[ChannelNewsAsia]KitChan weds banker boyfrien

看板KITCHAN作者 (不綁鞋帶的大貓)時間11年前 (2012/12/11 21:48), 編輯推噓1(100)
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(最後一句有雷....存錢吧!) Kit Chan weds banker boyfriend Posted: 11 December 2012 1722 hrs SINGAPORE: Singapore singer Kit Chan married her longtime banker boyfriend at The Pines, a private club in Singapore on Saturday. The wedding celebration was a quiet affair, with virtually no celebrity guests invited. The guest list was made up of Chan's old classmates, friends and members of her styling team, such as David Gan and Jeremy Tan. Her close friend, musician Jimmy Ye, was also at the wedding, and played the piano to entertain the wedding guests. Chan's publicist said Chan had kept mum about her wedding, and did not want to give interviews about it as she is a "very private person", and preferred to keep her nuptials "low-key". She also denied rumours that it was a shotgun wedding. Chan's publicist said the singer has "no plans for a honeymoon", but will take "a short break", before considering plans to hold a concert in Singapore next year. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/12 22:51, , 1F
12/12 22:51, 1F
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