[情報] MJ 1988年寫給某攝影師的信(真跡)

看板KingofPop作者 (someone in the dark... )時間15年前 (2009/09/05 23:34), 編輯推噓27(27019)
留言46則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這幾天板上的氣氛很沉重... 我想 每個人有每個人自己 療傷 沉潛 轉化 的方法 別人無法建議你該怎麼做 也無從置喙 我自己 還是在努力搜尋他的資料 希望能更了解他... (音樂 舞蹈以外的部分) 下面這封信是 Julien's Auctions 的拍賣品 2009/11/21 會在 New York 被拍賣 當然有人會想 拿到MJ的真跡還這麼不珍惜 竟拿出來拍賣 可是 不拍賣的話我們也看不到這封信了 圖片在此: http://tinyurl.com/lfbdlm 收信人是 Moonwalker 的 camera operator: William Pecchi Jr. (MJ稱他 Pecky) 他的 IMDB info: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0669517/ 拍賣網頁上的圖很清楚 MJ寫的一字一句可以清晰辨認 (可能有少數幾個字我不確定, 如果有誤歡迎指正) 雖然是超過20年的信了 但MJ一路走來始終如一的信念: 工作認真 對藝術要求完美 反對種族歧視 愛小孩 愛世人... 在信中一覽無遺 分享給跟我一起懷念他的大家~~ --------------------------------------------------------------- Pecky, I very very seldom write letters. 我很少,很少寫信。 But in this moving occasion I couldn't help myself. 但在這個感動的時刻,我無法壓抑我自己。 I want to thank you for putting the effort forward to capture the magic and excitement of the people of the world. What you do is a very personal and powerful medium to me. 我想謝謝你,為捕捉這世界上人們的魔力和激動時刻所付出的努力。對我來說,你所做的 是一種非常個人化且有力量的媒介。 It is the art of stopping time, to preserve a moment that the naked eye can not hold, to capture truth, spontaneous truth, the depth of excitement in human spirit. 這是一種讓時間停滯的藝術,去保留住肉眼所無法抓住的那一刻,去抓住真實,自然的真 實,那種人類精神裡,深刻的興奮之情。 All else will be forgotten but not the films. Generations from now will experience the excitement you're captured, it truly is a time capsule. 除了底片上留存的東西之外,其他的都會被忘卻。從今以後的世世代代都能從你所捕捉的 影像上體驗到相同的興奮之情,真的像時空膠囊一樣。 I will not be totally satisfied until I know you’re at the right angle, at the right time, to capture a crescendo of emotion that happens so quickly, so spontaneously. 除非我知道你已在最好的角度、最好的時間捕捉到那發生如此快速、又如此自然的漸強之 情緒,我是不會完全滿意的。 What you have done was good. But I want the best, the whole picture, cause and effect. I want crowd reaction, wide lens shots, depths of emotions, timing. 你做得已經很好了,但我要的是最好的,包括全部的影像、因果關係。我要群眾的反應、 廣角鏡頭的拍攝、情緒的深度、時機。 I know we can do it. It is my dream and goal to capture the truth we should dedicate ourselves to this. 我知道我們可以做得到。捕捉真實是我的夢想與目標,我們應該要為此努力付出。 The person who makes a success of living, is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it universally. That is dedication. There is no other way to perfection than dedication, perseverance. 能夠在事業上成功的人,一定是那些知道自己的目標為何,且持續不斷努力的人。這需要 付出。沒有持續的付出和堅持是沒辦法做到完美的。 Just tell us what you need to make it happen. Take the leadership to direct the other camera men. 告訴我們你需要什麼來達成目標。你要當其他攝影師的領導者。 I enjoyed working with you that is why I asked you to come. You have a gentle spirit that’s very likable. 我很喜歡和你一起工作,這也是我請你來的原因。你有一種很可愛的紳士風度。 Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses but I love people all over the world. That is why stories of racism really disturb me. 也許我總是戴著玫瑰色的眼鏡(註:比喻把事情看得比較美好)來看這個世界,但我愛這 世上所有的人。這也是為什麼種族歧視的故事總會讓我很生氣。 You hurt my heart and soul when you told me of your boyhood in Texas. Because in truth I believe all men are created equal, I was taught that and will always believe it. 當你談到你在德州的童年時,我為你感到心痛。因為我相信所有人都生而平等,我從前就 這樣被教導,而我也會一直這樣相信。 I just can’t conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth. 我真的不能理解為何一個人會恨另一個人就只因為皮膚的顏色。我愛地球這個星球上的每 一個種族。 Prejudice is the child of ignorance. Naked we came into the world and naked we shall go out, and a very good thing too. For it reminds me that I am naked under my shirt, whatever its color. 偏見源自於無知。我們赤裸裸的來到這世上,也赤裸裸的離開,這樣也好。這提醒了我 不管我穿什麼顏色的衣服,衣服底下的我仍然是赤裸的肉身。 I’m sorry to bring up such past news. But in the car I was hurt by what you said. I’m so happy though that you have managed to overcome your childhood past. 我很抱歉提起你的傷心往事。在車上你所說的事真的讓我很難過。但我很高興你已經能擺 脫你的童年往事。 Thank God that you’ve graduated from such beliefs of ignorance. I’m glad I’ m never experienced such things. Teach your kids to love all people equally. I know you will. 感謝上帝你已從這種偏見的想法中脫離。我很高興我未曾經歷過這些事。教導你的孩子要 平等的去愛所有的人。我知道你會的。 I speak from my heart saying I love you and all people especially the children. I’m glad God chose me and you. 我要從心底說我愛你以及所有的人,特別是小孩。我很高興上帝選中了我和你。 Love, M. J. -------------------------------------------------------------- 同場加映: Julien's Auctions 的網頁還可以看到原本2009年4月要拍賣的很多很多MJ的東西 據說是前經紀人 Tohme Tohme 主導的拍賣 後來MJ向法院申告要求停止拍賣, Tohme Tohme 也被解雇了 但是拍賣的 catalog 還留在網頁上 像這一個: http://tinyurl.com/btbbz2 裡面有好多好帥的照片啊~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/05 23:46, , 1F
推阿 催淚 MJ實在是很獨特的存在
09/05 23:46, 1F

09/05 23:47, , 2F
09/05 23:47, 2F

09/05 23:47, , 3F
09/05 23:47, 3F

09/05 23:49, , 4F
用日本飯店的信紙 字跡還被水弄模糊了....
09/05 23:49, 4F

09/05 23:51, , 5F
09/05 23:51, 5F

09/05 23:57, , 6F
對啊 ! 好精美的catalog
09/05 23:57, 6F

09/05 23:58, , 7F
09/05 23:58, 7F

09/06 00:05, , 8F
而且這些東西拍賣的標價也太便宜了吧 很過分
09/06 00:05, 8F

09/06 00:10, , 9F
是拍賣啊 應該成交價會更高 還有婚禮巧克力滿有趣的...
09/06 00:10, 9F

09/06 00:14, , 10F
謝謝你的翻譯,MJ的文筆一直都非常好,從dancing the dream
09/06 00:14, 10F

09/06 00:14, , 11F
09/06 00:14, 11F

09/06 00:15, , 12F
09/06 00:15, 12F

09/06 00:17, , 13F
打錯 是prince
09/06 00:17, 13F

09/06 00:17, , 14F
09/06 00:17, 14F

09/06 00:22, , 16F
09/06 00:22, 16F

09/06 00:24, , 17F
09/06 00:24, 17F

09/06 00:24, , 18F
09/06 00:24, 18F

09/06 00:27, , 19F
09/06 00:27, 19F

09/06 00:27, , 20F
sorry,我沒看過自傳 也一直想說應該都是別人代筆的不是嗎
09/06 00:27, 20F

09/06 00:31, , 21F
Moonwalk有代筆,但是MJ有校正修改過,Dancing the dream就
09/06 00:31, 21F

09/06 00:32, , 22F
09/06 00:32, 22F

09/06 00:33, , 23F
09/06 00:33, 23F

09/06 00:34, , 24F
請問yylane,您覺得"depths of emotions,timing"要翻成?謝謝!
09/06 00:34, 24F

09/06 00:35, , 25F
depth of emotions情緒的深度,timing時機,應該是兩件事
09/06 00:35, 25F

09/06 00:38, , 26F
09/06 00:38, 26F

09/06 00:39, , 27F
09/06 00:39, 27F
※ 編輯: ulcer 來自: (09/06 01:06)

09/06 01:19, , 28F
09/06 01:19, 28F

09/06 01:21, , 29F
09/06 01:21, 29F

09/06 01:21, , 30F
早期的衣服配件都有!! 哇 258頁的目錄會不會太誇張
09/06 01:21, 30F

09/06 01:24, , 31F
09/06 01:24, 31F

09/06 03:06, , 32F
09/06 03:06, 32F

09/06 04:36, , 33F
看了目錄 我深信MJ身邊有一群狼
09/06 04:36, 33F

09/06 04:36, , 34F
那麼多重要的東西 MJ怎麼可能給拍賣!?
09/06 04:36, 34F

09/06 08:20, , 35F
09/06 08:20, 35F

09/06 08:21, , 36F
09/06 08:21, 36F

09/06 10:51, , 37F
這封信寫的真好 內容可以出版成一本書了 寫的真好
09/06 10:51, 37F

09/06 14:58, , 38F
老大字好漂亮 XDD
09/06 14:58, 38F

09/06 15:18, , 39F
原來唱beat it 時都會穿的件大型黑色垃圾袋居然是睡袍...
09/06 15:18, 39F

09/06 16:23, , 40F
09/06 16:23, 40F

09/06 18:31, , 41F
09/06 18:31, 41F

09/06 20:20, , 42F
09/06 20:20, 42F

09/06 20:35, , 43F
09/06 20:35, 43F

09/06 20:36, , 44F
09/06 20:36, 44F

09/06 22:24, , 45F
感謝分享!(而且被溫暖到了 因為一直很怕死後才愛上是不是
09/06 22:24, 45F

09/06 22:25, , 46F
可能很沒意義 並且很不理智 真的很感謝原po的溫暖 加油~
09/06 22:25, 46F
文章代碼(AID): #1AeeKCLa (KingofPop)