[閒聊] 「けやみみ」第38回 摘錄翻譯

看板Keyakizaka46作者 (r.o.c.)時間3年前 (2020/07/27 04:53), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
來源:https://reurl.cc/qdQmKR Credit: toomuchidea keyamimi vol 38 even more yuukanen >> opening mail ask them to shout what they like the most from each other. they shout REALLY loud in the studio 一開始的來信要求她們喊出最喜歡對方的部分,她們在廣播室裡喊得真的很大聲 yuuka: relieving!!!! i can talk to her about anything. if there is any problem akane have the mindset of "it will work out somehow!". that feels relieving, you are a reassuring presence 友香:寬慰!!!!我可以和她談任何事情,若遇到任何問題,茜抱著「總會有辦法!」的心 態,令人感到寬慰,妳是個安心的存在 nen: mature way of thinking!! i really think that yuuka have such a mature way of thinking. and your feeling toward the group... no one think of it as much as you do. that's amazing. i think that everyone would be thinking more about themselves, especially recently >> 茜:成熟的思考方式!!我真的覺得友香的想法很成熟,而且沒有人對團體想的有妳多,這 好了不起,特別最近我覺得大家更多是想到她們自己 nen: but you greatly think about the group, and you have the image of saying what you have in mind. when we talk together, your way of thinking is mature, and it feels like you are guiding me toward a solution yuuka: aw man i'm blushing... what else? nen: you want more? lol 茜:但妳真的很為團體著想,而且妳有說出所有心中想法的形象,當我們聊天時,你的思 考方式很成熟,感覺好像引導我走向答案 友香:好害羞喔...還有嗎? 茜:妳還要?(笑 yuuka: hehe thank you. but it is because there are members i could speak with, like akane 友香:呵呵,謝謝你,這是因為有像茜這樣談的來成員們 they said it feels different and harder to dance while wearing a mask. they quickly tire out after one song. yuuka said that she had it rough when they danced all song in one go, and akanen teased that ut's probably just her age lol 她們說到戴口罩跳舞感覺不太一樣且更困難,跳一首歌後很快就感到精疲力竭,友香說當 要一口氣跳完所有歌,她是用概略方式帶過,茜調侃她說這可能是年紀關係吧(笑 yuuka wore a grey mask for the first time. nen points out that she uses 灰色 instead of "grey'. yuuka said she picked the color because it makes her dance better (?), wearing that as well as full black lesson wear looks cool. until then she always use white masks 友香第一次戴灰色口罩時,茜指出她用「灰色」而非「grey」,友香說選這個顏色是因為 能讓她舞跳得更好(?),戴灰色口罩連同全身黑裝看起來挺帥氣,在此之前她總是用白色 口罩 they have 15 minutes of air circulation time between songs. they also had to wash their hands, and there was a lot of hand sanitizer placed around too. many members, including the two of them, uses the chance to grab something to eat in a convenience store LIVE時中間有15分鐘的換氣時間,她們必須要洗手,現場也擺了很多洗手液;包含她們兩 個在內,很多成員都把握機會在便利商店吃點東西 taiyou wa 〈太陽不會選擇抬頭的人〉 yu: the new 2kisei participated in this song and like... you can feel the future, right? nen: i get it. at the end of chorus, there was a choreo that is like saying "go ahead" and they make their appearance 友香:新二期生參演了這首歌,而且好像...妳可以感覺到未來對吧? 茜:我理解,副歌最後的部分,有一段好像是唱「前進」,她們在此加入 yuuka says new 2kisei didn't appear in a lot of songs, so they had a lot of break time, but they are always practicing. akanen noticed it too, saying they always make time to practice. yuuka is excited to see their future, to which akanen agree with 友香說新二期生沒有參演很多首歌,因次有許多休息時間,但她們總是在練習,茜也有注 意到這點,說她們總是找時間練習,友香很興奮的想看她們未來,茜與她想法一致 they all got blood test, and noted that the members who are scared from the injection grew quiet hshshs 她們(LIVE前)都得進行血液檢驗,並注意到有些怕打針的成員變得安靜 yuuka loves student dance production. akanen said that the water jug is filled with water, so she went and water the plant lol (chdcked, she legit did water the plant. time stamp around 24:55) 友香很喜歡〈student dance〉的呈現,茜說到有個水壺裝滿水,所以她拿去澆植物 yuuka said she threw the papers full force, saying that it's because back during her student days she didn't like having tests 友香說她是用盡全力丟紙,因為過去學生時期她並不喜歡考試 nobody too the longest to practice. the trick where members appear and disappear requires an attention to timing, or they might bump into it / each other 〈nobody〉也花了最多時間練習,成員若隱若現的橋段很需要注意時機上的掌握,不然她 們可能會撞上道具或對方 they didn't to practice throwing the paint at the end of garasu, it was one time one chance, so they think that aoi and nijika did well 她們並沒有練習〈打破玻璃〉最後的潑漆段落,這只有一次機會,因次她們認為葵跟虹花 表現很好 aoi was covered in paint from it, and apparently yuuka thought it had something to do with kazefuka's set? 葵還因此沾到油漆,但明顯地友香認為這與〈就算風吹〉的組合有關 because risa centers hiraishin, yuuka is tasked with catching her. she was feeling nervous, especially since they used water, so it might be slippery. they practiced a lot during rehearsal, akanen watch them doing that and she feel really happy when they nailed it 理佐擔任〈避雷針〉的center,友香與她搭配做接住她的段落,她感到很緊張,特別是因 為表演中有用水,可能會變滑,彩排時她們練習很多次,茜看著她們做那段,當她們成功 時感到很開心 dare kane 〈誰去敲響那鐘聲〉 akanen said that they had to spare some stamina left for the song, as it have a lot of arm movements. if they spent it all in garasu, they wouldn't be able to nail dare kane 茜說她們必須為這首歌保留一些體力,因為這首有很多手臂動作,如果在〈打破玻璃〉耗 盡體力,就無法表演好〈誰鐘〉 yuuka says that she have a lot of synchronized part with akanen, so they practiced together for it 友香說她有很多和茜搭配的部分,因此她們一起練習 it have no center, like the lyric says "equally", but everyone have their own highlight instead. yuuka like's akanen's part at the end of 2nd chorus, the "shiawase ni narenai". she thought that part us really cool 這首歌沒有center,如同歌詞所說的「平等」,但大家都有自己的精彩畫面,友香喜歡第 二段副歌後面"shiawase ni narenai"茜的部分,她覺得那段很酷 akanen said that she watch how yuuka practiced the part before that and grew cooler and cooler 茜說她之前看友香練習,她變得越來越帥氣 they practiced with the interactive seat people before the performance day, and they could recognize some of them during the proper event, they are happy that they all prepared their own goods to show 表演日前她們和互動席的人進行演練,過程中她們認得出其中一些人,好高興他們都準備 好要展示的物品 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手資訊,表達不周之處請見諒 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Keyakizaka46/M.1595796793.A.40E.html

07/27 12:15, 3年前 , 1F
07/27 12:15, 1F

07/27 18:23, 3年前 , 2F
07/27 18:23, 2F

07/29 10:27, 3年前 , 3F
07/29 10:27, 3F

07/29 12:50, 3年前 , 4F
推 不知道哪個成員怕打針XD
07/29 12:50, 4F

07/29 16:18, 3年前 , 5F
07/29 16:18, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1V7UqvGE (Keyakizaka46)