[外電]Garnett sees a lot of himself in resp …

看板KevinGarnett作者 (WhereAmazingHappens)時間16年前 (2008/05/27 21:04), 編輯推噓7(704)
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http://myurl.com.tw/c611 By Christopher L. Gasper, Globe Staff WALTHAM - Kevin Garnett is in his own world before games, and if you try to enter that world, you do so at your own peril. Garnett is polished and personable, but from the time he arrives at the arena to the start of the game, he morphs into his basketball alter ego, a gruff, glowering forward whose intensity is intimidating and inspiring. 在賽前,KG都沉浸在自己的世界中,白目想闖進去的人大概是不想活了。KG平常都是衣著 光鮮而且舉止優雅,但一到球場他就搖身一變,成為一個令人又敬又怕的大怒神前鋒。 So, it was unusual to see Garnett warmly greet his counterpart, Pistons power forward Rasheed Wallace, prior to Tuesday's tipoff of Game 1 of the Eastern Conference finals. 所以,看到KG在東區冠軍賽第一戰前和他的對手-活塞大前鋒Rasheed Wallace-熱情地 打招呼,實在是很難得。 The gesture was small; its significance was not. 他們的手勢並不大,但意義卻不小。 There are few players in the NBA Garnett respects as much as Wallace. He looks forward to their matchups. They share a friendship and, according to Garnett, a lot more. 在NBA裡很少有球員像Wallace一樣被KG尊敬的。他一直都期待著兩人的對戰。他們之間除 了友誼之外,根據KG的說法是:還有更多。 "I see a lot of myself when I see him play and vice versa," said Garnett, after the Celtics' 88-79 Game 1 win. "He plays with energy and his heart and his soul. I commend that. I don't think a lot of guys do that." 「看他打球時,我看見我自己﹔反之亦然。」KG說:「他是全力而且全心全意在打球,我 很欣賞,沒有很多球員像他這樣。」 While both players show uncommon versatility for big men, few would immediately associate them. The 6-foot-11-inch Garnett is an 11-time All-Star, former league MVP, and one of the game's great ambassadors. 雖然這兩人將大個子的傑出特性表現得淋漓盡致,但很少人會將他們聯想在一起。KG 身高6呎11吋,入選過11次明星賽,2004年的MVP得主,還是NBA球賽的最佳代言人。 The 6-11 Wallace is a four-time All-Star, has helped the Pistons to two NBA Finals, and won a ring with them in 2004, when he came over from Atlanta in a three-team deal that also involved the Celtics shipping Mike James to Detroit. However, Wallace's game is overshadowed by his combustible personality and penchant for on-court outbursts. He is annually among the NBA's leaders in technical fouls (he finished third in the league this season with 12). 同樣6呎11吋的Wallace 4次入選明星賽,幫助活塞打進兩次總冠軍賽,並贏得2004年的 冠軍盃。他從亞特蘭大被交易過來的那次交易當中,賽爾提克也將Mike James交易至活塞 。然而,溪蛙的表現總是被他易怒的個性和場上的暴躁給遮蓋住,每年都是NBA技術犯規 排名的前幾名 。(這一季他以12個TF排名聯盟第三) Garnett said Wallace is misunderstood, his passion mistaken for petulance. KG說溪蛙是被誤解了,他的熱情被誤當作脾氣暴躁。 "I just think that people see what they want to see and that's what it is," said Garnett. "Seeing who he really is, I don't think he lets too many people into his own personal [life], but I do know that he's very, very smart, very, very entertaining. He's energy. 「我認為人們只看他們想看的,這是事實。」KG說:「我看見他最真實的一面,我想他不 會讓太多人進入他個人的世界,但我知道他是個非常非常聰明、非常非常有趣、也活力充 沛的人。」 He's heart and soul. You can go over there and ask any of those guys, they know that."When you're an emotional player and you play with your heart like that,sometimes it comes out in different ways. I'm not a walk in the park myself when it comes to technicals. I love the way 'Sheed plays. He's one of the hardest people to guard in this league." 「他打球是如此全心全意,你可以去問任何一個人,他們都知道。當你是個情感豐富的球 員,而且又如此用心去打球時,有時候結果並不如預期。(KG似乎也在說自己...)我愛溪蛙 打球的方式,他是聯盟裡最難防守的球員之一。」 Wallace, 33, and Garnett, who turned 32 Monday, entered the league together in 1995. Wallace was the fourth overall pick, taken by Washington, and Garnett, straight out of high school, went next to Minnesota. They competed against each other for seven years in the Western Conference after Wallace was dealt to Portland in 1996. 溪蛙33歲、KG上星期一剛過32歲生日,兩人在1995年同時進入NBA。溪蛙在第四順位被巫 師隊選中,而高中生KG則在下一順位被灰狼選中。自從溪蛙1996年被交易至拓荒者隊後, 他們在西區相互競爭了七年。 Pistons point guard Chauncey Billups, who played with Garnett in Minnesota for two seasons, said Garnett and Wallace have always relished their rivalry. 活塞隊老大Billups曾經跟KG在灰狼一起打了兩季球,他說KG和溪蛙兩人英雄惜英雄。 "Oh, yeah, being with KG in Minnesota, he always looked forward to that matchup with 'Sheed and he loved and respected his game so much," said Billups. "And being here, it's the same. I know that 'Sheed really respects KG's game and what he puts into it and the way he respects the game. It's just a mutual respect." 「對阿!在明尼蘇打和KG打球時,他總是很期待對上溪蛙,他是如此的喜愛也尊敬溪蛙的打 球方式。」Billups說:「而在這裡也一樣。我知道溪蛙也很尊敬KG的球風、KG的努力以及 他看重球賽的樣子。這是種互相的尊敬。」 Wallace agreed. "Both of us love the game, put our heart and soul into it," he said.Wallace, who is part of a balanced Pistons lineup that includes Billups, Richard Hamilton, and Tayshaun Prince, said he appreciates how Garnett has blended his game with Paul Pierce and Ray Allen to revitalize the Celtics. 溪蛙同意,說﹕「我們都熱愛籃球,也都是全心全意的投入。」他是活塞先發陣容之一, 當中包括了槍西、鐵面人和小王子,他很佩服KG與PP、RA的調和讓超賽得以重生。 "We've both had to sacrifice some of our game to do what's best for our teams. And we're both all about one thing - winning. You can't help but respect a cat who comes at the game like that," said Wallace, who averaged 12.7 points and 6.6 rebounds during the regular season and is averaging 13.7 points and 5.9 rebounds in the postseason. 溪蛙說﹕「我們都需要犧牲一些自我來做出對團隊最好的事;而我們的目標也都只有一個 ﹕勝利。你無法不尊敬這樣認真的球員。」他在例行賽平均得12.7分6.6個籃板,季後賽平 均得13.7分5.9個籃板。 Garnett and the Celtics got the better of Wallace in Game 1. With the two spending a lot of time guarding each other, Garnett had 26 points, 9 rebounds, and 4 assists, while Wallace shot 3 for 12 and finished with 11 points, 5 rebounds, and 4 assists. KG和超賽在第一戰略勝溪蛙一籌。兩人的防守互不相讓,KG得了26分9籃板和4次助攻,而 溪蛙投12僅中3,得11分5籃板和4助攻。 Garnett bristled when asked about winning the statistical battle in the opener of the series. He knows that with Wallace he can't gloat because the next game he could be on the wrong end. The winner of their personal matchup could go a long way to deciding who wins the series. 當KG被問到贏得首戰數據上的勝利時,火氣有點大。他知道和溪蛙打球不能太得意,因為 下一場他可能就是輸的那一方。唯有兩人之間對抗的贏家才有資格決定是誰贏得了這個系 列戰。 "The crazy thing about it, the way they go at it, it's like they're not even friends," said Pierce. "But they're good friends off the court. It's like two guys fighting for the same thing." 「瘋狂的是,他們打球的樣子就彷彿兩人根本不是朋友。」PP說﹕「但他們平常的確是好 朋友。這就是兩個人為了同樣的事物而戰鬥的模樣。」 The fight goes on, but so does the admiration. So, Wallace and Garnett will continue to embrace before games and seek each other out after them. They share a common goal and a common bond. 戰鬥持續著,而敬佩也同樣地持續著。所以,溪蛙和KG會繼續在賽前互相擁抱,在賽後尋 找對方。因為他們有著相同的目標和相同的連結。 "Rasheed doesn't care if you like him or if you hate him, but the man can play the game of basketball," said Garnett. "I've always said that he and Joe Johnson are probably the most underrated in our league. I don't think 'Sheed wants the notoriety or whatever. I think he's complacent with just going out and kicking [butt] and just being a beast out there. We've always respected each other just because of [our] growth and how we came in." 「溪蛙根本不在乎你喜歡他或討厭他,但這男人真會打球。」KG說﹕「我常說他和Joe Johnson也許是聯盟裡最被低估的球員。我不認為溪蛙想要這樣的惡名聲或其他東西,我 想他單單滿足於上場比賽、用力打球,還有做一個場上的野獸。我們總是互相尊敬,由於 我們的成長還有我們成長的方式。」 -- 很有趣的兩個人,看了這篇文章後突然覺得溪蛙也滿可愛的~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yuhuilu 來自: (05/27 21:06)

05/27 21:26, , 1F
溪蛙本來就很可愛 光看他的臉我就會笑出來 XD
05/27 21:26, 1F

05/27 21:34, , 2F
05/27 21:34, 2F

05/27 21:34, , 3F
之前Kobe接受訪問時 溪挖去鬧 也很好笑~
05/27 21:34, 3F

05/27 21:35, , 4F
05/27 21:35, 4F

05/27 21:35, , 5F
一直笑到現在了XD 可是為什麼每次都要跟我喜歡的球隊
05/27 21:35, 5F

05/27 21:36, , 6F
05/27 21:36, 6F

05/27 23:04, , 7F
借轉C's版 看好翻譯轉換好心情
05/27 23:04, 7F

05/27 23:06, , 8F
05/27 23:06, 8F

05/27 23:57, , 9F
借轉活塞版 謝謝!
05/27 23:57, 9F
※ 編輯: yuhuilu 來自: (05/28 17:49)

05/29 15:26, , 10F
one of the greatest game's ambassdor也是說在KG喔
05/29 15:26, 10F
※ 編輯: yuhuilu 來自: (05/29 15:57)

05/29 15:58, , 11F
05/29 15:58, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #18F0RBP6 (KevinGarnett)