[轉錄][情報] DSP說明Dream Concert相關事項

看板KARA作者 (熊兒:])時間14年前 (2010/04/28 03:30), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 SS501 看板] 作者: shihyaoho (也想奔首爾-琁) 看板: SS501 標題: [情報] DSP說明Dream Concert相關事項 時間: Tue Apr 27 12:44:10 2010 來源:KARAT & DSP Media 翻譯:摳屁 二轉自:KARA吧&SS501吧 圖片已重新上傳(禁止盜連/禁止二次加工) 轉載請註明來源(作者)& JongSing金圭鐘台灣首站,謝謝配合 我本人英文不太好- - 所以大概翻譯一下內文的意思 如果有什麼翻錯的地方 可以告訴我 --------------------------------------------- Hello. This is the DSP staff. At last, this is the first time in 3 years that all the DSP artists will be performing on Dream Concert. Anything other than what is being written in this notice is not true, do not believe in them and please, only trust and follow the facts stated here. 嗨 我是DSP的工作人員 這是三年內第一次,所有DSP的藝人共同參與Dream Concert 除了這份公告,其他的資訊請不要相信 1. Dream Concert's seat matter. b. Kamilia's seat matter: The sections Kamilia will have are the F, M, G, H sections. There are some people who think the H section is for fans of another artist, but that is absolutely not true. The organizers and the company discussed that matter since the beginning and nothing was changed. And there was no talk exchanged with another artist staff. We don't know how rumors like that are floating around but we will assure you once more that the F, M, G and H sections are Kamilia's sections. 1. Dream Concert的座位問題 Kamilia(KARA粉絲)將會獨佔F,M,G,H四區 之前有人說Kamilia會和其他歌迷共享H區,這不是事實,H區由Kamilia所有 一開始就已經和公司講好,沒有過變動,不知道為什麼會有這樣的傳言 我們保證F,M,G,H都會是Kamilia的 3. DSP's unified event support. -After talks between the DSP artists staff, we decided to have a unified DSP support effort for this Dream Concert and support each other instead of doing separate support activities. It will happen like this. For example, when SS501 is on stage, Kamilia and Rainbow fans will support them together, with their balloons, light sticks and chants. To all the persons seating inside sections assigned to DSP, we are planning to offer balloons and glowing bracelets to be used on the day. Anyone inside our sections will be forbidden to use support items of other artists. We will inform you more about the support rules in another notice later on. 3. DSP的統一應援活動 我們和所有DSP的藝人達成共識,決定用團結的DSP來支持Dream Concert,彼此互相應援 例如,舞台上的是SS501,那麼Kamilia(KARA粉絲)和Rainbow的粉絲就用氣球和螢光棒一起應 我們正計劃所有被分配到DSP旗下歌手的座位,都會提供氣球和螢光手環 在DSP區域的粉絲,將禁止替其他歌手(非DSP)應援 (shihyaoho修正版:在DSP區的FANS將禁止使用其它非DSP歌手的應援品, 而非禁止應援其他家歌手,降子比較合乎原文的意思呦~~) 當天會再說明相關規則 5. What we want to say. -We already stated above that this will be the first time that DSP and the fans will be closely collaborating together for a large scale concert. With everyone's effort, let's make this the best performance. All the staff here will do our best to help the fans on that day. No matter what happens, as long as the regulations are followed, we are sure that there will be no problem! We are making this announcement one month in advance and we'll keep preparing everything thoroughly to make sure that we'll see a very successful conclusion. Thank you. 5.我們想說的 如上面所說,這次是第一次DSP和粉絲共同合作的大型演唱會 大家的努力,使這個活動完美成功 所有的工作人員會在當天全力協助大家 不管發生什麼事,只要照著規則進行,一定不會有問題的 在活動的前一個月做出這樣的決定,我們將會繼續深入的準備 來確保我們會有個成功的結果,謝謝 -DSP Staff Dream- ***************************************** 請不要問我第二、四點去哪裡了~因為我也不知道~哈哈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/27 12:45,
DSP family好團結~~~~ 一起加油!!!
04/27 12:45

04/27 12:51,
DSP family好團結~~~~ 希望當天會有很棒的效果~~
04/27 12:51

04/27 13:20,
不過禁止替其他人應援好奇怪!!!!= =
04/27 13:20

04/27 13:32,
04/27 13:32

04/27 13:52,
04/27 13:52

04/27 14:15,
就是這樣才奇怪XD 如果說是非DSP的時候關手燈這類的不應
04/27 14:15

04/27 14:16,
04/27 14:16

04/27 14:16,
04/27 14:16

04/27 14:16,
什麼意思!!!!只知道這個內文看起來有點...無理!!!!= =
04/27 14:16

04/27 14:17,
04/27 14:17

04/27 14:18,
04/27 14:18

04/27 14:18,
04/27 14:18

04/27 14:19,
04/27 14:19
※ 編輯: shihyaoho 來自: (04/27 15:16) ※ 編輯: shihyaoho 來自: (04/27 15:17)

04/27 15:22,
所以 是不能使用非DSP家的應援物才 想說DSP哪時這麼強勢
04/27 15:22

04/27 15:22,
04/27 15:22

04/27 15:27,
樓上的~您真內行!! XD
04/27 15:27

04/27 15:43,
這樣打就比較好了!!!!想說DSP哪時那麼強勢+1 XDD
04/27 15:43

04/27 15:53,
哈!目光都被翻中吸引了 原文都沒再看的~DSP依舊是DSP 哈
04/27 15:53

04/27 18:19,
DSP加油^^ 看到推文才去看原文XD
04/27 18:19

04/27 19:14,
感覺好溫馨噢XD DSP加油!!!
04/27 19:14

04/27 19:17,
04/27 19:17

04/27 19:17,
04/27 19:17

04/27 19:40,
買錯位置可能就沒辦法XDD 但是手燈顏色要一致阿
04/27 19:40

04/27 19:42,
有沒有版 可以換位子的 哈哈哈~
04/27 19:42

04/27 21:41,
LSD~~~你想換哪一區? = =+++
04/27 21:41

04/27 22:15,
04/27 22:15

04/27 22:20,
04/27 22:20

04/27 22:22,
看到DSP village建村大典太興奮了咩~>///<
04/27 22:22

04/27 23:32,
04/27 23:32

04/28 00:08,
04/28 00:08
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/28 03:31, , 1F
版哥忙碌 我幫你轉比較快XD
04/28 03:31, 1F

04/28 09:23, , 2F
04/28 09:23, 2F

04/28 13:19, , 3F
DSP Family Fighting!!!!!
04/28 13:19, 3F

04/28 19:26, , 4F
04/28 19:26, 4F

04/28 23:25, , 5F
04/28 23:25, 5F

04/28 23:28, , 6F
04/28 23:28, 6F

04/28 23:53, , 7F
奇怪 我怎麼推了這麼不得體的話
04/28 23:53, 7F

04/28 23:59, , 8F
04/28 23:59, 8F

04/29 00:25, , 9F
LEDG 你真的好好笑喔
04/29 00:25, 9F

04/29 00:55, , 10F
天阿!!!! 笑點是...
04/29 00:55, 10F

05/02 00:14, , 11F
不知道 全部吧我想
05/02 00:14, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1BrpjIVy (KARA)