[閒聊] 「けやみみ」第41回 摘譯

看板Keyakizaka46作者 (r.o.c.)時間3年前 (2020/08/05 04:46), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
來源:https://reurl.cc/AqGWYE Credit: toomuchidea (keyamimi) 「けやみみ」第41回 Rei: So I recently talked with Akiho about names in hiragana, and I told her that names with "A" and "Ho" are cute. Then Akiho says "I have both! I should just remove the 'Ki'", but then it will just be "Aho (Idiot)" and we burst out laughing 玲:我最近和晶保談到平假名的名字,跟她說名字有"A"跟"Ho"的很可愛,然後晶保說: 「兩個我都有!我應該要拿掉"Ki"」,但會變成"Aho"(笨蛋),我們大笑了起來 Rei said that the online live was their first practice with the seniors, so remembering what they said in Keyakake, the six of them came in wearing black clothes... But many of the seniors are wearing white instead lol 玲說KEYAKIZAKA46 Live Online是他們第一次與前輩們練習,因此有謹記在櫸寫中說的守 則,她們6位都穿黑色練習服...然而很多前輩卻穿白色 (大笑 They were talking about how they shouldn't stand out in a bad way, but since the six of them wear black... And after that they wear white instead. Rei is glad because that means she doesn't have to rush the laundry lol 她們討論到她們不應特立獨行,不過既然她們6位都穿黑色...在那之後她們就改穿白色, 玲很高興因為她就不用趕著洗衣服 (大笑 Hikari says she was so nervous from overture already, she cried and got encouraged by Kira. Rei says that watching the seniors perform Garasu while being out of breath, they can hear their voices in the in-ear monitor, and it made her teary eyed. Hikari says she feel moved too 光莉說從overture開始就已經很緊張,她哭了並被綺良鼓勵。玲說到看著前輩表演〈打破 玻璃〉且她們上氣不接下氣,可以從耳機聽到前輩的聲音,這點使她眼眶泛淚,光莉說她 也很感動 Rei says that she and Marino taken the lead when they enter the stage in Taiyou, and as they proceed the seniors are looking at them in the eye, and it made her really happy 玲說到她跟茉里乃在〈太陽〉率先入場,當她們進場時,前輩們都看著她們眼睛,讓她真 的很開心 During practice, she kept looking down to the floor, and they practiced at different distance from the proper performance. During the lesson, the seniors are at a closer range, and she feel shy to look at them 練習的時候她都低頭看地板,並以和正常表演不同的距離進行練習,課間前輩們靠得比較 近,感到害羞不敢看著她們 But during the actual performance, she could see them clearly, and seeing them welcoming them while looking at the in the eyes made her happy. Hikari says that during the song, they would look at them and smile, and it made her feel reassured 但正式表演時,她可以清楚的看見前輩們,看著她們(新二期生)的眼睛歡迎著她們讓她很 開心,光莉說在那首歌她們也會看著她們並面帶微笑,使她感到安心 They says that seeing the seniors looking at each other also makes them happy as well, Rei thought that it's wonderful 她們說見到前輩們看著彼此也讓她們很高興,玲覺得這真美好 Hikari says her older bro watched the online live, and when she got home, he told her how seeing her own sister is standing with the senior members gives him a strange feelings. Rei also said that her members are like, "Oh she really is there" 光莉說她的哥哥有看LIVE表演,當她回家時,他跟她說看到自己的妹妹跟前輩們站在一起 有種奇怪的感覺,玲說他的家人也是「喔,她真的也在上面」 They are talking about how interesting the interactive seat corner was, seeing how everyone are displayed on a big screen, carrying the goods that they have prepared. Hikari mentioned finding someone carrying a board with Rei's name on it 她們談到LIVE的互動環節是多麼有趣,看到大家出現在大螢幕上,並帶著準備好的道具; 光莉提到她看到有人拿著上面寫有玲的名字的板子 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手資訊,表達不周之處請見諒 感謝Harry協助QC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Keyakizaka46/M.1596573992.A.AB0.html

08/05 13:44, 3年前 , 1F
08/05 13:44, 1F

08/05 15:32, 3年前 , 2F
被騙穿黑色練舞捏www 不過也應該非黑即白就是了w
08/05 15:32, 2F

08/05 16:40, 3年前 , 3F
好像在看小孩的成長過程 有點莫名的感動w
08/05 16:40, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1VASaegm (Keyakizaka46)