[Morata] Thanks, Alvaro!

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/thanks-alvaro Thanks, Alvaro! 30 June 2022 Alvaro Morata's adventure at Juventus has come to an end. The Spanish forward, on loan from Atletico Madrid over the last two seasons, leaves the Bianconeri for the second time and returns to the ranks of the Colchoneros. Alvaro Morata在Juventus的生涯已經告一段落,過去兩賽季從Atletico Madrid租 借而來的這位西班牙前鋒第二次離開斑馬軍團。 The bond between Alvaro and Juve was first born in 2014 and led to two league titles, two Italian Cups and an Italian Super Cup, as well as the journey to the final of the Champions League in Berlin in 2015. Such a solid relationship could not break when their roads first parted on June 21, 2016. Morata與Juventus的緣分開始於2014年,造就2座義甲聯賽冠軍、2座義大利盃冠軍 、1座義大利超級盃冠軍,以及2015年晉級在柏林的歐冠決賽,儘管2016年06月21日 分道揚鑣,這個結實的關係也依舊存在。 So, four years later, Alvaro's second adventure with Juventus began when instead of a boy with his future to write, it was a man with plenty of experience on his shoulders that returned to Turin, ready to embrace a past that had never really been forgotten and to live other unforgettable moments. 因此,4年之後,Morata再次於Juventus開始一段新的挑戰,這次已經不是一位年輕 小夥子,而是一位擁有豐富經驗頂天立地的男人回到杜林,繼續未曾磨滅的緣分, 再創難以忘懷時分。 The first season of his second spell at Juve ended with twenty goals in all competitions to his name and two other winners' medals, the Italian Cup and the Italian Super Cup, to add to his hoard. Alvaro has given his all in every single match, in every training session, with the will to help the team at any time, also this year, when he scored another twelve goals, for a total of fifty-nine in the shirt of Juventus. His last goal was one to remember, a fine finish at the Allianz Stadium against Lazio on May 16 in his last appearance with the black and white shirt. 再度效力Juventus的首個賽季Morata在各項賽事共進20球並贏得義大利盃與義大利 超級盃。Morata在每一場比賽與每一次訓練都抱著幫助隊友的信念全力以赴盡情投 入。這個賽季Morata進了12球,使他在Juventus的總進球數達到59球。Morata的最 後一球令人難忘,那是2022年05月16日在主場對Lazio的比賽,也是他最後一次穿上 Juventus的黑白條紋衫。 Good luck in your future, Alvaro. And thanks for everything! 感謝Morata的所有付出,祝福Morata未來一帆風順! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1656678355.A.35E.html
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