[情報] LAPD調查已經完畢

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http://tinyurl.com/ydwgeec 來源:MJFC LAPD Investigation Is Complete - Updated! 文章落落長 重點翻一下 反正簡單來說就是調查完了 (8-1-2010) Nearly seven months after Michael Jackson's death stunned the world, the official investigation of his death is edging toward conclusion with prosecutors prepared to seek an indictment of Jackson's doctor on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, The Associated Press has learned. 在MJ震驚全球死亡的七個月之後 官方調查他的死因正朝下一個結論 就是他們可能會控告MJ的醫生非有意的過失殺人 The fate of Dr. Conrad Murray has been the subject of speculation since he found Jackson unconscious in his home in Los Angeles last June. Jackson was preparing for a strenuous concert comeback in London, and Murray, a cardiologist, had been hired as his personal physician for the tour. 從六月來Murray的命運一直被多加猜測 A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation remains open said Friday that Murray would be prosecuted on a theory of gross negligence alleging that his treatment of Jackson was an extreme departure from the standard of care normally followed by physicians. Murray將可能因為大意未照正常醫師應該遵循的程序的治療MJ而被起訴 The coroner has ruled Jackson's death at age 50 was a homicide caused by acute intoxication by the powerful anesthetic propofol, with other sedatives a contributing factor. 之前法醫認定MJ的死是因為強力鎮靜劑Propofol和其他鎮靜劑導致 Propofol depresses breathing and heart rate while lowering blood pressure, so it's supposed to be administered by an anesthesia professional in a medical setting. Propofol會抑制呼吸和心跳血壓 而且應該在有專業麻醉師和完善醫療設備的環境下注射 The singer died after Murray administered propofol and two other sedatives to get the chronic insomniac to sleep, court documents state. Murray told police he left the room to use the bathroom, and phone records show he also made calls for 47 minutes around the time Jackson encountered problems. MJ在Murray注射Propofol和其他兩種鎮靜劑幫助他長期的失眠問題 Murray告訴警方他離開房間去廁所 而電話紀錄顯示他打了47分鐘的電話 而在電話期間MJ碰到了麻煩 When Murray realized Jackson was unresponsive, he began frantic efforts to revive him, but Jackson never regained consciousness. 當Murray發現MJ無反應後 試圖急救 但MJ再也沒醒來 The coroner found the propofol was administered to Jackson without any medical need and that recommended resuscitation equipment was missing. 法醫發現 MJ被注射了Propofol 而應配備的急救設施都不存在 As the police investigation neared an end, criminal attorney J. Michael Flanagan said Friday he had been hired to join Houston attorney Edward Chernoff in representing Murray. 目前Murray已經請了打刑事案件的律師 In addition, Chernoff released a statement saying he had not received notice that a grand jury was hearing the case or inviting Murray to testify. 律師表示他們還未接到陪審團任何要招開聽證會的消息 Chernoff spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik said earlier that Murray neither prescribed nor administered anything that should have killed Jackson. 律師發言人表示Murray並未開藥或注射任何會導致MJ死亡的東西 Flanagan previously worked in the media spotlight representing Britney Spears in a hit-and-run case. He said he tried a propofol case several years ago, representing a nurse who was acquitted after it was shown she played no role in administering propofol to a patient who died. 刑事律師表示 他之前有代表打過Propofol的官司 他同樣也是處理小甜甜開車撞人逃逸 案件的律師 Flanagan said there was a difference between a nurse's role and "a very sophisticated doctor making a medical judgment." To prove gross negligence, he said, prosecutors would have to show a conscious indifference for life. "This trial could end up being a trial of medical practice," he said. "The question is what discretion does a doctor have to treat a patient, and if a doctor makes a mistake, is it a crime?" 他說這個案子可能最後會變為執業案子 問題在於當醫生治療病人 而醫生犯錯時 這是犯罪嗎? Jackson family spokesman Jesse Derris said he had no immediate comment from the family. MJ家族對相關都還沒回應 A final legal action could be weeks away, after the case is formally transferred to the district attorney's office by the Los Angeles Police Department. If a grand jury indictment is sought, secret hearings would be held, and the panel would have the final decision on possible charges. An involuntary manslaughter conviction carries a potential sentence of two to four years in prison. 如果是以非有意的過失殺人定罪 是2-4年刑期 The district attorney's office is waiting for Los Angeles police to turn over the case before presenting it to a grand jury, the source said. 當局還在等LA警方交上完整報告 However, a spokeswoman for the district attorney's office denied that any decisions have been made. "We have been working closely with the Los Angeles police during the pendency of this investigation," spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said. "There is no case before us at present, and no final decision has been made." 目前還沒有任何的決定 To prove a charge of involuntary manslaughter, authorities must show there was a reckless action that created a risk of death or great bodily injury. If a doctor is aware of the risk, there might also be an issue of whether the patient knows that risk and decided to take it. 如果要控訴過失殺人 他們必須提出他的莽撞行為導致了死亡的風險 而醫生是了解這項可能的 同時還需考慮病人是否知道致死的風險 卻決定接受醫療行為 A large number of witnesses have been interviewed by police, including those who were present during Jackson's last days and those who worked with him in preparation for his comeback concert, "This Is It." 很多證人被警方詢問 包括最後一天在MJ家的人 和TII工作的人 Authorities have also lined up medical expert witnesses to testify about the normal standard of care in a situation such as Jackson's and to give opinions on why Murray's actions constituted gross negligence, the source said. 當局也列了很多專家為MJ這些解析MJ的醫療情形 Murray's professional history is expected to be explored during a trial with an emphasis on whether he had the required expertise in administering propofol. Murray的專業也將被調查 他是否有足夠的專業注射 Propofol The timing of an indictment would be dictated by two factors - how long it takes for the district attorney's office to conduct an internal review of the evidence and when the grand jury will be available to hear the case. 而起訴的時間會受到兩個影響 當局看證據的時間 還有陪審團何時能審理這個案子 The person said it was thought that it would be more efficient to go to a grand jury than to charge Murray and proceed by way of a preliminary hearing. A presentation to the grand jury where witnesses testify behind closed doors could take three to five days. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ChesterB 來自: (01/09 15:44)

01/09 16:25, , 1F
01/09 16:25, 1F

01/09 19:16, , 2F
01/09 19:16, 2F

01/09 19:24, , 3F
01/09 19:24, 3F

01/09 22:32, , 4F
01/09 22:32, 4F

01/10 00:16, , 5F
什麼鬼律師?? 收了錢眼睛就瞎了 良心也沒了 只剩一張嘴!
01/10 00:16, 5F

01/10 01:32, , 6F
不管怎樣MJ 都回不來了....哭哭..
01/10 01:32, 6F

01/10 01:48, , 7F
幫原PO補推 > < "
01/10 01:48, 7F

01/10 03:08, , 8F
X的 該死的Murray
01/10 03:08, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1BI3BnWw (KingofPop)