[情報] 歌迷分享2005年出庭故事[MJ好香]

看板KingofPop作者 (someone in the dark... )時間14年前 (2009/11/13 22:26), 編輯推噓24(24016)
留言40則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
很多人最近都在看"誰殺了麥可傑克森"(Michael Jackson Conspiracy) 我自己才剛開始看 作者 Aphrodite Jones 在前言說 她是跟一些守候在Neverland外的歌迷談話後才起心動念開始想寫這書的... 剛好也看到mjjcommunity上有歌迷分享2005年MJ出庭時 到法庭內外, Neverland支持MJ的故事 有幾則還滿動人的… 以下是其中一則 [Fans who went to santa maria courthouse. Thank you.] 曾經到Santa Maria法庭的歌迷們,謝謝你! http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75253&page=2 作者:Silentstar01 It was heartbreaking for him but amazing to be there as well. I remember going and I will never forget it. We arrived at the courthouse early in the morning (still dark) and got by the fence for the arraignment so we could see Michael when he came in. 這對他來說很傷心,但可以去那裏也是一件很棒的事。我記得我去了而我永遠不會忘記。 我們早上很早就到法院(天色仍暗),靠在柵欄邊希望在Michael來時可以看到他。 But the police came out and announced that they were having a raffel to let some people inside so they started passing around the little tickets (like you get at a carnival). I took my ticket and stood there, cold but excited and not thinking I would get in. WRONG. The police officer called out my number and I froze! He had to say it again and then I dropped the part of the banner I was holding up and ran around to get in line. I was in shock. 警察出來公布說他們要讓一些人進入法庭,所以他們發給我們一些票。我拿了我的票,站 在那裏,很冷但很興奮,試著不要去想我可能可以進去。但我錯了!警察叫到我的號碼然 後我僵住了。他再叫了一次,我丟下了原本拿在手上的旗幟,跑過去排隊,我真的嚇到了 。 After the process of giving us court rules to read, turning in our drivers lis. for an i.d. and getting in line to go inside, Joe came around the corner. He was very sweet! I got to meet him and then we went inside and I sat on the aisle (not even thinking that it was on the defense side and that Michael would be passing me). 接下來的程序是讀一些法庭規則,繳交我們的駕照確定身分,然後排隊進入。Joe從角落 進來。他很親切。我跟他打招呼,然後我們進去,我坐在走道邊(忍不住想等一下 Michael會經過我)。 And then the family walked in and we were all so quiet and then came Janet who was beautiful as always and then finally Michael walked through the door. My heart stopped and I could not believe he was a few inches from me. I could have reached out and grabbed him. 然後Michael的家人進來了,我們都很安靜,接著是美麗的Janet,最後是Michael。我的 心跳幾乎停了,幾乎不敢相信他就在我眼前,我幾乎一伸手就可以碰到他。 The arraignment lasted so much longer than it was supposed too and Michael was so cute. he kept pushing the water pitcher back and forth across the table so the lawyers could get drinks. LOL 審問過程比預計的還要冗長。Michael很可愛,他不停的把水瓶在桌上推過來、推過去, 讓那些律師們可以喝到水。 And then at the end he whispered to his lawyer that he had to go to the bathroom. The judge was like, "How dare you interrupt these proceedings because you have to go to the bathroom. Well, I need to go too so we'll end this for today." (not exact words but something to that effect) lol 最後,Michael小聲跟他的律師說,他必須要去洗手間。法官說:“你竟敢因為你要去洗 手間就要讓訴訟程序中斷?不過,我也得去,所以今天就到此為止。” And then Michael got up and spoke to me on the way out 然後,Michael起身,出去的時候跟我說了話。 He moved so gracefully and was sooooooo gorgeous. So sincere and loving. He loved us all so please don't feel bad that you weren't there. I felt like all my friends and my fan friends were in spirit with me inside the courtroom. It was so strong. And you know Michael had to feel that feeling even stronger than me. 他的動作是如此的優雅迷人,如此的真誠可愛。他愛我們所有的人,所以請不必為了你們 沒有在現場而感到難過。我感覺所有我的朋友、所有的歌迷都和我一起在法庭內。這感覺 很強烈。而你們要知道Michael一定比我所感受到的多更多。 Oh and yes he smelled divine 噢!是的,他聞起來好香。 ------------------------------------ 明天再PO另一則... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/13 22:29, , 1F
我真的開始好奇起老大的味道了 這到底是第幾篇有描述
11/13 22:29, 1F

11/13 22:30, , 2F
老大很香之類的文XD 一堆影片談到老大也會講到味道XD
11/13 22:30, 2F

11/13 22:31, , 3F
很多TII舞者和 Ortega 都有提到MJ的古龍水
11/13 22:31, 3F

11/13 22:34, , 4F
謝謝翻譯 老大連上法庭都很貼心 Q Q
11/13 22:34, 4F

11/13 22:40, , 5F
Ortega講他被MJ噴香水的故事 http://ppt.cc/;~Cn
11/13 22:40, 5F

11/13 22:41, , 6F
哈哈 上次看某影片 同車的人也被老大噴了滿身
11/13 22:41, 6F

11/13 22:42, , 7F
11/13 22:42, 7F

11/13 22:43, , 8F
11/13 22:43, 8F

11/13 22:46, , 10F
記錯了 其實是他自己噴了滿身 根本灑了半瓶吧XD
11/13 22:46, 10F

11/13 22:48, , 11F
11/13 22:48, 11F

11/13 22:50, , 12F
11/13 22:50, 12F

11/13 22:51, , 13F
噴太多了吧 難怪大家對他的味道印象深刻XD
11/13 22:51, 13F

11/13 22:52, , 14F
11/13 22:52, 14F

11/13 22:54, , 15F
11/13 22:54, 15F

11/13 22:54, , 16F
11/13 22:54, 16F

11/13 22:57, , 17F
11/13 22:57, 17F

11/13 23:06, , 18F
他回自己老家耶~XD 香水噴好多XDD另外4分多鐘的胖子反應太
11/13 23:06, 18F

11/13 23:06, , 19F
好笑了 連MJ也在偷笑
11/13 23:06, 19F

11/13 23:26, , 21F
11/13 23:26, 21F

11/13 23:26, , 22F
11/13 23:26, 22F

11/13 23:33, , 23F
哈哈好笑胖子 MJ是尷尬的笑了
11/13 23:33, 23F

11/13 23:53, , 24F
這篇推文完全離題了XDD 大家都在討論MJ的味道
11/13 23:53, 24F

11/13 23:55, , 25F
11/13 23:55, 25F

11/13 23:55, , 26F
吼 噴很兇喔 MJ真的很小孩子 XD
11/13 23:55, 26F

11/13 23:57, , 27F
不過噴這麼兇 聞起來不會很噁心嗎????XD
11/13 23:57, 27F

11/14 00:08, , 28F
11/14 00:08, 28F

11/14 00:30, , 29F
11/14 00:30, 29F

11/14 00:31, , 30F
他一定有一堆香水的阿 且汰換率很高XD噴成那樣
11/14 00:31, 30F

11/14 00:47, , 31F
謝謝翻譯~ 影片裡真的噴好猛當水噴XD,MJ應該喜歡很多款
11/14 00:47, 31F

11/14 00:59, , 32F
11/14 00:59, 32F

11/14 01:04, , 33F
11/14 01:04, 33F

11/14 01:05, , 34F
11/14 01:05, 34F

11/14 01:06, , 35F
所以MJ的香水 是甚麼味道呢??? 好想聞聞看喔~~~
11/14 01:06, 35F

11/14 01:08, , 36F
11/14 01:08, 36F

11/14 01:16, , 37F
11/14 01:16, 37F

11/14 07:12, , 38F
11/14 07:12, 38F

11/14 21:00, , 39F
Ortega那篇令人又笑又哭的 笑的是TII的每個舞者每天都排
11/14 21:00, 39F

11/14 21:01, , 40F
排站等著給MJ抱抱 >o<~
11/14 21:01, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1A_MoX2Y (KingofPop)