[閒聊] 「有楽町星空放送局」20200726 摘譯

看板Keyakizaka46作者 (r.o.c.)時間3年前 (2020/07/27 05:37), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
來源:https://reurl.cc/9E2Zb8 Credit: toomuchidea kochi hoshi 20200726「欅坂46 這裡是有樂町星空放送局」 oze talks about the group name change 尾関談到團體改名之事 she think that there are people who feel worried or excited, and they are feeling the same. but everyone are facing forward, so they feel that they must believe in that 她認為有些人會感到擔憂或興奮,她們也有相同感受,但所有人都積極向前,因此她們覺 得必須要如此相信 risaa talking about how the team have really come together for this. they also projected the lyrics of hiraishin on the rain water production. the two of them thought that it's amazing to see 理佐談到團隊如何一起應對這件事(??);她們還將〈避雷針〉的歌詞投影到雨水上,她們 兩個都認為這很精彩必看 they did the live perf in makuhari messe LIVE是在幕張展覽館舉行 members had to dash to group together at the end of garasu. oze thought she wouldn't make it, and pushed herself really hard. risa commented that she saw oze rushing to her position 〈打破玻璃〉的結尾成員必須衝過去集合,尾関覺得她做不到,並很用力的督促自己,理 佐表示她有看到尾関衝向她的站位 they feel worried about how the audience would react to their performance, oze said that she performed it with the feeling of "conveying". risa said that she puts more thoughts into her expression than usual 她們擔心觀眾對對表演的反應,尾関說她帶著傳達的感受在表演著,理佐說她比平常投入 更多感情 they talk that expressions tend to feel weaker through the screen, so they put more attention to it 她們談到神情透過螢幕感覺會變得比較弱,因此她們更加注意這部分 once the camera is away, they quickly rush to get into their new position 當攝影機遠離後,她們迅速奔向新站位 oze said that they knew about what happen while rehearsing or performing. and when it's announced, oze thought that audience are watching, and she hoped that their feelings of wanting to proceed forward strongly could be already conveyed 尾関說彩排或表演時已經知道此事(改名),當宣布此事時,尾関想到觀眾們正在觀 看,她希望她們想積極向前的感受能傳達出來 oze didn't want to show a weak spot. risa said that while they don't actually talk about it, she could feel that everyone carries the same feeling from the atmosphere through the rehearsal. they have really worked hard for it, and will continue to do so 尾関並不想要展現出卻步,理佐說即便當她們沒有真的在談論此事時,還是可以從彩排 的氣氛中感覺到大家有著相同感受,她們真的很努力並會持續下去 darekane is all 28 members sing this 〈誰鐘〉是全部28位成員演唱 in the interlude risa asked oze to show her face when getting a brain freeze lol 節目中理佐要求尾関表演腦袋凍結的表情 (笑 "cute~" 「好可愛~」 risa: i think that we have surprised you so much, but from now on we'd be working harder than ever, we'd be happy if you could continue to come with us oze: please do! 理佐:我想我們已經給大家帶來太多驚喜,但從現在開始我們會比以往更努力,若能與我 們一起向前,我們會很開心 尾関:拜託了! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手資訊,表達不周之處請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Keyakizaka46/M.1595799440.A.1A7.html

07/27 08:55, 3年前 , 1F
07/27 08:55, 1F

07/27 09:14, 3年前 , 2F
07/27 09:14, 2F

07/27 13:34, 3年前 , 3F
07/27 13:34, 3F

07/28 18:51, 3年前 , 4F
07/28 18:51, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1V7VUG6d (Keyakizaka46)