[問題] 環球出的經典紀念冊【3CD全球限量盤】

看板KingofPop作者 (MJ KING OF POP )時間15年前 (2009/11/19 00:53), 編輯推噓4(403)
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http://www.books.com.tw/exep/cdfile.php?item=0020134657 我還蠻意外竟然沒有I'll be there 我對Jackson時期的音樂還沒有非常了解 不過因為看他收錄了很多歌,想說這應該是入門的一個好選擇吧? 還是大家有更推薦其他的? 我買了The ultimate collection歐洲黑色版(版友很推薦的) 白色讓我想到smooth criminal ,黑色是dangerous 不過~!!!! 我在MJFC上看到日本版的有多五首特別歌曲是其他版沒有的 Did you know that ... the Japanese pressing includes a total of 62 tracks (instead of 57). The extra tracks included are as follow: Disc 1 - track 11: Blame It On The Boogie Disc 2 - track 6: Human Nature Disc 3 - track 3: Another Part Of Me, track 13: Heal The World (Someone Put You Hand Out was moved from last track on disc 3 to first track on disc 4) Disc 4 - track 12: One More Chance Thus, 5 extra tracks that make this boxset even more worthy to have (如果日版是白色的話,我會考慮買進....) 另外還有歐洲版的Collection http://downloadsbay.blogspot.com/2009/07/michael-jackson-collection-2009-pop. html 當初在網路上看到,但是我發現台灣沒有出這一款 所以搜尋拍賣買到的,最主要是含了五張專輯 off the wall thrillerr bad dangerous invincible 我想說可以把專輯一網打盡,好像很OK.... 雖然我收集到了專輯也有終極精選(還捨不得開...) 可是我個人不是很推這Collection...因為它竟然沒有歌詞.... 我覺得感覺很像盜版XDD 遺憾的是兩個都沒有 be not always(也沒有ghost @ @ 我會太貪心嗎) 我上網查了那是在一張Victory的專輯 http://0rz.tw/sGdkc (范曉萱 有首歌叫sometimes感覺很像) Always be not always and if always, bow our heads in shame. Always, please be not always. And if always, bow our heads in blame. 'Cause time has made promises, just promises. Faces, did you see their faces? Did they touch you? Have you felt such pain? To have nothing, to dream something, then lose hoping. Is not life but lame? But time has made promises, just promises. Mothers cry, babies die helplessly in arms while rockets fly and research lies in progress to become. But what of men are flesh and blood? We turn our backs on life. How can we claim to stand for peace when the race is armed in strife, destroying life? Always, be not always. But if always, bow our heads in shame. Always, please, be not always. 'Cause if always, bow our heads in blame. 'Cause time has made promises, just promises. Death promises. 如果錢尼真的機車到每發一次精選就加一首新歌的話 雖然很卑鄙又不要臉....可是還是會考慮把$$$掏出來 唉唉唉 -- 飛影 「莫問前生一切,不懼來世萬劫」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/19 01:03, , 1F
11/19 01:03, 1F

11/19 04:27, , 2F
可以在itune store或amazon只買單首新歌嗎?
11/19 04:27, 2F

11/19 08:28, , 3F
沒I'll be there是因為曲目是收錄自MJ個人專輯喔
11/19 08:28, 3F

11/19 10:26, , 4F
日版是白色沒錯~ 我有日版和美版,也好想收一套黑的..
11/19 10:26, 4F

11/19 10:42, , 5F
我想買日版的>"< 也想買黑版的~美版白色我已經有了XD
11/19 10:42, 5F

11/19 11:02, , 6F
11/19 11:02, 6F

11/19 12:43, , 7F
11/19 12:43, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1B12QIlP (KingofPop)