[Dybala] Suerte, Paulo!

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/suerte-paulo Suerte, Paulo! 30 June 2022 He arrived in Turin as a young, talented promise, and now he bids Juve farewell, taking with him a wealth of experience that have made him the champion he is now. 來到杜林時的他是一位年輕有天賦的新秀,如今累積了豐富經驗的冠軍球員 Dybala告別Juventus。 Seven years in black and white for Paulo, made up of 293 appearances, 115 goals, 45 assists and 12 trophies won. Now his career will continue outside of Turin. Dybala在斑馬軍團的7年期間出場293次進115球45助攻贏得12座獎盃。他將在其他地 方繼續他的球員生涯。 Those numbers, if examined in detail, tell much of the shared story together. For example, Paulo is ninth placed in the all-time scoring charts in Juventus history in all competitions; he is the tenth top scorer in Serie A, third all-time for Juventus in Europe with 18 goals scored in the Champions League. And still speaking of goals, Dybala is the player who has scored most often at the Allianz Stadium (68 goals) in all competitions and is the Bianconero who has scored most goals from outside the box (25 goals) in Serie A. 進一步來看這些數字的話,更能描述Dybala與Juventus的密切關聯。例如Dybala是 Juventus隊史在各項賽事總計進球數的第9;在義甲聯賽的進球數是隊史第10;他的 18顆歐冠進球是隊史歐戰進球數第3;在主場Allianz Stadium的68顆進球是這座球 場的紀錄;在義甲聯賽的25顆禁區外進球也是斑馬軍團之最。 The seven years together were not only made up of goals and victories, there were flashes of skill, unforgettable nights, and performances of absolute quality. 攜手合作的這7年期間不只是進球與勝利,也有電光火石般的技巧發揮、難以忘懷的 那些夜晚,以及無庸置疑的高水準表現。 And for all this we will always thank him. 為此我們會一直感謝他。 Good luck, or should that be, suerte, Joya! 祝Dybala一帆風順。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1656677428.A.287.html

07/02 15:29, 1年前 , 1F
難過 還沒去現場看過小迪就走了
07/02 15:29, 1F
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