[情報] [台服]2023/3/9 公告

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2023/3/9 公告 # 3/10 重開機後,額外等級開放到30級,人物總等級可到達75級。 # 額外等級 21 級以上(含),當角色等級比對手高時,可以產生下列效果 : 1.比對手每高1級,增加給對手的傷害1%,上限20%, 2.比對手每高1級,降低對手給自己的傷害0.5%,上限10%。 ※ 此效果不會產生在沒有額外等級的怪物。假設額外等級21級的66級玩家角色 : 1.與65級以下的怪物戰鬥時,會產生上述效果 2.與66級以上沒有額外等級的怪物戰鬥時,不會有上述效果 3.如果出現有額外等級的怪物,會另行公告通知 # 使用指令 consider 查看對手的額外等級。 # Extra level can level up to 30 and role level can up to 75 after 3/10 reboot. # When extra level reaches 21 and the character is higher than the opponent's level, the following effects can be generated : 1.For each level higher than your opponent, increase the damage dealt to your opponent by 1%, capped at 20%. 2.For each level higher than your opponent, reduce your opponent's damage to yourself by 0.5%, capped at 10%. This effect does not occur on monsters that do not have extra levels. Assuming a level 66 player character with an additional level of 21: 1. When fighting monsters below level 65, the above effect will occur. 2. The above effect will not occur when fighting monsters of level 66 or higher that do not have extra levels. 3. If there is a monster with an extra level, a separate announcement will be made. # Use command - consider to check the extra level of your opponent. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KOK/M.1678457939.A.D61.html
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