[新聞] Moggi與Giraudo永久禁賽

看板Juventus作者 (at the beginning)時間13年前 (2011/06/17 02:25), 編輯推噓3(301)
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Goal.com: http://www.goal.com/en/news/10/italy/2011/06/15/2533680/ luciano-moggi-given-lifetime-ban-from-football-by-figc 縮址: http://tinyurl.com/6af478c Luciano Moggi遭義大利足協紀律委員會處以永久禁賽 Luciano Moggi given lifetime ban from football by FIGC disciplinary commission By Salvatore Landolina Jun 15, 2011 6:59:00 PM Former Juventus general director Luciano Moggi has been handed a lifetime ban from Italian football. Juve前總管Luciano Moggi遭義大利足協處以永久禁賽。 Based on their own investigation into the 2006 Calciopoli scandal, the Italian FA's (FIGC) disciplinary commission has decided to expel Moggi alongside former Juve director Antonio Giraudo, and ex-FIGC vice-president Innocenzo Mazzini from all football-related activity. 根據義大利足協(FIGC)紀律委員會針對2006年電話門醜聞的自行調查,決定禁止Moggi、 Juve前主席Antonio Giraudo、FIGC前副主席Innocenzo Mazzini三人,從事任何足球 相關的活動。 The commission, presided by Sergio Artico, announced the permanent expulsion from any rank or category from the FIGC. Sergio Artico主持的紀律委員會宣布了這項不論是FIGC任何層級與類別的永久禁令。 "The seriousness of the facts in relation to Moggi's behaviour was ascertained, founded, and, in our opinion, the decision of the disciplinary commission is important and serves to highlight the facts against Moggi are of extreme severity." 由紀律委員會決定的這項嚴厲處罰強調Moggi已被發現與確認的犯行之極度嚴重性。 It means the trio will not be able to hold any role within Italian football for life. 這表示這三人將不再於義大利足球界有立足之地。 All three received five-year bans following the rulings in 2006, which included the proposal to suspend them for life for their part in the Calciopoli scandal. 自2006年的裁決開始,這三位都已經被施以五年的禁令,而肇因於涉入電話門醜聞 程度,他們也被提案處以終生禁令。 The FIGC took those proposals into consideration two years ago and reached its decision following a six-hour hearing last week after federal prosecutor Stefano Palazzi asked for the maximum punishment. 兩年前FIGC就開始考慮這些罰則提案,並於上周費時六小時的聽證會後定案,由聯邦 檢察官Stefano Palazzi求處這項極刑。 The results of that hearing were announced on Wednesday evening. 聽證會的結論在周三晚間宣布。 But reports suggest Moggi will appeal. He is currently fighting the Calciopoli 2 trial in the Tribunal of Naples where prosecutors have asked for a five-year jail term for alleged criminal conspiracy. 但有報導指出Moggi將會上訴。Moggi正在Naples法庭打Calciopoli 2(二次電話門?) 的官司,檢察官已經因為Moggi被指控策畫犯罪陰謀而求處五年徒刑。 -- 所以Moggi不能上電視嘴砲了嗎? -- ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 來自: (06/17 02:29)

06/17 20:42, , 1F
應該還是可以嘴砲 這五年來也是禁賽 可是莫吉老大照樣嘴砲
06/17 20:42, 1F
Goal.com有一篇新的專欄討論這件事, 文章很長,但大意是其實起訴Moggi的很多指控無法成立甚至扭曲事實。 http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editorial/2011/06/17/2535702/ revealed-the-evidence-that-shows-luciano-moggi-is-the-victim 這篇相當有料,有興趣的話可以讀看看, 或是也許過幾天中文版也會翻譯吧。 ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 來自: (06/18 03:14)

06/18 13:57, , 2F
06/18 13:57, 2F

06/18 13:58, , 3F
仔細看發現是足協的判罰...莫非是要轉移某件事的焦點 = =+
06/18 13:58, 3F
雖然說最近有其他事情發生,但Moggi這案宣布判決的時間點我覺得是沒問題啦。 五年前的判決是先封殺五年,後續罰則這五年內決定, 如今刑期將屆,判決這個時候出來是很正常的。 真要表的話,宣布封殺五年之後兩個月就可以補刀囉。 主因還是審理的過程、判決的依據有問題,處罰內容只是果而已, 也就是說這篇文章認為Moggi罪不至死,不然就是跟Moggi一樣該死的人還有很多。 (謎之音: 該死的人太多,就死Moggi吧!) ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 來自: (06/19 03:35)

06/24 14:39, , 4F
怕了 他們怕了 XDDD
06/24 14:39, 4F
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