[Allegri] Welcome back home, Max!

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/welcome-back-home-max Welcome back home, Max! 28 May 2021 Massimiliano Allegri is the Juventus manager once more. Massimilian Allegri再次成為Juventus主帥。 Allegri finds a bench that he knows very well, a club that he loves and that loves him back, as today a new journey begins together, towards new goals. Allegri坐上他非常熟系的板凳,回到他所喜愛並且也喜愛他的球隊,今日,與球隊 一同,開始新的一段朝著目標前進的旅程。 What he achieved in his first adventure at Juventus are engraved in the club’s history: five Scudetti, to the four-consecutive doubles, coupled with the Coppa Italia and to the two Super Cups, reaching two Champions League finals in just three seasons, in what were epic feats both in Italy and in Europe. Allegri與Juventus的第一段旅程已經銘刻於Juventus青史:5座義甲聯賽冠軍、連 續4年義甲聯賽與義大利盃雙料冠軍、2座義大利超級盃冠軍、3個賽季內2度晉級歐 冠決賽,這在義大利乃至於歐洲都是經典傳奇。 We said goodbye two years ago with the message, “History Alone”, the message on the back of the shirt given to Massimiliano Allegri by President Andrea Agnelli with an embrace and a shirt, on which in just two words encapsulated Allegri's experience at Juve. 兩年期我們以印在球衣背後的「History Alone」,由主席Andrea Agnelli擁抱並致 贈Allegri作為道別,這兩個字就是Allegri在Juventus的寫照。 The beauty of the story, however, is that it never stops. And in football, this means a concept that we have ingrained in our DNA: the best victory is the next one. Always. 而這個故事之所以美好,就是因為並未終止,而在足球賽場上,這就是根深蒂固在 我們的DNA當中的觀念:最好的勝利就是下一場的勝利,一如既往從未改變。 And now we are ready to begin again with Allegri, to build our future together; with his enormous professionalism, his moral strength, with the brilliant ideas of a coach capable of shuffling the cards, both on and off the pitch. With his smile, a sort of "signature". With his way of understanding football and life with simplicity, with his desire to play things down and with the commitment to enjoy every beautiful moment that being at Juventus can give and will give. 現在,我們準備好借重Allegri專業的水準、他的精神號召力、他的神機妙算、他那 招牌的一抹微笑、他對於足球與人生的大智若愚的理解、他的處變不驚、他在 Juventus兢兢業業的付出,與Allegri在場內與場外一同再次出發,一同構築未來。 Welcome back, Mister Allegri! Mr. Allegri,歡迎回來! Let's start again together. Let’s start again with Max. Welcome home, coach! 讓我們再出發,與Allegri一同再出發。教練,歡迎回來! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1622307000.A.A6D.html

05/31 02:13, 2年前 , 1F
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