[新聞] 叢林法則製作人因部分誇大道歉

看板KR_Entertain作者 (吳嘉)時間11年前 (2013/02/16 17:35), 編輯推噓19(19027)
留言46則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
以下3則報導皆來自英文網站,僅提供全部或部分翻譯,照片詳見以下網址: 來源1:http://tinyurl.com/combjq9 Producers of SBS The Laws of the Jungle acknowledged and apologized for the exaggerations they had used on the show. SBS叢林法則製作人承認節目中誇大部分並為此道歉. Producers Yoo Yoon Jae and Jung Joon Ki, who directed the Amazon and Siberia episodes, posted a long, apologetical explanation on the official website of the show on February 13. 負責製作亞馬遜跟西伯利亞特集的兩位製作人在2/13日於官方網站上發表抱歉且長的解釋. PD Yoo Yoon Jae, who helmed the Amazon episodes, started off with an apology, saying, "I′m very sorry that we troubled viewers who have loved The Laws of the Jungle." 負責製作亞馬遜特集的Yoo Yoon Jae製作人開頭以"我對喜愛叢林法則的觀眾致上深深的 歉意." He then added, "We should have explained everything in the show, but we didn′ t. We believe the way we exaggerated some facts somewhat may have come from the producers′ excessive wishes to make them look more interesting in a variety show." 他補充,"我們應該要解釋節目上所有的事情,但是我們沒有.我們認為製作人過度希望讓 實際發生的事情在綜藝節目裡看起來更加有趣而渲染它們." About the controversy surrounding the tribes, he said, "The Waorani can be divided into about three types based on their levels of modernization. Because The Laws of the Jungle isn′t simply about experiencing the area, but about surviving in poor circumstances, we ruled out type 1, which lives in the city or areas surrounding the city." 有關圍繞部落的爭議,他說"Waorani可以因為其現代化的影響而分成3類.因為叢林的法則 要表達的不只單單是到此地區的經歷,而是跟在窮乏的環境下生存有關,所以我們捨棄了住 在城市裡或附近的第一類部落." He said type 3, the type less affected by modernization, was then ruled out due to safety issues and because it would be hard to ask the tribe to cooperate. 他說第三類的部落,雖然被現代化影響最少也因為安全因素或是合作上有困難度而被排除. On accusations that the show was filmed in a Waorani village easily accessible by tourists, he said, "We approached the Waorani through the Equador government when we surveyed the area beforehand, and learned that there are tribe villages that have become tourist attractions. We were sad at how a tribe, which could previously live off of the natural environment, had been led to become a tourist attraction now. There are many tourist courses that go through the Equador Amazon, but the Waorani that appear in our Amazon episodes have nothing to do with them." 對於節目是在遊客容易到達的部落拍攝的指控,製作人指出,"在前期訪查,我們是透過 Equador政府而跟Waorani部落交涉,進一步了解到部分部落已經淪落為觀光景點. 我們為其狀況而感到悲傷. 很多觀光行程有安排到Equador亞馬遜沒錯,但是出現在我們 節目的Waorani部落跟這些行程沒有關聯." He did acknowledge, however, that a tribe member named Pedro, who had been set at the center of another controversy, wasn′t who they thought he was. 他也坦承部落成員Pedro並非當初他們所想的樣子. "We checked with the local coordinator on whether Pedro, who appeared as the groom in a Waorani wedding, works as a guide in a national park and already has a wife and child. We found that he does indeed work as a manager in a national park. We haven′t, however, been able to confirm whether he has a wife and child. If he is indeed a married man, this [controversy] is entirely the fault of the producers," he said. "我們跟當地負責人確認在Waorani婚禮中的新郎Pedro是否為國家公園的嚮導,且早已有 妻子跟小孩.得到的答覆為他的確在國家公園中當經理,然而我們無法得知他是否有小孩跟 妻子.如果他真的已經結婚了,那麼這項爭議完全都是製作人的錯誤." He finished, "We apologize again if there were scenes that made viewers feel uncomfortable due to mistakes or ill preparations on our part. We have been finding out how reckless it is to produce a real variety show without incident. We believe the producers and the cast all did their best. We promise we′ll make a clean show with no exaggerations or misunderstandings in filming or editing." 最後他說,"我們再次為那些會讓觀眾感到不舒服的錯誤/準備不善的視頻道歉.我們了解 沒有任何安排而製作實境秀是多麼魯莽(這句還漫難翻譯的,可能有更好的說法). 我們認為節目成員跟製作人都盡力了.我們保證之後會帶來乾淨沒有誇大或誤導的剪接跟攝 影." 來源2:http://tinyurl.com/av7m2sn The show then released an official statement stating the the show’s goal was to show places that hadn’t been touched by urbanized human hands before. 節目發表官方聲明指出叢林的法則最終目的是展示那些尚未被都市化人們碰觸的地方. The show depicted various moments where the cast were in danger, or they were having an incredibly hard time traversing through dangerous terrain. It always emphasized to viewers that every situation was 100% real. 在節目中好幾次都可看到成員遭遇危險或是因要渡過困難的地形而吃苦.它總是對觀眾強調 各種情況都是百分百的真實. However, a little research showed that most of the show was false. In the Vanuatu series, the cast and crew went to Mount Yasur, the Millennium Cave, and the Blue Hole. The show emphasized multiple times that no human had been there before, and that the crew was making their own way through. Kim Byung Man led the rest of his team through a makeshift road he ‘made’ himself, and told them to be careful of the falling rocks from above. 但是小小的調查可以發現大部分的節目都是假的.在Vanuatu部分,成員跟幕後人員去了 Yasur山,千禧洞跟藍孔.節目強調很多次這些地方從來沒有人來過且成員們靠自己的力 量到達.金秉萬先生帶著其他的人走他開出的棧道,提醒大家小心落石. However, netizens found proof that Mount Yasur was actually a tourist location where even children and the elderly can stroll up in less than 30 minutes. To confirm the accusations, media outlet Dispatch called a tourism company in Vanuatu, who confirmed that there was indeed a tour package, and said the location was completely safe, saying, “Tour guides will tell you when it’s safe to go. No one has been hurt. If there are falling rocks, you will have to wait. Four wheel drive vehicles can go up to the Mount Yasur volcano and then you will have tour guides who will carry the camera for you at the top. The cars belong to the tour guide“. 然而,網友發現Yasur山其實是個觀光景點,小孩跟老人都可以在30分鐘內爬上山.為了證明 指控,媒體派遣人員致電給Vanuatu觀光公司得到認證. 那裡的確有個觀光行程且地點是很 安全的."導遊會告訴你什麼時候可以安全上山.沒有人受傷過.如果有落石的話,就必須 要等.四輪傳動的車可以開上Yasur火山,然後會有導遊帶著相機讓你在頂部拍照,車子是屬 於觀光公司的." The show repeatedly emphasized that various places hadn’t been visited before by other humans, that this was the first time anyone was walking along the wilderness, and that every step was difficult and dangerous. Most of the places turned out to be 30 minute tourism courses that had been visited an uncountable number of times before. 節目多次強調很多地方都無人到達,且這是第一次有人來臨,每一項目都危險艱難.但事實是 多數的地方都是30分鐘的旅遊行程,且被無數人參觀過. The cast has visited Siberia, Vanuatu, Amazon, Nambia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand so far. However, it takes simple research to find out that nearly everything they found were tour packages. Even meeting the native tribes is included in part of a tour. 成員目前已拜訪西伯利亞,亞馬遜,紐西蘭,Vanuatu,Nambia跟Papua New Guina.簡單的搜 尋便可發現所有拍攝都可在旅遊行程被找到,甚至連拜訪部落也是行程的一部分. Merely typing in the most recent ‘Waorani Tribe’ of the Amazon shows an immense number of hits for tourist packages, Facebook accounts managed by the tribe along with photos and videos of the experience. Some of the tour packages almost an exact match with the steps that the program took. 僅僅搜尋"亞馬遜Waorani部落"便可得到眾多的觀光行程包裹.由部落所管理的臉書顯示了 行程的照片跟影片.有些行程跟節目參觀的地點跟日程幾乎完全符合. In the end, everything could be bought with money. Various tourist companies that Dispatch contacted confirmed that even various traditional ceremonies could be faked by the tribes. On the Amazon experience, one tourist company said, “We have to contact the Waorani Tribe on how much for them to act it out. If you pay 600 USD per person, up to 16 people can attend. If you are interested, we will connect you with the Waorani Tribe.” Other tourist companies confirmed that they had Vanuatu and Siberia tour packages that had almost the same exact itinerary as the show. 最終來說,任何東西都可以用錢買到.很多公司告訴派遣人員甚至傳統儀式也可以讓部落人 們假裝舉行.以亞馬遜來說,一個觀光公司告訴我們他們可以聯絡Waorani部落如果要 讓他們表演要花多少錢. 如果你付每人600美金,最多16個人可以參加這些儀式." There were other proof that much of the show was staged.In Vanuatu, one of the tribe members stated to the camera that it was the first time that an outsider had visited their village. However, previous photos showed the exact tribe member posing with various other tourists in the village, and it turned out to be merely a part of the tourism package. The local natives that they met are so familiar with civilization that they go shopping at supermarkets, contrary to how the show portrayed them. 還有其他證明大部分的節目是事先設定好的.在Vanuatu,其中一個鏡頭說這是第一次這個 部落有外人到來.然後先前的照片顯示同樣的部落成員跟其他觀光客拍照,而這只是旅遊行 程的一部分.當地的原著民對於現代的東西不但非常的了解,你可以看到他們去超級市場買 東西,跟節目顯示的有所誤差. (見網址看照片http://tinyurl.com/av7m2sn http://tinyurl.com/cxj6wk2) 外電報導3:http://tinyurl.com/cxj6wk2 One netizen commented while posting more evidence of fabrication, "It′s hard just to be short on food and water to wash in while traveling a foreign country; I don′t know why they chose to exaggerate so much. I′m worried the exaggeration of the producers will undermine the significance of [ZE:A] Kwang Hee′s abandonment, Ryu Dam′s dehydration and the collapse of [Kim] Byung Man." 其中一個網友在發表造假的證據時也做了評論,"在食物跟水短少的情況下還在國外旅行 就已經夠困難的,我不知道為什麼節目選擇作出如此多的誇大.因為製作人的誇大,我擔心 光熙放棄的宣言,柳丹失水狀況還有金秉萬病倒的辛苦都會被破壞殆盡." Many others have leapt to defend the producers and the program, saying that some dramatic exaggerations are inevitable as it is a variety show. 其他也跳出來護衛製作人跟節目,認為在綜藝節目裡,戲劇化的跨大是沒有辦法的. They also asserted that there′s no need to include the fact that the tribes know how to get along with civilization. 他們也說沒有必要包括這些部落是如何跟現代社會化接軌的. One netizen commented, "You can′t conclude everything was fabricated based on just a few facts when you haven′t even traveled there yourself. It is true that the members and the producers suffered, so you can′t really say the show wasn′t real." 其中一個網友說,"你不能因為一些事實就說所有事情都是造假的,尤其是當你自己沒有親身 經歷過.成員跟隨隊人員都很辛苦,吃苦是真實的,所以你並不能說這個節目不真實." 感想:就算很多都有觀光行程好了,如果沒有這個節目的話,我們是不會知道的.就算報導出 來了,我想我還是會繼續看下去.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mywu 來自: (02/16 17:55)

02/16 18:17, , 1F
我很喜歡這節目 尤其是每期到一個新地方 那種陌生感
02/16 18:17, 1F

02/16 18:18, , 2F
都讓我覺得很有趣 可是幾乎每期後面都會去某部落
02/16 18:18, 2F

02/16 18:18, , 3F
那時候我就會覺得很無聊 因為設定感實在太重了
02/16 18:18, 3F

02/16 18:19, , 4F
02/16 18:19, 4F

02/16 18:48, , 5F
02/16 18:48, 5F

02/16 19:01, , 6F
我之前有稍微看一下光熙放棄那集 光熙放棄之後
02/16 19:01, 6F

02/16 19:01, , 7F
跑到工作人員的帳篷那邊去 怎麼看那裏都沒有那麼慘
02/16 19:01, 7F

02/16 19:02, , 8F
就像一般的露營區而已 那時候就覺得藝人很衰小
02/16 19:02, 8F

02/16 19:03, , 9F
雖然規定很多 但我也不相信只有那麼一點水可以喝
02/16 19:03, 9F

02/16 19:03, , 10F
因為他們除了搞個葉子集水 就沒有再弄水的東西了
02/16 19:03, 10F

02/16 19:04, , 11F
02/16 19:04, 11F

02/16 19:05, , 12F
太陽那麼大 人體蒸發水分流汗甚麼 怎麼可能喝一點點
02/16 19:05, 12F

02/16 19:05, , 13F
我覺得節目應該就是會安排一些梗 假裝是藝人要求挑戰
02/16 19:05, 13F

02/16 19:06, , 14F
但是最後可能虎頭蛇尾掉了 這種梗應該也不少
02/16 19:06, 14F

02/16 19:50, , 15F
02/16 19:50, 15F

02/16 19:52, , 16F
02/16 19:52, 16F

02/16 19:54, , 17F
02/16 19:54, 17F

02/16 19:54, , 18F
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02/16 19:55, , 19F
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02/16 19:55, , 20F
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02/16 19:56, , 21F
02/16 19:56, 21F

02/16 19:59, , 22F
02/16 19:59, 22F

02/16 20:27, , 23F
02/16 20:27, 23F

02/16 20:29, , 24F
02/16 20:29, 24F

02/16 20:50, , 25F
02/16 20:50, 25F

02/16 22:00, , 26F
02/16 22:00, 26F

02/16 23:26, , 27F
看過幾集 就當看分手擂台的心態看就還不錯
02/16 23:26, 27F

02/16 23:49, , 28F
02/16 23:49, 28F

02/17 04:27, , 29F
02/17 04:27, 29F

02/17 04:27, , 30F
02/17 04:27, 30F

02/17 10:25, , 31F
02/17 10:25, 31F

02/17 10:59, , 32F
我也不喜歡看部落部分 總覺得有些橋段有點刻意 索性跳過
02/17 10:59, 32F

02/17 10:59, , 33F
02/17 10:59, 33F

02/17 11:00, , 34F
02/17 11:00, 34F

02/17 13:07, , 35F
02/17 13:07, 35F

02/17 13:09, , 36F
02/17 13:09, 36F

02/17 13:11, , 37F
02/17 13:11, 37F

02/17 15:55, , 38F
02/17 15:55, 38F

02/17 18:38, , 39F
02/17 18:38, 39F

02/17 18:41, , 40F
02/17 18:41, 40F

02/17 18:45, , 41F
02/17 18:45, 41F

02/17 20:45, , 42F
02/17 20:45, 42F

03/03 11:27, , 43F
03/03 11:27, 43F

03/03 11:27, , 44F
03/03 11:27, 44F

03/03 11:27, , 45F
03/03 11:27, 45F

03/03 11:27, , 46F
03/03 11:27, 46F
文章代碼(AID): #1H7rBA8G (KR_Entertain)