
看板KingofPop作者 (KIKI)時間15年前 (2009/07/04 01:40), 編輯推噓7(7011)
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剛好我今天翻了這個 就貼上來吧~ 有閒的好心人可以幫我校正一下~~我對自己的翻譯不是很有把握... At the time of Michael Jackson's death, it was well-known that he was preparing for a 50-show concert series at London's O2 Arena. What was less well-known— and what many are now speculating about—was what kind of recordings Jackson had done for the last few years. Billboard has learned that the singer was working on two albums at the time of his death: one in the pop vein that madehim famous and another that would consist of an instrumental classical composition. And while some believe the star wanted to recapture his '80s glory days—or escape financial trouble—those who worked with him recently say he was motivated by his fans and his children. 在Michael Jackson逝世時,他正在倫敦O2準備50場眾所皆知的演唱會。 但另一項比較不為人知,且現在許多人都在猜測的是,Jackson在過去幾年裡究竟 在錄製什麼樣的音樂。Billboard已獲悉,這位歌手在生前致力於兩張專輯: 一張是使他成名的流行音樂,而另一張則是純器樂的古典作曲。 儘管有些人認為這位明星的復出,是想重拾其80年代的輝煌,或是為了解決財務困難; 但近期與他共事的人都說,他是出於他的孩子們與歌迷的激勵。 Jackson was working on the pop album with songwriter Claude Kelly and Akon, who says that Jackson was motivated by the ticket sales for his performances. "He said, 'My fans are still there. They still love me. They're alive,'" Akon says. "His kids are like his first priority, and they had never seen him perform live. He was trying to create the most incredible show for his kids." Jackson生前,是和作曲家Claude Kelly 及 Akon一起製作那張流行專輯。Akon說, 門票的大賣讓Jackson深受感動。“他說,‘我的歌迷仍在那裡,他們依然愛我,他們 充滿了活力!’”Akon說,“他的孩子們都在他的第一順位。他們從未見過父親現場表演 ,所以Michael打算為他的孩子們做出讓人無法置信的極佳表演。” Kelly, who wrote "Hold My Hand," the Akon-produced Jackson track that leaked last year, says Jackson never lost his passion. "He was the King of Pop, the biggest to ever do it, and the one thing you never lose—whether known by the whole world or just 10 people—is your love for music," Kelly says. "That never goes away, and it never went away for him amidst his troubles." 由Akon和Jackson合唱,並在去年外流的"Hold My Hand"的作曲者Kelly說,Jackson從未 失去他的熱情。“他是流行音樂之王,不論何時都是最傑出的。有一件事你永遠不會遺忘 ──不管是全世界都了解,或是只有十個人懂,你自己對音樂的愛是不會搞錯的。”Kelly 說,“雖然曾面臨許多麻煩,但他從未失去對音樂的熱愛。” Composer David Michael Frank had worked with Jackson on a 1989 TV tribute to Sammy Davis Jr. and received a call from the star's assistant two months ago about collaborating again. Jackson invited Frank to his home in Los Angeles' Holmby Hills, told him he was working on an instrumental album of classical music and asked for help with orchestration. 曾在1989年,和Jackson一起製作獻給Sammy Davis Jr.的電視特輯的David Michael Frank ,在兩個月前接到了Jackson助理的來電,受邀再次合作。Jackson邀請Frank到家中, 告訴他自己正在製作一張古典音樂的演奏專輯,並請他在管弦配樂的編製給予一些幫助。 "He had two demos of two pieces he'd written, but they weren't complete," says Frank, who adds that he was impressed with Jackson's knowledge of classical music. "For one of them, he had a whole section of it done in his head. He had not recorded it. He hummed it to me as I sat at the keyboard in his pool house and we figured out the chords—I guess this recording I made is the only copy that exists of this music." “他已經寫了兩個樣本帶,但他們仍未完整。”Frank如是說,並提到Jackson對古典音樂 的認識讓人印象深刻。“其中一首,有一整節他都是在腦袋中完成的,他並沒有將其記錄 下來。我就坐在他撞球室裡的鍵盤前,他哼旋律給我聽,然後我們一起思考該如何寫出這 些和弦。我猜,當時我留下的記錄,可能就是這些音樂的唯一副本了。” A few weeks ago, Jackson called to see how Frank was progressing on the orchestrations. "He mentioned more instrumental music of his he wanted to record, including one jazz piece," Frank says. "I hope one day his family will decide to record this music as a tribute and show the world the depth of his artistry." 幾個星期以前,Jackson打給Frank,說想要看看弦樂編製的進展。“他提出了更多他想錄 製的純器樂音樂,其中包括一首爵士樂。”Frank說,“我希望將來他的家人能將這些音樂 作為一份敬意出版,向全世界展示他在藝術方面的深度造詣。” Although questions arose about Jackson's health, and the impact it had on his dancing and singing, those who collaborated with Jackson say his voice was in fine form, despite his frail appearance. 雖然外界對於Jackson的健康是否會影響其歌唱及跳舞的能力,充滿了許多懷疑; 但和Jackson一起合作的人都說,儘管他的外表看起來有些虛弱,他的聲音狀況可是 非常好。 Greg Phillinganes, a keyboardist who collaborated with Jackson as musical director of the "Bad" tour and appeared on several of his albums, says Jackson sounded as good as he ever did. "He still had a good voice and never had a problem singing," says Phillinganes, who last spoke to Jackson in March. "There were questions about him being able to pull off the tour on the choreography side, but sources working with him told me he was dancing all the time, every day, and was very focused, excited and committed to making this tour the best it could be." 曾擔任Jackson的”bad tour”總監,並曾在Jackson多張專輯中出現的鍵盤手 Greg Phillinganes說,Jackson的歌聲聽起來就像以前一樣棒。“他的聲音仍然出色, 也沒有任何歌唱上的困難。” 於三月最後一次和Jackson對話的Phillinganes如是說到, “許多人質疑他是否能成功完成舞蹈部份,但和他一起工作的人告訴我說,Michael天天都 在練舞,他非常的專注且興奮,一心一意要讓這次的演出登峰造極。” Akon last spoke to Jackson three months prior to his death. "He would always tell me to eat right and ask me if I was exercising and drinking water," he says. "He'd always stress you had to take care of yourself before you can go off and do anything else." Akon在Jackson辭世的三個月前,和他有過最後的對話。“他總是告訴我要好好吃飯, 並且詢問我有沒有運動和喝水,” Akon說,“他一直很強調,你得先照顧好自己,才可 以做其他的事情。” Frank agrees. "He seemed totally healthy, not frail, and gave me a firm handshake when we met. He seemed in good health, had a good voice and was in good spirits," he says. "He was very skinny, but from what I knew, he was always thin. He was also taller than I pictured, but he might have been wearing some platform shoes. And he was impeccably dressed." 對此,Frank也表示同意。“他看起來非常健康,一點都不憔悴。和他見面時,他還給了 我一個有力的握手問候。他的狀況似乎都很正常,聲音很好,整個人也非常有精神。” Frank說道,“他很瘦,不過就我所知,他一直都是這麼瘦的。他看起來比照片上還高, 但可能是因為他穿著厚底鞋的緣故。另外,他的穿著實在是無可挑剔的完美。” Much has been made of Jackson's intense rehearsal schedule, but Phillinganes says that Jackson lived up to his reputation as a perfectionist. "It was the biggest comeback of his career, arguably the biggest comeback in pop music —even bigger than Elvis," he says. "So obviously he'd want to do the best he could. He never did anything half-assed, which is what originally got him to the stature he had." 外界對於Jackson緊湊的排練行程做了許多評論,但Phillinganes說,Jackson沒有辜負 自己身為一個完美主義者的名聲。“這是他職業生涯中最重大的一次復出。我們甚至可以 說,這是流行音樂界中最意義重大的一次──甚至比貓王Elvis還要了不起。所以,很明顯 的,他一定會盡他最大的能力。他從不做任何不稱格的事,這正是他能達到今日聲譽的 基本原因。” 原文來源: http://kuso.cc/4OfZ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/04 01:42, , 1F
07/04 01:42, 1F

07/04 01:44, , 2F
這些我有聽說 特別是MJ為了孩子而準備演唱會這類消息Q__Q
07/04 01:44, 2F

07/04 01:45, , 3F
07/04 01:45, 3F

07/04 01:50, , 4F
07/04 01:50, 4F

07/04 01:53, , 5F
早知道會這樣 大家不會希望他開演唱會 一場都不要
07/04 01:53, 5F

07/04 01:55, , 6F
Michael給我們的太多 他自己卻得不到他所真正需要的
07/04 01:55, 6F

07/04 01:58, , 7F
可以幫縮網址嗎? 謝謝~
07/04 01:58, 7F

07/04 02:01, , 8F
07/04 02:01, 8F
※ 編輯: kiki1990 來自: (07/04 02:02)

07/04 02:02, , 9F
一直都想著孩子和歌迷 想著他身邊的人...
07/04 02:02, 9F

07/04 02:03, , 10F
07/04 02:03, 10F

07/04 02:03, , 11F
07/04 02:03, 11F

07/04 02:05, , 12F
好像是說他原本沒有要再開演唱會 但為了孩子和歌迷們
07/04 02:05, 12F

07/04 02:06, , 13F
所演出的最後一場 特別令人鼻酸...Q_Q
07/04 02:06, 13F

07/04 02:08, , 14F
07/04 02:08, 14F

07/04 03:01, , 15F
07/04 03:01, 15F

07/04 03:02, , 16F
但我仍 然當作是他要送給孩子的禮物...嗚...
07/04 03:02, 16F

07/04 06:21, , 17F
07/04 06:21, 17F

07/04 20:38, , 18F
07/04 20:38, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1AJaAfns (KingofPop)