medications, including propofol, an anesthetic used in surgery but administered to Michael as a sleep aid caused his death. 法院文件調查顯示MJ有藥物依賴 包括Propofol 但被施打這個藥物來入睡是死因 Murray had acknowledged that he gave Michael the drug shortly before Michael was found unconscious on June 25 in Los Angeles, according to police affidavits. The coroner determined that Michael passed from "acute propofol intoxication," administered in combination with other sedatives. Murray承認他在6/25當天為MJ注射了這個藥物 而法醫認定MJ的死因為急性propofol中毒 和伴隨使用其他鎮靜劑 Murray arrived in Los Angeles last week followed by paparazzi and maintained through his lawyer that nothing he administered to Michael should have resulted in death. Murray在上週就已經抵達了LA 而且很多狗仔都在追 他的律師表示 Murray沒有注射任何 會導致MJ死亡的東西 The charge came after a week of negotiations between lawyers and prosecutors that one of Murray's lawyers said bogged down over whether Murray should be handcuffed and arrested, as opposed to surrendering at a courthouse in a more low-key way. 上一週 律師和檢察官有多次的協商談論是否要逮捕Murray並上手銬 或是直接到法院 低調投案 Speaking of the upcoming trial, Ed Chernoff, Murray's defense lawyer, has made it clear how the doctor will respond to charges: "We'll make bail, we'll plead not guilty and we'll fight like hell." Murray的辯護律師表示 他們會保釋他 並且不會認罪 他們會奮戰到最後 Murray’s personal life was troubled. He has been plagued with unpaid debts, delinquent taxes and lawsuits from creditors according to legal records. He has fathered at least seven children with six women over the years, most out of wedlock, according to a deposition given in a 1998 paternity lawsuit in San Diego and a California birth record for his youngest child who was born in March. He has been sued several times for unpaid child support. Murray的私人生活是一團糟 有一堆債務 欠稅 還有很多官司 他還和六個女人生了七個 孩子 也被告過很多次沒有支付孩子的養育費 Jean Rosenbluth, law professor at the University of Southern California said that celebrity cases always pose some risk to prosecutors if the jurors do not disclose hidden bias for or against the entertainer. But the defense will have to explain why Murray was administering Michael such a powerful narcotic outside of its normal use and justify his leaving during its administering. 南加大的法律教授表示 名人牽扯其中的案子如果受到陪審團對該名人支持或反對的偏見 將會造成檢方的困難 但辯方需要解釋為何Murray要在正常醫療環境之外為人注射Propofol 並且為何在施打其間內離開 Members of the Jackson family have shown up at the courthouse to witness the arraignment. The singer's father, Joe, and several brothers and sisters were spotted by TV cameras entering the building shortly before noon. J家不少家族成員都在今天到了法院 包括J爸和MJ的兄弟姊妹 When asked why he was there, Joe is quoted by MSNBC as saying, "because that's my son." Asked for his reaction to the charge, brother Jermaine Jackson said, "Not enough." 當J爸被問到為何今天會出現時 J爸說:因為他是我兒子 而被問到他們對起訴內容的意見時 Jermaine表示:這不足夠 同時Randy也在Twitter上發表了自己的看法 http://twitter.com/randyjackson8 I will attend tomorrow's proceedings but make no mistake, I will not rest until ALL parties involved are brought to justice. 我會參加明天會去 而且不會犯下錯誤 直到將所有參與的各方繩之以法前 我不會停止的 I c ur comments- Thank u 4 the prayers & kind words. Also, Thank u 2 all of u that will be there 2morrow. My brother would b so appreciative 謝謝所有的人 和所有明天會到場的人 我哥哥會非常感謝大家 4 all that r asking about the protest 2morrow, check here http://bit.ly/aHkzfC Heartfelt thanx 4 ur support 這個留言應該是給 有很多歌迷也在facebook組織要到場請願 Sitting in court & I'm sad. Those profiting most from my bro’s death: AEG, Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Estate Executors r nowhere in sight 坐在法院裡 我很傷心 那些從我哥哥死亡獲利最多的人 AEG,Randy Phillips(AEG的CEO) Kenny Ortega(TII導演) 還有遺囑執行人今天都沒到場 此外今天晚上Larry King會將再次訪問J爸 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ChesterB 來自: (02/09 07:20)

02/09 21:45, , 1F
跟七個女人生六個孩子- - 好大一個廢物
02/09 21:45, 1F

02/09 21:47, , 2F
那些拿最多錢的人竟然都不在場 嘖..
02/09 21:47, 2F

02/09 22:58, , 3F
I hate this guy, he took MJ away!
02/09 22:58, 3F

02/10 01:14, , 4F
Murray沒有注射任何會導致MJ死亡的東西 他X的 看到這句整個
02/10 01:14, 4F

02/10 01:15, , 5F
02/10 01:15, 5F

02/10 21:13, , 6F
看到最後一段最生氣那些既得利益者 關心的就只有錢 在他們
02/10 21:13, 6F

02/10 21:14, , 7F
眼中跟心中 MJ不是家人一樣的人只是樣商品 那些該死的人
02/10 21:14, 7F

02/12 23:54, , 8F
人死於Propofol中毒 藥承認是他打的 那還有什麼好說?
02/12 23:54, 8F

02/14 07:36, , 9F
02/14 07:36, 9F

02/14 07:37, , 10F
02/14 07:37, 10F
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