[轉會] 續租Morata一年

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/official-morata-renews Official | Morata renews! 15 June 2021 Alvaro Morata has officially extended his loan agreement at Juventus from Atletico Madrid: the Spanish forward will wear the black and white jersey until 30 June 2022. Alvaro Morata已經正式延長從Atletico Madrid租借至Juventus的協議,這位西班 牙前鋒將穿著黑白條紋衫直到2022年06月30日。 Morata will, therefore, continue to play in his home. It is in his every home where he has made a total of 137 appearances (79 as a starter), scoring 47 goals and serving 27 assists. 因此Morata將繼續在隊,他在義大利的總共137次出場有79次是先發,進了47球並提 供27次助攻。 After making his first stint with Juventus in 2014 to 2016, Alvaro returned to Turin last season on loan. "Being here once again is really very nice. Today, I am much older as a person and as a footballer. I'm in the right place at the right time, I come back with more experience than the first time,” he said on the first day of his second tenure at Juventus. 在首次效力Juventus的2014至2016年之後,上賽季Morata租借回到杜林。「再次回 到這裡非常好。如今我做為個人與一位足球員已成熟很多,這是在正確的時間回到 正確的地方,相較於初次效力,已經累積了更多經驗。」再次效力Juventus的 Morata在回歸的第一天說道。 And he kept his promises… Over the course of the past season, he scored 20 goals, his personal best in a single year in the Top-5 European leagues. He also equaled his best season in terms of assists, providing as many as 11 – the same number he did with Juventus back in 2015/16. 而Morata也確實說到做到,上賽季他進了20球,是他在歐洲前五大聯賽的單一賽季 最高。此外他也追平了他個人的單一賽季助攻次數紀錄,11次助攻與他在2015/16賽 季效力Juventus時一樣多。 It goes without saying, Morata is in the right place, at the right time. And, of course, for another year! 無須贅述,Morata在正確的時間回到了正確的地方,並且還要繼續一年再接再厲! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1623939187.A.2BA.html

06/17 23:58, 2年前 , 1F
感人 T.T
06/17 23:58, 1F
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