[閒聊] (雷)僕たちの嘘と真実 劇透摘譯

看板Keyakizaka46作者 (r.o.c.)時間3年前 (2020/09/12 04:39), 3年前編輯推噓18(1805)
留言23則, 18人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
來源:https://reurl.cc/d5WjY6 Credits:@karl_k46, @Kiryu_00, @ariadne32391, @_sunsetrider, @majimanji96, @toomuchidea, @Shirobear18 本文主要摘譯網友「僕たちの嘘と真実 Documentary of 欅坂46」 文章記述電影內容(文長、84+張圖) 個人沒看過電影,但覺得寫得很詳細 不懂日文或無法到日本電影院親自觀賞 但有興趣一賭紀錄片內容的話,仍建議閱讀上述原文 至少是二手資訊,第三手翻譯恐流失更多原意 原文內還有這裡未附上的網友的心得與花絮照 翻譯時間有限,表達不周請見諒 ========================================================== Intro 開場 At the very start, the names of all of the members (including graduates) are shown. They are arranged in alphabetical order. 2 columns, 6 rows in green color. 在電影最一開始,所有(含畢業)成員的名字依字母順序,以綠色字體顯示在6行2列中。 First scene is Yuuka walking to the center of a white room with a chair in the middle. She stopped beside the chair and looked forward. Documentary title is shown. 第一個場景:友香走進中間有張椅子的白色房間,她停在椅子旁並目視前方。 畫面[顯示紀錄片標題] https://imgur.com/vMSLZl3
---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Yuuka says that while working as an idol, the time they can spend together is very limited, and after a few years, some members may graduate. She started to understand all that. She feels that even a little, she wanted to produce something together with them. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 友香談到從事偶像工作,成員們能相處的時間很有限,過了幾年後有些成員可能會畢業, 她開始理解這一切,覺得即便只有一點點,還想跟成員們共同創造些事物。 In another interview, Yuuka questions things like why things didn't go smoothly. 在另一個採訪,友香質問事情為何無法順利進行。 --------------------------------------------- Tokyo Dome (1) Clip from rehearsal for Sezon (2019/09/19). Techi was walking back to the center stage where everyone was rehearsing. 2019年9月19日《兩人季節》彩排的畫面剪輯,平手正回大家都在排練的中心舞台。 https://imgur.com/snQx52e
It then jumped to D-day backstage. Techi was seen slowly walking from outside. Yuuka & Risa welcomed her. 接著畫面跳到D-day後台,平手緩緩從外面走來,友香和理佐歡迎著她。 https://imgur.com/Vb5iY6s
Nijika & Nen came to her. Techi held Nen’s arms and crouched down, whining, saying she can't do it, she doesn't want to do it. Nijika hugged her tightly, stroking her back. Nen held her hands tightly. Later she got up and Pon hugged her. 虹花和茜走去她身旁,平手抓著茜的手臂並蹲了下來,訴苦著說她做不到,她不想做,虹 花輕輕地抱著她,撫摸著背,茜緊緊握住她的手;然後平手起身,由依擁抱她。 https://imgur.com/j1YsyWI
The enjin shown was not their usual one (謙虚、優しさ、絆 / Humility, Kindness, Bonds) but Nen saying “Final day, thank you everyone! Believe in your comrades, believe in yourself! Let’s go!!”. Techi then went upstage to perform the opening. 圓陣內容不是她們平常的「謙虚、優しさ、絆」,而是茜說:「最後一天了,謝謝大家! 相信自己的夥伴,相信你自己!大家上吧!! 」,平手接著走上舞台表演開場。 https://imgur.com/zu6T6oF
First live performance shown: Tokyo Dome - Garasu wo Ware (until the first chorus) LIVE表演(一):東京巨蛋《打破玻璃》(第一段副歌前) https://imgur.com/XbjfqF1
---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Fuu: “It was a difficult time, it was like a race. There’s a lot of kind and delicate girls.” In another video, Nijika talked about how they always hold hands and form a circle before a live. It is almost to the point as if just one is not holding the other the circle is broken, then they will all fail/fall.. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 冬優花:「這是段艱苦的時光,好像競賽般,有很多溫柔和纖細的女孩」 在另一段影片,虹花談到她們如何總是在LIVE前握住手圍成環,這幾乎像是若有一人沒 有握好,環會斷掉然後她們全部會失敗/摔落… https://imgur.com/fu8OvoL
--------------------------------------------- (starting from the second verse) Garasu wo Ware from Summer Tour 2018 (2018/09/05) 2018年9月5日2018夏巡《打破玻璃》(第二段主歌開始) We can hear the members’ voices (from IEM) during the performance. Techi was heard shouting/psyching up the members during the circle formation, although she also seemed to be running out of breath. She appears to be shouting “叫べ っーー!!// Shout it!!” and “僕だって強くなりたい!!// I (Boku) want to be strong too!!” 表演時(透過耳機)可以聽到成員們的聲音,圍成一圈隊形時聽到平手對成員喊叫/打氣, 雖然她看起來快喘不過氣,似乎在喊「叫出來!!(叫べっーー!!)」與「我也想變強!!( 僕だって強くなりたい!!)」。 In the last refrain, Techi breaks out of formation and starts running towards the runway, approaching the mini stage. She danced alone full of intensity, her lapel mic got detached. She looked very much drenched. 在最後的副歌平手衝出隊形並開始跑向迷你舞台,她獨自激烈的跳著,領夾麥克風也脫落 ,她看起來非常沉浸其中。 https://imgur.com/STLucSC
After the song finished, she was seen staggering, with her head up, she fell off the stage with a loud sound. After the fall it fades to black. 歌曲結束後,看到她踉蹌的、抬著頭並伴隨著巨大聲響掉落舞台;畫面漸漸變黑。 https://imgur.com/j2D8Y2l
Debut Countdown Live After announcing the debut single, they went to visit various CD shops (2016/02/06). Divided into 3 groups: 1)Techi-Neru-Muu-Naako, 2)Pe-Yuuka-Nen-Pon, 3)Habu-Fuu-Zuu-Oze. Techi was shown trying hard to memorize her lines for the greeting. 宣布出道單曲後,她們前去拜訪各家唱片行(2016/02/06),共分成3組,第1組:平手、長 濱、上村、長澤,第2組:梨加、菅井、守屋、小林,第3組:土生、齋藤、今泉、尾関; 平手試著記住問候詞的樣子。 https://imgur.com/IA60Ryv
In Pe group’s car, Nen wondered about their destination, then the staff asked if they didn’t know. They answered no. Nen said, “Please don’t say it!” and that it’d be nice to play the game of “stepping out of the car and be surprised” instead. So the 3 groups went to different CD shops; Habu group went to Tsutaya, Techi group to Tower Records, Pe group also to Tsutaya(?). They went to the board where they saw their group’s new single available for pre-order. The members expressed wanting to pre-order the CD themselves, but the staff said it is for real customers, so they returned the slips. *Info about the shops visited: http://toriizaka46.jp/keyakizaka46/16876/ 在梨加那組的車上,茜不知道她們的目的地,然後工作人員詢問他們都不清楚嗎,她們回 答不知道,茜說:「拜託不要說出來!這樣就能玩『下車驚喜』的遊戲」,所以3組拜訪不 同的唱片行;土生那組去了Tsutaya,平手那組去了Tower Records,梨加那組也去 Tsutaya(?),她們走向看板,上面寫著團體新單曲開放預購,成員們急迫地想要要預購CD ,但工作人員說這是留給真實顧客的,她們只好退回單據。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Yuuka: When I first entered, I was scared of everyone… I wondered what to do, since… idol... female idol... This is just my own selfish image, but my image was that of competitive/ full of competition... So that was probably why I felt tense. That happened, but in Keyaki there’s a feeling that we’re doing things as a team… So there’s no (fighting?)... Not at all… It’s… I thought that it’s very good… I thought that maybe it’s just because no one wants to walk over someone else’s… But everyone is kind… like… everyone… each of them… We talked about how glad we are that it wasn’t like that… I really remember that moment. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 友香:剛入團的時候,我非常怕生,不知如何是好,因為…偶像…女子偶像,這只是我個 人印象,但我印象是充滿競爭的…所以這大概是我為什麼感到緊張,但在欅坂有種團隊齊 心努力的感覺,因此這裡沒有(鬥爭?),完全沒有…這個…我覺得這樣非常棒…我想這可 能僅是因為沒有人想要超過其他人…但每個人都很溫柔…就像…大家…她們每一位…我們 曾談過我們是多麼高興我們團體不像那樣…我對那個時記憶猶新。 Pon: I’m glad that it was Silent Majority that was the song given to us as the debut single. It was shot in a construction site, and with what we are that time, we show something that can only be shown at that moment… Hmmm I wonder if that time, we’ve made the most wonderful thing 由依:很高興《Silent Majority》能作為我們的出道單曲,這是在施工地點拍攝還有那 個時候的我們,展現出只有當下的我們可以呈現的事物… Hmmm我在想那個時候是否是我 們成就過的最美好的事物。 --------------------------------------------- An interview with Techi in the car was shown. She wonders how the group appears to other people. “Probably what we see is different from what the audience/ fans see. I’d like to hear what they think.” 畫面來到在車內對平手的採訪,她想著其他人是怎麼看這個團體,「觀眾/粉絲們所看到 的應該與我們不同,我想聽聽他們的想法」。 https://imgur.com/7gH9ci5
Clip of the countdown rehearsal was shown. The direction for Techi was to get “launched” to the stage. Everyone was calling her ‘Techi’ and cheered for her, and when she was launched, they were amazed and thought it was cool. 接著呈現〈countdown〉演唱會彩排的剪輯,平手的動作是被「彈射」到舞台上,大家都 叫著”Techi”並為她歡呼,當她彈射出來時,她們都感到驚艷並覺得很帥。 https://imgur.com/wpNfPA7
The scene jumped to D-day backstage (2016/03/17). Techi was really nervous, she didn’t want to go upstage. She kept holding onto Zuu & asked for her follow-up if she did something wrong. 場景轉到D-day後台(2016/03/17),平手非常的緊張,不想登上舞台,她一直緊抱著今泉 並求她陪著,彷彿她做錯事般。 https://imgur.com/HFUO59y
Everyone was getting nervous. Staff told Mon to not forget to smile. Neru was shown getting nervous, then Zuu asked to shake hands and Pon cheered for her. Neru thanked both of them. 大家都漸漸緊張起來,工作人員提醒鈴本別忘了微笑,看得出長濱焦慮的樣子,接著今泉 要求與她握手,由依也為她打氣,長濱謝謝她們兩位。 Techi was now seen on her own. She didn’t want to go on stage and want to go hide in the toilet. Then she crouched down & tried to remember the sequence for that night’s opening: go upstage, perform Saimajo, introduce Keyaki. 看到平手獨自一人,她不想上台,而想躲進廁所,然後她蹲下並試著回憶當晚開場的流程 :走上舞台、表演《Silent Majority》、介紹欅坂。 First, Overture was shown, then Saimajo (1st half). There were also backstage clips from the debut countdown but all they showed was the running. Also showed the dance track. Post-performance interview with Techi was inserted. She said they are not the typical idol group because of the level of dance they do, and that it is rare and other groups don’t do. But it appears that she wasn’t satisfied with that day’s performance, as she would’ve naturally shed tears. She then hopes that day would come. 這段一開始是《Overture》,然後《Silent Majority》的第一半段,還有她們在〈 debut countdown〉奔跑等後台畫面剪輯,此外還有dance track,其中插入平手的表演後 採訪,她說她們不是典型偶像團體,因為她們表演的舞蹈水平相當罕見,是其他團體不會 做的,但她看起來對當天表演並不滿意,因為她應該要會自然地落下眼淚,她希望那天能 夠到來。 Sekai ni wa Ai shikanai MV shoot The scene changed to SekaiAi MV shoot in Hokkaido (2016/06/25). Members ran and shouted from uphill towards the camera and to the staff who gave them jackets. There was a bit of rain and cold. 場景轉到在北海道拍攝《世界上只有愛》MV,成員們從上坡邊叫邊跑向鏡頭、遞給她們夾 克的工作人員,當時下著點雨且有些冷。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Risa talked about being chosen as front row member for SekaiAi. Then explained that front row members had to shoot lip sync scenes. But that time she didn’t know how to do it. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 理佐談到被選為《世界上只有愛》前排成員,然後說到前排成員得拍攝對嘴的畫面,但當 時她不知道該怎麼做才好。 https://imgur.com/qohHhEK
--------------------------------------------- The scene changed to the lip sync scene. Risa was shown first, they were doing the part before the chorus. Risa was doing it at first with a worried look and stopped in the middle. 場景轉換到對嘴的畫面,首先看到理佐,她們在拍副歌前的部分,理佐先拍,起初是擔憂 的表情然後中間突然停住。 https://imgur.com/CTswNxZ
The scene changed and showed Risa crying while staff was fixing her makeup. Then changed to the scene where Techi was hugging a crying Shida. Then Techi was called for her turn at lip syncing. As Techi was doing hers, the members watched her doing it naturally. 場景轉換並看到理佐正在哭泣,同時工作人員幫她補妝,然後畫面再轉到平手抱著正在哭 的志田,然後平手被通知該換她拍了,當拍平手的部份時,成員們看她那自然的演繹。 https://imgur.com/NjXqbKS
---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Pon said Techi got a strong expressive power (Shown on the trailer). ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 由依說平手有很強大的表現力(同預告) https://imgur.com/BgDDoOt
--------------------------------------------- Scene changed to shooting the picture on the rooftop of Parco (2016/08/16). Naako made a funny pose and expression, and the members laughed. 場景切到在涉谷Parco屋頂拍照(2016/08/16),長澤做了搞笑的動作與表情,成員們大笑。 https://imgur.com/lkY8dhX
https://twitter.com/K_Movie2020/status/1298471263757729792?s=20 One-man Live in Ariake Colosseum (2016/12/24,25) Video of their huddle: Staff said instructions and Techi, excitedly raised her hand but let the staff finish. Apparently, she wanted to talk about her notes, like in Silent Majority they do something, yelling something during dance track. 她們聚在一起的影像(2016/12/24,25): 工作人員正在說明流程,然後平手興奮地舉起手但等待工作人員說完,顯然他想分享些想 法,像是在《Silent Majority》做一些東西、dance track中喊些什麼。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Nen “Somehow, that image just sinks, but it really is not like that ..like ..normally, she's brimming with high spirits (きゃぴきゃぴ)..after all, that's what girls usually do". She also adds that Techi didn't have that kind of bad image. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜:「某種程度上,那個形象已經下沉消失,但這真的不是…像…她平常充滿元氣(きゃ ぴきゃぴ)…畢竟這是女孩們平常會做的事,此外補充平手以前沒有那種不好的形象。 --------------------------------------------- Nen was shown to be crying and saying she can’t do the MC while staff was applying/fixing her makeup (while grinning at her). The staff and members told her that it’ll be okay and she can do it. Then, Nen cried more. 茜哭的畫面,並說著她不能勝任MC,工作人員幫她補妝(同時微笑著),工作人員和成員們 告訴她說沒問題的,她可以做到的到,然後茜哭得更慘。 https://imgur.com/3FxV2LE
Yuichanzu could be heard singing Shibuyagawa. Then switched to Rika yelling “ wasshoi!” and then going backstage. Mon hitting Techi’s back then Nen asking Techi to hit her back. Before they entered the stage, Techi said thank you. 可以聽到小林跟今泉在唱《澀谷川》,然後轉到梨加喊「wasshoi!」,接著切到後台,鈴 本拍打平手的背,接著茜要求換平手拍她的,在她們進入舞台前,平手說謝謝妳。 Footage of Otona wa Shinjitekurenai performance 《大人不相信我》的表演畫面 During Shibuyagawa performance, backstage Techi (in Sezon costume) sits on some chair looking like she’s taking a nap and when she wakes up, she looks like she's having deep thoughts. 表演《澀谷川》時,在後台的平手(穿的兩人季節的服裝)坐在椅子上,看似在小睡,當她 起來時,看起來進行了深思。 Scene changed to Yuuka’s crying speech in Ariake. 場景切到友香在有明哭了的演說 https://imgur.com/cD776HS
Aki-P talk This seems to take place after the live. Aki-P was telling them to put aside what they understood all this time about idols, and to make a path for themselves, different from other idols. In a way so that in the future it could be said “so it started with keyaki”. 秋元康採訪 看起來是在LIVE後進行,秋元康告訴她們放下以往對於偶像的認知,並嘗試開創與其他偶 像不同,屬於自己的道路,如此未來可能大家可能會說「這是因欅坂而起」。 Fukyouwaon MV shoot ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- In the interview, Nen said that Techi started changing during Sezon. She started building a wall around her. It was like a wave, some days were good, some days were not. They are still talking and communicating but she could sense that something had changed. But it was during Fukyouwaon when things didn't make sense anymore. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜說平手在《兩人季節》左右有了轉變,她開始在周圍建立一道牆,如同波浪般,有些日 子是好的,有些則不是,她們雖還會聊天交談,但她已察覺有些變化,但在《不協和音》 時,一切變得不再合理。 --------------------------------------------- Then here comes Fukyouwaon (part shown in JCD). This is when Techi started to change. 接著是《不協和音》畫面(部分Japan Countdown),這是平手開始轉變的時候。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Nen said that Fukyouwaon is a lonely song. Fuu said something about overdoing it. Risa said something about sacrifice. The interviewer asked what sacrifice. Risa answered such as emotions/feelings. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜說《不協和音》是首孤獨的歌 冬優花說到關於做得過度的事情 理佐說到與犧牲有關的事,採訪者問她是犧牲什麼,理佐回答像是感情/情緒 Yuuka said it’s her first time in the front row and she’s beside Techi, but their eyes never met. Yuuka also mentioned it to Neru. At that time, they didn ’t exchange words. Yuuka also mentioned that Techi was probably internalizing the song so her mood was different from the others. 友香說這是她第一次站前排且在平手旁,但她們眼神從沒交會過,友香也跟長濱提過這件 事,當時她們並沒有多說什麼,友香還提到平手可能是要融入歌曲的世界,所以她的心緒 才會和他人不同。 --------------------------------------------- There’s also a scene where Neru, Fuu, Nen, Pe are having a lively conversation, Techi is just beside them staring at nothingness. 還有一些長濱、冬優花、茜、梨加聊得很熱絡的畫面,平手就在他們旁邊彷彿凝視著虛無 。 https://imgur.com/cNlLxI9
During Fukyouwaon MV shoot (2017/03/08), the scene where Pon fell down, every member ran towards her except Techi. In Fukyouwaon, it looked like Techi was just facing front. Sometimes she does look back a little bit, but stays where she is. 《不協和音》MV拍攝期間(2017/03/08),由依跌倒時,除了平手所有成員都跑過去,看起 來平手僅面向前方,有時稍微回頭看,但仍待在原地。 Techi returns to where her manager is, and seemed to have returned to “normal ” (she was showing expression unlike during recording). When asked about the song, “It’s crazy(やばいよ), Fukyouwaon is crazy. Just (doing) 1 half of it during rehearsal was already intense(キツイ). I’m scared for the performance ” “(Manager) Next it’ll be full (song) though” “(Techi laughed) Scary” 平手走回經紀人那,看起來已回歸「正常」(展現出與拍攝時截然不同的表情),當問到歌 曲的想法,表示「太瘋狂(やばいよ),《不協和音》太瘋狂了,僅僅在彩排時做了第一半 段就已激烈(キツイ)起來,我對這表演感到害怕」,「(經紀人)不過接下來會是全曲喔」 ,「(平手笑著)可怕」。 https://imgur.com/hveBCYB
2017 Nagoya Tour Leg (No Techi) - Zenkoku Masshiro Tour (2017/08/16) On the same day of performance, staff informs that Techi will be absent. She’ s in shock after various things during Rock in Japan (2017/08/12), can’t seem to perform how she wants. *Note: as she explained in Kochi Hoshi radio 2017.9.15, next to last song was Abunakkashii and she had already not enough stamina left, while then the last song was Fukyouwaon. https://youtu.be/EWNjddeRylw?t=323
表演當天,工作人員宣告平手將會缺席的消息,她受到在Rock in Japan (2017/08/12)表 演期間許多事物的驚嚇,感覺無法以想要的方式表演。 *註:如同在2017年9月15日Kochi Hoshi 廣播所說,她的體力在表演《危險計畫》前就所 剩無幾,況且最後還有一首《不協和音》 It comes as a shock for the members, they are not prepared, especially in mind. They practiced with Techi every day for this and suddenly on the first day of their first national tour the center was absent. 成員們非常震驚,她們沒有準備好,尤其是心理層面,她們每天和平手練習這次演出,在 她們初次全國巡演第一天,center突然缺席。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Habu: We were shocked… We practiced a lot for it together, so to suddenly go absent on the day… Pon: (To think) that it would come to this... [Nen says something, lack of notes] Fuu: I think taking a break applies to anyone. Everyone has different physical strength, mental state… It’s not like “because you’re center you can’t take a break”, but about attending/not attending a live, you know… (isn’t it better for) the mental preparedness of the members (if it was agreed beforehand regarding absence)? ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 土生:我們都嚇到了…大家為此準備了很久,因此那天突然空出center… 由依:(覺得)這天來了… [茜說了些話,但沒記到] 冬優花:我想大家都能休息一下,每個人的體力、精神狀態都不同,不是說「因為妳是 center,所以不能休息」,但關於參與/不參與一場LIVE表演,你知道…(若能提前取得告 知缺席對)成員心理層面的準備呢?(是不是比較好) https://imgur.com/nwyCvHl
--------------------------------------- A performance of the first verse of Eccentric is shown, without any center and and for Techi’s parts only the text lines are shown with no voice. 播出某場《Eccentric》第一個主歌的表演,沒有center,平手負責歌曲的部分只有螢幕 顯示文字,沒有聲音。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Pon: We just danced as rehearsed but we had the same thought. We can see the audience’s faces. They are... not genuinely looking at our performance. Fuu and Pon talk about how they can feel that the audience is not quite into it. They can see and feel the expressions of people, how they are not able to convey the songs. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 由依:我們就像排練時跳著舞,但大家著相同的想法,我們可以看到觀眾們的表情,他們 …沒有真心的在觀看我們表演。 冬優花和由依談到她們如何可以感受到觀眾並沒有很享受那表演,可以看到並察覺人們的 表情,她們是如此沒能力傳達出歌曲的含意。 -------------------------------------- A video showing Fuu is missing. Staff is looking around but they can’t find her anywhere and she was not in the dressing room or toilet 一段找不到冬優花的影片,工作人員到處找都找不到,她也不在休息室或廁所。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Fuu: I wanted to get out/leave. I walked and in the lobby of the venue, there was a dark place. I went there and cried. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 冬優花:我當時想出去/離開,走到場館大廳,那邊有個暗處,我在那哭。 --------------------------------------- (back to the video) When the staff found her, she was crying and saying that there is no meaning to go out if Techi was not there. Even if they do their best, without the center, the performance has no meaning. “For what reason did we work so hard for until now? I don’t understand” (回到影片)當工作人員找到她時,她哭著說如果平手不在,出場表演一點意義都沒有,即 便他們盡最大努力,沒有center,這表演什麼都不是,「我們是為了什麼而努力至今?我 不懂」。 The chief manager Mogi gathered them and asked them if they really can’t do it without Techi. Mogi wasn’t telling them they can’t do it, but he was saying that even without Techi, they should be able to stand on their own. He also said that they should have that individual awareness to want the audience to have fun (even without Techi). Staff felt like it’s only that one time Techi didn’t participate but the performance they showed was dispirited. Like they looked worried so their negative feelings leaked out and the audience might feel it. Looks like they are really helpless without Techi. *Note: Mogi emphasized how other people see Keyaki as being heavily dependent on Techi which he really feels frustrated hearing it, and it may as well be right from looking at that day's performance, so he wants them to change that perspective. 總經紀人Mogi集結成員們,並問她們是否沒有平手就無法表演,Mogi不是說她們做不到, 但他表示即便沒有平手,她們應該要能自己站出來,他還說到她們應該要有想讓觀眾盡情 享受的意識(即便沒有平手),工作人員覺得只是平手一次無法參與,她們卻展現出委靡的 表演,她們看起來很焦慮,因此流漏出負面情緒,觀眾們可能也感受到,貌似沒有平手她 們就是如此無助。 *註:Mogi強調當他聽到別人覺得櫸坂是如此緊緊依靠平手時,他感到非常沮喪,就她們那 天的表演,這可能是真的,因此他希望她們去改變這個觀點。 https://imgur.com/0T0ZOG7
---- Documentary Interview ---- Nen says there were a few members who agreed, including her. The truth is that she realized how they felt like they were a back dancer, but she also felt like they were perfectly in place behind Techi. If someone were to stand in front, if she were to do so, can she? She thinks she doesn't have the courage to do so. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜說包含她在內有一些成員也認同,實際上她理解她們是如此的像伴舞,但她也覺得在平 手後面的她們很完美,若有人要站到前面,假如是她,她做得到嗎?她覺得她沒有勇氣去 做。 Aoi - That time everyone was pretty much helpless.. like… Techi has to be present… To be unable to perform is… Hmmm…. That time it made me think about what should be done… Even if I keep worrying about it, it’s not something that I can resolve… And it’s not something that can be solved with time… I guess it was a wall we had hit from the start. I talked about it with Yuuka on the bus ride but in the end there’s no solution to the problem 葵:那時大家都很無助…像是…平手必須出現…無法表演是… Hmmm…那個時期促使我思 考應該做些什麼…即便我一直煩惱,卻無法解決任何事…而且那是當時無法解決的事…我 想那是從一開始我們就撞上的牆,曾經在車上跟友香談過,但這個問題最後還是無解。 Yuuka - Do we have any worth?... But after all, honestly I want each member to be seen… We have such amazing members, but it’s not really given the light? This situation is, after all… It makes me feel lonely… And it makes me want to do my best with everyone. [unclear notes, cannot be translated well]... It can’t be helped… What we can do right now is to show the best performance… And send them home satisfied, that feeling was very strong 友香:我們有任何價值嗎?...但不論如何,說實話,我想讓每個成員都被看見…我們有這 麼多優秀的成員,但卻沒被鎂光燈照到?這個情況…總而言之讓我很感到很孤獨…這讓我 想跟大家一起努力[未清楚記錄,無法好好翻譯]…沒有什麼能幫上忙…我們現在能做的就 是呈現出最好的表演…讓他們心滿意足地回家的心情非常強烈。 --------------------------------------- ---- Interview the day after center-less performance (2017) ---- Risa: (seemed to have been crying) I honestly didn’t want to do it. I honestly believe Hirate is the only one that could stand there in the center. If someone else fills the space, personally there’s a part of me that thinks it doesn’t feel right. ---- 無center的表演後的採訪(2017) ---- 理佐:(看起來已經哭過)我真的不想演出,我真心相信平手是唯一可以站在center的人, 如果其他人代那個位子,我個人會覺得有一部份的我認為感覺不對。 Fuu: Some members had troubles getting into it. We couldn’t get a sense of unification. 冬優花:有些成員有困難無法加入,我們無法取得團結一致的感覺。 --------------------------------------- A clip of Mon-center Fukyouwaon practice was shown. Also shown there members are practicing the first part where they started lying down. Nen stood up late (probably asleep lol). 一段由鈴本擔任center的《不協和音》練習片段,3名成員在練習她們要躺下的第一部分 ,茜起身時慢了。 2nd BDL (2018) After Nagoya, they faced the challenge of the missing center. This 2nd Anniversary live (2018/04/06,07,08) paved the way to overcome the center issue. 名古屋場結束後,他們面臨沒有center的挑戰,兩周年LIVE表演(2018/04/06,07,08)為她 們克服center問題奠下基石。 Footage of Fukyouwaon Yuuka center 友香center的《不協和音》畫面 https://imgur.com/ArvGj10
Back to 2017 Masshiro Tour Last Day (2017/08/30) Footage of getsuyoubi no asa, cool performance with smoke and Techi is back. Techi sings the line “What do you know about me!” (anta wa watashi no nani wo shiru), cuts to a bloody Techi getting shot from the pre-act of Fukyouwaon in the same concert. Suddenly cuts again to Kouhaku 2017. 《星期一的早晨,裙子被剪了》的畫面,伴隨著煙霧的帥氣表演且平手回來了,平手唱著 「anta wa watashi no nani wo shiru」,畫面切到同演唱會表演《不協和音》前狀態很 好的平手 ,畫面突然再切到2017年的紅白。 https://imgur.com/cxGrQ42
2017 Kouhaku (2017/12/31) Right after the performance ended, they were already shouting for help. At the end, members carried the other members. Techi is being carried backstage seemingly to be hyperventilating (can clearly hear her gasping hard for air). “(Nijika? while stroking her back) It must’ve hurt, ( 痛いよね…)” (2017/12/31)表演一結束,她們已在呼救,最後成員互相攙扶著,平手正被抬到後台,看 起來是換氣過度(可以清楚地聽到用力吸氣的聲音),「(虹花?撫摸她背部)這一定很痛苦( 痛いよね…)」。 https://imgur.com/1fDM4xk
Scene changed to a dressing room after they had seemingly changed clothes and settled down. Hidden camera aimed at the arm of a sofa which covers most of the screen, in the background blurry silhouettes of some members can be seen. 畫面切到休息室,她們看起來已換好服裝並緩和下來,隱藏攝影機對著遮住大部分畫面的 沙發,背景仍可看到一些成員模糊的輪廓。 Techi said, straight to the point (単刀直入), she's thinking of taking a break/ will be distancing herself from the group for a while. Everyone was surprised. She says she personally does not like the term hiatus, and added that she's not quitting, just taking some distance from the group. Members' hard sobs, sniffs and cries can be heard. 平手表示,直切主題吧,她在考慮休息一陣子並會與成員保持距離,所有人都很震驚,她 說她個人並不喜歡暫停活動這個用詞,並補充她不是要離開,只是要與團體保持一些距離 ,可以聽到成員們大力的啜泣、吸氣、哭聲。 “(Fuu) Is here okay?” “(Techi) There’s something I’d like to tell everyone. Starting 12/31, I’d like to keep some distance from Keyaki. I don’ t like the term taking leave(休業), I’m just keeping distance a bit” “(to members’ shock) Eh?” 「(冬優花)可以嗎?」 「(平手)我想告訴大家一些事,從12月31日起我將會與欅坂保持一些距離,我不喜歡休業 這個詞,我只想稍微保持距離」 「(成員驚訝)什麼?」 ---- Documentary interview ---- Nen - says that Techi thought she keeps being the one standing out. She mentioned that the content (what Techi said) is like her saying that she wants to quit. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜:平手覺得她一直是鶴立雞群,平手說的內容好像在表示她想退出。 Aoi - says that it’s something they might have predicted, but they just couldn’t accept it (at the time). She questioned things like, Who's going to center? How will they convey the atmosphere of the song? What would the fans think? She said that after all, this sudden experience of remarkably going up and going down did scare her. 葵:這是她們可以預期的事,但她們(當下)就是無法接受,她問了些問題像是誰擔任 center?她們要如何傳達歌曲的氛圍?粉絲們會怎麼想?她說,畢竟這突如其來大起大落的 感受嚇到她了。 Oze - says that at that time, everyone put their best effort to stop Techi (from leaving). Frankly speaking, the current Keyaki won’t exist if not because of her, and after all, they really feel that they really want Techi to be together with them. In any case, she remembers everyone stopping Techi with all their might. 尾関:當時每個人都努力阻止平手(離開),坦白的說,沒有她現在的欅坂無法生存下去, 畢竟他們真的想要平手和她們在一起,她永遠記得大家用盡全力勸退平手。 ------------------------------------- Back to Techi's scene 回到平手的畫面 “(Yuuka weak voice) I can’t imagine keyaki without Techi. Not because you’ re the center, but because I want Techi to be together with us” “(Nen sobbing) Is there a choice where you don’t have to take leave…?” “(Techi) After hearing everyone’s opinions, I’d like to think about it a little, (short pause) Are you guys having fun, doing (activities in) Keyakizaka?” (み んなは今、欅坂をやってて、楽しいですか?) 「(友香微弱的聲音)我無法想像沒有平手的欅坂,不是因為妳是center,而是我希望平手 能和我們一起」 「(茜啜泣著)有沒有一絲機會妳不用暫停活動…?」 「(平手)聽了大家想法後,我得再想一下,(短暫停頓)大家在欅坂的活動開心嗎? (みん なは今、欅坂をやってて、楽しいですか?)」 ---- Documentary interview ---- *Director asked the members what they thought of Hirate* Nijika says that Techi is very thoughtful. It is really thanks to her that everyone worked hard (until they became who they are now). She also mentioned that Techi's thoughts for members are really strong. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- *導演問成員們對平手的想法* 虹花說平手思慮非常周全,真的多虧她得以讓成員努力(直到成長為現在的她們),同時提 到平手很為成員著想。 Mii “I honestly don’t know what she’s thinking. She thinks about the group a lot; I think if we were thinking about one thing, she was already thinking many steps ahead—she probably wasn’t thinking about how we were feeling. So yeah, I don’t know…” 小池:「我真的不知道她的想法,她非常為團體著想,若我們正在思考一件事,她則已經 想到後面很多步,她可能沒有想到她們的感受,所以,我不知道…」 Yuuka “Eh I think it may be similar to how the fans see her. I like her performance…” She thought that Techi can do great performances… and she is always waiting to see how Techi will perform and express the next song 友香:「我想可能和粉絲看她一樣,我欣賞她的表演…」她覺得平手可以呈現精彩的表演 …一直等著看平手如何表演與表達下一首歌。 ------------------------------------- Garasu wo Ware MV shoot Garaware MV was shot around end of January 2018 (2018/01/28). The part where the members go around Techi, Takahiro shouted to make them move faster. At first, Techi seems like she’s getting into the role. There are cutscenes to the 2018 tour (2018/09/05) where she fell from stage. At the end, she looked up, crying/hurt expression. 《打破玻璃》MV大概在2018年1月底(2018/01/28)拍攝,成員們圍繞平手的段落, Takahiro喊著要她們動更快,起初平手看起來要進入角色,有一些2018巡迴她跌落舞台那 場(2018/09/05)的畫面,最後她抬頭哭了/表現心痛。 https://imgur.com/zgEbola
Takahiro comments about the performance where Techi fell off the stage. Takahiro評論到平手跌落舞台的表演。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Takahiro: I got angry. Getting yourself in an accident is a big no. I was angry. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- Takahiro:我生氣了,絕不能讓自己陷入意外,當時相當憤怒。 He talks about what Techi might‘ve been thinking, how she expressed the image of “boku” at the time. She was attempting to “break the glass” and there is nothing in the way to stop. So she kept running, splitting through the audience with nothing stopping her. 他談到平手當時可能在想什麼,她如何表達當下「我」的形象,她在試著「打破玻璃」但 那裡沒有任何東西可以阻止,因此她繼續跑、毫無阻礙的穿過觀眾。 ----------------------------------------- The lights turned on, the members were on the stage smiling because it's MC. In the interview Yuuka said it's certainly in the top 3 panic moments of her life. They knew Techi had gone out to the middle stage but she had just disappeared, since they couldn’t see much from the main stage. They just got directions in their earpieces to keep dancing as usual and keep on with the live. 燈光亮起,MC環節成員在舞台上微笑著,訪談中友香說這絕對排進她生命中前3恐慌時刻 ,她們知道平手已跑向中間舞台,但她突然消失了,因為她們從主舞台上無法看到太多, 僅僅透過耳機接到指示,照常跳舞並繼續進行LIVE表演。 ---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Fuu said, at that time, they were dancing frantically, like they didn't even know what’s happening. A lot of thoughts processed on her mind, she knows that even members are shaken/panic, like how they are not focusing on their dance form, and at that time she realised that (Techi) is doing ad-lib (where Techi runs out on the runway) They were wondering if they should go after or stay where they are. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 冬優花說當時她們正瘋狂的跳舞,不知道發生什麼事,心中閃過許多想法,她知道即便成 員受到驚嚇/恐慌,像是沒有專注在舞蹈隊形,在那時候她理解的是(平手)在即興發揮(跑 在舞台上),她們當時猶豫著是否要追上去還是待在原地。 Mii said that in Sezon, the part that leaves the most impression is the solo dance. So, when techi fell, she thought it was over. For a while (maybe the whole song) she was worrying whether to do it or not. She thought if no one stood in for the solo dance, within herself, it wouldn’t be enough. So for the sake of Keyakizaka and for Techi, she decided to do Sezon’s solo dance. 小池說《兩人季節》令她印象最深刻的是獨舞部分,因此當平手跌落時,她心想完蛋了, 有好一陣子(可能是整首歌)都在擔心要不要做,覺得如果沒有人在獨舞部分挺身而出,她 內心一定過意不去,因此為了欅坂也為了平手,她決定要跳《兩人季節》的獨舞。 ----------------------------------------- When the time came, Mii gave her microphone to Shii. Shii was surprised but took the mic from Mii and Mii sezon was born. 時機來臨時,小池將她的麥克風交給詩織,詩織嚇到了但將麥克風接過來,小池季節因此 而生。 https://imgur.com/6ZXXcae
---- (Documentary Interview) ---- Mii explained her interpretation of Sezon when she centered it. Mii said, if Techi's Sezon’s is portraying "sorrow", she wants to express “happiness”. If she compares it with the seasons, hers is spring and summer while Techi portrays autumn and fall. She then says that it would be good if the two Sezons will connect. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 小池闡述她擔任《兩人季節》center時的演繹,如果平手的《兩人季節》是描述悲傷,她 則想表達快樂,如果用季節來比擬,她的是春與夏,平手則是秋與冬,然後說如果兩種能 連結就好了。 ----------------------------------------- 9th Single senbatsu https://imgur.com/4jmyIT4
After the senbatsu announcement, those who are not called went back to the dressing room. They were crying (Fuu and Mii). Nijika and Oda are comforting Mii. 選拔站位公布後,沒被選上的成員走回休息室,她們(冬優花與小池)哭了,虹花和織田在 安慰小池。 https://imgur.com/T3DPjkA
---- Documentary Interview ---- Nijika: I won't say that I should be in the Senbatsu. I'm more frustrated that these members are not in. Why are these members not included in the senbatsu? Fuu leads the dance. Mii centered Sezon. It’s unfair. I'm frustrated because I think these members are essential to Keyakizaka46. She's essential, her too, Keyaki needs them so why… ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 虹花:我不會說我應該要在選拔內,我更沮喪的是這些成員沒有上,為什麼這些成員不在 選拔內?冬優花帶領大家舞蹈,小池扛起《兩人季節》的center,這不公平,我很灰心因 為這些成員是欅坂46不可或缺的存在,她很重要,她也是,欅坂需要她們,因此為什麼… --------------------------------------- ---- Hono’s interview after senbatsu announcement ---- Hono (crying and sniffing): The more I think, the more I feel that I can't do it... But I would like to try my best. ---- 選拔公布後保乃的採訪 ---- 保乃(哭著啜泣):我越想越覺得我做不到…但我想要努力試試。 https://imgur.com/cmSKOct
----------------------------------------- ---- Hono documentary interview ---- Hono says during that time, it's not like she didn't have confidence or do not know, it is a (きっぱりできない)definite 'I cant do it'...The interviewer said something and Hono replies perhaps she didn’t have the confidence and thought that she wasnt being herself at the moment. ----保乃的紀錄片採訪 ---- 保乃說那個時候,她好像沒有自信或者不知道怎麼辦,這是個(きっぱりできない)絕對 的「我做不到」…採訪者說了一些話,保乃回復或許她當時沒有自信且不是做她自己。 ------------------------------------------------ Videos of Neru and Zuumin’s grad were shown. 播放長濱和今泉畢業的影片 Further description, Pon talked about Zuumin as someone who is a friend and a rival. Zuumin was maybe the one who was thinking most similarly to Pon. But now seeing Zuumin walking a different path while doing her best, makes her want to do her best as well. Zuumin’s last handshake was shown (2018/11/04, Kyoto). 由依進一步談到今泉是亦敵亦友的存在,今泉或許是與她想法最相近的人,但現在看著今 泉努力走在一個截然不同的道路上,讓她也想好好努力;播出今泉最後握手會的畫面 (2018/11/04, 京都)。 Then Fuu (interview) talked about Neru and how she was an important member of the group. According to Fuu, Neru worked hard and is considered one of the faces of the group. For Neru, they showed a video of her walking on a beach in Nagasaki (probably the same location as the one shown in her graduation event). Also showed members giving her an album(pics) and taking photos with her during her graduation event (2019/07/30). 然後冬優花(訪談中)談到長濱,她是團體多麼重要的成員,根據冬優花所述,長濱工作認 真且被視為團體招牌之一;播一段長濱走在長崎海灘的影片(可能與她畢業演唱會中播的 同地點),還播出在畢業演唱會中,成員們送她一本相冊並和她合照(2019/07/30)。 https://imgur.com/zSeVnqJ
---- Documentary Interview ---- Aoi: After all, I still remember their silhouettes. When the scenery in front of me has changed I feel that “they’ve really graduated.” I became sad. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 葵:不論如何,我依然記得她們的輪廓,當眼前的景色已有所改變,察覺到她們原來真的 畢業了啊,我開始難過起來。 https://imgur.com/FQmn03M
--------------------------------------- 9th Single MV shoot (2019/07/25) The video started with the chorus being played (10gatsu no pool~) while the members, wearing their training bibs, ran down the hill. The version of the song being played is a demo with a male voice. Feels like a festival. (tamer version of Hinatazaka’s “Kitsune” set) Shot in a far away place (has wind turbines), on a steep hillside. They got tables, chairs, tents. Feels like a village festival. Director is the same as sezon. Techi was present in the shooting, practicing some choreography with props for the MV. (2019/07/25)一開始播著一段副歌(10gatsu no pool),成員們穿著練習衣跑下山丘,播 的歌是男聲demo版,好像節慶般(日向坂《Kitsune》的溫馴版本),在陡峭的山坡上從遠 處拍攝(有亂流風),現場有多張桌子、椅子、帳篷,好像鄉村節慶,導演跟《兩人季節》 相同,平手出現在拍攝場地,與MV用的道具練習舞蹈。 https://imgur.com/aWDYbZk
---- MV Interview ---- Nen: It’s like we are in a foreign place… And everyone seems to be having fun… So that makes me happy Shii said that it’s been a while since it was sunny (during an MV shoot). The interviewer talked about it being the lead song. Shii wondered what kind of keyaki will be shown. They interviewed 2ki (Inoue, Karin, Seki, Matsuda, Hono, Hikaru) back then and they were happy because it’s their first MV shoot, but also some uncertainty if they can produce a good work. ---- MV 採訪 ---- 茜:我們彷彿處在國外…大家看起來都很開心…這讓我很高興 詩織說到久違的好天氣(MV拍攝期間),採訪者說到這是主打歌,詩織表示不知道會呈現出 什麼樣的欅坂。 接著採訪二期生(井上、夏鈴、關、松田、保乃、森田),因為是她們首次MV拍攝,她們都 很開心,但也不確定自己能否創造出好作品。 --------------------------- 2nd Generation’s introduction was shown (2018/11/30) 播出二期生介紹影片(2018/11/30) ---- Documentary Interview ---- Matsuri: After graduating from high school, even though it was only for 6 months, I worked in a bank. Interviewer: Local bank? Matsuri: Yes. (She then continued to explain her reason for auditioning. She said that she likes singing and dancing….) Takeyui: (She said that before she didn’t have any interest in idols but when she saw Keyakizaka, she wanted to know more) ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 松田:高中畢業後,即便只有6個月,我曾在銀行上班。 採訪者:地方銀行? 松田:是的(她接著述說參加徵選的原因,說她喜歡唱歌和跳舞…) 武元唯衣:(以前她對偶像完全沒有興趣,但當遇見欅坂,變的想知道更多) ---------------------------------- There is a part where the strong wind blew away Takemoto’s pink balloon. They can only look as the balloon went away, foreshadowing the approaching strong winds. But, they need to postpone the next shooting day as there is a typhoon approaching. 有一段是強風吹走武元的粉紅氣球,他們只能眼睜睜看著氣球飛走,預告著強風接近中, 他們必須得延後下一個拍攝日因為有颱風接近中。 ---- Matsuri Documentary Interview ---- Matsuri: After all the fans have really been waiting... I feel sorry about it.. If we make them wait I think the expectations will swell. I was worried wondering if I would be able to live up to the expectations with me being there. I was a little anxious if I could make something good/create a good piece of work. ---- 松田的紀錄片採訪 ---- 松田:讓所有粉絲等這麼久…我對此感到抱歉…如果我們讓他們等待,我想期待會越來越 高,很擔心我能不能達到那個期待,對不知道能否製作些好東西/創造出好作品感到有些 焦慮。 ------------------------------------------ A few months after (2019/10/23), there is another attempt to shoot the MV. This time they are on a beach, dancing in the sand. Techi didn’t show up to the location. The documentary staff asked where Techi is. The staff answered she would not come. Documentary staff asked if the members know about this. Staff answered no. They continue doing the shoot because they don’t know that Techi will not come. A segment from the chorus is shown with the members dancing in the sand, the choreography is very technical, fast pace and expressive. 幾個月後(2019/10/23),再次拍攝MV,這次她們在海邊沙灘上跳舞,平手沒有現身現場, 紀錄片工作人員詢問平手去哪了?工作人員回答她不會來,紀錄片工作人員接著問成員們 是否知道此事,工作人員回答成員並不知道,她們繼續拍攝因為不知道平手會不會來,播 出一段成員在沙上跳舞的副歌段落,舞蹈非常具技術性、節奏快且具表現力。 Members were not wearing single uniforms. Some wear sailor uniforms. Seki wore baggy clothes, a green jacket, ripped jeans. Nen kinda OL outfit with red skirt, Habu wore something stylish. Hono wore a denim jacket. Pon wore a gray school uniform with a necktie. Pe wore something like a villager/baker. Shii wore a white blouse with black collar, black print, and black skirt. Muu wore a light blue oversized sweater over a white collared shirt and knee length patterned shirt, and white shoes. Aoi's outfit is a blue skirt, gray hoodie with a yellow hood, marine blue right arm, marine blue left cuff, front pocket down to bottom is dark red. Matsuda wore something like a bookstore staff. Risa wore a brown striped top with an orange or maybe beige skirt. Yuuka wore a light blue cardigan over white shirt and gray shorts, white shoes 成員們並非穿著統一的服裝,有些穿水手服。 Another scene where members gather in a room, Konno (top of nogi and seed and flower) and Mogi (chief manager of keyaki) talk about reasons Techi cannot come to MV shoot. Konno says there various stuff happened (3 months between the first and second shooting attempts), and Techi can’t seem to express the lyrics and the worldview of the song, so in the end she did not come to the MV shooting. *Note: He has a bit trouble finding the right words and there is likely more behind what is shown in the movie 另一個場景是成員們集結在房間內,Konno(乃木和種子花最高負責人)和Mogi(欅坂總經紀 人)談到平手無法參加MV拍攝的原因,Konno說發生了許多事(在第一次和第二次拍攝的3個 月間),平手似乎無法傳達歌詞的意境和歌曲的世界觀,因此她最後無法來到現場。 *註:他似乎找不到合適的用字遣詞,感覺除了電影所呈現外還有更多背後故事。 Mogi talks about how the situation is really bad. There are talks (from fans, public) about keyaki taking a break or disbanding, that it could be in the near future. He explains it with examples “Shouldn’t they just take a break? Or might they not as well just disband?” He does want to hear what all the members are thinking now but.. (cuts to next scene) *Note: The way Mogi is talking requires some understanding of context and is easily misunderstood, but with a few rewatches and the help of a native Japanese speaker we reached this explanation Mogi說到情況真的很糟,有傳言(來自粉絲、大眾)在不久的將來,欅坂要暫停活動或解散 ,他舉例來說明「難道她們不該乾脆暫停活動?還是她們應該直接解散?」,他想聽成員們 現在的想法但…(切到下個場景) *註:需要懂Mogi說的內容,否則容易衍生誤解,但透過重看幾次以及日語母語人士的協助 ,我們得出這個解釋。 ---- Yuuka Documentary Interview ---- Yuuka says that since keyaki is a group that values their work(作品), she thinks that it is best if everyone could be convinced (with what they work on / produced)... But even if she preserves and does her best, will the other members go as far as her? By enduring (the circumstance), she wants to try her best but she wonders if members will be by her side until then. Her voice breaks down, and tears fall from her eyes. She apologized (for crying). ---- 友香的紀錄片採訪 ---- 友香說到欅坂是個非常珍視作品的團體,她覺得若大家能被(她們所做/創造的)說服是最 好的…但即便她試著守護並盡她所能,其他成員也會像她一樣向前嗎?藉由忍受(此情境) ,她想努力嘗試,但不知道成員們是否會在她身旁直到最後,她開始哽咽,淚水從眼中流 出,並對此(哭)道歉。 The director asked something about Hirate; he wonders if she is quite a firm person (しっかりしてる?) 導演問她有關平手的事;他想知道平手是不是很嚴格(しっかりしてる?)的人。 Yuuka gives a small laugh. She paused a lot (trying to find the right word) while answering the question. She mentions that (Techi) is kinda like a genius she had never met before, the group grows because of her, some worries and the balance is hard. 友香小小的笑了,回答問題時她停頓一下(嘗試找到適當用詞),她提到(平手)像是個以前 從未遇過的天才,團體因她而成長,有些顧慮和權衡很困難。 ------------------------------------------------------- 2019 Arena Tour https://imgur.com/Ba6nDaZ
Staff told them that Techi might not be joining the tour (2019/08/13). They will therefore practice formations and songs accordingly. The staff actually prepared two kinds of production, one with Techi and one for when she will be absent. While she was able to join Rock in Japan Festival, (the Abunakashii with the very low energy Techi) it seemed like her condition was not good so she opted out of performing. 工作人員告訴成員平手可能無法參與巡迴(2019/08/13),因此她們將練習對應的陣型與歌 曲,工作人員其實準備好兩種版本,有平手的和沒有平手的,雖然她可以參加Rock in Japan Festival(《危險計畫》中平手很沒精神),看起來她的狀況並不好,因此退出巡迴 表演。 Performance footage: *Monbivalent Opening* https://imgur.com/DXm9WOG
*Kazefuka Mad Dog Pon* https://imgur.com/8vPuRoU
Cuts to after their rehearsals, they are tasked to remove the tape markers in the dance hall. 2ki makes a ball out of the removed tapes. Hikaru and Marina playing punch with each other with the rolled tapes around one hand. Fuu and Hono played volleyball using the ball made out of tapes. Basically, 2ki playing. 畫面切到彩排結束後,她們被分配去清除舞廳上的記號,二期生用清下的膠帶做一顆球, 森田和松田將膠帶繞在一隻手上互相玩拳擊,冬優花和保乃用膠帶做的球打起排球,基本 上二期生在嬉戲。 *Fukuoka and Sendai Digest (Live and Rehearsals)* *福岡和仙台剪輯(LIVE和彩排)* *2ki’s dance track* - Takeyui asked the dancers about how the hand movement is. Dancer said that Hono got the correct hand movement. Hono was shocked. She then shows it to everyone how she’s doing it. Everyone got it correct. Then the scene cuts to the part where they are moving Matsuri using a stick (as if they were witches from Harry Potter or something). *二期生的dance track* 武元唯衣詢問舞者她們的手部動作如何,舞者說保乃動作是正確的,保乃很震驚,然後向 大家展示她怎麼做的,接著大家都做對了,然後畫面切到她們用一根棒子移動松田(如同 她們是哈利波特裡的巫師之類的)。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Hono: There were too many new things I didn’t know. To the point of questioning “Why can't I do it?” Us 2nd gens wanted to make this concert a blast, including the MC, the dances, everything. So we’ve been practicing single-mindedly and desperately. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 保乃:有很多我不知道的事,會質疑「為什麼我做不到?」,我們二期生想在這演唱會掀 起旋風,包含MC、舞蹈、所有部分,所以我們一直全心全意且拼命的練習。 ---------------------------------- Mii is put in charge for Sezon center. Her practicing with a dancer and Takahiro is shown. Mii seems a bit uncertain but Takahiro and the dancer praise her, and Takahiro comments on her shirt that has the English text “I am not a one in a million kind of girl” printed on it. 小池被賦予擔任《兩人季節》的center,播出她與一位舞者還有Takahiro練習的畫面,小 池看起來有點沒把握,但Takahiro和舞者都稱讚她,Takahiro說到她的衣服上印有英文 字 “我不是那種萬中選一的女孩(I am not a one in a million kind of gir)”。 https://imgur.com/r8VvvXX
(I am not a one in a million kind of girl) - Mii was wearing this shirt during their practice *https://www.konvini.jp/product/138444?rccode=p_taste ---- Documentary Interview ---- Mii thinks that she must create Hirate's Sezon. With that thinking, it make it seems like her individuality(自分らしさ) doesn't really shows. She was really scared. During the solo dance, there's a free part from the middle (途 中からの自由のところ), she's not sure of what she should do and thought that it is impossible for her to insert her own move. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 小池曾認為她必須創造平手的兩人季節,但這個想法似乎無法讓她好好展現她的個性(自 分らしさ),她當時非常害怕,獨舞的時候有個從中間自由發揮的段落(途中からの自由の ところ),她不確定該做什麼,並覺得不可能加入自己的動作。 ---------------------------------------- Next Mii is curled up crying in the corner of a smaller room connected to the dance hall with a dancer trying to comfort her. Takahiro comes in and sits down to talk to her. Mii: *in a low sobbing voice* “Is it really okay (to center) with someone like me…” Takahiro talking with a calm comforting voice Taka: “Hmm? Is it really okay with you?” “You think you’re not enough?” “Is it scary?” Mii: “Mmm…” ….(some more convo like this) Taka: “But I think, for Futari Sezon, Mii is good.” Taka: “Mii’s softness and how to say.. weakness suits this song. It is a song that cannot be performed by a person who’s strong and can do anything. *Note: this is not worded exactly as he said but it is the gist of it 接著小池蜷縮在一個連接舞廳的小房間角落裡哭泣,一名舞者嘗試安慰她,Takahiro走進 來並坐下和她交談。 小池:*低聲啜泣著* 像我這樣的人擔任center沒問題嗎… Takahiro:*以平穩的聲音* Hmm? 妳自己在想這樣真的沒問題嗎? 覺得自己不夠格? 害怕 嗎? 小池:嗯… (…還有一些類似的對話) Takahiro:但我覺得小池《兩人季節》做得很好,小池的溫柔,怎麼說…柔弱適合這首歌 ,這是首無法給那種很強可以做到任何事的人表演的曲子。 *註:用語不完全相同,但大意是這樣。 Takahiro talks about thinking of your past self as your rival. You don’t have to compare to anyone else. Not the person to your left or right, but your past self, and then you can improve and reach something new. Mii: *nodding* Taka: *pauses and smiles at Mii* Takahiro說到把過去的自己視為對手,妳不必跟其他人比較,也不是和妳左邊或右邊的人 ,而是跟以前的自己,然後妳就能進步並成就新事物。 小池:*點頭* Takahiro:*停一下並對小池微笑* https://imgur.com/FwobYOJ
The Mii sezon solo dance until the end of the song from tour 2019 is shown. 播出2019巡迴由小池擔任center的《兩人季節》中獨舞到歌曲結束。 https://imgur.com/50jJD9J
---- Documentary Interview ---- Pon is standing by Shibuya stream where the SIlent Majority CD cover pictures were taken and talks about how they have overcome many things. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 小林由依站在《SIlent Majority》CD封面照取景的澀谷溪旁,並談到她們如何克服種種 事物。 ---------------------------------------- The members gather backstage and do the ring with Akanen saying similar things as in the Tokyo Dome pep talk. 成員們在後台集結並圍成環形,茜說著類似在東京巨蛋的鼓舞談話。 2019 Arena Tour Digest DareKane instrumental played while it showed a digest of 2019 Arena Tour in slow motion. Very epic, uplifting and shows of the capability of the members (even without techi) 播放《誰鐘》的伴奏樂,同時慢速播放2019年場館巡迴的剪輯,展現成員的能力(即便沒 有平手),史詩級畫面,相當振奮人心。 https://imgur.com/MOJKj59
Shii solo at Dance Track before Student Dance https://imgur.com/70QwX7s
Nen and Ten before Eccentric https://imgur.com/SiX4at8
Getsuyoubi no Asa, Skirt wo Kirareta https://imgur.com/RQSYKd8
Otona wa Shinjitekurenai https://imgur.com/dIh1BV7
---- Documentary Interview ---- Shii talks about the group’s growth. For the members, their current self is stronger than the past. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 詩織談到團體的成長蛻變,對成員來說,現在的她們比以前的強大。 Oze says that perhaps each one of them feels that they have things that they must do on this tour. She also mentions that although doing things together is equally important, having resolution is a must too. 尾関說到或許是每人在這次巡迴感受到,她們有自己必須要做的事,還提到雖然齊心協力 一樣重要,但也必須抱持著決心。 ---------------------------------------- Even before the DareKane instrumental was finished, the screen turned blue/purple and a sound of thunder/static was heard, then Hiraishin played. Techi joined the tour for only Hiraishin in the Osaka and Fukuoka performances 《誰鐘》伴奏樂結束前,螢幕變成藍/紫色,還能聽到轟隆/干擾聲,接著播放《避雷針》 ,平手只參與大阪和福岡巡迴的《避雷針》表演。 *Hiraishin* - Osaka Leg Started with the video showing Techi’s back/facing the members. When the crowd realized that Techi was there, we could hear them cheering loudly. 《避雷針》 – 大阪場 影片一開始呈現平手的背影/面向成員,當觀眾意識到平手在那,可以聽到他們大聲歡呼https://imgur.com/LPKyDXh
At the part when Risa has her hands on Techi’s shoulders, before the last chorus, with a big thunder the scene changes to a shot of Shibuya at night. 最後副歌前,當理佐將她的手放在平手肩膀的段落,螢幕伴隨著巨大閃電切到涉谷的夜景 。 https://imgur.com/rRRDROz
Tokyo Dome (2) Footage from Dome preparations (2019/09/19). There is a group of chairs the members, wearing the green practice bibs, are sitting on, waiting. Techi is sitting on the floor behind in the corner. Hono grabs a chair and tries to hand it to her but Techi refuses to accept it so Hono sits back down. Cuts to the back of Techi, sitting alone on some stairs part of a stage. 東京巨蛋的準備畫面(2019/09/19),一群成員穿著綠色練習衣坐在椅子上等待,平手坐在 角落的地板上,保乃拿張椅子並試著遞給平手,但她拒絕,因此保乃坐回去,畫面切到平 手的背影,獨自坐在舞台的台階上。 https://imgur.com/mrXMuwS
Risa said that in her mind, she’s thinking that this will be Techi’s last. Almost everyone thinks the same. Techi is performing with everything she got so that’s why they thought it that way. They felt that Techi gave her all in 2019. (it was like the members were living on the edge, always thinking whether that concert will be Techi’s last. But this time, Risa thought that Tokyo Dome might be the last one.) 理佐說到她心裡覺得這會是平手最後的表演,幾乎大家都這麼覺得,平手竭盡全力的表演 ,因此這就是為什麼她們會這麼想,她們覺得平手在2019年已用盡全力(如同成員們處在 危險邊緣,總是想著這場演唱會是不是平手的最後一場,但這次,理佐覺得東京巨蛋應該 是最後)。 Before encore, backstage, Techi is saying she can’t do it anymore shaking her head, seems like she doesn’t want to go out. The 50.000 fans’ calls for encore are mixed into a loud background noise. 安可曲前的後台,平手說她再也做不到了並搖著頭,看起來她不想出場,五萬名粉絲的安 可聲混入響亮背景聲中。 https://imgur.com/CmhDndA
Staff helped her stand and walk out of the dressing tent. Nen was sitting beside her (right of the image above). As Techi went out, Nen followed and helped her climb the stairs to the stage. Niji was there and supported her too. Nen held her hand at the start of Fukyouwaon. 工作人員協助她起身並走出換裝區,茜坐在她身旁(如上圖),當平手走出去,茜跟隨在旁 並幫忙她爬上舞台的階梯,虹花也在那幫忙,茜在《不協和音》開始時握住她的手。 The full Tokyo Dome performance of Fukyouwaon is shown. 播出東京巨蛋《不協和音》的完整表演 IEM - Fukyouwaon (Tokyo Dome) - especially in the last chorus, members' breaths can be heard some struggle. 耳機 - 《不協和音》 (東京巨蛋) – 成員的呼吸聲,特別是在最後的副歌可以聽得出有 些困難。 When the song ended, they supported Techi going down the stairs.Techi really looks so weak when she’s getting dressed or they are fixing her hair or if they are trying to calm her. They make their way to a trolley taking them under the catwalk to the center stage. When Techi appeared in the center of the stage, people were cheering. Kado wo Magaru started. In the middle of the song, the SOL broadcast (2020/01/23) was played. This is the broadcast after the announcement that she’s withdrawing from the group. They also showed the announcement in the official site about her withdrawal. Also showed Pon, Nen, Mii, Fuu, and Yuuka as each stared into the distance with a melancholic expression. 歌曲結束後,她們協助平手下階梯,平手在換裝、整理頭髮或試著使她靜下來時,看起來 真的很虛弱,她們走向推車以從舞台下方移動到中間舞台,當平手出現在舞台中間,觀眾 歡呼著,《轉過街角》表演開始,中間播出《SCHOOL OF LOCK!》(2020/01/23)廣播內容 ,這是她宣布從團體脫退後的廣播,電影中還播出官網關於她脫退的公告,以及由依、茜 、小池、冬優花以及友香每個人若有所思憂傷的凝視遠方。 After showing the announcement, the scene cuts back to Tokyo Dome Kado wo Magaru performance. After the performance, scenes show that the other members are watching her from the backstage with tearfilled eyes. After Kado wo Magaru, staff carried her back. A crying Shii welcomed Techi with a hug (pic below) and Nijika approached Techi too. She got a bloody knee that the staff put ice packs on (she may have gotten it when she kneeled down during the performance). 畫面切回東京巨蛋《轉過街角》的表演,接著螢幕呈現其他成員在後台眼眶泛淚的觀看她 表演,工作人員在《轉過街角》結束後帶她回來,詩織哭著以擁抱迎接平手(如下圖),虹 花也靠過去,工作人員將冰塊放到她流血的膝蓋上(可能是在表演時跪下受的傷)。 https://imgur.com/luoyCik
2019 Kouhaku Started with the ending of Fukyouwaon. Then they hurriedly left the floor. The members carried Techi down a flight of stairs. The staff let Techi lie down on chairs with a makeshift pillow using a jacket. 一開始畫面是《不協和音》的結尾,然後她們快步離開舞台,成員攙扶平手走下樓梯,工 作人員讓平手躺在椅子上,並用夾克做成枕頭墊著。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Pon: After Kohaku was finished and it was time to go home, one by one Techi hugged and talked to us one by one saying her intentions. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 由依:紅白結束後準備回家時,平手一一向我們擁抱並說著她的想法。 ----------------------------------- Techi waited for the members and talked to them one by one. She said her goodbye to them. They showed Pon, Yuuka, Oze, Hono, Aoi, Risa, Fuu. 平手等著成員並逐一向她們道別,畫面播出由依、友香、尾関、保乃、葵、理佐、冬優花。 Pon - They hugged. Pon patting Techi’s back Fuu - was carrying a yellow flower and hugged Techi. Oze - She was shocked. She cried and she hugged Techi Risa - They hugged and Risa patting Techi’s back Yuuka - Yuuka was walking carrying a huge bag on one of her shoulders. She hugged Techi using one arm. Yuuka was smiling while she patted Techi’s back. Hono - when Techi said the news, hono stood shocked, mouth open, eyes wide open. Then Techi hugged her. Hono was crying so hard on Techi’s shoulder. Then Techi teared up as well as it was shown that she wiped her tears. 由依 – 她們擁抱,由依拍平手的背 冬優花 – 帶著黃色的花並擁抱平手 尾関 – 她嚇到了,哭著擁抱平手 理佐 – 她們擁抱,理佐拍平手的背 友香 – 友香肩上背著大袋子走過去,以單臂抱了平手,友香微笑著拍平手的背 保乃 – 當平手宣布消息時,保乃愣住站著,張著嘴,眼睛睜大,然後平手抱她,保乃在 平手肩上傷心的哭著,接著平手眼眶泛淚的擦拭她的眼淚。 https://imgur.com/bfkHa88
Aoi (see photo) https://imgur.com/BuGSPOB
---- Documentary Interview ---- Yuuka said that what she did was very “Hirate-like”. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 友香說這真的很有平手的風格。 Director asked them what they wanted to say to Techi: Risa said that she would want her to take care of herself, take a break and do the things that would make her happy. 導演問她們有什麼想跟平手說的話 理佐說她希望平手能好好照顧自己,休息一下,做些讓自己開心的事。 Aoi said that she can only be thankful to her. 葵說她只有對她滿滿的感激。 When it comes to Pon, there was a long pause before she said "I think that what I have in mind is different from everyone else, so it's hard to say it" 輪到由依時,在她說話前有很長的停頓,「我覺得我心中想說的和其他人不同,因此很難 說出口」。 ----------------------------------- ---- Documentary Interview ---- Taka - says that keyakizaka's protagonist, 'Boku' is someone that carries (something/burden) on their back. Carrying the paths and the  weak-minded/faint-hearted feelings of the people. But still wanting to change. That's why, they 'carry (the burden)'. He also mentions that the protagonist that is made in Fukyouwaon is showing a figure that is moving forward. Perhaps, we can feel that it is a symbolic presence. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- Takahiro – 櫸坂的主角「我」是自己肩負(事情/重擔)的人,在路上承擔著人們柔弱心 靈/膽小的情感,但仍想要有所改變,這就是為什麼他們「承擔(重擔)」,還提到《不協 和音》裡的主角是要展現出向前邁進的形象,或許我們可以感受到這是種象徵性的存在。 The director asked Takahiro what adult responsibility was. Adult responsibility? ... Isn’t it perhaps to keep watching? ….. Not (only) this moment, but always watch over… Not at a point but, a continuous line…(keeping at it…) What do you think? (He asks the director) *Note: this part is a bit vague and difficult to translate so maybe don’t think too deep into it 導演詢問Takahiro成年人的責任是什麼 「成年人的責任?...或許不就是一直關照?...」 「不(僅)是此時,而是一直…」 「不是一個點,而是連續的線…(持續下去…)」 他反問導演「你怎麼想呢?」 註:這部分有點模糊且不易翻譯,因此不要想的太多 ----------------------------------- Kuroi Hitsuji MV shoot *MV shoot* (2018/12/07) Takahiro is the one giving instructions. At the same time, Techi is climbing the stairs outside. Staff shouting can be heard then the scene changed to when Techi arrives at the rooftop *MV 拍攝* (2018/12/07) Takahiro正在給予指導,同時平手正在爬外面的樓梯,可以聽到工作人員的叫喊聲,然後 畫面切到平手抵達屋頂時。 https://imgur.com/o8mn2BI
*they showed the 3rd BDL ver* (2019/05/11) *畫面呈現3周年LIVE版本* (2019/05/11) https://imgur.com/iXl5LSL
As Pon descended the stairs/left the stage, the scene changed to MV shoot. 當由依走下樓梯/離開舞台,畫面切回MV拍攝場景。 During the ending, Techi was on the floor, even after the director shouted “ cut!”, Techi was still lying on the floor, crying. The members wanted to go to Techi immediately. But they need to properly do greetings to the staff and other people. So after the people left, they rushed to techi and they all cried. So they gather around Techi, some are crouching, while Mon is standing with hair covering her face. They reach out their hands to Techi stroking her and try to comfort her. MV最後躺平手在地上,即使導演喊「卡!」,平手仍然躺在地上哭著,成員們想趕緊到她 身旁,但她們必須好好向工作人員和其他人道謝,因此大家離開後,她們衝向平手,大家 都哭了,圍繞在平手身旁,有些人蹲下,鈴本站著頭髮遮住臉,她們向平手伸出手,撫摸 並試著安撫她。 https://imgur.com/uQMKYjv
After some time, then the trailer scene (they supported Techi). And while walking away the members put the jackets on them and pon tried to put the jacket on techi from behind (the jackets they usually wear between scenes in MV shoots) 過了一會,如同預告的畫面(她們攙扶平手),準備離開時成員們穿上夾克,而由依試著從 後面幫平手穿上夾克(她們經常在MV拍攝時穿的夾克)。 https://imgur.com/69e7VnS
Online Live (2020) Started with the members walking into a smoke filled venue wearing the green practice bibs with their names. 畫面開始是成員走在充滿煙霧的場館,穿著印有名字的綠色練習衣。 https://imgur.com/3LjoJPL
Then switched to Pon whose back is facing the camera. Then Kazefuka played as the “practice” Pon fades into Pon in the online live performance (2020/07/16). They also show various angles from behind the cameras of the scenes like Kazefuka, how Pon ran and how she went into the frame. Student Dance, when they were throwing papers, chairs and flowers. 然後切換到背對著鏡頭的由依,接著播放《就算風吹》,「練習」的由依漸漸變成她在 Online live表演(2020/07/16)的畫面,還呈現了各種鏡頭後的角度,例如:《就算風吹 》,由依如何奔跑與走向框框,《Student Dance》當她們丟著紙張、椅子和花朵。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Pon said that the live show was fun. Like how they were able to use the whole venue to show their choreography. Finally, she said that there was an important announcement. ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 由依說這個LIVE表演很有趣,例如她們如何能使用整個場地來呈現編舞,最後她說到當時 有個重要的宣布。 https://imgur.com/casy9ES
---------------------------------------- Shows renaming announcement. In between, there were comments/interviews with other members. 播出宣布團體改名的畫面,這中間有一些其他成員的評論/採訪。 ---- Documentary Interview ---- Nen - “As we all know the ‘absolute center’... Hirate's existence was just too big, like... of course there was an option to continue (Keyaki) by ourselves even after she's gone, but... however it is, that ‘Keyaki of the past’... the things that have accumulated all these years will become our biggest rival. It will always be compared with, I'm sure. But I think the one who will end up comparing the most would be (the members) ourselves…” ---- 紀錄片採訪 ---- 茜:如同我們所知的「絕對center」…平手的存在實在太巨大,像是…即便她離開後我們 當然還有繼續(欅坂)下去的選擇,但是…這個過去的欅坂…這些年累積的事物將成為我們 最大的對手,我確信永遠會被拿來比較,但我覺得到最後,會最常拿來比較的是(成員們) 我們自己… Pon: Something ends… And something… Very… I wonder what… Hm…. Like… Something glints in front of me… Hm… How to say it… Very… I wonder if it would be a positive thing for Keyakizaka in the future… Keyakizaka’s situation… That what we’ve created so far are like… put away… And then (made) something new... 由依:有些事結束…也有些事…非常…我想想… Hm…像是…有些在我面前閃爍的東西… Hm…怎麼說呢…非常…我在想這在未來對欅坂是不是積極正面的事物…欅坂的處境…我們 迄今創造的事物就像…擺在一旁…然後(開創)嶄新的東西… Yuuka said that for the 2nd gen, the image of keyaki might become a hindrance. As captain, she wondered what to do, but thinks that their image will become a hindrance. She'd like to continue to work hard as long as they are still people who support them. 友香說對二期生來講,欅坂的形象可能會成為阻礙,身為隊長,她想著該做些什麼,但想 到她們的形象將會成為阻礙,只要還有人會支持她們,她想繼續努力。 Hono - “In a way..hnmm..the thing about building strength/force is...I think, it is not an easy experience, especially...the 2nd gen...hnmmm...it is thanks to our seniors that...the things they (have created) is...like, overwhelming...Rather, that was all there is to it up until now... So from now on, I'm hoping that we can build (everything) together right from scratch. ” 保乃:某個方面…hnmm…關於建立實力/力量是…我想這不是個輕鬆的過程,特別是…二 期生…hnmmm...多虧了我們前輩…她們(創造的)事物是…像具壓倒性的般…像是到目前為 止的種種…因此從現在開始,希望我們可以從零開始共同建立(所有事物)。 ---------------------------------------- https://imgur.com/9juaE83
Video showed the shooting of Silent Majority. The wind blew hard, blowing their hair. Some members took a step back because of the strong wind. 影片播放《Silent Majority》拍攝畫面,風很強,吹拂著她們的頭髮,有些成員因此後 退一步。 For the finale, Yuuka stands at the roofdeck of the new PARCO building. The camera slowly moves back up in the air, pans up revealing the Shibuya skyline. 最後友香站在新涉谷PARCO大樓的屋頂,鏡頭緩緩退向空中,漸漸露出涉谷的天際線。 https://imgur.com/VHUQumY
Then DareKane starts. 開始播放《誰鐘》 https://imgur.com/B6RPDZa
They show a different cut of DareKane online live performance & some cut-ins of Shibuya scenery. IEM: DareKane - can hear members holding back their tears while singing, especially towards the ending. The documentary ended with a shot of a hand (letting go of emblem) 呈現的是與Online LIVE不同的剪輯,同時剪入一些涉谷的場景 耳機: 《誰鐘》- 可以聽到成員邊唱邊忍著淚水的聲音,尤其是接近結尾時。 紀錄片的最後是一隻手放開象徵欅坂手勢的畫面。 End Credits Ending song: Taiyou wa Miageru Hito wo Erabanai - shows some live inserts and credits. Graduated members' names are shown as special appearances. 片尾曲:《太陽不會選擇抬頭的人》,播出一些LIVE畫面和片尾名單,畢業成員的名字出 現在特別演出部分。 Mii-bivalent, Nobody set from online live, & some cuts from Arena Tour 2019 are shown. 小池center的《Ambivalent》、Online live《Nobody》場景還有一些2019場館巡迴的剪 輯。 After the end of online live, members are playing around. They are taking selfies (Aoi, Risa, Pe), running around. Ten and Inori put green paint on their noses. Inori and Takeyui chased Ten with paint on their fingers/hand and Ten ran away fast. Online LIVE結束後,成員玩耍的畫面,她們在自拍(葵、理佐、梨加)、跑來跑去,山崎 天和井上梨名在她們鼻子上點上綠色油漆,井上梨名和武元唯依手指/手拿著漆追著山崎 天,天跑的很快。 The members walk in pairs through the venue past staff and Takahiro. Takahiro gestures to Ten and points towards his nose, Ten with her green nose shyly laughs. 成員們成對的走過場館,經過工作人員和Takahiro,Takahiro對山崎天做比自己鼻子的動 作,天帶著綠色鼻子羞澀的笑了。 Also footage of an early morning, mostly empty Shibuya. Driving along the streets, showing the Hachiko dog statue with a mask on it, going by the crossing, Tsutaya, Tower Records and Parco, walking along the roads, panning up towards the cloudless clear blue sky and the bright white-yellow sun. 清晨空無一人的涉谷畫面,沿著街道開著,忠犬八公戴著口罩,經過路口、Tsutaya、 Tower Records以及Parco,沿著馬路,鏡頭漸漸移向晴朗無雲的藍天和散發明亮金黃色的 太陽。 It ends with the Keyaki logo as the last notes of Taiyou fades out. 電影最後隨著太陽漸漸淡出,浮現出欅坂46標誌。 https://imgur.com/8algbfp
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Keyakizaka46/M.1599856788.A.25D.html ※ 編輯: iceberg12 ( 美國), 09/12/2020 05:03:03

09/12 06:26, 3年前 , 1F
09/12 06:26, 1F

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09/12 07:01, 3年前 , 3F
剛上映沒幾天就看到在日菲律賓飯早起去第5刷 有時候
09/12 07:01, 3F

09/12 07:03, 3年前 , 4F
從它們的觀點看很多欅的事情 會理解很多東西 感謝翻譯
09/12 07:03, 4F

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09/12 11:44, 3年前 , 12F
這篇量有夠大 雖然我還在忍 但感謝翻譯~
09/12 11:44, 12F

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※ 編輯: iceberg12 ( 美國), 09/12/2020 21:20:09

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09/12 22:15, 19F

09/12 22:15, 3年前 , 20F
09/12 22:15, 20F

09/13 11:01, 3年前 , 21F
09/13 11:01, 21F

09/14 10:52, 3年前 , 22F
09/14 10:52, 22F

09/15 15:30, 3年前 , 23F
謝謝分享 推推
09/15 15:30, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1VM-2K9T (Keyakizaka46)